psycho-dolphi · 4 years
Interview...😐... job interview....help
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psycho-dolphi · 4 years
Cool, found another way around my anxiety. If I'm already having an anxiety attack/depressive episode/ both at the same time, it's so much easier to ignore the social anxiety of making a fool out of myself by sending a message to someone. So that's neat
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psycho-dolphi · 4 years
So freaking adorable I'm dying
watch until the very end
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psycho-dolphi · 4 years
I could be spending this time writing out more of the stories I have revolving around free, or maybe even my OCs... but hey, I could also finish persona 5 for the 5th time and date Makoto for the 3rd time, but whose to say which one of those things I'll actually do
there’s a quarantine going on… no pressure but i KNOW ya’ll have WIPs
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psycho-dolphi · 4 years
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makoto icons!
like or reblog if you save ♡♡
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psycho-dolphi · 4 years
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Giveaway Contest: To celebrate 2020, we’re giving away twenty paperback classics featuring Truman Capote, Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, John Steinbeck, Agatha Christie, and others! Won’t this collection look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will choose a random winner on February 29, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
So, I guess I'm in the minority here, but I call my brother short stack (even though hes five inches taller than me) or buddy and he just calls me sis. The worst his names for me get is puffpastrey and jigglepuff. Hes just my buddy.
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I’m right and I should say it
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Today marks the first time I signed up for a dating website. I was on there for 5 minutes before going in and deleting my account. Mistakes were made, and now it is behond me.
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Well, the not-so-fun news is that I'm in pro development all day today, basically rehashing two years of linguistics training
. The good news is, since my computer hates me, I cant work on lesson plans. So I started jotting down some pieces of that makoharu fic I've been working on for what feels like years now, and I think I found a new way to torture them emotionally. So I both hate myself and love myself for that right now.
I've been pretty stressed lately, so I think k I need to force myself back I to writing to get myself to chill. We'll see how that goes, but I'm pretty excited about this new idea, so who knows...
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
I'm playing Pokemon Pearl, trying to grind my way through all the games I missed as a kid, and I'm kinda glad i waited until i was oblder to play this one. The sight of these poor babies flipping around helplessly is honestly pretty disturbing... little kid me should have cried like a baby
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
So I just deleted it, but if you saw a post about me deleting this tumblr, just ignore it! Everything's cool!!!
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Had the weirdest experience at discount tire yeaterday
Went in to have them look at my tire, they told me it would be about an hour before they were done. Cool, I've got my ds, I can play pokemon, no big deal.
Then the place gets slammed. They've got like 6 people out working the floor, its nuts. It ends up taking about an hour and a half/two hours. Too busy playing pokemon to notice, before they call my name. Manager come up to me and let's me know that it will be just another 15 minutes, apologizes profusely, and I'm just like, it's cool dude, no worries. But he just keep apologizing, give me a hi five cause I keep trying to tell him it's fine, then walks off. Super cool dude.
Mechanic guy comes in next calls my name and walks me through what they did, then apologizes again for my wait, and I'm just like, it's ok, really, you guys got slammed, it fine.
And then he just gives me a pained smile, says "it's really not though", hands me my keys and let's me know that if it didn't fix the problem to come back so they could see what's going on.
All this to say, I'm kinda worried about the guys at discount tire? Like, are their families being held hostage? Their pets? Are they being threatened if they don't live up to their time estimates??? Kinda wanna go back and bring them a plate of cookies, remind them that they're good people who help confused car people not die from their stupid tire decisions.
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Listening to penumbra, and I say this a lot, but I relate to few people as much as I relate to Sir Damien. An anxious, dramatic disaster. I adore him.
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Two days in.
Two days into my student teaching, and it's been wild. I've laughed harder than I thought I could laugh, I've wanted to cry, and I've been uncomfortable. I have a student who has attached herself to me, and I'm still not sure how to handle it. I've jumped out of the shower to jot down lesson plan ideas that might make kids more i terested in my lessons. All of the kids are obnoxious in some way, and i adore and would protect any of them in a heartbeat.
It might be rough, but I think I've found the place for me.
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
So, I had this thought, and I've been laughing about it like a maniac for the last thirty minutes.
That country song "Blue ain't your color"? I had the most wonderful idea that it's about a guy and a girl arguing over the merits of blue eyeshadow. Like, she just asks "hey what do you think about the color?" And hes just like, "well honestly, it's a nice color. I like blue things. But I just don't think it matches your eyes" and then hes like worried that she think he's just hating on her make up instead of answering the question, so he goes on a three minute ramble about the color blue.
Is that what it's about? No. But I would love the song a whole lot more If it was.
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
I was given my chance in a work meeting, and I took it.
Boss: if you have to call in sick, we expect you to have a doctors note explaining that you were I'll and could not be at work.
Me, a broke college student who can barely pay for gas to get to work, and soon will be out of a job in a month and has no fucks to give anymore because what are they gonna do, fire me???: Doctors? In this Economy????
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psycho-dolphi · 5 years
Well a two-year-old just stole from me, so the family reunion is going great 😊
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