professorazalea · 1 year
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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professorazalea · 1 year
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Paldea rn
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professorazalea · 1 year
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💖 Reblog if you think the girl on the left is just as beautiful as the girl on the right  💖
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professorazalea · 1 year
They're lying, mew is a documented pokemon by more than one professor.
conspiracy theory: mewtwo exists, mew doesn't, the ""mew dna"" that team rocket used to make mewtwo was actually a prehistoric espurr, that's why mewtwo is purple
someone refute this please
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professorazalea · 1 year
do you have any knowledge on possibly extradimensional bugs with huge muscles? my friend from alola says that a friend of a friend of a colleague of an aunt of her math teacher etc was on a multiverse romp and caught it but i do not believe her. also will it kill me? because it’s like 2 feet taller than me
Apparently it's called Buzzwole and I also had no clue about what it is or where it was from and the journey of learning this answer was
So first I tried asking the pokedex with No leads there really, so I went to the national professor discord about it and Kukui responded with "oh yeah that thing. Yeah that's just a native here" and I believed him, It seems like it could be some weird regional legendary.
THEN I learned that Alola had WORMHOLES and that freaking EXTRADIMENTIONAL ALIENS just... came out of them. And people just were like "wow thats a weird dog" and they caught the aliens in Pokeballs
So anyway now I know Prof.Kukui's just a liar about ultra beasts so I hope that answers
Idk something
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professorazalea · 1 year
Hey I'm normal
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professorazalea · 1 year
Siiiigh, I'm bored... Uncute uncute...
Hmm... QUICKLY!!! Tell me what your favorite Pokémon is and I'll rate it on how cute I think it is!!! Bonus points if it's pink!!!~
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professorazalea · 1 year
There is a chancey outside.
It is uh... Very big. I know it's just a chancy but like. The egg is a bomb
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professorazalea · 1 year
Siiiigh, I'm bored... Uncute uncute...
Hmm... QUICKLY!!! Tell me what your favorite Pokémon is and I'll rate it on how cute I think it is!!! Bonus points if it's pink!!!~
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professorazalea · 1 year
Alola Has Many Psychic Type Pokemon, Do you mind being a little more specific in what you're looking for? For example do you want Pure Psychic, Do you want a particular range of Dual Types? Are you looking for any other qualities like Particularly friendly, or dream protection?
Details like that will help a lot in figuring out what pokemon you're looking for.
Here's a really Useful NatDex a colleague of mine made that lets you get really in depth on your pokemon searching!
Does anyone know what psychic type pokemon are in Alola?
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professorazalea · 1 year
Reblogging this Sylveon Care guide with a small addition- Don't be afraid to Adopt a sylveon! Not every sylveon in the shelters are abandoned, some were wild found (Yes they Can evolve in the wild, I've seen them back in Paldea) and some were partners to trainers that have passed on. Many shelters tend to avoid taking in sylveon that are abandon cases, instead giving those ones to Foster programs so that they can be given the extra care they need. If you see a sylveon in the shelter and not on the Foster Wall then generally you can know that these sylveon are generally dealing with grief instead of abandonment
Public Sylveon Announcement
So. It's Pride Month, and the Sylveon are out in droves, being the icons we all want them to be (they adore the attention). During this time, you may be tempted to catch one of these goobers, or perhaps be chosen by one, to raise and train as your own. That's great! As a trainer of a Sylveon for a whole decade, I'm intimately familiar with the ins and outs of this particular Eeveelution and will be glad to share some advice!
Without further ado, here's how you care for a newly caught Sylveon!
0: Don't.
Get yourself an Eevee, and earn your Sylveon.
Understand I'm not saying this with spite, this is genuinely a word of caution, a warning, if you will. Aside from the fact that catching a Sylveon during Pride is almost certainly an "impulse catch" that you may well not be ready to commit to, stop to consider for a moment just how Sylveon evolve. They require affection. Love. A step above "mere" friendship. They require a genuine connection to another that sparks perhaps one of the most unique and precious evolutions known to all 'mon. Straight up catching/adopting one not only skips that entire, critical step, but also more-than-likely deeply implies that the Sylveon you're catching/adopting had that connection and, one way or another has lost it.
We call this baggage and a lot of people aren't ready to deal with it. You could be inadvertently taking in a 'mon with separation anxiety, depression, nightmares and high stress, imposter syndrome, and more.
Start with an Eevee (A child of a Sylveon if at all possible ;D), and evolve it with a healthy baseline into a Sylveon, you'll both be much happier.
"But what if the Sylveon chose me and isn't leaving?"/"I'm aware of the risks, but want to commit to this anyway."
Well, dear reader, keep reading!
1: Be ready for touch.
Sylveon are titled "The Intertwining Pokemon" for a reason. They adore touch. They're hardwired to seek it. Quite literally my own Sylveon is sitting under my desk as I type this, with his feeler wrapped around my leg. It's his favorite place to be that isn't also in my bed. Their feelers can be off putting to a lot of people, especially after one realizes they're flesh and fur, but do not recoil from it, you'll break the poor bab's heart. Touch is how they explore and how they get a read on you and other pokemon (it's also how they lull prey into a false sense of security before they go for the throat, more on that later). Do not touch starve your Sylveon. For a blessing, their feelers are velvety soft and feel wonderful, at least, to most people. If you have other Pokemon, encourage them to get used to the feelers as well. I have a Zoroark on my team, and, though it took a while, he doesn't recoil at Vivi's feelers and lets him explore.
This all goes double for cuddles. Sylveon are perhaps the absolute worst of the Eeveelutions that still believe they're a lap Eevee once they evolve. A lot of trainers will try and tell you to discourage such behavior, since it will encourage them to pounce on other people, but, in my experience, Sylveon are rather adept at knowing who to not pounce on. As long as you're the primary pounce person, your Sylveon will seldom jump on other people that it doesn't consider a friend and knows not to pounce on.
2: Be ready for high-maintenance.
Sylveon (most of them, at least) are spoiled brats in one way or another. It's a common "trap" most trainers fall into when raising one, a lot of the ways you can show one affection as an eevee is to go above and beyond for it in one way or another, and they will get used to that. My Sylveon, as an example, loves baths, and practically requires one daily. Other Sylveon may require a battle on the weekly, or high quality food, or long, scenic walks, or, Arc-save-you, all of the above. They're a very high-energy, high-maintenance Eeveelution, beaten out only by Jolteon.
3: Be ready for noise.
Oh they YELL. Sylveon are talkative little buggers, and the moment something goes amiss they will cry about it. If they're having fun they will cry about it. If they're bored they will cry about it. If they know Hyper Voice, Lord-in-heaven they will cry about it. You can train one to be quiet on demand, but use such commands sparingly, as frequently telling them to "quiet down" will make one start to question if you're mad at it or appreciate it. Which leads us to-
4: Temper your emotions.
Another aspect about Sylveon is they use their feelers to channel a calming Fairy-type energy that quite literally reads your emotions and dulls hostility. This makes them great therapy Pokemon, as it makes it damn near impossible to be mad if one's around, and great hunters, as it makes it damn near impossible to fear for your life when it goes in for the kill! It also, perhaps frustratingly, makes it damn near impossible to be mad at them if they misbehave. And they're a fairy-type, they will misbehave at some point. All a Sylveon wants to feel is love and joy, understandably, but other emotions exist for a reason, and both you and your Sylveon will have to learn to channel and process those emotions in a healthy, controlled manner, as this will reliably get the both of you back to feeling the love and joy you're likely seeking. This process is different for everyone, and Arc-knows I'm far from a licensed therapist, but it's still important to learn how to figure out anger and sorrow with a Sylveon around, and the both of you will need to train yourselves to work through your feelings.
5: Be ready to play.
I'm lucky, I have other mons that'll be playmates for Vivi at the drop of a hat. But one thing I've observed with Sylveon as a whole is that they all need playtime and playmates, and if you don't have other Pokemon that can be your Sylveon's playmate, guess what, bud - that means you're the playmate! Even if you do have other mons you are still a valid playmate!
Buy toys.
Squeaky toys, tug-ropes, ribbons, balls, feathers, and dolls are all fantastic toys for your Sylveon, and if one brings a toy to you, you'd best engage, unless you want an express example of lesson 3. Thankfully, most Sylveon are happy with short and quick play sessions. My own is happy with maybe three rounds of fetch or a brief tug-o-war session before it'll go back to happily cuddling up next to me, but all Sylveon are different in varous ways. Trust your instincts and you'll be able to easily tell when your Sylveon is content.
6: They are smart.
Sylveon are beat out only by Espeon in the overall intelligence category. Being mostly modern/urban life adapted Pokemon that usually spend all their lives around humans, they pick up pretty quickly on language, social cues, tools, and so on. Intelligence is always a wavering factor among all Pokemon, but, on the whole, expect your Sylveon to be far more clever than your average Growlithe or Yamper, and respect that intelligence. It may not ever speak Galarian to you, but it could very well learn to read, open doors, work a TV remote or even keyboard, steal your phone, visit and buy from stores, and so on.
And there we have it! Past all this, all the standard methods for training and caring for Pokemon apply! Sylveon, on the whole, are quite amicable, and most are perfectly content to chill out and cuddle when they aren't being high-chaos gremlins. They're fantastic battlers as well, with great durability, utility, and surprising potential for damage, amplified only by the love and friendship you provide one.
Give a Sylveon love, and - capital L - Love is what you get in return.
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professorazalea · 1 year
not full, its more like a big sweater. he's very cozy
extremely important tarountula fact coming your way
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professorazalea · 1 year
Coming to you from the ეꂦɾґꪊᖘΓ㉫๔|corrupted| region: It's Professor Azalea!
Recently Graduated and Starting my own research program called the PokePartner program, This creeture loves to talk about pokemon facts and be generally helpful!
This Blog has been made by her to advertise the Program and ecourage more folk to check it out, though it's also somewhat of a person blog for her. Very occationally posts may be made by 'the assistant'/'peanut of the peanut gallery'
You too can Join the PokePartner Program today! Sign up is at https://PokePartner.carrd.co
If you have questions,Ask box is always open!
//OOC under break
Professor Azalea is the Mascot of the Ukagaka "The Poke!Partner Program". This is a Character/RP Blog I made for her because I wanted a space to expand on her character and have a little fun.
While I am the Sole owner/runner of the blog I am not the Only person that makes content for it. The other members of the Poke!Partner team will also make content. These posts will generally be labeled 'posts by the assistant' in the tags
If you want to learn more about Ukagaka you can check out the pokepartner carrd for some resources
If you want to find more pokemon irl/rp blogs I suggest stopping by @realpokemon and checking out their FAQ
Otherwise my ask box and DMs are always open so feel free to message me if needed
- [虚] @likikoarireturns
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professorazalea · 1 year
Live footage from when azalea first got a text about what was actually going on in area zero:
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heyyyyy rotomblrrrrrr. its me. leilani. from the paldea. /ref
i have a question
why do people care about area zero so much. is it not incredibly dangerous?? or is my info just wrong??
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professorazalea · 1 year
Don't know if I've ever mentioned this but I wasn't really raised as a citizen of any one region. I lived in a lot of them growing up, though mostly I remember Paldea and Sinnoh, which are where my parents live now! it's really nice being from two really diverse cultures and all but the one major downside is that no one I've ever talked to likes how much eye contact I maintain. Paldeans are constantly like "you know you can look at me when talking right? I'm not going to fight you" but if I take one step into sinnoh I get jumped by so many trainers or even with just casual chit chat they seem uncomfortable
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professorazalea · 1 year
'e just wants to say Hi.
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do you want something sir
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professorazalea · 1 year
Omg a poygon micro!!! 💕💕
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Does anyone know what this thing is? It jumped out of my computer
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