professorpher · 7 years
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professorpher · 7 years
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Dog does not understand
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professorpher · 7 years
everything can be solved with violence
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professorpher · 7 years
Vigil strange I kept on the field one night;  When you my son and my comrade dropt at my side that day,  One look I but gave which your dear eyes return’d with a look I shall never forget,  One touch of your hand to mine O boy, reach’d up as you lay on the ground,  Then onward I sped in the battle, the even-contested battle,  Till late in the night reliev’d to the place at last again I made my way,  Found you in death so cold dear comrade, found your body son of responding kisses, (never again on earth responding,)  Bared your face in the starlight, curious the scene, cool blew the moderate night-wind,  Long there and then in vigil I stood, dimly around me the battle-field spreading,  Vigil wondrous and vigil sweet there in the fragrant silent night,  But not a tear fell, not even a long-drawn sigh, long, long I gazed,  Then on the earth partially reclining sat by your side leaning my chin in my hands,  Passing sweet hours, immortal and mystic hours with you dearest comrade—not a tear, not a word,  Vigil of silence, love and death, vigil for you my son and my soldier,  As onward silently stars aloft, eastward new ones upward stole,  Vigil final for you brave boy, (I could not save you, swift was your death,  I faithfully loved you and cared for you living, I think we shall surely meet again,)  Till at latest lingering of the night, indeed just as the dawn appear’d,  My comrade I wrapt in his blanket, envelop’d well his form,  Folded the blanket well, tucking it carefully over head and carefully under feet,  And there and then and bathed by the rising sun, my son in his grave, in his rude-dug grave I deposited,  Ending my vigil strange with that, vigil of night and battle-field dim,  Vigil for boy of responding kisses, (never again on earth responding,)  Vigil for comrade swiftly slain, vigil I never forget, how as day brighten’d,  I rose from the chill ground and folded my soldier well in his blanket,  And buried him where he fell.
Walt Whitman
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professorpher · 7 years
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And we back.
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professorpher · 8 years
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Watch your back! The enemy is crafty!
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professorpher · 8 years
I don’t care if you don’t like Hillary. I don’t care if you were Bernie’s #1 supporter. I don’t care if Jill Stein “speaks” to you.
Listen to me. Today in class, we had a poll. Many of the students refused to vote because #NeverHillary and #DumpTrump and #I'mTooCoolForPolitics.
It came out 70% Trump. Trump won my class, because the left-leaning students refused to vote.
I know this election sucks. I know both candidates are problematic. But if you don’t go out there and vote for Hillary, Trump WILL be president. Our country WILL go to hell, and we WILL NOT make any real progress towards LGBT+ rights, women’s rights, or the rights of people of color. The right to have an abortion will be more heavily restricted, if not repealed. Our economy will continue to struggle because Trump will not raise taxes on the rich like we so desperately need to do. The environment will continue to hurt, as Trump has shown no real concern with environmental issues, and so will education. He has no political experience. NONE.
Please vote for Hillary. Please keep this misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and selfish man out of our government. We don’t need any more.
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professorpher · 8 years
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professorpher · 8 years
Shakespeare: I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire; 
The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, 
And, if we meet, we shall not ‘scape a brawl,
 For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. No Fear Shakespeare translation on the right: sun’s out guns out
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professorpher · 8 years
Hey! I'm releasing my debut album in two weeks! I got all the funding I needed, so I'm leaving the page open for preorders. If you preorder, shoot me a message on here and I'll hook you up when the album comes out. Let's do it!
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professorpher · 8 years
I had the same reservations when she told me that the other day. My first instinct is "there's no way we can do this without it seeming like/being appropriation because we're all white and Germanic.
But maybe we can do this in a way that's not that?
That being said, my daughter is very interested in at least partially celebrating the day of the dead this year. Problem: we are white and this is Wisconsin. Anybody have resources that they’d suggest for finding out how to do this respectfully?
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professorpher · 8 years
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When you accidentally open the front-facing camera
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professorpher · 8 years
Pretty Excited for my Next Tat
My girlfriend and I are going in together to get mst3k tats. They'll be Sailor Jerry styles of Crow (her) and Tom Servo (mine). The ribbon above and below hers will say "I want to decide who lives and who dies" and mine will say "No one gets me. I'm the wind, baby" and it's gonna be great and amazing.
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professorpher · 8 years
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professorpher · 8 years
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professorpher · 8 years
Hope everything is ok and whoever was harassing you stopped!!
Oh I don’t think it’s gonna be over for awhile.
I’m ready to fight, though. Just waiting for the perfect moment to take off the chain.
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professorpher · 8 years
When had you previously made good use of your time?
Probably never. Making good use of time is a gateway to being productive.
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