professor-s-kitties · 7 years
((Big news! The kitties are now available for questions at @a-mansion-of-characters!
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
((You know what would help with moving the plot along Sending in asks related to it Just saying))
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "*breaks into the bostonius with a cutting torch and frees the captured kitties* BE FREE MY LOVELIES"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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@ask-the-prosecution asked: "Hey Mewke, I heard there's some primo fish hidden in The Bostonius"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "So...have you tried slipping out through the bars?"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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@ask-the-prosespooktion asked: "That's it! I'm gonna punch him in the face! Deskitty vs Deskitty! FITE ME!"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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@ask-the-prosespooktion asked: "Can I fite deskitty? I wanna fite deskitty."
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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((Aw thank you all for sending in such nice messages! [I know it's been like, a week or two but still] I'm super busy drawing uo the next fun little thing so I couldn't reply with kitty hugs, but thank you all the same!))
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "Deskitty, where are the Purrfessor and Flurra? Y'know, the real ones?"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "Why do u change your "style" so much? No one is gonna follow u if u change so much"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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@ask-the-prosespooktion asked: "Hang on, aren't you all cats? Surely you can slip between the bars of the cage with ease."
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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stray-chan asked: "What are you gonna do, Flurra, Purrfessor Layton? How are you gonna get out of this one?"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "Okay so one of my friends gave me the link and I read through the blog and what IS Descole planning to do? I mean the Robot Layton malfunctioned so.. uh."
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
((Okay I know you guys are probably mad at me for going on such an incredibly long impromptu hiatus but like I may have mentioned before, I'm not exactly happy with the way I draw the kitties. So starting today or tomorrow the kitties are coming back with a slightly different style! You better look forward to it! ))
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
Hey, um, just curious why the activity is low. Would like to see more of your awesome kitties! No pressure!! Give Clawve a hug for me!
((I am SUPER SORRY I haven't posted in forever!!! and in the middle of the climactic plot no less a ton of things have happened recently and I haven't had time to draw the kitties! Plus idk, I feel like I could draw them much better than I am so I'm always a bit disappointed in the end results. Not to worry, I will be starting up again soon!))
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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Anonymous asked: "PULL THE LEVER! USE YOUR TAIL! DO IT!"
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professor-s-kitties · 9 years
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mooniighteevee asked: "Btw, what the heck happened to the *real* Purrfessor Layton and Flurra? Are they still stuck?"
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