24 posts
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psychiceaglepeach · 6 days ago
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he’s so ethereal. THE WEDDING RING??? HUSBAND DREW/RAFE (basically) AND HIS HAND COMPARED TO HER FACE?? drew starkey, i need mouth to mouth resuscitation
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psychiceaglepeach · 7 days ago
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Mi mujer del helado de dulce de leche y el hombre de las pibas 🔥
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psychiceaglepeach · 8 days ago
that buzzcut + earring combo: YES.
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psychiceaglepeach · 20 days ago
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psychiceaglepeach · 21 days ago
SOF ❤️🇦🇷
im so jealous
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hes so awkward omg 😞💟
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psychiceaglepeach · 28 days ago
williamsracing Carbon... Carbono ✅
The boys have spoken, what do we think? 😅
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psychiceaglepeach · 1 month ago
📹 pumamotorsport
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psychiceaglepeach · 1 month ago
JANNIK SINNER wins the 2025 Australian Open
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psychiceaglepeach · 2 months ago
You must be sick of me at this point lol but I can’t stop thinking about Drew x costar!reader
He broke up with O and met reader filming a movie (in London) and they started seeing each other but reader can tell that they both have a lot of healing to do (mostly him) before they have a real shot at being together
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(I’m going to sleep thinking about this😭)
free now- drew starkey
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warnings: angst, bit of fluff, odessa. everything is fiction.
summary: the request
playlist: free now by gracie abrams live from vevo
a/n: my girl and i are obssesed with our girl gracie
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he's one of those guys that you think wow this is one in a lifetime thing or at least that was what the text she sent to one of her friends when they first met said.
"c'mon starkey." she said from her spot on the couch he had in his trailer.
"we met three weeks ago and we're already on the last name stage? bold." she hums.
"anyways going back to my question, favourite movie?" she smiled at him.
"can't laugh but jumanji the one with robin williams, the 90s version." she nods.
"great ass movie if i'm being honest." he passes her a bag of chips they bought earlier.
"yeah? i was made fun of it for ages."
she laughs. "i assume an ex, well that's a person with no taste at all."
"you assume right, yours?"
"from when i was a kid probably the princess diaries and a more recent one the proposal with sandra bullock." he laughs.
"wouldn't have taken you for the romcom type." he gains a pillow thrown his way. "hey what was that for."
"that's literally an insult, i've done romcoms why wouldn't you take me for the romcom type?" he shrugges his shoulders.
"i don't know you seem more of a drama lover."
"yeah could be if i'm being honest." her phone's ringtone interrupting their conversation. "sorry." he nods.
"hey cass." she hums. "no yeah sure, i'll bring a friend is that cool?" he watches her as she continues talking to what he assumes is a friend. "see you tonight love ya babe."
when they phone call ends she looks at him again. "we're going to a party tonight well not really a party but a friend is doing something at her house."
"alright thank you for assuming i'm free" he laughs and she crocks an eyebrow.
"i know you are. we've spent almost everynight with each other joseph." the call of his name make his stomach twist a little.
"you're right. so who are these people?" he flopped next to her, their legs brushing.
"some friends i have here in london, the funniest people i've ever met." she smiles. "they work in fashion nothing related to our industry, have their own brand of clothes."
that night as she dragged him to the small dance floor her friends had made in their terrace, her squin shirt shined a bit more as the light hit on it, he couldn't stop himself from thinking if this girl would change his life forever.
and maybe it was a mistake to kiss her at the door of her hotel room and maybe it would make filming umconfortable and maybe waking up next to her was something he could get used to and maybe it wouldn't be that bad to wrap his arm around her while walking in london.
but maybe it would've been better if he had been over his ex girlfriend.
"hey." her voice as she walked out of her bathroom, only in her black underware but her bra was missing, made him turn his face towards her. he could get used to this girl.
the arm he extended her way made her smile, once she her head laid in his bicep he leaned down to kiss her. "mornin'"
"we got a free day today, wanna go see the city?" he hums before kissing her again. "won't get out of this bed if you keep kissing me."
"we can get out of bed later." she laughs as he pins her down on the bed.
"so who's your ex?" she asked while they sat at a park bench sipping on a coffe that wasn't really good but the conversation was so it didn't really matter.
"you really like asking questions." she nodded agreeing. "odessa a'zion."
"the one that did grand army." he's the one nodding now. "cool seems nice."
he laughs. "no she doesn't."
"yeah no i wanted to be nice but no." her sincerity surprises him. "so why it didn't work?"
"we're too different, took us three years to realise that tho." he avoids looking into her eyes, instead choosing to look at the people pass.
This isn't what you want, it's only how you feel
You openly admit you're far away from healing
And I hate to pull the plug, but I think I get your deal
"shit you've got a ton of things to heal from." he takes a deep breath in. "sorry didn't mean it like that."
"nah it's alright but yeah i guess so, ended three months ago but well it was three years y'know."
"yeah i get it it's not easy to move on." she links her arm with his. "but you can't also let it dictate your life, take it from someone who did that and regret it a lot."
"when was your last break up?" he looks at her.
"two years ago, took me a year to be over it, him." she sighs. "but he was an asshole and i'm free now, so free that my friends threw a party when i blocked him."
he laughs. "he was that bad?"
"not a bad guy just a bit pathetic."
I finally know better than to wait for you back here
And I hope you know I don't think
You're a bad guy, that you're damaged
Took you two months, only two to raise the bar
You're the saddest, but a good kid
Almost loved you, but I didn't
I could laugh now, how we tried to play those parts
she knew better than this, should've known better to not let feelings interfear but he looked at her so nicely and he wasn't a bad guy. she knew he was damaged and still opened her door to him every night.
I know that you're removed, I can feel it when we talk
You start to let me in, but then you shut it off
And it's half of you that hurts sometimes, the half that I don't get
I swear that I'm not mad at you, but I can't share your bed now
"she called me." drew said on their lunch break.
"your ex?" he nods. "what did she want?"
"to know if we were together." he chuckles.
"and what did you told her?" he looks at her, really looks at her. how her eyes widened a little while waiting for his answer.
"that it wasn't her business but we were friends." she hums.
"it's been what six months?" she hears him say yes. "maybe she wants you back."
"doesn't change the fact that we're still very different and want different things." he sounded defensive.
"sorry wasn't attacking you." he waved his hand dissmising it.
And I can imagine, when you go home
Does she follow like an echo?
Like your shadow, you can try, but you can't run
From the truth of what you both made
That she blew up on a Tuesday
How does pain taste when it melts into your tongue?
"you don't think about her when we're together right?" he stiffens at the question.
"no, why would you think that?" her shoulder shoot up a little.
"don't know, you seem to be thinking a lot about her lately." she continued eating.
"it's not like we're together tho." she squinted in his direction.
"no but it's basic decency even if we're just fucking, i consider you my friend." her words sharp as a knife.
"i'm sorry." he intended to grab her hand but she moved it before he could do so.
"don't but yeah you're right, you were honest with me on what this was. just thought you saw me as your friend too and not only as someone you bang on the side."
It's a pain that I caught you at a bad time
It's a shame that I memorized your outline
You were straight up with me, you were so kind
But I knew what you knew, honey, great minds
It was harsh 'cause I lost what I wanted
she had fucked up, almost catching feelings for a guy who wasn't emotionally avaliable. maybe she wasn't either and it was the reason she wanted people she couldn't have.
and there he stood at her door when she opened it that same night.
"wanna go get some pizza?" his way of saying sorry. he smiled when she aswered 'yeah why not'
she was brave kissing him in the cold london night while he wrapped his arm around her shoulder keeping her close to his body.
I was brave when I kissed you in London
We're collateral here, man, we got hit
Hope you find somewhere safe for your baggage
Every page that I wrote, you were on it
Feel you deep in my bones, you're the current
And I showed no restraint, it was something
I was scared of 'til you made me love it
"you know this has to end in two months when filming wraps right?" he sighs at her question but says yes. "i'm no fixer and you need to work on your unresolved baggaged with her."
"i know." his hand squeezing her waist made her wish they would've met at a better time. "wanna enjoy this while i can tho."
she laughed and it made him wish he would've resolved his baggage before meeting her.
If you find yourself out, if there is a right time
Chances are I'll be here, we could share a lifeline
If you feel like fallin', catch me on the way down
Never been less empty, all I feel is free now
If you find yourself out, if there is a right time
Chances are I'll be here, we could share a lifeline
If you feel like fallin', catch me on the way down
Never been less empty, all I feel is free now
rummors started once the film made it's big debut.
emmy award winner y/n l/n and luca guadagnino new 'godson' had a chemestry that crossed the screen, they had to have something going on right?
and their instagram posts didn't help much to calm the waters.
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liked by @drewstarkey, @bellahadid, @annehathaway and 1.232.056 more
itsynln hell on earth it's out now. on theatres only.
tagged @drewstarkey
@drewstarkey been a pleassure
replied by itsynln wish i could say the same 😂
replied by @drewstarkey rude
replied by itsynln joke!!
@user god they're so hot
@bellahadid not ready!
@cass i'm so proud
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liked by @itsynln, @jonathandaviss, @danielcraig and 806.023 more
drewstarkey hell on earth is out now
view all comments
@itsynln being honest it's been a pleassure
replied by @drewstarkey thank you very much
@hichasestokes dying to see it!!
@brookestarkey how does it feel to kiss my crush
replied by @drewstarkey wouldn't you wanna know
"we're just really good friends." she smiled at the interviwer, it was te 10th time they were asked if they were together in the month they've been doing promo. "and very good actors too i'd say."
"i guees this is it." he said when they broke the hug inside his hotel room before she left to take her flight back home.
"don't be a stranger starkey." she pinched his cheek as if he was a little kid. "and if you ever find yourself out, there are chances i'll be here maybe we could share a lifeline."
she closed his door after that, boarding the plane she felt free now.
he stared at the closed door, he had never felt less free than right now.
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taglist: @chenslucy @gillybear17 @imliterallyamirrorball @nichmeddar @gillybooboo @julczimozart @bellbottombabe @silkylovey @droppedyourhnd @jaydaaasworld @congratsloserr @carrerascameron @m1santhropicc @wearemadeofstardust0 @chiaraanatra @rlalliehayes @ijustwanttoreadlols @sunny1616 @theoraekenslover @isaidoop @ethanthequeefqueen @rafesdrew @loverdrew @frankoceanluvr11 @josephandrewstarkey
please reblog my work! if i support your work please support mine with more than a like, thank you! <3
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psychiceaglepeach · 3 months ago
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charles_leclerc Special helmet for a special teammate ❤️ Thanks for these 4 years together. Let’s push to the max for that last weekend together.
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psychiceaglepeach · 3 months ago
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psychiceaglepeach · 4 months ago
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psychiceaglepeach · 4 months ago
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psychiceaglepeach · 4 months ago
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Y’all!!! 😭😭😭😭
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psychiceaglepeach · 5 months ago
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US GP - FP1 results
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psychiceaglepeach · 5 months ago
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I don't think his eyes fully opened or his mouth fully closed at any point in this bts & I think that's beautiful
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psychiceaglepeach · 5 months ago
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CHARLES LECLERC | Post-race interview Singapore GP 2024
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