25 posts
21| server by day, writer by night | i write imagine's/hc/etc. english is not my first language lol | mha/jjk writer
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
husband!nanami | hc's
ft. gojo
a/n- im sick so if this is bad or has errors im sorry lol
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i love nanami
i think he would honestly be the best husband ever
y'all started dating right after he became a scorecer
he knew he wanted to marry you right away, but didn't want to scare you
then one day you bake him some bread and he sees you all cute in a apron, flour on your face and is like "either we get married right now or just end it."
is this a threat? blackmail? "you didn't even try the bread yet."
but you say yes obviously
gojo cried
you and gojo set out to make nanami happy
you make those cute bento boxes for him
tries to eat them in solitude bc gojo is annoying
"yahh being married must be nice" "doesn't (y/n) like me?? i want one" "let me have one bite please."
if he gets home first he'd change into a black turtle neck and start cooking dinner.
i just feel it in my soul that he wears a turtle neck as loungewear
and some sweatpants
anyways, you get home, smelling some amazing food
walk into the kitchen to nanami, in one of those cute aprons.
he greets you in the best way.
a hug, a kiss, food
very big on pampering too.
prepares the bath
puts out your pjs
would put on your skincare if you asked him to
likes watching those compilations of bakeries on yt
I think he loves sweets yeah?
any baked good, if you make one for him? l-o-v-e
pamper him too pls
he likes alcohol, so if you like it too, drink with him
he's also very open with his past.
about being a salaryman, about geto, sorcery in general
he'd never tell you something that could hurt you
he also doesn't like arguing with you so he won't every let either one of y'all go to bed angry
that's his #1 rule
when you get home first and make dinner when he comes home you're like.
"hello would you like a drink, dinner, bath, or me?" lmaooo
he's like "you spent time with gojo today, didn't you?"
you also go over to the high school alot.
nanami didn't like it at first after seeing you with the students almost as a counselor, he dropped it.
all the students see you as a big sister
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
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images from pinterest
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
toge inumaki
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i think inumaki drinks a lot.
very hydrated boy
he has to
when your cursed energy evolves around your throat you have to take care of it?
que you
read countless books, articles, watched youtube videos on healing the throat.
mostly how-tos for singers but it's kind of the same?
you have a whole drink set up in your room dedicated for him
herbal teas, distilled water , electric kettle, honey, lemons. the whole nine yards.
he loves it.
he usually just drinks a vending machine drink, so when you pull him from the machine and tell him you'll just make a cup of tea for him he swoonssss.
you've studied the perfect water-honey-lemon ratio
not only does he love that you care for a throat that can only speak to you in rice-ball ingredients, but the drinks you make are always delicious
he tried asking you once and you were like. "i enjoy it, i wouldn't go this far from just anyone you know."
the happy face you make when you hand him the mug? he'd sell his soul to see it.
and you always have homemade cough drops.
ones that taste like honey lavender, bc the store-bought ones are trash and you can make better ones.
well that's what you told inumaki.
he was going to tease you but they taste really good and he doesn't want you to stop making them so he just eats them in peace.
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
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tea | drabble | warnings: none
being jujutsu high's big sis | hc's
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being jujutsu high's big sis | hc's | mostly yuji lol
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being jujutsu high's big sis | hc's
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husband!nanami | hc's
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
do i really have to write about making inumaki tea for his throat bc y’all haven’t??
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
katsuki bakugo
warnings: cursing, aged-up!
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every Saturday night the same ritual happens, Movie Night. You pick up Katsuki from work, he falls asleep on the ride, get home, wake him up, eat dinner, and he waits on the couch while you shower (he showers at the agency). Then you find him asleep on the couch. "Kats' wake up," You pat his back. "I'm up." "Let's go to bed." "No way, we're watching this fucking movie." You giggle. "Alright~." You turn on the movie and settle into him. About 20 minutes in, you look up at Katsuki again dead asleep. You remember back to the first couple of times you did movie night and this happened. You'd pout, complain and ask why the hell he would make y'all do this when he'd end up falling asleep every time. "I like doing something with you even if I'm just fucking napping, dumbass." He is working to be the number 1 hero, after all, the fact that he makes sure y'all do this every Saturday is enough, even if he can't stay awake during it. After the movie ends you wake him up, giving him a quick kiss. "That movie was shit" "It was okay, I did doze off in the middle there." he laughs. "See? I'm picking it next week." "Oh alright."
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
Katsuki Bakugo
vampire ska
warnings: angst, cursing, mention of blood. mention of cheating
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bakugo didn’t want to believe you were cheating on him. When kaminari said he saw you talking to some guy at the bar, then went home together he got super pissed and almost punch him for lying. You wouldn’t fucking do that. But when Kirishima and Mina said they also saw you do that a different time at the same club he had to find out for himself.
He saw you at the club, after texting him saying you were going to bed early. Saw you talking to some douche, then get in a cab with him. he was pissed.
Rushing to your house, he busted through the front door, seeing you straddling the guy on the couch. You jumped turning around, your fangs popped out and blood dripping down. “oh heyyy katsuki.”
“what the fu-“ queue this song.
she’s a vampire
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
bf!Hitoshi | hc's
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gives you his sweaters to see you in them.
wraps his arm around you all the time, in public at home, in the pool, everywhere.
he just likes being near you <3
makes you choose movies to watch bc he’s scared he’ll pick a boring one.
if his listening to music he'll give you an airpod and his phone so you can play something you like.
gives you bites of whatever he's eating.
would sell his left arm just to cuddle with you in the afternoon.
or morning.
or night.
likes using pickup lines on you just bc he thinks your giggle is cute.
"Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print."
buys you little things whenever he goes to the store, just like "(y/n) likes (fav candy)...*grabs*"
wraps you up in a blanket and sets you on his lap.
takes you to cat cafes all the time.
favorite date in the fall, warm drinks and cuddly kitties. <3
if you're one of those people who loves making hot drinks but never drinks them (me, i am people) he will drink it.
when y'all are walking home in the winter and you're cold he'll grab your hand and put it in his pocket.
loves cooking for you.
especially if you sitting on the counter, talking about your day.
he really listens too
"she did what?? what did you say?"
oh man he loves drama too
if yall are in the store and you're like. "omg that's (blank), they're the one that copied my haircut."
he'll look at them in disgust. "they look like a 90s cartoon character." (we're talking like thornberry's y'all)
" 'Toshi!" "it's true"
love love loves if you praise him in any way.
"saw you on the news today, you looked pprreettyy hot mr.hero."
marry him, right then and there.
likes it when you fall asleep on him, makes him feel like you trust him a lot.
if you ask him how your outfit looks.
"gorgeous, damn, i don't even think you can go outside lookin' like that baby. gonna breaks some necks."
so supportive of you too.
he knows that if he just had someone in middle school tell him he was worth it would have changed his life so he makes sure you don't ever feel like that in anything.
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
thank you! 💖
y'all I just got 100 followers, yay! I'm so glad you guys like my stuff.
okay love you bye!
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
giving the boys your scrunchie | hc | deku edition
a/n: finally! adding my boy zucchini to the mix. if you haven’t read the original post with the other boys you can here.
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izuku midoriya (all might design)
you found it online
probably etsy
you bought it and wore it around until deku said something.
"Wow is that an All might hairband??"
"yeah you like it?"
"I do! it's really cool."
you take it off and put it on him.
"?? (Y/n) you don't-"
"Its okay, I would love for you to wear it. In fact never ever take it off okay?"
he smiles.
"Okay, I won't! thank you."
aw so cute
so fast forward to the ua dorms the usual squad is in the living room.
"Midoriya, I see you have new AllMight merch."
"Oh yeah, (Y/n) gave it to me."
Uraraka gasps. "(Y/n)??"
Deku's confused, was that not okay?
"Yeah, why?"
when uraraka told him what it means he screamed.
"there's no way thats what (y/n) was doing!"
"me? I am way to plain for her this has to be a joke, she would never mean that i mean just with how powerful she is and-"
*queue deku mumbling mode*
you show back up
"What's his deal now?"
"your scrunchie."
you stop him and bring him outside.
"(Y-Y-Y/n) what are you doing?"
"why are you freaking out?"
"Well uraraka told me what scrunchies usually mean I was trying to go over it in my head, but you just gave it to me because i liked it right?"
"no it's because I like you."
turns redder than kirishimas hair.
"as friends?" he asks quietly.
"no like boyfriend like."
boyfriend? Boyfriend?! like dating like to go on dates boyfriend??"
you laugh.
"Yes dummy, are you gonna keep it on or what?"
"W-Well I um it's allmight and you are- I want to keep it but-"
"Do you like me?"
"I do but-"
"No buts, keep it."
you head back inside, not before sticking your head back out the door.
"Bye Boyfriend~"
who knew All Might was gonna be your wing man huh?
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
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(these aren’t my pictures. pinterest)
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
bf!Izuku | hc
a/n: my heart 🥺 i just think he's so adorable i can't help it
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who catches you when you stumble, giggling and telling you to be careful.
keeps all your medication or/and vitamins organized, and makes sure you take them every day.
if he gets home first, put a towel in the dryer for a minute so when you get home and shower you have a fluffy warm towel to wrap up in.
sits on the bathroom counter when your showering so he can talk to you.
loves when you bear hug him, make him give piggyback rides.
tries to make sure you don't have caffeine after 6pm so you'll be able to sleep.
asks what cologne or deodorant you like so you think he smells good.
sprays just a little on any gift he gets for you.
plays with your hands if you're waiting for food or lazying on the couch.
always shows up to dates super early so you never have to wait on him.
one time he was 20 minutes late for a date and it scarred him.
loves calling you nicknames, whether they be traditional or not.
baby, honey, little gremlin. all of them
selfishly keeps his apartment cold so you have to cuddle with him
brings you any merch of his so he can see you dressed up
learns recipes of food you like just so he can see your excited expression when he says he made it when you think he ordered it.
always has a hoodie tucked away incase you get cold on a date.
has a couple notebooks dedicated to things you do.
got super embarrassed when you found one and teased him.
but you did love it.
plays your music on car trips whether he likes it or not.
laughs at all the tiktoks you send him.
quotes the tiktoks you quote even if he hasn't seen them
then accidentally quotes one just at work and gets super embarrassed when someone calls him out
wears your favorite color.
blushes whenever you compliment him or his body.
love,love, loves to praise/receive praise for anything
cries when y'all fight.
and doesn't let yall go to bed angry/upset.
thinks you comfort him the best.
your biggest fan
favorite candy? he knows. favorite material? obviously (insert), down to favorite chapstick ingredient. he knows all bc he loves you
at the end of the day, he didn't think in his journey to become the number one hero he'd meet the literally light of his life, you <3
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
Izuku Midoriya
warnings: aged-up!, fluff
a/n: im in a deku mood, sue me. i spell his last name wrong literally every time i write it and it aggravates me.
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Usually, Izuku Midoriya comes home right after you finish dinner. He's always hungry and Whiny after hero work, so it's better to stuff his face right away. Tonight he decided to come before you've finished dinner, freshly showered and veryyy hungry. "(Y/n) pleaseee, just one bite." He whines, resting his head on your shoulder. "It's a raw vegetable, you can't just snack on it." He groans. "a cucumber?" You laugh. "A zucchini?" "oh" He wraps around you tighter, burying his face in your neck. "I'm almost done 'zuku, be patient...zuku, zucchini." the gears in your head turn. "My little zucchini." You pinch his face. "zubbini?" he asks, struggling with your hand. "Yeah, you like it?" he blushes. "Yeah"
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
Katsuki Bakugo
warnings: angst, cursing, fake-dating trope
a/n: i kinda want to write a whole fic for this 🫣 should i? no, yes, no, yes, no
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"U-Us," you gesture between you two. "was a lie! It was all fake, so let it go!" you yell, tears blurring your vision. "Well, it felt pretty fucking real to me (y/n)!" He yells back, You freeze. "What?" "I didn't feel like we were acting, did you?" "No." "Then what's the goddamn problem?" he huffs.
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
bhna crack group chat pt.5
warnings- y/n has crush, no genders
A/N- something along these lines happened to me today lol
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protectbnhaboysatallcost · 2 years ago
Giving the boys your scrunchie | hc
A/N: is this a thing anymore? It was when i was in school but that was a hot minute ago. trends go so fast lol
not proof read
if this is just an american thing or just something my school did, I'll explain. People(mostly girls) would give their s/o a scrunchie and it was pretty much saying "this (boy/girl/they/them) is mine!!" :)
warnings: suggestive themes from natsuo bc i love him
izuku, shoto, katsuki, eijiro, denki, hitoshi, natsuo, shouta
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Izuku Midoriya (all might)
read his here!
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Shoto Todoroki (white)
*sigh* this boy
he's crushing on u but won't make a move
you're crushing on him but won't make a move
you weren't trying anything
you just wanted to wash your hands for lunch
"todo hold this, I'll be right back."
he LOVES when you use a nickname on him
the usual squad is sitting at the table.'
then Mina walks by
"Oh~ and whos scrunchie is that todoroki?"
"I didn't know she had guts like that."
everyone at the tables like "???"
"That's basically a wedding ring on a guy."
"congratulations todoroki." Iida's responce.
Midiyoria's all like "That's great Todoroki! I'm glad you finally got together.
Todoroki expression stays the same.
"Thank you"
on the inside he's like 'I just thought she didn't want to get it wet.'
this is the real story
you come back and everyones looking at you.
"Guys, someone just asked me out in the hallway."
"Good thing I don't have to worry about that anymore."
everyone blushes and you're digging into lunch
you said this because you don't have a problem turning down people anymore.
Todoroki's starring at you the whole lunch <3
"(L/n), you can call me shoto."
"???" you choke
"okay? um you can call me (y/n)."
later in the day you are walking home next to him when you realize he still has your scuniche on
"Oh sorry shoto, you can give me the scrunchie back."
"Why? What did I do?"
"You want to divorce me?"
you sort everything out after a long talk.
"But I mean if you want to keep it, I don't mind Shoto"
He will, until y'all trade it out for real rings :)
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Katsuki Bakugo (black/orange)
This one is difficult
I think y'all have to be dating first
"Kat can you wear this?"
"Why the hell should I do that?"
"Um, bc i want you too."
your gonna have to wrestle to get it on him
*panting* "now was that so hard?"
"tsk" *grumpy pomeranian*
but he doesn't take it off <3
of course the bakusquad notices
"Omg! that is so cute bakugo!" -mina
"the beast is tamned yet again" -denki
"very manly bakubro" -kiri
"how did she even find one with your colors?" -sero
bc you made it
hours behind a sewing machine
"i think its cute kachan"
cue bakugos quirk
he burns the scrunchie
he's like "...fuck"
hides from you
he can't find it online bc you made it
shows up to school the next day
throws a scrunchie on your desk
"omg katsuki 😍"
"Shut up, down think about it too much"
"okayyy, wait where's the one i gave you?"
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Eijiro Kirishima (red)
this is the plan
"hey kiri put this on."
"um okay why?"
"it is the new must have for manly people
ofc say less
he'll take a million
plan worked
now the next day
"ooo kirishima what's that?" -kaminari
"who tied you down?" -sero
'wait you're dating someone?" -kaminari
"its (y/n) isnt it?" -mina
"yay (y/n)" -kaminari
shark.exe has stopped working
not that he's complaining but since when were yall dating?
he looks at you
your just smiling
as if he wasn't red enough
but he's totally for it
"(y/n) you want to sit with me at lunch?"
"oh I'll carry your bag for you."
"don't forget to stay hydrated"
what a lovely guy
"so just wondering, my scrunchie worked?"
he's like "?"
so you explain what the scrunchie means
and he laughs
"you could have just said something"
"but we're dating right?"
"i thought so."
"well we never actually said anything"
right skipped a step
"well then will you be my s/o?"
"of course"
and that is yalls story <3
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Denki Kaminari (yellow)
he comes to you
"give me one of your scrunchies"
"your favorite one."
"It's may favorite bc i wear it, if you have it i cant wear it"
"but babeeeee"
"omg shut up fine."
"its yellow?? that's totally bc of me rihgt? you wear it bc it reminds you of me?"
"sure thats why."
it was really on sale but why break his heart
is flaunting it around the next day
"oh this? yeah it's just my s/o's scrunchie"
"Kaminari literally no one cares." -mina
"What? everyone should care! not only am i off the market, but they also love me sooo much they want the whole world to know Im theirs."
"you came and asked me for one"
"(Y/n) how you just gonna spill my secrets like that? Whatever happened to us against the world?"
"eat or be eaten babe."
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Hitoshi Shinso (purple)
you saw it on tiktok
thank you internet
"hey shin, keep this safe for me"
you say handing him the purple scrunchie
he smirks "sure"
he's also seen it on tiktok
but who is he to shut you down when your finally making a move
brings you a sweatshirt of his the next day
"keep this safe for me"
he ain't never seen someone turn red so fast
but you still grab it and put it on.
"oh so your finally dating (Y/n)? about time" denki says.
technically no, so he pulls you aside before training
"we're dating now?" he asks
"is this a question or a statement?"
"mutual agreement?"
he smiles and grabs your hand, if the hoodie and scrunchie didn't say y'all were dating, walking down the hallways together would.
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Natsuo Todoroki (blue)
this is 100% on purpose
in your eyes this was his collar
you wouldn't say that though
just a cute "aw this matches your hair" slipping it on his hand
his heart
i mean anything you do that shows him you think of him melts his very soul
love deprived bby 🥺
he's never taking it off
wait until he hears what Fuyumi says about
she looks at it and laughs
I see that (y/n) has taken it to the next level"
when she explains what it means
he swears he has a fire quirk after she tells him bc he is RED
loves it <3
comes home
"oh (y/n)~" he sings
your scrolling on your phone as he plops next to you
he runs his hands across your body
"if your gonna put a ring on it you should at least propose properly"
you look up confused, then see him holding up his wrist
you laugh
"I didn't think you'd find out so soon, i'm just trying to tell all the leeches in your class that there's no chance"
"that's so hot"
he leans over you
"my turn" he says before abusing your neck, leaving plenty of evidence that you're taken behind.
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Shouta Aizawa (black)
put it on him while he was sleeping
"what is this?"
"a present <3"
doesn't really mind it until he gets to class
"wow Aizawa your (s/o) doesn't mess around huh?"
"aw i think its cute"
"slay aizawa"
"what the hell are you guys tslking about? shut up and work."
then he goes the his desk
"Shouta, I see (Y/n)'s got you whipped" hizashi comments
"why do people keep talking about (Y/n)?"
he explains what the scrunchie means.
"*sighs* i should of know they had hidden intentions."
but he doesn't take it off, even with the students whispering about it in the halls
"I didn't know Aizawa was taken."
"man and i was gonna shoot my shot after graduation."
then he gets home
"Welcome home, how was work?"
"annoying, all because of your little schemes"
"what? me? scheming? I would never, that is so beneath me."
"...did it work?"
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