pubbypaws-nathaniel · 2 years
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
Sfw wolf regression
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🐺walks are a must for these large energetic animals. Maybe finding a woods or large field walk and run in!
🐺within the pack there is competition for food. Wolves will fights over food. Play fighting with your wolf may help keep them calmer later.
🐺 The wolf is a social animal. Its populations consist of packs and lone wolves, most lone wolves being temporarily alone while they disperse from packs to form their own or join another one.so give your wolf time to play with friends and try to be there with your wolf.
🐺 Wolves advertise their territories to other packs through howling and scent marking. The most common known forms of Scent marking involves urine, feces, and anal gland scents, However this being unsanitary I don’t recommend this for regressiors and recommend scent marking via rubbing your body on the places you’d like to mark. This is more effective at advertising territory than howling and is often used in combination with scratch marks. Maybe buying a scratch pad to scratch on may be enjoyable.
🐺 Dens are usually constructed for pups during the summer period.making a den out of bedding and pillows like a fort may be comforting for the pup.
🐺dens are always constructed near water so always keep water near by maybe in a bowl or bottle.
🐺rather than hunting real animals using dog toys and hiding them in order for the wolf to find may be a fun enrichment activity.
🐺your pup may practice hunting on you. By giving chase and gain on its fleeing prey(if you choose to play and run), slow it down by (lightly) biting through and then starting to chomp down where it can.
🐺like dog wolves groom to show affection and dominance. scratch my belly, pet their ears, and letting them let me lick you Are all great ways to indulge in this grooming affection.
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
I've been reading petre fanfiction all night,, it's very comforting.
I'm a very sleepy pup,, zZzZz~
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
Kiddies and gentlepets, may i present..
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
Wolf pup regressor things~
[🐺] always hyper
[🦴] nom,, nom,, bitey
[🐺] night owl
[🦴] loves nature
[🐺] stargazing
[🦴] warm blankies
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pubbypaws-nathaniel · 3 years
Nathaniel's info+ byf post.
Read this before interacting with me and my content, please!
[All about me]
Name: Nathaniel H.
Age: 19
Pronouns: he/him or it/its.
Asks/Dm's: open! I'd love to interact.
Status: closeted pet regressor, i'm gradually gaining the courage to open up to my boyfriend.
[my regression]
I'm a pet dreamer! A wolf pup.
I regress/dream as a way to cope and because it makes me feel safe, happy. I've been regressing for a while but I've never taken part in the online community so I'm rather new to all this!
[my blog]
This blog is my little corner to talk about my feelings and thoughts. My blog is 100% sfw.
Personal posts → #pubbybarks
Personal pictures → #izmee!
Thank you for stopping by!! ฅ^·ﻌ·^ฅ
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