167 posts
Welcome to Project XII. A voice acting group written by your average everyday teenager with no time on her hands. This is a homestuck AU written by Delsaria, who will be working very hard to bring even the best out of people. If you have any questions regarding this project please send me an email, at [email protected]. Thank you! Check this before you ask a question, your answer might be here. Shenanigans!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
project-xii · 13 years ago
Experiment Log - Subject 002005
Kanaya Maryam (Subject 002005) was selected to act as a natural bridge between the species, a way to breed Human/Alternian hybrids for their best traits. Therefore she acted as a carrier for an artificially implanted Zygote, a bond between the Alternian egg cell and Human sperm cells.
Previous innerstructural anatomy studies conducted while █████████ the entirety of Subject 002010’s █████ structure conclude that Alternians of both sexes have what can only be described as a functioning uterus-like organ.
It was learned that though the standard of their culture forced them to deposit their DNA in collected receptacles in order to produce one (1) entire massive brood, it is believed that Alternians house the capability to carry and bear children themselves. The exact processes of which are unknown, but there is evidence to say that this practice was abandoned in favor of the filial pail method of reproduction.
After this discovery, Subject 002005 was constantly exposed to both troll and human female ███████ hormones over a period of ████ days through injection, which ███████████ a ███████ and caused her to begin “menstruating.” One of these egglike cells was captured, fertilized with █████████’s sperm, and placed back into her uterus on her next cycle, roughly ██ hours from the last. She is kept on a continuous schedule, being exposed to higher amounts of the █████████ hormones.
Because of her heightened hormone levels, she appears to be more aggressive than what was witnessed during capture. While not violent, she speaks to each of the staff members, especially Dr. ███████, with a mainly sarcastic tone through long-winded speech patterns. She seems to converse well enough with Subjects 002008, 002009, 002002, and 002069 despite this.
Because of the time differences between Earth and Alternia and the resulting effects on the extraterrestrials,  it is hard to say where  Subject 002004 is in her pregnancy; she shows few outward signs besides larger fat pads on her chest. Ultrasounds show that there is a life form in a basic state inside her alien womb, so it can be assumed that the gestation period is much longer than that of a humans.
Final Verdict:
Experiment successful for the moment, only time will tell if the hybrid is carried to term. Subject deemed capable for further experimentation; confirmation awaits on plans to test out psychological effects of adding a bio-luminescent trait to her skin. As they are creatures of the dark, it will likely prove to have negative effects on Subject’s psyche.
Bio-luminescence testing inconclusive as of late. Subject produces light measured to be equal to a ███ watt bulb with no trouble, but instead shows a POSITIVE effect on her mental state. More cross-subject research will be conducted to see if another candidate is susceptible to the lambent output.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
(Just a bit of an Update!)
(Sorry for the silence on our part! While Kendra is away at con, we're taking that opportunity to tighten our writing. As part of that, I have decided to write SCP-style Experiment logs for each character. Right now, I have four complete, and am looking to finish another tomorrow. These will be released every day or so, depending on my work schedule. Enjoy a few teasers for what's to come~!
- Eri)
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Experiment Log - Subject 002000
Aradia Megido (Subject 002000) was an experiment to test aging manipulation of a living organism. Similar tests were done to Subject 001003 for a comparison in species compatibility.
Subject exhibited extremely powerful psychic powers before and after capture, including the ability to “communicate with the dead.”Fortunately on Earth soil, the apparitions seem to be unable to interact with organic life; instead, they acted as poltergeists and posessed objects. Prior to the experiment,  Subject 002000 had been detained in a [redacted] lined room to reduce psychic influence, and given heavy doses of [redacted] to weaken innate psychic ability.
While undergoing preliminary aging decelleration, Subject immediately began to show signs of reacting, but in the opposite direction. Subject 002000’s aging process accelerated  at a calculated ratio of 1 minute = 79.21 hours. While subject was under observation in the testing chamber (We did not allow her to return to her room while rapid activity occurred) for four hours, subject suddenly expired without a sound, and decomposition of cells continued at this rate. A full skeleton was retrieved from the experiment area, which is currently undergoing further testing and examination.
Doctor ██████, who lead the initial temporal investigation, noted that though 002000’s organs all failed, brain activity continued until they entered the room, at which point, all life signs ceased. His assistant at the time was quoted as feeling an “extremely cold sensation” flow through his chest. Our medical staff failed to find any cause of this.
Subject 002002, another proficient psychic, was under surveilance when he had been recorded whispering to an  unseen figure. He became visibly agitated, and raised his voice to yell at “AA,” whom we have since learned through interrogation is his name for Subject 002000. He supplied us with this information after doping him.
It is now believed that 002000 is bound to the skeleton, and cannot leave the facility without manipulating it. Other subjects with a high enough level of psychic proficiency  or show certain a mental subjectivity to be vulnerable to manipulation or posessioncan converse freely with 002000, through either thought, verbal, or written communication. All staff must wear a helmet lined with [redacted] to eliminate the chance of being susceptible to posession.
Final verdict:
Experiment was a complete failure, but did allow us to study the physiology and an example of the complex bone structure of Alternian beings.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Sorry, but.
Any and every time some progress is made in Project XII.
I play this shitty little sort of “Item Get” fanfare.
It’s so unbelievably shitty.
It’s practically a downer.
Oh well.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
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This XII tag needs cute.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
To everyone involved, past or present, with Project XII, The past four days has been some of the worst this project has seen. On Sunday, words were said under stress and pressure from all of us, leading up to one of our assistant directors leaving and many cast members following in their wake. In the days following, a handful of others followed, leaving the director to recast and double cast some of the members. I’m glad to have a cast to work alongside with as a writer for this project, and my enthusiasm for this project hasn’t died down one iota. But it’s sad to see such a project lose so many amazing people to a few misplaced words and some hurt feelings. And I sincerely apologize for any and all words I said that resulted in this unfortunate outcome. But, I do believe this has been a learning experience for at least myself, as a budding scriptwriter and hopefully a future director in the film industry. I will miss all of the people that have left us, even if I didn’t get to talk with them at all.  But none of this can be helped and I can only wish that the rest of the cast decides to stay with us. To many months of wonderful scriptwriting and amazing voice acting. Kaylen, writer
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Wow oh my gosh Silver this looks great :D
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Here I go uploading stuff at butts o’ clock Anyway, what started out as practicing Karkat turned into XII Karkat…. Guys, I think I’m way to excited for this to finally get rolling. 
BUT, I think I finally found a way of drawing Karkat that I like And I’m so happy you don’t even know asdfghjkldfsdfzdcbg
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Somehow I lost all of your url's. But... this is the list c:
John - _____
Dave - Doodled
Jade - ikawaiiaishiteru
Rose - Squinty 
Jake - VexatiousIdler
Dirk - _____
Roxy - _____
Jane - _____
Aradia - Eistorte
Tavros - FeedingTheLusus
Sollux - Brodemus AND Kyntello ( Will be explained further c:! ) 
Karkat - FadeintoCase
Nepeta - lovewithoutfearofsociety
Kanaya - Greeneyegemiinii 
Terezi - RyokoTheGreat 
Vriska - CandidCatharsis
Equius - Chicken 
Gamzee - _____
Eridan - thefisherprince 
Feferi - SaccharineSinger 
Lord English - Actorsallusions
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Dear followers,
Under specific circumstances we have lost a writer who is very dear to us and the continuation of this project. Seeing as how the writer was responsible for four characters - the alpha's - we need someone who can write for us.
I'm not sure how to properly go about this. We need you asap. Writing materials and good representation of your take on these characters. 
Your duties as writing for these characters are fairly simple.
You're required to stay in character ( obviously ) but match to the altered perception to fit this AU. 
You must also be able to give input on the Voice Actor to make sure they're solid with the interpretation of the script. 
If you have any further questions, that would be lovely.
Thank you for your patience and everything.
Also casting will be put up tonight :)
- Del
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Reblogging for the day people.
Want to draw fanart?
You can now find concept art located to the left of the blog under the “Concepts” link. Fanart, and also a fan-made song, is now located under the “Fanwork” link just under “Concepts.” You can also find them by following the link here: and here: How to submit fanwork: either use the nifty submit box or tag your work as #pxii fanart.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Want to draw fanart?
You can now find concept art located to the left of the blog under the "Concepts" link. Fanart, and also a fan-made song, is now located under the "Fanwork" link just under "Concepts." You can also find them by following the link here: and here: How to submit fanwork: either use the nifty submit box or tag your work as #pxii fanart.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
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The last of the human kids for Project.XII
Aka; The one where I half-ass the colors be cause I’m tired of looking at it.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
This was actually finished a while ago, but I realized it, along with the art for Dirk and Jake were never reblogged.
So, here's the concept art for Roxy!
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I think the quality of my BGs are slowly decreasing. And maybe the quality of the whole thing???
Anyway, I’m probably gonna be a lazy ass when it comes to Dirk and Jake and just stuff them in the same pic like I did Rose and John.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
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Captor twin concepts for XII!
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project-xii · 13 years ago
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Vriska’s concept for P.XII.
Also known as the one where Silver half-asses the coloring because she’s a butt. But I drew feet. That LOOK like feet. That should probably count for something? 
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Small delay.
Originally the plan was to post the callbacks today. I feel that posting them on the weekend would be a little more convenient for everyone.
Plus there still needs to be some hard thinking and analyzing with my teammates. We need to discuss things further with one another and our potential voice actors.
Now on this note, I hope there will be no issue with the chosen people. If there are questions please direct them to myself. My availability may become limited as I am searching for a full time job. 
I hope everyone had fun all this way through.
And I look forward to the future with all of you.
Thanks for the ride.
- Del.
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project-xii · 13 years ago
Callback Announcement!
Hello everyone!
As I am sure a lot of you are anticipating, callback announcements will be extended to NEXT WEDNESDAY. This is due to the fact that my team has busy schedules and have projects of their own to take care of. 
I myself ( Del ), have also come down with a throat infection, on top of an anime convention ( Anime North, I hope to see some of you guys there :3 I'll be cosplaying Feferi and John! ). to attend from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon. 
Therefore my schedule is becoming extremely busy this week and I haven't the time to really free myself up. I know this is important, so please forgive me. 
On another note, some of my secondhand directors are busying their butts off doing their own special things. So any questions asked can be put in the inbox and I will get to them as soon as I possibly can. 
However I wanted to make a note here. 
Not all characters were given back to us. This makes it hard for me to judge based on differences and how the actor/actress portrayed their given role. And some people may have been given a character by default due to no one else sending in a callback. 
I want to remind you though if that does happen to you, we will give you a good enough reason as to WHY you still fit that role. We want you regardless :).
Below is a 'form' we're using to judge the auditions. Just a little something for you to keep your eyes open to! 
Here is the audition evaluation.
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