promisebria001 · 2 years
Process Journal 5
Figuring out what movie to reenact: In the beginning of the process, we were looking at movie clips that all of us have seen before and understood the movie. The movie we all agreed that it would be interesting to reenact is the movie “GET OUT”. We thought it would be and interesting spinoff to redo the hospice scene in the movie. As one of the actor’s in this process I was starting to have a journal of how I wanted to change the character of Missy because in the movie she is a white women and I am a black women. While filming I was curious of how I would change the character and how I would still keep the story like the movie. I discovered while filming to be more creepy and change my tactics a little bit more as an actor and figure out what is my overall objective in this scene. 
Film Day: We all agreed that we want to break up the scene and have one actor in front of the camera to say the lines because we was focusing on the timing of each moment and we were playing around different angles in front of the green screen. 
Film Day: We still was working on Cam’s scenes and redoing some scenes over again to have better angles and adjust the camera from different sides of the room where we were filming. We also started looking at some of the edits that were already made and figuring out what we can do to fix or adjust
Film Day: Today we started working on my scene as Missy and it was interesting for me as the actor to look into her world and really play around with this character. In my scene we chose to film in the hallway to have a different feel for the character Missy. 
Film Day: Today myself and Cam are filming together when we are in the same room and we will have the finishing touches on our short film. 
Here are our Outtakes: 
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promisebria001 · 2 years
Process /Journal 3
After reading “The Toaster Project” by Thomas Thwaites. I have discovered that the purpose of this project was to explore everyday items that are dependent on sophisticated global supply chains that are invisible to others. To start his toaster project Thwaites looked at all the toasters in different stores. He bought the cheapest toaster because he thought that it would be the easiest one to build. It took Thwaites 9 months for his project to work because the toaster he purchased was produced using better techniques and factories using automated machines that can only become affordable when producing a lot of toasters. Lastly, building a toaster from scratch requires many detailed processes and it is not possible for a single person to have knowledge of each and every process in detail.
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promisebria001 · 2 years
Process/Journal 2
The first day of Project 2 Exquisit Corpse: In this project, I am working with both Olbunmi and Lauren we really like both examples that were shown in class and we decided to come up with a theme and a prop that fit all of our ideas. We decided to sit outside not only to get to know each other but talk about the order of finding the area we want to film. Also, we decided that we wanted to work outside of class in order for our ideas to fully work. 
First day of Filming: Today we started filming Lauren’s scene for our project and she had found a great spot to record. It was a team effort of myself and Olubunmi to work the camera correctly because it is still a working progress. Also, we had an idea to cover up the lights in the bathroom to make it look like Lauren’s character was coming from a party with her friends which we believe will turnout good with our video put together, we had great time putting Lauren’s scene together the way she wanted it.
Here are some Outtakes from today!
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Second day of Filming: We worked on Olubunmi’s scene for our short video presentation. It was a lot of fun putting her ideas together the way she wanted it. Even when it was her short skit, she asked for our opinions myself and Lauren on weather certain things would work and that we really collaperated with our main idea is using a phone as a prop. Also, we took several takes of being in the hallway to bring more attention in Olubunmi’s skit.
Here are the outtakes
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Third day of filming: Today was the day I filmed my short cut scene of what I have visioned for my half of the short video. I had the idea of wanting to be an undercover person who works for someone else to get the phone that is important throughout our concept. I decided to start in the same place where we left off of being in the hallway and being creepy. We wanted to have a mystery short story that the audience can observe.
- Find the best take of where I am behind the wall.
- Make sure that my takes are put together the correct way.
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Pauline Oliveros on Deep Listening: Deep listening is when the more you listen to a sound, the more you learn from it. Also, it talked about how deep listening is mostly involves going below by opening the whole field of sound by trying to find the main focus. While editing my part of the video, I found myself wanting to find out more about playing with sound effects. Pauline discusses that listening is an inherently empathetic that requires receptivity to the intensions of others. 
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promisebria001 · 2 years
Process/Journal 1
First day of hearing Project: In the group project of “framing” with who I have gone through this project and worked in order to make with was with Oliva and Max. When first hearing about this assignment, we did not know what exactly we wanted to do but we definitely wanted this short video to be something that the audience will understand and enjoy. Then later that day, we all decided to have the concept of a person receiving a text message that he/she did not like and wanted to say something back. We also came up with a cool idea that there should be an intense music while one of us is texting to build tension. In the meantime, we were trying to find a space where we can create this concept. We were down to two places of which we wanted to film. 
First day of filming: In this day we was trying to established who is doing what in this process. Max was the actor, I was the director, and Olivia was in charge of sound. Even though Olivia was in charge of sound, we spent majority of the class looking for sound because she was struggling to find the sound that would most likely match our concept. I personally found intense music that was perfect to record our video with. During the rest of the time, we was filming, taking as many takes as possible in the green room which at the time was our originally area to look like a study room. 
Second day of filming: During class, myself, Olivia, and Max found out that our original spot was no longer available during class time and so we had to find another spot that fit with out concept. We checked out the library but the possible spots we wanted, somebody else was using. Then I found a conference room that would work to practice filming our work. 
Third day of filming: The conference room that we were working with at the time was unavailable and so we had a backup plan to use a classroom for our project. This worked out perfectly because we enjoyed working together and this was a fun experience. 
    After working with Max and Olivia. I really liked and appreciated the text messages that we sent to each other for any updates or more ideas. This was very positive working with them everyday. 
The Reading:After reading “In the Blink of An Eye”, this completely changes the way I usually thought about editing because Murch talks about main criteria that makes a good “cut” emotion, story, rhythm, eye trace, 2D plane onscreen, and 3D space. When first hearing about editing, I never thought about these main criteria's in order of being successful with editing. 
Watching a new show called Ephuoria that touches on teenage troubles recently has been a pleasure for me. In addition, I am drawn to this show because of the camera quality and the editing, which make the show come alive.
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