ptolemaeverbloom · 5 days
they call them bandmates bc they r in a band and they mate
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ptolemaeverbloom · 5 days
Me: I am going to stick to just one story idea. No more changing. No more abandoning half baked ideas. No more distractions. I will be focused. I will finish a project.
New idea:
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
niche bandfic saved me from the pit of monstrous anger let's go
having a crazy ass day like niche bandfic save me. save me niche bandfic
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
the comfort is enough to save us
jesse cash/noah sebastian, 720 words, rated t, outsider pov (alex reade, make them suffer)
“Coffee?” Jesse asks, lifting his cup up to his shoulder.
This piques his interest, head popping up. “You had breakfast without me?” He sounds offended, and Jesse’s smile grows.
“No,” He meets her eyes, pulls a face that says something along the lines of ‘listen to him, do you believe this?’. “I’m still following your rule here, ya’know, the breakfast together one. Coffee?”
a tiny little joah fic, set on erra's headliner earlier this year
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
having a crazy ass day like niche bandfic save me. save me niche bandfic
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
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ptolemaeverbloom ; the fic masterlist
!!! 18+ only, minors please dni !!!
all my bandfic can be found on ao3 under the name ptolemaeverbloom !
fics by fandom!
demons become angels to some (series) : ricky armellino/spencer charnas || explicit overall
an au series centering around raised-exorcist ricky armellino and lone incubus spencer charnas as they meet, have sex, and learn things about themselves, the world, and each other - all while navigating their newfound and kinda strange relationship.
installments so far...
fixed on you : explicit, 10k+ oneshot
your worth : explicit, ongoing multichapter, currently at 1/?
sewn-spine lullaby : courtney laplante/mike stringer || explicit, ongoing multichapter, currently at 1/?
a fantasy au centered on a human mike stringer as a monster from the fabled and dreaded singing forest takes an interest in him.
show me what you do : ii/vessel, offscreen polyvessels || explicit, oneshot
ii and vessel share a moment alone.
show me your weakness : ii/iii/iv/vessel || explicit, ongoing multichapter, currently at 2/4, on temporary hiatus
a fic exploring vessel's relationship w/ sex, submission, and subspace.
TW - where love didn't exist : ii/iii/iv/vessel, sleep & vessel || mature, ongoing multichapter, currently at 1/?, on temporary hiatus
a (somewhat vent) fic exploring vessel as he exits lifelong dissociation and slowly recovers memories of childhood abuse.
arcana (character studies) (series) : ii/iii/iv/vessel || currently unrated
a series where i take the sleep token guys, weave together my own "canon", and write tarot-inspired character studies abt them.
installments so far...
the empress : unrated, ongoing multichapter, currently at 1/?, on temporary hiatus
love bites : ii/iii/iv/vessel || explicit, currently at 1/2, on temporary hiatus
a fantasy au where starving vampire vessel gets fucked by werewolves ii, iii, and iv. that's it, that's the fic.
the time is now : gen, platonic relationships only || mature, last updated in 2021 at 19/?, on extensive hiatus until i figure out what the fuck to do with it
a really weird and undefinable au longfic where the hu guys have powers. and also there's a pocket dimension that is controlled by a guy who wants to kill them.
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
Tell me more about your Noah/Jesse ideas!
AAAAAA so (i have so many of these)
to start with it's like. they work pretty well together - they're friends to lovers with mutual pining, both pretty stubborn and kinda stupid to see why everyone else considers them married
becuase they're the type to be dating before they're dating - they watch their niche arthouse films together both at home and at screenings and they both go out for food when they've been up too late working and don't have the energy to cook and end up accompanying each other to different things theyre interested in
they're both home types too, and try to spend as much time in those few moments off tour just existing together (probably also spend a lot of time just chilling on calls together) again, before they actually get together they're spending time in each others' rooms becuase they genuiney enjoy each others' company
their dates are stuff like artisian coffee shops and museums and parks and beaches, calm places mostly
they're also like, annoying in a disgustingly cute way, they flirt a lot and bicker a lot and are always joined at the hip (and draped over each other). sometimes one will join the other's band on tour for a bit which their bandmates are mostly chill with (conor and matt as tour managers just have a little more to deal with especially if it's unexpected), and the other bands inthe package are a bit surprised when noah walks out of the erra bus at some show in, like, chicago, but whatever, they're all friends its chill.
(they do fuck on tour, which annoys matt and conor if they're disappearing away with no explanation but it's mostly fine as long as they don't leave a mess that has the venue staff leaving some angry message and a cleaning invoice. they both are also mindful of the fact that they're both singers and therefore a quick bj before a show might not be the best idea (does it stop them? probably not))
when erra and bomens are touring together both bands spend a lot of time hanging out together anyway, but when travelling sometimes one band will have to check their singer is with the other band because sometimes he is but sometimes they might have left him (or both of them) somewhere and they can't have that lol
there is more, a lot of which is wrapped in the context of fic i'm writing with a friend. angst and smut and fluff and everything. it's gonna be a long fic. we're even talking sequels and spinoffs
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ptolemaeverbloom · 6 days
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airbuds ain't rocking w/ farewell ii flesh 😔
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ptolemaeverbloom · 9 days
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ptolemaeverbloom · 10 days
we have reached 6k and they are finally horizontal on a mattress. This isn't even a slow burn. They are fucking immediately after meeting for the first time. there hasn't even been any scene breaks. how am i at 6k
writing this ice nine kills smut fic like. I'm at 4k words now. half of it has been ricky having no clue what's going on. spencer stuck his thumb in rickys mouth as a defensive seduction technique and it worked (???). they just made out for 6 paragraphs. they are only now abt to fuck. everyone involved (including the writer) is a mess. What is happening
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ptolemaeverbloom · 10 days
i am now at almost 5k words. it was under 3k words this morning. im writing so intensely that im actually sweating. Help
writing this ice nine kills smut fic like. I'm at 4k words now. half of it has been ricky having no clue what's going on. spencer stuck his thumb in rickys mouth as a defensive seduction technique and it worked (???). they just made out for 6 paragraphs. they are only now abt to fuck. everyone involved (including the writer) is a mess. What is happening
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ptolemaeverbloom · 10 days
writing this ice nine kills smut fic like. I'm at 4k words now. half of it has been ricky having no clue what's going on. spencer stuck his thumb in rickys mouth as a defensive seduction technique and it worked (???). they just made out for 6 paragraphs. they are only now abt to fuck. everyone involved (including the writer) is a mess. What is happening
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ptolemaeverbloom · 11 days
them: what's your fanfic about
the fanfic:
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ptolemaeverbloom · 12 days
Lesser-known steps of the writing process:
Finding all the paragraphs where you used some hyper-specific word more than once
Rearranging paragraphs that you swear you wrote in the right order but turned out to be totally backwards
Going for a walk, coming up with the perfect line, and forgetting it as soon as you get home and open your laptop
Creating a separate document where you can dump all of those nice sentences that no longer fit in anywhere
Waking up in a cold sweat because so-and-so was supposed to be barefoot but never actually took his shoes off
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ptolemaeverbloom · 12 days
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ptolemaeverbloom · 12 days
your career should be your second priority. your first priority should be rpf
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