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Afterglow is the embodiment of containament. She is registered as an Omegasapien, nigh Omnisapien, due to a cataclysmic event that was thwarted by her and saved the.lives of the deep space vessel known as Ambient 6. A neutron star.exploded in the wake of their hyper jump, as the GenTon Generator failed to activate for energy consumption and manipulation into the hyper drive accelerator, which resulted in Afterglow's self sacrifice to block and protect the vessel. Afterglow was thrust across 22 galaxies after absorbing and containing the energy blast, magnetic field, and force magnitude of the explosion. The residual concussion wave expelled her after she could no longer hold the massive energy within..... Now she is an excessively violent psychopath with her own personal agenda of redemption and retaliation as she has the idea that she was abandoned after her selfless act.
#OmeccaOmniverse #BloodlineGraphixKore #ProjectPOTUS
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F.I.E.N.D (Forged Intelligence Expeditionary Neo Destroyer)
A group of sentient beings forged from the theorized dark matter that inhabits the known universe, yet is scaled as a particular type of dark matter named 'Matrix Matte Matter'™ or AM-d3™ (Absent Material- Deep 3). These soldiers are created and utilized by Dr. Vladmir Glastnost™ as a security detail and retrieval units when out in the field for Dr. James Corbin IV
They are extremely agile and versed in various forms of stealth which is supporter by their lack of fear and extensive martial combatives programming.

'Major' Ivan Gablechov aka M.I.G (Mechanized Infantry Genocideneers) is head of the #DarkThoughtMilitia Eastern European Division.
Former highly decorated dog-fighter pilot for the United Federation of Russian Territories whom went rogue during a Joint Force Operation (Operation Hell Liberation).
The Task Forces were assigned to capture a Dr. James Corbin III, suspected leader of a terrorist cell, named Dark Thought Militia, and aid in the liberation of the Singh Sovereign Bureaucracy in Nabujerbha™, New India. Major Gablechov was said to had single handedly brought down the Dark Thought Anti-Air Mechanized Front™, despite being heavily damaged during the advanced infiltration strike. Major Gablechov was registered as K.I.A (killed in action) for 9 years until resurfacing in Pre-Roma Capitol City, during an I.B.I.A™ (International Bureau of Internal Affairs™)raid led by Special Agent Commander Herigon Sovereign™, to capture the elusive Dr. James Corbin IV.
Now he is Leader of an elite task force of Dark Thought Militia, called The Red Iron Lung, as they are said to be the "Breath of Beast", as he ravages through various targeted sites in an 1800sq ft Up-Armoured, tank:
Totalitarian M1-HA60

'Prince' Khalid Basheen is the former holder of royal monarchy in The Unified Arabian Allied Federation. During 'Operation Sealed D'jinn'™, the Basheen Family lost all aristocratic prominence in the Arabian Allied States. Khalid, already an established Musaad Devil Pilot & Field Agent, was shamed and inadvertently went rogue with pure hatred against the government that he felt turned against his family and caused the dishonour.
Dr. James Corbin sent 2 of his most trusted operatives to recruit Khalid and as a direct result, D'jinn' Banshee (commonly known as Banshee) was born. The provocation of violence was short lived as Khalid Basheen sought retribution, as well as restitution for his family name, and quickly turned to insurrection towards the newly formed U.A.A.F™. Now fitted with highly advanced technology and a new vision for a life accomplishment, Banshee's reign of terror from the skies and even low altitude to ground combat brings yet another angle to The Dark Thought Militia's arsenal.
(Notes: Often operates independently but is commonly seen in support operations with THE RED IRON LUNG)
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Newmerican Registration
More characters from the #ProjectPOTUS storyline. Although it is a subsidiary of the #MortuaryCity storyline, Project P.O.T.U.S will hold its on!
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Urael "The Rubinite" is an ally of Vigilante Alliance that came during World War Genesis. -He has the ability to produce Rubinite Echo-Plasma and craft independently sustaining Rubinite Matter Constructs -He is the Prince of the Alchemine Runeites and sole heir to the Red Super Planet, Serenegal. -He is captured by Blake Corbin and added to Laurena Dane's collections.
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Azurine is a former enemy of Vigilante Alliance. -She has the ability to produce Azurien Energy Constructs and the Azure Flame, which is theoretically able to burn the vortex of a black hole. - Azurine is killed by BREAKER of the Dark Thought Militia by order of James Corbin for Vladmir Glastnost
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Dwarf is the single most volatile Ultrasapien villain in Newmerica.
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Serengetti is the product of cross genetics (Primorsapien and Megasapien genes).
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Najera is the personal assassin of Roman Castellini, the greater world energy tycoon and multi-billionaire.
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Evangel 'The Light Lord' is Ultrasapien protector of Newmerica and its Alliance of Nations. He is leader of Vigilante Alliance, based on the Continental Coast. He is the ONLY character close to being an actual Omegasapien
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Linte Heru is 'SPEEDMASTER' and royal messenger of Queen Nymph
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Queen Nymph (Tari Wingil) is of the lost species called Primorsapiens
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#VladimirGlastnost is one of the most potent minds in #MortuaryCity and even more volatile as the "residential" #DarkThoughtMilitia Russian Operative... His technology has superceded all put in front of it thus far..... according to his rants and raves! #OmeccaOmniverse #BloodlineGraphixKore #ProjectPOTUS
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Updated Artwork by: #BCGladney Updated Colours by: #BloodlineGraphixKore
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Updated colours by our very own #BloodlineGraphixKore team... Thanks to #JermaineToles #JoshuaBen and #RandallNewsome
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