psychokidvcv · 5 years
A present to my followers...
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You’re welcome.
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psychokidvcv · 5 years
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psychokidvcv · 5 years
Well here goes nothing, i'm 16 and live in germany (apologizing in advance for any i was bullied from 4th to 9th grade and and still trying to forget the things they did to me. My parents constantly insult me, especially my mother. I feel like she thinks im a failure because im not like my sister (my sis is really smart and beautiful) also my parents never had time for me, my father rather spend his time infront of the tv or pc. Basically my sister raised me till i was 5, then she moved away to go to university. My older brother and my grandpa passsd away when I was 10 which hit me really hard. Because of all of what i just said and more i got depression and anxiety. Im going to therapy for the third time and it ain't helping.
Edit: turns out i have adhd and probably autism as well. At least explains why i always felt like i didn't fit. My mom also passed away this year and i moved out of my parents place. I somehow feel a lot better mentally but also worse since now have burnout from work and school ... again.
Starting a Support Group
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Reblog to introduce yourself and what you’re dealing with.
All are welcome.
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psychokidvcv · 5 years
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Hiii, first post on Tumblr so i thought, why not post some older art.
I also post on Insta and Deviantart. Feel free to follow me there :3
[Don't copy or steal. Feel free to repost and give credit]
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
Jack: Do you remember?
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
Why Isn’t Tumblr Freaking Out?!?!
Guys. Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!!!!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. So…
I have been on tumblr all morning and haven’t seen one post about it yet! I don’t understand how!
It was a 438 to 226 fucking landslide vote too. (https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17849868/eu-internet-copyright-reform-article-11-13-approved)
They’re voting on it one last time in January 2019, but that’s barely any time to change anything!!!!
You still have time to call your MEPs so PLEASE!!! Do so.
If you’re outside of the EU, sign this petition: https://www.change.org/p/axel-voss-save-the-internet-reject-article-13-and-11?recruiter=839558037&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition
If you don’t know what this means, it’s basically then end of how the internet currently is in Europe. Memes? Nope. Youtubers? Bye!
You’d need a license for everything!!!!
And my fellow Americans my be all like, well, what’s the big deal for us? It’s a Europe deal.
No, because the Youtubers there that you love so much? This effects them too! I’m freaking out because Jack, the person who helps my depression go away, may no longer be able to do what he does!
Guys, we need to stop this somehow. Please.
Call your MEPs. Sign petitions. Protest (Peacefully please. Don’t get hurt).
I’m sorry for tagging you guys if you don’t want to be or already know, I just want as many people to know as possible!
I can’t tag everyone, but if you see this, please reblog it. Spread the news. Sign the petition. Call your MEPs. Do what you can to help stop this from passing in January.
Keep reading
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
rest in peace to the other fucking …
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fucking will live on . . what will be next after fucking straight water ? ?
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
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Rest In Peace legend 💜
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
That scene where he is forced to kneel… just look at his face omg he looks SO DONE with everything (it’s hot ngl) anyway this is my fav bucky edit (🔉sound on)
(credits to imthemoon on Youtube, this is from a crack marvel video they did) (it’s funny cause i found the best bucky edit hidden in a crack video lmao)
ALSO, don’t try posting this on instagram cause they’ll delete it for copyright of the song -_- i’ve already tried lmao
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
all of this is so true XD
Coming into a fandom late
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
please read. and please reblog.
Please, please read.
3 years ago I wrote a very personal prose piece titled The Morning After I Killed Myself, about a young woman who commits suicide and looks back on the impact it has on her family and friends and ends up regretting her decision. I posted it on my writing blog 3 years ago and it went viral, shared over 300,000 times on my blog and almost a million times on Imgur/Reddit. 
So many people have told me it’s saved their lives.
But I almost wish I hadn’t written it. Because, despite all the good it managed to do, it’s been plagiarized over a hundred times, probably several hundred. I’ve seen dozens of cases of it being stolen and retitled with someone else’s name as the author, cases of it being published in someone else’s book under their name, cases of it being used as song lyrics by a band who claims they wrote it, cases of it being posted nearly ten times on the same website alone and because the website is so enormous they didn’t catch each instance of plagiarism…
Once a girl based her senior art thesis off of my piece…only she accidentally based it off of a plagiarized version of my piece and had no idea. She called me, a complete stranger, in tears, begging me to forgive her for something that was not her fault at all, but the fault of the person who plagiarized me. She had to redo portions of the thesis she worked so hard on.
I’ve had cases of it being submitted to writing contests under other peoples’ names and them winning awards for it. One girl submitted it to the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and won a gold key for it, coincidentally the same contest I submitted some of my work to in high school and won awards for. What was her excuse? She said she read the piece awhile ago, liked it so much that she saved it to her computer, and when the time came to submit to the contest, she “forgot she hadn’t written it” and sent it in under her name.
I had a case of a stranger who posted it on their blog under their name and when I asked them, politely, to provide me with credit and remove their name, they claimed they’d “written the piece 10 years ago in their private journal and that I was the one who plagiarized them.”
I’ve had cases of people messaging my writing blog and accusing me of plagiarism…of my own piece, because they saw plagiarized versions of it going viral and had no idea I was the original author.
And finally, a few weeks ago, a girl submitted it to a contest under her name and won $100 for it. Now she’s apparently denying plagiarism.
This piece of mine was intended to help people. It’s a very very personal piece and always will be. I’m glad it’s helped so many people. But something that is so personal and painful for me has been twisted and manipulated and stolen and published for profit and taken away from me so many times I’ve lost count. I don’t care about money. But when I saw this girl win $100 for a piece about suicide that I wrote, that is the last straw.
Please, for the love of god, don’t steal from artists and writers. Don’t steal something and claim you wrote it. Write and create your own work. If you see a piece of art or writing floating around with no source or a mis-attributed source, tell the original author. Spread the word. Don’t share artworks without sources on them. 
You might think that it’s not a big deal, that it doesn’t matter, that it only happened once.
But it happens all the time. All the time. This is exhausting and artists deserve credit. They deserve respect.
I’ve considered deleting the writing blog I’ve had for 5 years because of how often this piece is plagiarized.
Don’t let it get to that point, where someone considers getting rid of something they love because it’s hardly theirs anymore.
Thanks for reading.
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
June Charity Livestream
We are LIVE with the June charity livestream for Ablegamers! Please reblog and share to help spread awareness! #PositiveMentalAttitude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3SA67tQegI
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
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About a week ago I posted this.
I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:
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and my personal favorite
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After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.
About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like
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I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like
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This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”
But I guess the lesson goes like this:
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
Community group hug!!
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Reblog to pass on the hug 💙
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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psychokidvcv · 6 years
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10 years, 19 films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
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