I have a case for you. We’re looking for a rider named Gavv. Possibly has snack related powers.
Hmmm, this seems like a curious case. . .
We'll have to make sure he's nothing like a sweets dopant, maybe ask Decade for help?
I'm certain we'll see him around soon.
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Would be a shame if another Dophant appeared.
That sounds suspiciously like something a Dopant would say, you don't have a memory, do you?
Shotaro, you don't just ask someone if they have a memory! That's not how you treat our guests!
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Have you seen any weird medals around the city? Or a guy dressed like you except in red, gold, and green?
Oh, you mean that one guy. . . What was his name? Oh? Oz?
Right! Anyway, we see him pass by sometimes. Philip is still having trouble finding out where he's coming from, though.
I don't know whether they're from a different dimension or the next town over. It is incredibly interesting.
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There's a beautiful wind today! It seems like today might be peaceful in the windy city.
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Good evening, I have high hopes for today being filled with adventure! Just know whether you're taking it slow or going fast, that you're doing good work.
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Who is distrubuting the gaia memories right now? How do I purchase one for display purposes?
There are still people in the city who used to work for the Sonozaki family. Though less than before at the moment, dopants are still a high demand case!
Fair warning, though, if anyone possesses one, it would be better to throw it away than keep it!
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No matter what today may bring, we all have to break through!
- Officer Terui Ryu
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Finally coming back from last night's case, I hope everyone has a restful and calm day!
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Today is a new day! so let's take a breath and greet it with a smile!!!
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We, of course, have the adorable married couple in the office but are the detectives seeing anyone?
Currently, I am not seeing anyone, I have found it easier to focus on myself and my needs at the moment, though I am certain fate will work out for me one day.
I'm not seeing anyone either. If I were to get with anyone, it would probably put them in danger, but that is the way of a hardboiled detective like myself.
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How’s Phillip doing?
I'm doing good. There are many cases that mean little time to rest, but I'm getting by just fine.
I still find the time to enjoy the little things like a cup of coffee or a nice walk!
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Got a few clients to help today, as always, don't forget to take breaks and have a snack!
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did u fight any dopants today?
Yes, we actually fought two.
One was a polymer Dopant, and the other a hot coal Dopant, they teamed up for a bit, trying to trap a civilian in melted plastic.
In the end, I couldn't have done it without the help of the Narumi Detective Agency, so make sure to check them out.
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Going on patrol around the city on another windy day, make sure to drink water and take plenty of breaks today.
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Hello! I am the half-half hero from Futo City, Japan. This Blog is dedicated to update you on my adventures and daily life as a superhero. Drop an ask in the P.I Mailbox, and I'll get to it in my downtime! さあ、お前の罪を数えろ!
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