im a somewhat batshit insane writer :P
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psycho-scribbler · 9 hours ago
godddd im back on my bullshit thinking about whalefalls again
specifically the whole speciation/evolutionary stepping stone thing where they allow certain species to move, adapt, and disperse in new environments through the resources that they create simply by dying. Literally hundreds of species take advantage of one when it happens. So many species are fundamentally altered by a resource oasis hundreds of times more effective than marine snow.
fuckkk all im thinking about is shit like. one body. one death. yet a body that, depending on certain conditions, could take up to a CENTURY to be fully returned to the entropy it came from.
That shit can be considered an actual fuckin. Biome. a whole biome in a single creature.
Imagine you, a single cell or near single cell microorganism being the latest in a generational line that spans back so far that your line has evolved and speciated from its origin point before the whale fell.
Imagine you, with a lifespan of days or weeks living in rotting flesh that will presumably take up to a full century to fully consume
Imagine you, your entire bloodline, your whole world living off one body. Alive off of corpse-fat and marrow, consuming your god as it transforms you into something unrecognizable
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psycho-scribbler · 9 hours ago
my little brother tried to show me a "cool trick" where he entered my name and hometown into chatgpt and tried to get it to pull up my personal info like it did on all of his friends, then was absolutely shocked when it couldn't find anything on me
so. keep practicing basic internet safety, guys. it still works. don't put your personal info on social media, keep all your accounts on private, turn off ai scraping on every site that you can, enable all privacy features on social media apps. our info still can be protected, we have to keep fighting for control
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
an imperfect ally is better than a perfect bystander
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
Something to watch for, which I learned from stage magic but which is extremely relevant to detecting scams as well:
The magician or scammer will *tell you* how he is going to prove his honesty.
The magician rifles through the deck until you say "stop", then he says, "Are you sure? I'll keep going if you want." and asks "Now, you agree that you could have stopped anywhere you wanted, so there's absolutely no way I could know which card you got" and because it's a magic show and you aren't paying close attention you didn't notice he didn't deal a card from where you stopped, he dealt the bottom card of the deck.
The magician doesn't ask you, "What would it take for you to believe this" because you might say, "I'd need you to use a sealed deck" or "I'd have to personally shuffle the deck" or some other proof that would make the trick impossible.
Magicians say "You agree that if I did *this*, it would mean *that*, right?" and you say yes, and it feels like you are the one who got to verify things, but of course the magician is lying and the proof is nothing of the kind.
Scammers do the same thing. A really concrete example is phone scammers pretending to be working for the government will say, "Look, I see you're skeptical if I'm who I say I am, I'm going to hang up and call back, and you'll see on the caller ID it says, 'FBI' and that tells you that I'm really working for the government."
Now, caller ID can be spoofed pretty easily, so it doesn't prove anything at all.
But it *feels* to you like you demanded proof and the scammer was willing to give you the proof.
But you didn't tell the scammer what out would take to prove it to you, the scammer told you what the proof would be.
This is actually like a really basic thing to look for if you want to start decoding magic tricks and scams.
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
not to be an asshole but i think a lot of disability discourse on this website cannot comprehend the idea of being physically disabled in a way which is like. not at all negotiable or flexible. like i think it's great that we're pushing people to understand that disability is nuanced and that there are disabilities which are not visible forms of physical disability but also like. sometimes you straight up cannot climb stairs. no not even on a good day not even when you "have enough spoons" it is just not physically possible. or you cannot get on and off a bus without struggling or without help. or it is physically not possible for you to bathe yourself. and it's not about "and you force yourself to push through it because of the internalized ableism" because you literally cannot physically fucking do it. like i am not trying to be mean but i feel like it frequently strikes me that people talking about disability seemingly do not understand the concept of I Literally Cannot Do This No Matter How Much I Want To Or Try Like It Is Physically Not Possible
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
Not to be like decriminalize self harm but like…decriminalize self harm stop locking people up over it.
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
underground parking garages are criminally underutilized as a horror setting. windowless curving concrete labyrinths stretching up and down and all around you, that's some Backrooms shit
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
comfortable, decent quality bedding will change your life I'm so serious
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psycho-scribbler · 10 hours ago
people are really fucking clueless about generative ai huh? you should absolutely not be using it for any sort of fact checking no matter how convenient. it does not operate in a way that guarantees factual information. its goal is not to deliver you the truth but deliver something coherent based on a given data set which may or may not include factual information. both the idolization of ai and fearmongering of it seem lost on what it is actually capable of doing
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psycho-scribbler · 11 hours ago
I generally agree with that post going around about how you should let kids fuck around and find out with physical play but it carries this weighty implication that if you don’t develop kinesthetics at an early age you’ll never develop them at all, which is a very discouraging way to talk about the real possibilities of adult life
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psycho-scribbler · 11 hours ago
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psycho-scribbler · 14 hours ago
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psycho-scribbler · 14 hours ago
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psycho-scribbler · 15 hours ago
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psycho-scribbler · 15 hours ago
I started this so long ago, then just gave up on it. Today I forced myself to finish it
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psycho-scribbler · 15 hours ago
i would cannibalize god's rotting corpse. if the opportunity arose
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psycho-scribbler · 16 hours ago
insanity that they trained us to dislike body hair. body hair. that's just fuzz. that is just FUZZINESS!!! humans being fuzzy, it's one of our most adorable traits????
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