pukingnipples · 4 hours
forgot I did that and scrolled down my whole ass tumblr page to get to one of my first posts, which I wanted to reblog, only to be remembered of its destruction
first time I had to delete a post, cause I realized two of my irl friends are on tumblr as well and they do follow my account
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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[twirls hair] so I may have got slightly out of hand with a spontaneous idea.
[Part two here!]
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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Pride cats part 2: there’s more of them now.
[Part one here!]
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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pukingnipples · 2 days
how do you tell if a boy likes you?
U just gotta ask 'em, man. Boys are stupid as shit, I'm not even kidding.
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pukingnipples · 2 days
why don't people in zombie apocalypse stories ever just wear suits of armor? you think any zombie is gonna get their shitty rotting jaws through this?
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I'm gonna rip and tear my way through the zombie apocalypse completely unharmed because none of the undead hoards will be able to get through my plate mail
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pukingnipples · 2 days
why don't people in zombie apocalypse stories ever just wear suits of armor? you think any zombie is gonna get their shitty rotting jaws through this?
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I'm gonna rip and tear my way through the zombie apocalypse completely unharmed because none of the undead hoards will be able to get through my plate mail
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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based on sinomacrops, one of my favorite little extinct buggers, and flash photos of night birds
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pukingnipples · 2 days
Slutshaming women is not ok Slutshaming Alexander Hamilton is totally ok Tumblr logic
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pukingnipples · 2 days
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pukingnipples · 3 days
one thing that will never fail to make me stop believing in something is the group of people who believe in it too. not sure what this would be called
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pukingnipples · 3 days
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pukingnipples · 3 days
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pukingnipples · 3 days
(tumblr doesn't let add videos to reblogs, apparently)
decided to post the full video from this story, in case the twitter post gets deleted.
the caption reads: "The most beautiful scene today"
you can see (and hear) people crying in the crowd. such an emotional moment. 🥹🥹
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pukingnipples · 3 days
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I need confirmation, please tell me I’m not the only person.
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