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Even if you are successful, 95% of life is battle (that extends to careers or those individuals that decide to become parents, which I hear is very tough). So, might as well enjoy it. The remaining 5% is when you look back but there are people that live for that 5% and miss the 95% as its happening. Which is crazy. The struggle is a gift.
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Possible Pres-VP Match-Ups: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Joe Biden has many options in terms of picking a VP if he wins the Democratic party. Currently, though, one of the options that I consider most favorable to Biden would be for him to pick Kamala Harris, if he wins the Democratic party primary. Why? She would serves multiple purposes. Any attack directed to Biden regarding past stances relating to busing would be completely blunted. Therefore, he would keep and possibly increase his African-American base. In addition, Biden could also argue in favor of his progressive/liberal bona fides. Harris is considered to be within or close to the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren crowd in terms of fighting for progressive (some would incorrectly say - socialist) causes. She is strongly for universal health care and free community college. At the same time, this could open an opportunity for Biden to adopt slightly more liberal policies. His education plan should really be 4 years of free community college, instead of the 2 that he is proposing. In addition, he should more openly embrace the idea that the public option could be a glide path towards single-payer/medicare for all. Biden should attempt to consolidate as many of the divergent factions in the Democratic party, as possible. This is the path towards winning and completely obliterating, not just Donald Trump, but the Republican party as a whole (which has become a cancer for the US and the world in general). As Noah Chomsky said, "the Republican party is the most dangerous organisation in human history". That's not hyperbole. That's the truth (especially when you consider climate change and the damage that they are doing to the economy).
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The Sounds Of Space (by bry3500)
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I recently discovered the music of the Cure. Well, not discovered, I had heard many of their singles and even had one of their albums, their quote-and-quote masterpiece Disintegration. And like I said, I liked their singles. But you really don't know an artist until you've heard their albums. At least that's been my recent experience with the Cure. Another thing is hearing albums in chronological order. For instance, I had heard Disintegration. I don't consider it to be their best album. It's a great one. But not their best. But I really didn't appreciate that album until I heard Seventeen Seconds, Faith, The Top (yeah that one), Head on the Door, Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Me, etc. Anywho, I can say now that I get the Cure now much more than I ever previously did and I'm kinda upset that it took me this long to get to really know them. Thank the lord, for Youtube. This also happened to me with The Stooges whose first three albums I heard recently. The Stooges are on a whole other realm from the Cure (stylistically speaking, not in terms of quality). The Stooges play from the gut. The Cure play from the heart. And as I recently learned they are both great artists. Each, in their own way.
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The Cure - A Forest - (Perfect Version) (by MassimoErcolin)
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The Cure - Wish (full album) 1992 (by Mctripsd)
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The Stooges - The Stooges [Full Album] 1969 (by voidinvein97)
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NOTE: The picture that was previously here was a picture of NY. But NY is no longer applicable. I was in NY for a few years and, quite frankly, I defeated it. I sent it whimpering to its room. There was nothing more for me to do there and I have traded NY for FL (specifically Miami). While some people may prefer NY to FL (and I was one of these people at one point), in 2017 I requested a transfer to Miami, and, thankfully, everything has worked out. I couldn’t be happier with Miami, and if I can help it, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere without warm climates. Warm climates are where it’s at (it’s the little things). I fought hard to get this and I am happy that I have been able to obtain this. I will continue to fight. The struggle and the battlefield is where it’s at.
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