psychologiist · 10 years
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psychologiist · 10 years
     The corners of pink lips turn upwards as she angles herself towards      him. Hazel hues meet bright blues, the forming smile only widening      as his hand makes contact with her arm. She is glad, at least, that      his short rest was uninterrupted. They were small victories, and she      was not one to overlook them. Her index finger moves to lightly touch      the space between his eyebrows. Scooting in closer to him, she positions      herself so that her lips may meet his creaseless forehead. It is the first      time in a long while, she notes, that his face is without a line of visible,      intense concentration -- frustration -- sometimes sadness. Another small                                V      I      C      T      O      R      Y.
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                           ❝I'm glad you're here.                I'm glad that you took a nap, too, I mean.                But I'm also glad that you took a nap here. ❞ 
❝It felt like hours.❞ 
     It wasn’t hours. It never was.  Occasionally he could find a break      in which he slept   more than a few hours in a week but normally      he finds himself sitting up at night, eyes forcing themselves open      after no more than twenty minutes at a time.   Awake now, Steve      finds no reason to   waste   any more time attempting to rest and      even less reason in moving as his hand smooths down her arm.
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              ❝Hi, beautiful.❞ 
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psychologiist · 10 years
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     ❝Probably not as long as you should've been.                                         Hi there, sleepyhead.❞ 
     Sleeping is something he's really, really bad at. It was for that reason      that waking him had been out of the question. She had busied herself      with notes & case files during  his  nap, quietly  tucked  beside  him .
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              ❝How long was I out?❞ 
     There is a  strong possibility he will kill if      he hears a joke about seventy-plus years.
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psychologiist · 10 years
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             ❝ Okay, i'm listening. let it all out.❞
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             ❝We’re nevernottalkin’ about this.                 They were a great organization.❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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            ❝       Okay, so we're talking about this again? ❞
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             ❝       They were the Brooklyn Dodgers.❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.” - Charlie Chaplin
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psychologiist · 10 years
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       ❝Mac & Cheese is the best food that's            ever been invented, Steve! That and          rainbow Goldfish crackers. There's          this one type of mollusk that can live          up to like 400 years old! So compared          to that you're like a kid.  ❞
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       ❝Mac & cheese, I’ll keep that in mind.            That’s even older than I am, and I’m            pretty old. But those whales got me           beat by a long shot.❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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psychologiist · 10 years
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       ❝ She's really good at helping me with things.           She can tie shoes better than I can       and           make mac & cheese. Okay, how about             this one? Did you know that some whales           can live up to be 200 years old?❞
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       ❝Nothing wrong with your mom helping,           she  helps  me  sometimes  too.  Not on           whales,  though. You’re my guy  for           that. I had no idea. What else can you           teach me?❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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psychologiist · 10 years
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   ❝      Whales are cool, so if you like them --   that makes you cool.                are you just   saying that like them -- or do you like them   for R E A L?❞
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       ❝Why?                                                                 Yeah, I guess.❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
Lindsey & Steve
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who cooks normally?: Although not very often, it would be Lindsey. They both work long & bizarre hours, but Lindsey cooks when she can, mainly because she knows what to make that her son will actually eat. 
how often do they fight?: They don’t have long, drawn out fights, as much as quickly-resolved arguments. However, actual fights are on the scare side.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?: Work, mainly. Both of their jobs require an intense amount of dedication. 
nicknames for each other?: Steve calls her Linds, Lindsey doesn’t have one particular nickname for him.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Steve, much to the distress of Lindsey.
who steals the covers at night?: Lindsey.
who kissed who first?: Lindsey kissed Steve first.
who made the first move?: Lindsey, once she was ready. 
who remembers things?: They both remember things. Lindsey is a big fan of  post-it notes on the fridge. 
who started the relationship?: Steve, by stating his intentions & letting her know that he meant it.
who cusses more?: Lindsey, probably.
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: Despite being trained and prepared to handle stressful situations, Lindseywould find herself very overwhelmed & panicked by seeing him hurt but wouldgive her most valiant effort in trying to help. Steve, who has more experiencein the field, would likely handle it with more tact than she would.
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psychologiist · 10 years
if you can think of a ship, i will answer either of these sets of questions for them:
big spoon/little spoon:
favorite non-sexual activity:
who uses all the hot water:
most trivial thing they fight over:
who does most of the cleaning:
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
who steals the blankets:
who leaves their stuff around:
who remembers to buy the milk:
who remembers anniversaries:
who cooks normally?:
how often do they fight?:
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:
nicknames for each other?:
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:
who steals the covers at night?:
what would they get each other for gifts?:
who kissed who first?:
who made the first move?:
who remembers things?:
who started the relationship?:
who cusses more?:
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:
Domesticity meme! Gimme a ship!
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psychologiist · 10 years
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       ❝Yeah, I think they're           Really cool. Mom got me           a book about whales, but           she needs to help me with           it sometimes. Did you know           that the Blue Whale is bigger           than any other animal EVER?           They're bigger than the biggest           dinosaurs used to be.❞
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       ❝Whales, huh?           I do. What about you,           pal? Do you like them?❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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       ❝      Whales. Do you like 'em or not?❞
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       ❝      What?❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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       ❝Do you like whales? ❞
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psychologiist · 10 years
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          ❝I don’t know what you’re talking about❞
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