prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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wink boy
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
"well aren’t we mr. the-glass-is half-empty." // welcome to 0820kst!
to: 「@chnyul 」
“Well, I wouldn’t say that..I mean I’m not pessimist most of the times, but in this situation, I guess we can say that.” He sighs, slightly nodding his head. Jihoon are often seen as the optimist type, always trying to see the bright side from everything that happens. They boy is really bright and positive as well. But of course there are times when he overthink and get pessimist about himself, even when others tell him otherwise. This, happen to be one of those times.
Lightly tapping his fingers against the table, he glances at the phone that is held on his other hand, another sigh escaping his lips. It wasn’t long until he glances back at the older male, though a frown still visible on his feature. “I mean it’s not that I don’t trust myself. The thing is, I have been...reading too many comments from netizens that are wondering how can I stay in first place for five episode straight, which is like..five weeks straight? And I somehow..just start doubting myself as well, hyung. I’m sure you know what I feel. I mean probably worse than me since you are really popular and apparently the more popular you are, the more hates you get as well.”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
“DOGS. That’s all I’m gonna say.” (Welcome to 0820!)
He scrunches up his nose, frowning at the other’s words. The clue she was giving doesn’t really help him. Everyone who hears the barking could clearly guess that the said house has dogs as their pet, unless there is other animal that could bark instead. It was quite random he admits, but the girl had told him that she knows which breed of dogs was in the house just from the sound of the dogs’ bark, while Jihoon, he has no idea since they all sound the same to him.
With a soft sighs, he presses his lips into a slight pout, glancing at the female that is standing beside him. “Come on, Tzuyu. That’s really not helping, okay? I mean everyone would know they are dogs. Unless there is a cat that could bark then….maybe it’s a cat instead. Byt really, can’t you at least tell me the first letter? It’s not like it makes thing a lot easier!”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
“ c'mon try to guess what. ” { welcome to 0820kst :) }
to: 「@yoyowrose 」
Jihoon groans softly, his hand reaching up to ruffle his own locks in frustration. He was never good at guessing, which why he has been trying to convince the other just to tell him instead of guessing. There are too many possible good things that could happen in a day how can she just expect him to guess when she barely gives him any hint? Legit the only thing she said was Something good happened today, guess what? And she expected him to actually guess it? Only a mind reader could guess that and Jihoon is definitely not one.
Reaching for his cup of drink, he takes a sip, an annoyed expression was cleared on his feature as he racks his brain to come up with something anything that could put such a wide grin to the female’s feature. With a soft hum, he finally blurts out an answer, not even expecting himself to get it right. “You won a lottery?”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @clinquantx​」
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“One thing I never really get used to is how tired I always am— I think I yawn almost around 200 times a day.”
“Are you sure you are getting enough rest, noona?” He raises a brow as he stares at the older female with concern. Jihoon knows quite well how busy an idol life could be, having a few friends that work in the industry. Even a trainee life can be quite tiring with lots of hours of practices, he can’t imagine how tiring it would be for idols who has to do both practice and attending various schedules. Glancing at the older female, Jihoon finally pulls out a chocolate bar from his backpack, holding it out to the older female. “Here some sugar to keep you energized, noona. I bought some on my way back from school.”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @clinquantx」// source
“To answer both of your questions, yes. I am human and I am on diet, so I have to say no to that.” He softly sighs, taking another sip of his own water. Even if Jihoon is not really on the side where he had to lose his weight, the trainer had told him to go on a diet with some of the other contestants, something about him fulfilling his promise to the nation producers. Now he slightly regret promising that he would show them his abs if the had voted for him. He had taken a note to watch what he would say and promise in the future. “But I guess it was my fault, I might or might not had promise to show my abs to the nation producer if they voted for me, so yea. Besides, I think I should lose my chubby cheeks, just to look manlier?”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
"I try to dance the best I can . . . " // WELCOME!! I hope you have a good time and if you ever wanna plot just hmu!
At the other’s response, Jihoon just realized that his words might come lot harsher than what he had intended it to be. He admits he can be quite blunt at times, a habit that he had been trying to change. Shaking his head gently, he lowers down the music volume before glancing at the older girl. “Noona, sorry I didn’t mean it that way. I mean…yea I can totally see your effort, it’s just, you are still a little bit….stiff to me. Can you just maybe loosen up a little? I mean this dance isn’t really that hard, I can totally see you get the point but just try to relax and do it…excitedly.” He slightly nods his head, putting his phone back at the speaker, before he glances up at the older female. “Do you want to take a moment to rest? Or do you want to continue?”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
"could i sit here? all the other tables are full."
to:「@ensbi 」
Jihoon looks up from his phone when he hears someone’s voice, trying to make sure whether it was directed to him or not. It was then he realizes it’s one of his senior in school that has just graduated and his soon-to-be senior if he gets to debut. Quickly standing up from his chair, he politely bows his head to her before offering the other a friendly smile. “Ah sunbaenim, hello there. And sure, we could definitely share this table since I’m alone anyway.” With that, he sits back down on his chair, still feeling a bit surprised that he had bumped into the slightly older female. Now he could only hope no one would recognize either of them or there might be unnecessary scandal and he is for sure don’t want that. Not when he needs to keep up his image for the survival show he is in.
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @tzuchu 」// source 
“Well because they are the same model?” He lightly chuckles as he puts the blue one back to the rack, before putting on the black jacket that had caught his attention, trying it on. He looks at it for a few seconds, debating on whether to get the jacket or not. Jihoon is quite the fan of a jacket or hoodies, having wear them quite often and it just happens this certain model had caught his attention. It wasn’t much special but it’s from his favorite brand. Finally glancing up to look at the other again, he turns around once before looking back at her.  “What do you think? Is it nice? Should I get it or not?”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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                      gfriend’s main dancer, sinb aka eunbi.                                 general, idol verse! mirrored literacy. sfw.                                         REBLOG. - LIKE. - FOLLOW.
                                                 reblog will get you a one line starter?
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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I feel so in love TT
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @namuxwoohyun 」
“Which group are you in? More like.. which show are you in?” The older one moved his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it in embarrassment. “ I’m sorry, but I don’t have much time to watch shows so I don’t know in which one you are. But I don’t want you to be kicked out because of me! I remember my trainee days when we couldn’t do anything wrong or we would get scolded by our hyungs..” even though he was talking about getting scolded, he couldn’t help but smile when thinking about the old times with his members. “Deal! You can come when you want and hyung will teach you some stuff. You can also sleep with my babies, they’re really friendly but be careful.. no one can see you sneaking out!”
He merely grin at the older’s question, totally understanding how busy the other male is. “I’m from that show Produce 101 Season 2, a trainee from Maroo Entertainment who got the nicknmae wink boy from the nation producers, or what you guys call the viewers. And I understand how busy you could get, hyung. It’s okay.” He reassures the older male. As the other explains about his trainee days, Jihoon nods his head along slightly, listening to the older’s story. “I could definitely learn a lot from you, hyung. I mean you are not only good at singing but also variety and I totally need some help in improving my vocal. And don’t worry, I did sneak out once or twice before with the fellow trainees, so I have the trick not to get caught. Oh and I definitely still practices hard despite that, so you don;t need to worry...about that too.”
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @manoliz​ 」
          “ Not lucky enough.. mhm, Jisoo unnie has tried! Jennie and Rosie only watched at laughed at our failure. I believe Dalgom was judging, too. ” Because the dog certainly cared about the two of them failing at a game; obviously that was a dog’s priority at all times, laughing at their owners. Lisa reaches for the cup of water on the table in front of her, stretching slightly with a groan as she first seems to be unable to reach it, until FINALLY slender fingers are able to wrap around the cold glass, picking it up before guiding it to her mouth; a long sip follows. Ah, refreshing in such INTENSE situation. Immediately after taking the sip her eyes go back to the screen:  “ Aha! See, I told you it’s tough. But fine, if you manage during your first or second try .. I’ll reward you, somehow. You’ll just need to tell me what it is you want, because a genie can’t read minds, you know! ”
     Another sip, before the glass finds its way back to its former place; eyes never once leaving the screen. As her hands retreated from the glass they clasp together in anticipation, the way it looks at this very moment he does not seem to win – in fact, it looks quite bad right now. Of course,it can always take a 360 degree turn and things will change for the better out of sudden, but this game wasn’t going to do so, that she knows.  “ You’re looosing~! ”, she eventually CHIMES, bright grin on her lips – for a second she considers to gently push him, but as it would definitely cause his downfall she decides not to; wouldn’t want him to lose like that. Instead, she crosses her arms above her chest, watching silently for just a moment.  “ Oh, oh, your HP is very low. If you get hit one more time it’s over. ”
He softly hums in response as the older ramble about how her members had tried it and fail, also something their dog judging them. Jihoon didn’t hear it clearly as he was too busy trying to stay alive and win the game, but he did hear some...few pieces of what Lisa said. He fastens his fingers movement as he triues his best to attack the opponent, although it was really tough, probably because the level is pretty high, also trying his best to figure out the trick so that he could beat it if he fails this time.
It was when he hears what the female had said, that he finally pays attention to his HP and realizes how low had it gone. Dammit. He thought. He was too busy trying to figure the computer’s movement and dodge the attack that he hadn’t pay attention to his own HP. By this time, Jihoon had known that he would die soon and will not be able to finish the round in one time. But there’s always a second time right and he kind of get the hang of this already, if he still doesn’t win this by his second time, he is sure that he will finish it in his third time...or maybe fourth. Moving his fingers faster on the controller, he tries his best to dodge the attack, at the same time finding a chance to attack the opponent. It was only after few attacks that he finally lost all his HP. “Okay, that was tough. I admit. But I guess I could finish this...in my second try, or probably third, Maybe fourth. Maximum fourth. I assure you that, noona. I kind of get the hang of it now.” He glances at the older, firmly nods his head as he places the controller for a few seconds to reach for his own cup of drink, taking a sip of it. “Anyway, what was that about your dog judging you guys? Was the dog watching you guys playing this?” Raising his brow, he gently places his cup back on the table, reaching for the controller to try the game for the second time.
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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                               EXO’S CHARISMATIC RAPPER, SELF-PROCLAIMED                                                     VISUAL AND BOWLING KING!                                          ( reblog for a starter, follow for inbox starter )                                                                                 i. ii. iii.
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
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                                       pristin’s fresh vocalist and visual, joo kyulkyung.
                                       formerly known as ioi’s member and voted as #1 
                                                           produce 101′s visual.
                                                           * * * * *
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prkjhn-blog · 7 years
「continued to: @shuqas​」// source
He frowns at the older’s words, feeling defeated at the other’s come back. Now he is contemplating on whether to give up and actually stand up to buy his own cup of coffee or try to persuade the older male. The second option sounds a lot better, because if he succeed, it would mean getting a free coffee but if not, he would probably pissed off the older male. The first one is more of the safe option, but there is also a chance, the older is just testing him and would make fun of him for giving up so easily. And being in a survival show had teach Jihoon not to give up easily, which why he is racking his brain, trying to find a safe way to persuade the other. Praise him? Pfft the older probably said something along the line that he had heard it often. What is there could he do? Act cute? Nope, it probably won’t work since they both are guys. He licks his lower lip out of habit, his gazes now fall upon the older male. 
“Hyung, are you really going to be like this? I thought I’m your favorite dongsaeng! Are you really not going to buy any coffee for your favorite dongsaeng?” He grins at the older male, trying to convince him.
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