problematic-elves · 3 years
Have a good day.
No, YOU have a good day, Anon!! 🤍
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problematic-elves · 3 years
what are some rules for your asks? ✍🏻✍🏻
Hi, hi, hi, I actually don’t have a set rule list 🥴 I just simply delete things that I don’t like or make me uncomfortable 🤷‍♀️✨
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problematic-elves · 3 years
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃👉👈
Omg thank you so much 😭 I can’t believe people even still read and like my posts with my Messy and ChaoticTM posting schedule but I’m thankful you all do✨
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Thank you for doing a post on Argon!!! Finding content about him is almost impossible lol
Lol no problem! Most people deny that he even exists yet he’s my second favourite Ñolofinwean 😭
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Argon
·        Argon is hot headed and you both probably ended up courting because he liked you and someone else was flirting with you which resulted in a fight, to be honest.
·        He’ll be really embarrassed by that in all honesty and will try to make it up to you in the most awkward and, quite frankly, cute way.
·        He doesn’t care about the rules and will make out with you in front of his whole family if you let him which has caused multiple severe scoldings for Fingolfin before.
·        He makes fun of your height a ridiculous amount and will cross his arms on you head and use you as a rest. He thinks it’s hysterical when you try and make fun of him for being so tall and he watches you get flustered as he laughs.
·        Honestly, he forgets about anniversaries and dates a lot and almost never buys you gifts but he always feels really bad about it and will try to make it up to you with a big grand, over the top gesture of his love.
·        After Caranthir, he blushes them most in the family and hates people pointing it out and teasing him which causes his famous temper to rear its head. But if you like it, he’ll let you smother his red faces in kisses to make you happy.
·        Argon definitely didn’t start courting you with the end goal of marriage but he realises eventually that’s what he wants and it f r e a k s him out. He’ll start acting funny around you until you forcibly make him say it and he does something about it.
He exists, guys, I swear.
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Caranthir
·        Caranthir is the one out of his family to keep your entire relationship a secret the longest. Mostly because he doesn’t want to deal with the drama and teasing, not because he doesn’t take the relationship seriously.
·        He’s probably also the most likely to stick to the rules because he gets embarrassed easily and would rather do the things expected of him so he doesn’t seem too vulnerable.
·        That doesn’t mean he doesn’t lavish you with gifts though, just that he’ll do them on important dates whenever gifts are expected. Even though he has most likely got a stock pile of gifts waiting to be gifted to you.
·        Will not, under any circumstances, allow you to meet his brothers before he or you are ready. He’ll only allow you to meet his parents before that and even then he feels awkward about it.
·        As expected, he blushes at the slightest compliment and gesture and will try and hide that thrice-damned blush of his, but will gentle and sincere care, he’ll stop being as shy.
·        He almost never gets angry with you or in front of you before you meet his family and after that, he’ll walk out of a room before he explodes at them so he doesn’t scare you because he doesn’t want to ruin your opinion of him.
·        Marriage and the decision to have children is very serious and important to him because he wants to be the best husband and father he can be and he’s insecure about whether he’ll be able to do that.
I love Cara so much, he’s uwu
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Aegnor
·        Aegnor very much so doesn’t care for propriety and so would approach you like an old friend and casually even if you don’t know him all too well.
·        He’s also extremely blunt and will openly tell you that he approached you because he would like to court you and that he finds you beautiful.
·        Aegnor mostly allows you to dictate the flow of your relationship with him because he doesn’t really care how long it’ll take to marry you, he just cares about the fact he WILL marry you one day. Because to him, why else would he court you if not to marry you?
·        This also means that if you want a kiss in public, you get a kiss in public; you don’t want any skin ship where anyone could see, he’ll always maintain a respectful distance. However, secretly he adores PDA but he won’t admit it even if you held a knife to his throat.
·        He is definitely the least princely of his family, often forgetting things like getting you flowers just because he was in a rush to see you that he forgets these little things much to the amusement and exasperation of his family who say he acts like a puppy when it comes to you.
·        This also means that he doesn’t expect you to act like a princess when you’re courting him and be all proper because honestly he forgets he’s even a prince most of the time until someone calls him ‘My Prince’ or ‘Your Highness’ and he just kind of goes ‘oh, yeah…’
·        He loves adventures and is naturally very curious so would love if you wished to join him on any trips he has planned. This goes vice versa too, he’d gladly join you in any hobbies you may have even if they’re not his cup of tea.
Poor Aegnor is severely underrated
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Aredhel
·        Aredhel is definitely the type to flaunt breaking the rules especially when it comes to your courtship. Much to the annoyance of her father.
·        She absolutely hates being told to act like a lady and would prefer someone more open minded about women’s roles in society otherwise it’s a definite deal breaker because she values her freedom more than anything.
·        Speaking of freedom, she would really enjoy if you came on hunts with her and Celegorm but doesn’t mind if you don’t want to. She’s willing to compromise on things and if you do the things she enjoys sometimes, she’ll do them same for you.
·        Loves to show you off and be touchy feely because she likes to assure you that she loves you. The both of you have been caught making out in public before and became the hot topic of Tirion’s elite but she couldn’t care less.
·        Marriage is something she’ll consider but not for a long time and she never really started courting you with that end goal in mind but if she loves you, she’ll make if known to everyone.
·        Aredhel doesn’t really get you many gifts and doesn’t expect them back. She’s more likely to gifts you with her time and affections than anything else.
We all need more Aredhel in our lives. She deserved better.
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Celegorm
·        Celegorm does not care for propriety in the slightest. If anyone, family or not, tell him he’s being inappropriate with his significant other, he’ll laugh in their faces and walk away with his arm around you.
·        He also doesn’t care in the slightest for his brothers teasing and will actually sit there smugly, revelling in the fact everyone knows that you’re his and he’s yours. He probably brings you to meet his parents on the first date too.
·        To be with Celegorm, you have to be able to get along with Aredhel otherwise she’ll shit talk you. No joke.
·        He’d like to teach you how to hunt but it’s not a deal breaker if you can’t or don’t wish to learn. But you should know beforehand that he’s going to spend a lot of time outside and on adventures.
·        He’s not big on the thought of marriage but if you eventually want to go down that route, he’ll have to be sure that you are the one otherwise it may freak him out. But if he knows he loves you, then you best believe that he’s going to put a ring on that finger. Eventually anyway.
·        Celegorm gets along amazingly with children and even if he was unsure on marriage, he 100% knows that he wants children. He’ll most want children right away once he’s married but if you’re not into that, he’s fine with that too.
·        He teases you all the time and that will most likely never change, regardless of how long you’ve been married for.
Love this rat-bastard man.
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Turgon
·        Turgon is stricter about your relationship than he needs to be, mostly because he wants to show you that he’s 100% committed and serious about courting you.
·        He never shows you PDA because he wants to be proper. He’s also really touch-starved and wants too but is much too embarrassed to do anything about but if you make the effort to do so, and then he’ll seemingly begrudgingly accepts.
·        He’s tense over all aspect of your relationship because the last thing he wants is for people to gossip about you and make you uncomfortable to the point you don’t want to be with him anymore.
·        Marriage is definitely the endgame for your courtship and he lets you know that early on because he doesn’t want his efforts to go to waste by you not knowing and you rejecting him.
·        He also wants children and specifically daughters because he’s so sick of growing up in a mostly male household.
Grumpy Butt
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Maglor
· Maglor, being the artsy, hipster of his family, learns all the social and courting rules so he can break them thoroughly. He thinks having rules when it comes to courting makes everything he does seem insincere.
· This means he’s a lot more open about PDA no matter where he is but will back off if it makes you uncomfortable, but will have a hand or arm around you at the very least.
· He 100% makes songs and poems for you and is willing to recite them to you no matter where either of you are.
· He would also like it if you can come to his performances and will try extra hard if he knows you’re in the crowd to impress you even though you know he is majorly talented. Get him flowers for when he’s finished and he will swoon.
· His brothers make fun of him for it but he’ll just shrug and carry on with his day. Your entire relationship is most likely to be the gossip of the century due to how unconventional you both approach it.
· His parents are surprisingly supportive of how you both choose to go about your courtship, as long as you don’t end up suddenly married with a child that comes just a month or two too early after you’re married, they’ll happily stay out of it.
· Maglor is definitely the type to fly through his courtship and betrothal and you probably won’t even meet most of his family until after you’re married.
· Has very much got a go-with-the-flow attitude when it comes to planning for a family but will be happy just as with or without children and will leave that decision up to you.
I love this sweet, murderous child
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problematic-elves · 3 years
⭐️ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity! ⭐️
✨I’m one of your favourite blogs?? Thank you so much! But why, I post like once every solar eclipse 😭✨
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Finrod
·        When it comes to courting you, Finrod first approaches it like one would a timid animal; slowly and carefully. However, this doesn’t usually last too long because he ends up finding it so natural to be around you that he starts to be himself without himself realising.
·        Finrod loves PDA and won’t be shy about it in public but also isn’t necessarily the type to hang off of you either. He’ll hold your hand or have his arm wrapped around you and give you a kiss happily if you want it.
·        Finrod is essentially sunshine formed into a person and will always make it his mission to brighten your day with smiles and warmth. This can be in the form of gifts or even just quality time. After all, there is nothing he adores to see more than your smile and knowing he’s the cause of it.
·        He’s definitely the type to ask you what you want to do on dates constantly because he wants you to enjoy them as much as possible so they can range from going riding through the fields, to staying in reading books together that he recently bought you. Anything to keep you happy.
·        I feel Finrod would be the type to know pretty quickly if he wants to marry you and if he does, he’ll plan everything as soon as he comes to that conclusion so he’s prepared for when he feels your relationship and you are ready to move onto the next stage.
·        I feel like throughout courting Finrod, he’ll explain here and there about the stresses of being a prince and the duties he has to do to try and gauge how you’d feel about it. I think if he feels like you’re interested in it, he will playfully teach you etiquette and such so you’d be prepared for later stages of your courtship like meeting his family etc.
·        I feel like none of his family would be really bothered about who he courts except Galadriel. For the most part, when they meet you they tell him that they liked you and would happily converse with you, but Galadriel will be the one interrogating you much to Finrods exasperation and his family’s amusement.
Sweet Boy Finrod has arrived.
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problematic-elves · 3 years
love your blog, hope you're having a good day!!
Thank you anon! I hope you’re having a great day too✨
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problematic-elves · 3 years
Dating Fingon
·        Fingon is laid back and it shows in his approach to your courtship. He’s not the type for grand gestures of his love but small, intimate things to make you smile.
·        He’s all for PDA and will be constantly hanging off of you no matter where you are.
·        He loves to make you smile and laugh and is constantly cracking jokes and puns to make you do so.
·        He will constantly take you on adventures and take you to pretty places full of flowers and beauty to see the wonder in your eyes and a smile of your face.
·        He’s not necessarily in a rush to get married but if he loves you then it’s definitely in his mind. That and he sits there grinning to himself thinking of living in domestic bliss with you once you’re married and maybe even a child or two. Queue Aredhel laughing her ass off at her love struck brother.
·        Being his father’s heir is definitely a weight on his shoulders and he would appreciate if you would share that burden with him but he isn’t going to expect it of you because he doesn’t want you to be stressed about it like him if you don’t want to.
·        His father is kind of judgey about your relationship mostly and it may seem that it’s because he’s strict with Fingon but he actually just wants to make sure that you’re not with his son for his status as a prince.
I love my good boy, Fingon. He’s precious.
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problematic-elves · 3 years
I was wondering if you would be able to give me a headcanon of Mairon being a father with a teenage daughter?
✨Hi, the requests aren’t open right now so I don’t accept any asks and usually delete them but in case there are new people about, I thought I’d let you guys know!!
I’m perfectly fine with answering questions for you guys but I’m not doing requests at the minute!!✨
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problematic-elves · 3 years
How would it be to date Manwe? If that was possible
Hahaha aren’t you that blog that used to be homophobic and had a giant post about how you were ‘Against the Gay Agenda’ and ask me for yandere characters??? Haha, no thanks.
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