privateholmes · 11 years
"Fine... but... okay, so I won't regret it. But... yeah, fine."
"But Jamie, come on. It will be fun. Also Mummy wanted me to drag you to her place."
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privateholmes · 11 years
      The Private's brow crinkled somewhat as they turned onto a dirt path. "Alright..." he replied skeptically. He believed Dimitri, but it was a bit unusual. Rubbing his thumb gently over the other man's knuckles, James watched out the dashboard, even more curious as to where they were going. When he was told to close his eyes, he nodded and did so, teeth biting gently at his lower lip as his hand gripped Dimitri's tighter as a way of keeping himself in reality. He didn't want to have a panic attack on his first date with a handsome man, after all.
[text: Handsome Stranger] You're really attractive and I really want to keep seeing you. JH [text: Handsome Stranger] Oh, god, don't read that last message, alright? JH
Send my character a text that was meant for them but they were never supposed to receive.
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Nice to know the feeling’s mutual ;))
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Too late.
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privateholmes · 11 years
James chuckled softly ad he felt Dimitri pulling him down to lay with him. He kicked off his shoes, not wanting to dirty the man's duvet, and curled up next to him, closing his eyes as well. He doubted that he was going to get any rest, but he had to admit that he was comfortable. "So am I."
{5 have found the private}
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privateholmes · 11 years
"I'm fine, Enola. Really."
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"Oh, come on. Its your birthday, brother dear. You aren’t allowed to be sad today."
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privateholmes · 11 years
      "My brothers don't truly care about me. They think I'm an idiot and a burden. Honestly, it doesn't bother me, not much, anyways. It's always been like this. Oh, well." James shrugs, slipping his hands into his pockets.
       "Oh, really? I understand the complications, but, with Sherlock? What's your name, sir? So that I could ask my brother about you, if you don't mind..." his brows crinkle somewhat with nervousness. He doesn't want to scare the other man away.
       "I'm sorry if I'm being a bother. I understand if I am, if you want me to go away. It's just... this is the first discussion I've had with a human that doesn't involve accounting in a very, very long time."
{3 have found the Private}
"Well er- yeah, yes— I’m not. I’m not a huge fan of the rain, no. But that’s not your problem." Greg responds, though not unkindly.
However, when the information sunk in, Gregory let out something between an exasperated sigh and a chuckle.
"The youngest brother— returning home, and yet your brothers aren’t here to welcome you back. Figures." He murmurs, running a hand through his hair.
"I used to work with Sherlock rather closely, and as for Mycroft. Well. He and I are—…were. Well. It’s er-…all a complicated story."
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privateholmes · 11 years
       "Don't laugh...!" James blushed. "She's two years older than me. Her friends used to think it was hilarious. My mum always took pictures... and... well, you'll see her soon enough. She's always around here, somewhere. She's going to want to meet you," he smiled softly, tapping his fingers against his leg as he looked out the window, curious as to where the man was taking him.
[text: Handsome Stranger] You're really attractive and I really want to keep seeing you. JH [text: Handsome Stranger] Oh, god, don't read that last message, alright? JH
Send my character a text that was meant for them but they were never supposed to receive.
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Nice to know the feeling’s mutual ;))
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Too late.
24 notes · View notes
privateholmes · 11 years
       James sat down on the edge of the bed, continuing to gently push his fingers through the man's curls. "I wasn't planning on it... you need somebody here for you, and that somebody's going to be me, okay? I'll be right here, or somewhere in this flat. Just call my name if I'm not sitting next to you and you want me. I'll be right here."
{5 have found the private}
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privateholmes · 11 years
       Chuckling, James looked down at the other, kissing his forehead lightly. He didn't know why he'd done so, but he hoped that it was comforting, and not weird. He wanted to continue to see this man, whether as friends or something more, so he didn't want to creep him out their first time together.
       "Oh, yeah? Do you want me to drop you, then?" he muttered. "I don't want to bruise you... you're far too pretty for that," James grinned, carrying him up the stairs and into the bedroom, laying him down on the bed gently.
{5 have found the private}
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privateholmes · 11 years
       Baby? James blushed softly at the pet name, pushing his fingers through his curls in an attempt to hide the fact that his cheeks were a bright pink. "You've... asked me out... and taken me out. That's more than I could've ever asked for from someone as handsome as you."
       "Well, that depends on what you do know. You know I am - was - a Private. I have two older brothers and an older sister. I get along better with my sister, although she used to dress me up all the time."
[text: Handsome Stranger] You're really attractive and I really want to keep seeing you. JH [text: Handsome Stranger] Oh, god, don't read that last message, alright? JH
Send my character a text that was meant for them but they were never supposed to receive.
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Nice to know the feeling’s mutual ;))
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Too late.
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privateholmes · 11 years
       James followed at his side, his fingers lacing between the other man's. It felt warm, homey, even. As if that was where his hand belonged. He blushed somewhat as Dimitri opened the door for him, climbing in for him with a soft, "Thank you."
       He watched the other man walk around to his side of the car, climbing in as well. "More than ready, truthfully," James admitted with a grin, looking over at the other. "Thank you, again. Really. This... this is amazing."
[text: Handsome Stranger] You're really attractive and I really want to keep seeing you. JH [text: Handsome Stranger] Oh, god, don't read that last message, alright? JH
Send my character a text that was meant for them but they were never supposed to receive.
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Nice to know the feeling’s mutual ;))
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Too late.
24 notes · View notes
privateholmes · 11 years
       James continued to stroke Dimitri's hair, wanting to cry himself. But he had to hold his head high, to pretend as if he was strong, to help Dimitri get happy before he cared about his own well-being. It was a fatal flaw of James', and he knew that - his over-obsession with making everyone around him happy. That, and his loyalty. They could get him killed.
       When the cab pulled to a stop, the Private looked down at Dimitri to notice him fast asleep. He smiled softly and slowly moved to pull out his wallet, paying the driver. He then opened the door and quietly climbed out, hoisting Dimitri into his arms bridal style with a little groan. It was the most work he'd done since returning from Afghanistan. He kicked the door shut and started up the steps to the flat, trying not to wake the other.
{5 have found the private}
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privateholmes · 11 years
"Happy birthday to me."
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privateholmes · 11 years
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privateholmes · 11 years
"Well, it's certainly... quiet around here."
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privateholmes · 11 years
"But I should... it's the right thing to do. You seem to hate this rain," James admitted, chuckling softly and looking around. He'd loved the rain, especially recently, after returning home. Afghanistan didn't get any, and Australia got very little. So the feeling of water against his skin was lovely. "Let me, please."
When the still-nameless man questioned his name, though, James' brow crinkled slightly. Had his brothers gotten that well-known in his time away. "Well, yes... Sherlock and Mycroft, both elder than me," he nodded, looking up at the other man. "Is... is there something wrong, sir?"
If the man knew Sherlock, that was no surprise. He'd seen his brother's little blogger's website. They had plenty of people requesting his work. But, since he knew Mycroft, then he had to either know him personally, or be extremely close to Sherlock. 
He then repeated his name, a bit slower, and clearly; "Private James Holmes, sir."
{3 have found the Private}
Such niceness was something of a shock to the former Detective Inspector, and it took him more than a couple of moments to really register and process what was currently taking place.
     “Th-…you—…that’s-….that’s rather. That’s rather nice of you.” Greg finally manages to say lamely before clearing his throat. “…but you don’t need to do that.” Besides, there wasn’t anywhere in specific that he could go. The last thing he needed to feel guilty about was taking a stranger’s money and go riding about London.”
But when the name was mentioned, Greg started, raising his head so that his eyes settled on the younger man in front of him.
     “Did you just— did you just say Holmes?” A brief pause. “… You don’t happen to have two brothers, do you?”
Surely he couldn’t be related to Sherlock and Mycroft. Hell, this kid was too damned nice.
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privateholmes · 11 years
"Yeah, of course," James grinned, pushing a hand through his curls to get them out of his eyes. He then gently took Dimitri's arm, fingers wrapping gently around it, as he looked around. He wondered where the other man was taking him, but, at the same time, he wanted it to be a surprise. So, he just smiled softly, following behind Dimitri, still shocked that someone actually wanted to date him.
[text: Handsome Stranger] You're really attractive and I really want to keep seeing you. JH [text: Handsome Stranger] Oh, god, don't read that last message, alright? JH
Send my character a text that was meant for them but they were never supposed to receive.
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Nice to know the feeling’s mutual ;))
[text: Private Hot Stuff] Too late.
24 notes · View notes
privateholmes · 11 years
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"Well, I thought that you were too... posh to even try to tickle me."
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   ”You say that as if you really believe such a ridiculous theory.”
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