Well, that wasn’t something you saw every day. Then again, Speed’s seen plenty of odd things in his career. Honestly though, a strange talking critter falling out of the trees couldn’t possibly compare to what happened over in Three Hawks Town. Nothing could surprise him now.
【➎】》 ❝ Looks like that fall didn’t do too much to ya. ❞
He slowly approached the other, crouching down to be more at his level. He took the driver’s glove off of his hand and extended it to the other.
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【➎】》 ❝ My name’s Speed. You need any help little guy? Got a home to go to? ❞
Sunny’s ears drooped. Sonic was gonna roast him for his terrible stealth skills for sure this time. Maybe he should wear an eyepatch on his left eye or something while sneaking around? Nah, too much effort to through.
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He absently dug into his long, soft quills, pulled out a twig, and tossed it to the side.
“I’m Sunny Wachowski, and I’m okay. I live in Green Hills with my family.”
He grabbed onto Speed’s hand with his own bare hand though, the dim glow of his birthmark sort of illuminating a bit.
“I heard the sound of your car while on a snack run so I wanted to see what was goin’ on.”
He was so curious that he forgot to get snacks. Whoopsie.
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Superpower meltdowns. In a fit of rage or sorrow or even ecstasy, a person’s power erupts, leaving them to rely on others to calm them. 
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   ( Hey. as long as it’s not Jon’s cooking or raisins, I’ll eat anything. Waddya got, pal? Gimmie. )
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“Here you go! I fried up some fish but I’m not sure if it tastes alright, so I wanted a second opinion.”
Sunny gently plonked down a plate with the aforementioned fried fish in front of the other, it was quite big but cut up very nicely. He thought it smelled alright, but he thought all food smelled alright unless it was something really pungent. Hence why the second opinion was needed.
“If you like it, y’can have the whole thing and I can make more?”
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@psychokineticsunshine​ || [X]
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   ( I hope you’re waking me for food or I’m not interested. )
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“I am, actually! D’you wanna taste test somethin’? You can have all of it if you end up liking it!”
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
Could be absolutely anything. Don’t be shy!
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     Luck’s beloved garden behind their run-down shack was lush with flowers of all kinds; a rainbow of colors and sights. Peonies, roses, bellflowers, orchids, marigolds…every kind of flower Luck could get her paws on now grew in her garden, neatly organized by type– or as neatly as she could organize them; flowers could be finicky, after all.
     Stopping at the very center of her garden, Luck took a deep breath, taking in the smell of fresh air and floral fragrances. And with a content sigh, she opened her eyes again; this garden was her pride and joy– proof that even someone like herself could grow and nurture something good and lovely into the world.
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     And when she caught Sunny’s awed reaction, her own chest swelled with pride and gratitude. “So…what do you think? See something that catches your fancy?”
“What do I think? What do I think?”
Sunny flung one arm out, careful not to accidentally hit anything, to motion to the whole garden.
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“Luck, this whole place is incredible! I’ve never seen such a gorgeous garden before!”
Mismatched eyes looked all around the garden. For flowers to get this beautiful, Sunny knew there was massive amounts of love and care put into them.
“It’s all so beautiful...”
The flowers that kinda looked like megaphones with five points caught his eye though. Or maybe peeled back bells? The multicolor ones that looked like little domes made of petals were also really pretty...
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
Could be absolutely anything. Don’t be shy!
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Speed had already started to settle himself back into driving mode when the movement of the faint light caught the edge of his gaze. He tilted his head, curious.
【➎】》 ❝ Huh? Is that some kind of animal? ❞
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Against his better judgement, the racer jumped out of the Mach 5, walking over to the edge of the trees. He called out to whoever, or whatever, was in there, hoping that if it were not a person he could simply scare it off by being loud.
【➎】》 ❝ Hey there! it’s dangerous to be hanging around a road like this at night! ❞
He looked back at said road, worn more from the weather than any significant amount of cars driving through it. Still though, who knew what was out there when you’re all the way in the sticks like this.
There was a very audible, startled yelp. He didn’t know he could be seen! Heck! Dangit! Whoa!
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He ended up falling right out of the tree he had been hiding in, face first right into the dirt. Ow. Okay. Sunny pushed himself up, spat out grass, and huffed.
He shook the dirt and grass out of his quills before freezing. Oh yeah, he was totally caught. Mismatched eyes, one glowing dimly, looked over at the new person. Oh, they were out of the car. Heck.
“Uhh... Meow?”
Sunny no.
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     That was ALL Luck needed to hear; such was the delight that overcame her that moment that she didn’t even wait– before she even knew it, her hand had found Sunny’s as she gently (yet earnestly) led him towards her garden.
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     “Oh, you’re gonna LOVE it! My sunflowers are in full bloom, and I also got some chrysanthemums and hyacinths. The roses gave me a bit of trouble but they’re alright now, and…!”
     And so she kept rambling on, happily listing off all the flowers she was responsible, which she knew by heart. All of this…while still being blissfully oblivious of her hand holding Sunny’s as she led him along to the garden.
Sunny happily followed, holding onto Luck’s hand as they walked. His tail wagged excitedly as he listened to her ramble. He was so happy Luck’s garden was doing so nicely! Pride bubbled up in his fluffy chest, giving him warm fuzzies.
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Mismatched eyes widened considerably when they finally arrived and Sunny turned his head to look around.
He was in absolute awe of how beautiful Luck’s garden was.
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Kindness is often mistaken for softness and let me tell you, friends….that is a mistake you don’t want to make. 
Kind people are not born that way, they do not stumble into it, kind people are forged in fire and darkness and imploding stars…they have steel cores. Throw a punch and you’re going to break your hand. 
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     Unfortunately, Luck didn’t seem ready to let this go. Sunny was nice enough to make her a flower crown as a sign of their friendship! The LEAST she could do was do the same, to show how much he mattered to her! And not doing so made her feel…awful.
     Yet Sunny kept insisting she shouldn’t worry about it, so she had no choice but to bite down on her tongue and let it slide…for now. She still felt awful, though.
     “I’m…I’m fine! Still making progress on my garden–”
     Wait a minute!
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     “–Which you should totally come and see with me!” And just like that, Luck’s good mood returned; she even looked more excited than before! “I’ve got so many new flowers! You’d love it!”
Sunny’s eyes widened and practically sparkled in excitement. He bounced up into the air and floated again, a bright smile on his freckled face and his legs bent underneath him.
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“Really? I’d love to see it!”
He really would! Sunny would be delighted to see the progress Luck was making with her garden! His feet were on the ground again, soles scratching a bit, and he was ready to follow!
“It’s your garden, with all the love and care you’ve put in it, so I definitely bet I’m gonna love it!”
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     Maybe it WAS a bad pun– but Luck didn’t care in the slightest, and the giggle she let out was genuine and heartfelt. “Yeah, well, having YOU as my friend is like…sunshine after a cloudy day!”
     Was that pun even worse? Yeah, but Luck still didn’t care. She was happy!
     But then…a thought occured to her; a thought that wiped the smile off her face, replacing it with worry and embarrassment.
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     “Oh, but…but I haven’t gotten anything for you in return! This is awful!”
The snort that Sunny let out would be denied until his dying day. Oh gosh, that one was terrible but he loved it. Then he waved his hands, shaking his head.
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“No no, it’s fine! I didn’t make it to get something in return, Luck! I’m just happy you love it!”
And that was all what he needed in return, really. Sunny tilted back on his heels a bit, clasping his hands behind his back and smiling.
“So how have you been, Luck?”
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@psychokineticsunshine​​  ||  starter call
【➎】》 ❝ Looks like I lost them. ❞
A sigh of relief escaped the racer’s lips as he checked behind him and saw nothing but empty road behind him. If there was anything Speed did not miss or look forward to in his return to racing it was the press, but thankfully none of them were as keen or fast on the wheel to even hope to catch up.
Looking ahead there was only one thing to look at was an old, worn welcome sign to the small town down the road. Another sigh escaped him. He was in Montana for an upcoming race and if he was going to find anywhere to stay until then, it might as well be in a quiet place like this.
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【➎】》 ❝ Green Hills, huh? You sure like to lead me to nowhere towns, don’t you Mach 5? ❞
He patted the car’s steering wheel and spoke, almost as if to a dog. A bizarre sight to see someone talking to their car, but of course no one was around to see him embarrass himself.
A singular teal iris lit up in one of the trees behind the sign. Someone new? Who was this? The leaves in the tree rustled without the wind as the iris, and now two circular designs moved a little closer to see what was going on.
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The glowing iris stayed quiet as he observed this new person. Were they friendly? An enemy? They didn’t look like they were with Dr. Robotnik...
So who could they be?
He hoped they’d be a new friend, honestly! Him and his brother could use more friends! School was fun and all, but having friends was even more fun!
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     Hydrangeas. The flowers of heartfelt emotions– especially gratitude. Had Sunny picked them for their meaning? Luck hoped so, because she felt the same way towards him. He was her best friend, and a source of joy in her life!
     The seagreen rabbit admired the flower crown in her hands like it was made of the most precious gemstones before placing it back on her head, making sure it wasn’t crooked or tilted.
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     “I absolutely love it.” She whispered sincerely, and then her expression turned somewhat bashful as she ran her fingers through her fur; “And, um…I’m grateful for you too, Sunny.”
Sunny floated a bit in happiness! He was just so happy Luck liked his gift! His legs bent under him, he floated back down, the brightest smile physically possible on his freckled face.
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“It’s, uh, probably a bad pun or something but! I’m really lucky to have you as my friend, Luck!”
He really was, honestly! Luck was his best friend and he adored her!
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"Hey, little guy! Long time no see. Hopefully you've not falling asleep in random places any more." Yang could still remember the hedgehog had fallen asleep against her side some time ago while she worked on her motorcycle.
Oh gosh, that had been a while ago... Sunny had been so busy with stuff that he forgot! Heck!!
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“I’m not! And um! Good to see you again?”
Sunny floated up so the nice lady wouldn’t have to hurt her neck looking down at him, mismatched eyes looking at her curiously now that he wasn’t half asleep when interacting with her.
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@lapinferno​ || from here!
Sunny’s smile was bright and happy, tail wagging happily underneath his hoodie.
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“I did, thank you! And they are hydrangeas!”
Oh, he was so happy Luck liked it! He had to finagle the soil content a bit for each bush but he was so happy with the result! And he was happy that she liked it too!
“I grew them myself, I’m really glad you like them!”
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Hello tumblr silver fandom
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