Finally, someone who understands the danger! Imagine how many of our classmates are being subjected to her torture? Hm, I could splurge on butterbeer. But, that’s depending on how well you protect me from evil siren-dementors.
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“Well, if we get our souls sucked out, I doubt we’ll be able to go for Butterbeer anyway.”
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“Actually, that’s kind of brilliant.”
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“So you don’t think the dragons will roast me for being, like, imprudent? Or impertinent, or whatever.”
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“Absolutely not, as long as you immediately send it to me so I can bask in all the majestic glory.”
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“Or, even better, you could just invite me to go with you to see the Dragon Dancer.”
“Ooh, yes, come with me! Then if the dragons get mad at me for Snapchatting, I can say it was your idea.”
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“Do you think it takes, like, the majesty out of the Dragon Dancer or whatever if I Snapchatted it? Cause I need to get that on camera.”
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Basically                 –I want to be lavished in attention.
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So, you’ll come with me to the AnaLuna tent? I mean, I can’t be the only one who thinks the whole thing is slightly suspicious. What if they’re just luring students over there to get, I dunno’, mincerd? Eaten? We need to investigate, for the good of the entire student body.
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Plus, I’ll buy you cotton candy after.
“Oh, my God. I bet they are! I bet AnaLuna is, like, an evil siren who sucks out people’s souls through her song. Like a Dementor, except, like, with singing instead of kissing. You know, with danger like this, I don’t think cotton candy is quite enough. I might need some Butterbeer too.”
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Hypotheticals || Lucinda && Duri
Lucinda: I will eventually
Lucinda: um...
Duri: it's just dessert ????
Duri: wait
Duri: is this just dessert
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“Bli-…? That is either madness or genius. I’m not entirely sure which. So I must ask…Are you drunk and/or high?”
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“At the moment, no. I’m just a natural genius, babe.”
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Even if you’re unhappy, just pretend that you’re happy. Eventually, your smile will be contagious to yourself. I had to learn that. I used to think, ‘I’m being fake,’ but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.
Evangeline Lilly (via wnq-movies)
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zodiac aesthetics - gemini
sociable, lively, changeable, vain, cold, youthful 
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hedonistic ponderings || e & d
Evan: so no answer, then?
Duri: listen ur the one who texted me at 3 am u pick
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hedonistic ponderings || e & d
Evan: I have a lot of hot friends though
Duri: ;)
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Hypotheticals || Lucinda && Duri
Lucinda: go for the cake huh
Lucinda: idk about the pie tho
Duri: jesus christ make up ur mind
Duri: and when u do, give me the one u dont want
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Hypotheticals || Lucinda && Duri
Lucinda: Red velvet, very traditional you know
Duri: yeah go for the cake
Duri: but if ur not gonna eat the pie i'll take it
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hedonistic ponderings || e & d
Evan: does it matter it's an important question
Evan: top three choices, GO
Duri: can u fuck a ghost tho
Duri: um lyra
Duri: i don't know
Duri: bring ur hottest friend
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Hypotheticals || Lucinda && Duri
Lucinda: even if it's chocolate pie?
Duri: well ... what kind of cake is it
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Hypotheticals || Lucinda && Duri
Lucinda: thanks boo
Lucinda: But no this is a choice between cake or pie
Duri: if fruitcake, pie. if any other kind of cake, cake.
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