Project Save
14 posts
Just a blog for a podcast of students helping students.
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
Minisodeless minisode 7-8
We’ve both been rendering and Sam has finally finished her part of the render after being upheld by another class’s render. We are both slowly but surely drawing through the frames separately. We were both suggested that photoshop would be the best strategy as after effects would pose too many problems in the long run. It’s a long process ahead of us. 
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
This week we reflect on our preliminary animation edit and what we did and didn’t enjoy about working separately on the same project.
We’re rendering this week so please don’t disturb our computers, they might combust out of spite.
PS. We’re taking a nap because we deserve it.
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
We’re back, THE BOTH OF US! It’s super exciting.
We talk about our animation processes, the pros and cons of both of our rigs and the features we wished we had.
All on track.
Save your projects.
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
Minisode-less minisode 04
Here we are with a new update. This week Sam and Jacqui have been busy animating. So I’d like to introduce to you the models that are being used. Sam is using the Mery rig which you can download for free at:
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And Jacqui has been using the Mathilda rig which you can download here:
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Both Mathilda and Mery are great rigs that allow for the diversity and fine tuning of features to create expression and personality. It has been great fun playing with such thorough rigs which gives us, the animators, incredible control whilst animating.
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
Still just Sam but I have pictures this time!
1. Different renders comped together (again, a back up but it’s not what we’re going for aesthetically speaking)
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2. Toon Shader (too flat, may or may not have to change approach)
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The one above is 3-4 toned with Jacqui’s rig Mathilda
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This one is a 4 tone render of Sam’s rig Mery
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This is a two tone render with softer grays
3. Toon shader + post drawing. (I like this approach but it involves the most amount of work, it gives a good amount of subtlety)
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4. Control (nothing new but it is very fulfilling to see a good beauty render)
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
This is week 2 and it’s just Sam this time. 
This week we have found our first obstacle...technical difficulties with a rig that won’t do what rigs are meant to do, Jacqui has probably thrown her laptop out of a window by now.
We talked about the origin of the animation idea and decided to extend the 11 second challenge to a 19 second animation because we both love and hate ourselves. We took a clip from UNHhhh which is a webseries where two drag queens talk about whatever they want because it’s their show and not ours.
Beyond that, remember to save your projects.
PS: Is Sam crazy to be talking to herself at 11pm?
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projectsavepodcast · 7 years ago
Here’s our first minisode where we talk about the beginnings of our journey with this assessment.
Here are the links to the shorts we talked about:
Paperman (2012)
Feast (2014)
Remember to save your projects.
PS. We ate lunch.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
Welcome to episode 7 of Project Save!
Sam was sick, so excuse her terrible voice.
This week, we talked about creative competitiveness and how to not let it destroy you (soulless laughter from Sam). Patience and perseverance is key, kids.
In the second half, time management. We love to-do lists (almost too much if you ask us).
Pomodoro Time:
We also have a tumblr now, if that's your thing and want to be updated through that then follow us!
Kazu Kibuishi Kerby Rosanes Jared Muralt Nucleus Gallery Art Stop Compete
And remember kids, don’t forget to save your projects.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
Bet you thought we were dead, huh?
Welcome to episode 6 of Project Save!
We talked about taking opportunities to network and better yourself as both a student and a creative. In summary, grow a pair and get out there!
In the second half, we talked about how we each handle stress. Sam kicks people, Chana organises everything to oblivion and Jacqui falls asleep. Don't forget to take mental health breaks everyone!
If you have an invisible illness, you are not alone and we love you.
And remember kids, don’t forget to save your projects.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
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As promised! Some pics of Sam’s Everything Book.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
Welcome to episode 4 of Project Save!
The internet: that weird and wonderful world where inspiration begins, and where everything you do eventually ends up.
But aside from the obvious cat memes and tomfoolery, what makes the internet so valuable for a digital media artist?
In this week's episode, we talk all about: how the internet can benefit you as: a community, a resource library, and a way to stay connected to the industry.
We also geek out about TV show breakdowns.
CREATIVE OF THE WEEK: Paranorman trailer
Paranorman VFX
Make your own stop motion models!!! :D
EXTRAS: Our interwebby links: Jacqui: Instagram - @jacquijoy Youtube -
Sam: Youtube - Facebook -
Chana: Youtube - Instagram - @chanadoesart
OTHER MENTIONS John Smith - Youtube Game of Thrones season 6 VFX breakdown (by Rising Sun Pictures) Behind the Scenes of The Hobbit VFX by Weta Digital
And remember kids, don’t forget to save your projects.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
Welcome to episode 3 of Project Save! In this week’s episode we’ll meet the final member of our team: Jacqui! She’ll give us all the details about how she got into 3D while still a student in high school. Then, stick around for more as we give you a brief overview of the animation pipeline: from first concepts all the way through to final product!
Wes Anderson - Trailer for ‘the Grand Budapest Hotel’
The Wachowski sisters - Trailer for ‘Sense 8’
And remember kids, don’t forget to save your projects.
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projectsavepodcast · 8 years ago
Welcome to episode 2 of Project Save! In this week’s episode we’ll meet Chana, who will share a little bit of her backstory, and tell us how she got into animation. We'll also delve into issues that we've run into when choosing our career paths. [note from Sam: Sorry for the coughing and super sick voice lol]
John Smith
Jacqui's Rookies entry
Chana's Rookies entry
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projectsavepodcast · 9 years ago
Welcome to Project Save! The 3D animation podcast where the blind lead the blind. Hosted by Aussie students: Sam, Jacqui and Chana; we talk about all of the issues related to being an animation student. This week we'll meet Sam, who will tell us all about her journey and how she came to 3D.
Every Frame a Painting
"In Between" - Gobelins
"Song of the Sea" Trailer - Studio Canal
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