KANE 🦋:)
16 posts
they/he | unlabeled | requests open! | warren graham fan |
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
Hey, I just wanted to see if everything is okay, haven’t heard from you in a while
hey! thanks for checking up on me, i'm doing alright though and i'll probably be back to writing soon! :)
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
🦋Life Is Strange: With A Sick S/O
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🦋 just like the good ol' title, how the crew react when you become sick
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: swearing, mentions of the reader having a cold & coughing/sneezing a lot, fluff, cute ass stuff, nathan not giving a rats ass tbh
🎧A/N: hey dudes, i'm back and i've been missin' you, feel free to request somethin'! might be a little short and the writing style has changed, feels gooooood to be back >:D.
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🦋Chloe Price:
🤍| she'll joke around with you first like 'hey maybe you caught something from that snotty-nosed kid down the street' or laugh and plead that you don't sneeze on her or somethin'.
🤍| but seriously, she's fuckin' freaked especially if you've got a pretty bad cold or cough.
🤍| props to her though, she might be a bit overboard when you're sick but at least she cares.
🤍| she can't cook all that great but hey, if life ain't going so good for you then she'll somehow convince joyce to let you stay (much against davids wishes) and then you can have all the homemade chicken soup you want.
🤍| will still blast her music as loud as she wants unless you have a pretty nasty headache then she'll turn it down a little. (only a little)
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🍂Kate Marsh:
🤍| an angel in disguise with the most beautiful white wings, she's there when you need her and will literally jump when you call.
🤍| will ask if your okay (like you literally aren't basically fighting for your life) then shake her head like a disappointed mother when she hears your hoarse voice.
🤍| if you're still trying to attend class or do stuff while you're sick, then she'll be the girl rushing after you and trying to get you back to your dorm.
🤍| i've said this before, kate can definitely cook but if you're not eating then she'll settle for buying fast food you like (because at least you're not dying of starvation).
🤍| checks up on you occasionally but not every second, she acts like if she even turns a lamp on that you'll die on the spot or combust into thin air.
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📷 Max Caulfield:
🤍| kinda like warren, refers to you being sick as a 'total bummer' but she doesn't mean it in a way to bash you for being sick, only really to make you laugh or roll your eyes.
🤍| she texts you a few times a day when your sick, to check up on you or to occasionally..send you memes.
🤍| visits you sometimes after class, either to bring you food or just to see if you're still alive and breathin'.
🤍| when she finally gets some time to spend with you, she'll sit down beside you and show you photos that she's taken of you before you got sick. (including the one of you in a banana suit.)
🤍| if you're chilling in her dorm while she's in class, then she'll leave some music discs out for you in case you ever get sick of the silence.
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🎭Rachel Amber:
🤍| she's busy cracking jokes half of the time and when you joke back she'll hit you with a 'i'm not the one coughing and sneezing everywhere, am i?'.
🤍| she won't be able to check up on you every second since she's busy with class, drama & the tempest but will still try to make time for you.
🤍| will send you updates about what she's doing though, for example 'at drama lab, still doing good?' or 'class sucks, hope ur okay.'
🤍| she can cook, yeah! but rachel seems like the type of person to eat it out of the tin instead of making it homemade (she's just like me)
🤍| she's kinda like victoria in a way that she loves you but she cannot risk being sick, especially with all the shit she's gotta do.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
🤍| she cares and is definitely worried when you suddenly become sick but tries to pretend that she doesn't, at least not that much.
🤍| she's busy with a lot of stuff so she can't always be there when you need her but she'll try to be.
🤍| so filthy rich that it's mind-blowing, she can buy you whatever, whenever you want it.
🤍| she'll text you after she's done everything she needs to do and her schedule is clear, will ask if you need anything picked up or if you're feeling any better since the last time she saw you.
🤍| okay, if you don't like nathan then i'm sorry!! she's gonna send him to give you stuff or check up on you, even if you guys literally despise each other.
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🎮 Warren Graham:
🤍| he's super sweet, so no worries! he'll make sure to check up on you and give you advice whenever you need it.
🤍| doesn't care about getting sick, he's still down to hang whenever and will look at you with an awkward but reassuring smile when you're coughing your ass off.
🤍| he's the type to rub your back bro even if he knows he's gonna catch your nasty ass cold and be stuck in bed for days.
🤍| if you're okay with touch then he'll also hold your hand when he's beside you and tell you that this is gonna pass, so don't worry!!
🤍| he's chill so he might let you get up and do shit but will definitely be scared that you'll just collapse out of nowhere, even if you've only got a painless cold he's still gonna make sure you're okay.
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🤍| he didn't get any affection from his father, ever. so it's gonna be hard for him to try and care for you when you're sick.
🤍| sometimes just ends up buying you stuff to make up for not being there when you need him, if you and victoria are on good terms then he'll probably just ask her if she can get you meds or anything else that can help you. (LAZYYY ASSS!!! D:<)
🤍| checks up on you when he can but will try to pretend that he hasn't been fearing for your life the whole time he's been busy, dude it's a cold.
🤍| rich just like vic! he can bring you whatever you want, just ask and he'll tiptoe through that door like a sims 2 burglar with the things you asked for in hand.
🤍| apart from that though, just ask victoria or something if you ever need company because his brain will explode and he'll look at you all dumbfounded 'n shit.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
ur blog/writing is just *dramatic chefs kiss*
i have returned (and for real this time)
ahh so sweet, my jaw is dropped at all the people and stuff who like my writing, you guys are so nice i think i'm gonna cry
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
🦋Life Is Strange: General Headcanons
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🦋 just some pretty normal headcanons
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: dorky stuff, bad mental health and swearing.
🎧A/N: Been super busy lately, thanks for the loads of support though guys! Gonna be writing more for Skip because nobody's writing for him and he's actually REALLY attractive??
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🦋Chloe Price:
📄It's obvious that Chloe literally adores punk rock and possibly heavy metal music. She's also a HUGE PissHead fan, from listening to Skip's demo to then asking if she can hear more of his music.
🖤She doesn't wanna admit it but she definitely sees Skip as an older brother figure, they're basically family and they have such a sweet bond together.
📄Chloe and Steph are actually pretty close in Before The Storm, from how Steph asks Chloe for permission to ask Rachel out and how she's okay with Chloe venting to her if she wanted to.
🖤Her favourite songs are Nothing Wrong - Pisshead and Everything Reminds Me Of Her - Elliot Smith. (those are all literally my favourite songs as well..oops)
📄She is actually secretly a bit of nerd, like not a huge nerd but she's played Dungeons & Dragons multiple times with Steph and Mikey before and after Episode 1.
🖤Her favourite animal is the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly, since a blue butterfly is her spirit animal but she also really likes Tiger Sharks and 100% thinks she could take them in a fight.
📄She sucks ass at cooking and Joyce has tried to teach her before but she gets bored so easily.
🖤When she got her skull tattoo, she teared up and nearly started sobbing but told everyone she knows that she was totally 100% cool + badass during it.
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(hella pissed about the zero skip gifs and lack of fanfiction, he's literally so attractive?? wtf)
🎤 Skip Matthews:
📄He secretly flips people off behind their back as they walk away if they've pissed him off, will totally freak out then switch to standing still and laughing awkwardly if they turn around.
🖤Listens to Taylor Swift but apart from that he's a huge punk rock + heavy metal fan.
📄Okay now, Skip is a HUGE horror game nerd. I'm talkin' Outlast, Resident Evil, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Silent Hill.
🖤He can cook, okay?! He doesn't look like your average chef but he can definitely serve up some good fucking food.
📄Talks shit about anyone he doesn't like with you, if you guys are together of course or really good friends, he's like Victoria Chase sometimes because oh my god is he a bitch.
🖤Apart from listening to music, he'll also listen to urban legends podcasts on his way to work.
📄Skip comes from a pretty normal family in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado with two older sisters and a younger brother.
🖤(He's such a dork, I love him.) He's also pretty into fishing and is constantly taking trips for his band when he has to.
📄His favourite animal is the Polar Bear, like yeah he'd piss himself if he ever saw one in real life but he thinks they're pretty cute online instead of them being outside his door ready to beat his ass.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
📄She's very religious but also very supportive. She just wants to settle down with someone, falling in love + possibly starting a family together, sitting on the porch swing in the afternoon while drinking tea/coffee side by side.
🖤Can Kate cook? Yes, she could totally make a living out of her talent but she just isn't into that for a career.
📄She never really has anything bad to say about anyone, she doesn't believe in being mean to other people because that just isn't in her blood.
🖤Kate is sort of sensitive, she won't cry if you bump into her accidentally but would tear up if you were to raise your voice/insult her in any way like any normal person. (so don't, you asshole)
📄Listens to soft, classical music sometimes but also some indie pop now and then.
🖤She's a walking angel, her personality, her looks and smarts, everything about her is just *chefs kiss*.
📄Her favourite animal is either the Florida White Rabbit or the Harp Seal, commonly known as Saddleback/Greenland Seal, Kate adores Harp Seal's so much and is always smiling while looking at photos of them.
🖤Hobbies? Playing the violin & the piano, back when she lived with her parents she was super into gardening + cooking.
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📷 Max Caulfield:
📄She's always cooped up in her dorm either studying away, practicing her guitar skills or hanging out with Warren and Chloe.
🖤Max is a proud geek, alright? She's a board game, video game, everything remotely geeky fan, 100% played Dungeons & Dragons with Warren and has a few photos of the whole thing in a box under her bed titled 'W&M DND'.
📄Has overplayed Speedy Ortiz & Syd Matters so much but surprisingly never gets bored of their songs, but everyone else around her already has.
🖤Max sucks complete, utter ass at cooking and she knows it, she'll still try her best though but she can't even make toast properly without making it suffer through the toaster.
📄She can say some bad shit about people if they're assholes but she'd never say anything about someone who's innocent/someone she knows is a good person.
🖤Her spirit animal is a Doe and while she adores it completely, she also really likes Koala's and thinks that they're absolutely adorable.
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🎭 Rachel Amber:
📄Rachel is that perfect, pretty and amazing popular girl that everyone knows, she struggles with her emotions pretty bad and I can see her going to Rose for help but never really her father.
🖤She wants to be an actor, right? Then that's what she's aiming for, to be in the public eye with a smile on her face and an award in her hands.
📄Multiple public bathrooms, walls and doors across arcadia bay are marked with 'RACHEL AMBER WAS HERE' or 'R.A'.
🖤Best chef in the world, clap clap! She's honestly so good at cooking and baking, has definitely thought about being a badass chef instead of a badass actor before.
📄She can sing really good, her and Chloe made a song together which was stashed away ..kept in a safe place after she went missing.
🖤She's heard about Skip from Chloe + always thought he was a cool older brother/father figure to any fucked up kid around the campus and 100% agrees with his nerdy horror game lifestyle.
📄Rachel's favourite animal is the Red Panda, she has a photo of one on a shelf somewhere and also has a Red Panda stuffed animal.
🖤Listens to punk rock and some heavy metal if she's in the mood, she loves PissHead and Firewalk.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
📄Her schedule is nearly always full, she's either bossing Vortex Club members and others about or practicing with her camera.
🖤She secretly listens to punk rock sometimes but will roll her eyes and say 'you don't look like the type' if anyone else like her takes an interest in her music taste.
📄She's got a geeky side to her from the figures in her room to the shit she's stuffed under her bed (video games, etc) so nobody else will find out about it and make fun of her.
🖤Victoria isn't the best at cooking but she isn't awful, she's told everyone in Blackwell that she's a master chef though. There's room for improvement, she needs MAJOR improvement cooking-wise.
📄She's really good at playing the piano, photography (of course) and she can make her own outfits with the right fabrics + tools.
🖤Her favourite animal is the Cheetah and she makes that very clear, even told someone 'i could claw you like a cheetah, bitch.' once before.
📄Definitely posts stuff about positive vibes on her socials while acting like a total bitch in real life.
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🎮 Warren Graham:
📄He's broken his hand before during a fight, it sounds so badass but he's hella embarrassed and ashamed about it.
🖤Listens to small bands he found through his dorky websites that he's always on and always attends their gigs.
📄(Sucks dick at cooking), will totally hype his friends up about it then laugh awkwardly and act completely clueless at their grossed out reactions.
🖤He knows Skip pretty well since Warren was already in Blackwell at the same time that Skip was working there, they've exchanged opinions about games and movies way before the first game.
📄His favourite animals are Owls especially the Great Horned Owl, he saw one at night while he was hanging with Max and watched as she took a near hour taking photos of it.
🖤He hangs out on websites nearly all the time to read about the local bands, owl sightings, when the new video game he wants so bad is coming out.
📄Has probably searched up shit like 'how to get a boyfriend/girlfriend' before.
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🧨 Nathan Prescott:
📄(He looks like a bent ass banana from the fruit bowl with the weird ass way he's sitting, fix your posture man.)
🖤He's 99% busy all the time, he's either attending therapy, in class, doing stuff for the Vortex Club or doing his usual..shady shit.
📄When he's texting you or his friends, the messages are barely readable because he texts like 'CU Thre, LOL, 2nte' and adds an unnecessary amounts of ?? and !!.
🖤Nathan doesn't have a specific music taste but he does sort of like listening to heavy metal.
📄Doesn't know how to cook at all, his parents never cared to teach him and why bother when you're filthy rich?!
🖤He doesn't really care for shit other than his fucked up photography or the Vortex Club, he'll maybe sketch some stuff here and there but even his sketches come out looking severly fucked up.
📄His favourite animal is the Indian Saw-Scaled Viper, he's into some scary shit because he's a scary asshole so don't be surprised. I mean, he also likes dogs..i guess.
🖤Huge horror movie fan as well like you sit him down, turn on a terrifying, traumatizing ass movie but he just rolls his eye and stays there completely unphased.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
🦋Life Is Strange: How It's Like Sleeping Next To Them.
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🦋 some sappy headcanons 'cause im bored
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: cutesy romantic stuff eugh, swearing, nathan's dad being a sexist asshole, nightmares.
🎧A/N: I bought Before The Storm but I'm not a big fan of the Remastered versions of Life Is Strange, it just doesn't feel the same? I love the blank faces while someone is literally dying.
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🦋Chloe Price:
♡ Usually wakes up on her stomach but falls asleep on her back.
ツIt's literally a nightmare to sleep beside her, she snores, turns and tosses the whole night and talks in her sleep.
♡ Listens to music while she falls asleep, headphones in or playing on her radio alarm clock.
ツSurprisingly, not a blanket stealer, she literally kicks any sort of warmth off of her at night because she moves around so much.
♡ Nightmares, in Before The Storm and Life Is Strange, they're just not as vivid and real as they were before. She wakes up and checks if you're still there, it's comforting for her to see you asleep.
ツIt's rare for her to fall asleep at a healthy time and even if she does, she'll wake up A LOT during the night.
♡ She tends to sleep in a lot and accidentally (sometimes purposely) leaves people/you on read because she rarely hears the notifications.
ツHeavy sleeper.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
♡ Falls asleep on her back and wakes up on her back.
ツShe's like a calm mother bird, will play with your hair and you can't tell me she wouldn't fucking softly sing you to sleep. (oh my god)
♡ It helps her sleep when you're there, she likes looking at you and thinking about how grateful she is.
ツWill talk to you for hours when she should really be sleeping, talking about her drawings, classes or the bird she saw like last month.
♡ She tries to make sure to fall asleep at a healthy time, she plans her day out but is sometimes so busy studying that she completely forgets.
ツDepends on the day if she's a blanket stealer that night, if it's warm, she sees no need for any blankets but if it's freezing cold then you're the one suffering.
♡ Light sleeper, like you get up and suddenly she's getting up with you.
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📷Max Caulfield:
♡ Falls asleep on her side or her back but always wakes up on her back.
ツIt's not that bad sleeping next to Max, she'll maybe move a little during the night but nothing super major.
♡ HUGE blanket stealer, she knows what she's doing and will just smile and laugh if you confront her.
ツShe'll decide on sleeping then suddenly she needs to look something up or study and forgets that she needs sleep to survive until an hour or so later.
♡ Falls asleep pretty easily but if she can't she'll just wait a few minutes then go on a whole rant about her day and how she was hanging with Chloe the whole time.
ツSort of a light sleeper, if you need to go anywhere you've gotta crawl there or something.
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🎭Rachel Amber:
♡ Falls asleep on her side and wakes up on her back.
ツLike Victoria, she has a whole routine before bed. Skincare, posting and scrolling through her socials, listening to music.
♡ Not a blanket stealer thankfully but she can be though depending on the temperature.
ツShe can also spend hours talking to you like Kate does, mainly talking about how drama's going for her or how badly she wants to leave Arcadia Bay.
♡ She mainly sticks to her healthy sleep schedule with no interruptions unless something major happens, like when she found out her dad was cheating on her mom. (pretty understandable.)
ツShe's a heavy sleeper, you gotta shake her a few times like she's a fucking salt shaker.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
♡ Oh jesus, she sleeps in ANY position like she could be hanging off the bed and still fall asleep. Mostly falls asleep on her back though, wakes up basically on the floor.
ツTakes hours doing her skincare and her skin is honestly GLOWING afterwards, face masks, expensive ass skin creams in those teeny tiny bottles, soft music playing in the background.
♡ BLANKET STEALER, BLANKET STEALER! Like she'll pull the blanket off of you while you're still awake and act extremely confused when you look at her with an annoyed look.
ツShe can maybe gossip a little before she falls asleep halfway during the conversation, you know because she starts sleep talking about the most random shit.
♡ Sticks to her sleep schedule, no matter what. Like there could be a whole loud ass fight in the hall but she just rolls her eyes or picks a fight with them before falling asleep.
ツHeavy sleeper, she has to set a shit ton of alarms and only you/Nathan know because she's really embarrassed about it.
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🎮Warren Graham:
♡ Dorky dork who falls asleep on his stomach and wakes up on his back or halfway off of the bed.
ツRoutine? Skincare? Nah, he's just a natural cutie.
♡ Moves a lot during the night and accidentally smacked the shit out of you once during the night, he was actually worried but nervously laughing the whole time, sleep talks a lot about the funniest, weirdest shit ever.
ツNah, not a blanket stealer.
♡ Shitty fucking sleep schedule, he's always up studying or playing video games and you'll wake up at 4AM and he's still playing or he's somehow fell asleep with the controller still in his hands.
ツOn a good day, he'll be asleep by 2:30AM but on a bad day he's probably pulling an all nighter.
♡ Heavy sleeper, like scream in his ear and his body will shift a little but he's (still) asleep
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🧨Nathan Prescott:
♡ Can't believe I feel bad for this man but he'll pick a position and stick with it the whole night.
ツHis dad's a fucking asshat who told him doing skincare as a man is bad, but he takes care of his skin privately and feels really guilty about it after.
��� Okay, everyone I write for has to hold you or be held in some way while sleeping but Nathan is on a WHOLE different level. An arm wrapped tightly around you that won't move no matter what, his head tucked into your neck or his leg wrapped around your waist. (no, no..why is he attractive??)
ツNightmares, really terrifying nightmares that are so fucking specific and vivid. He wakes up shaking and goes back to sleep (if he ever does) shaking.
♡ Blanket? Fuck your needs, the blankets his now.
ツHORRIBLE SLEEP SCHEDULE?! Like he's up at 5AM smoking weed and slumped over a chair with his eyes closed.
♡ All nighters sometimes, normally falls asleep at 4AM or later. (teach him how to sleep, wtf.)
ツLight sleeper, he wakes up immediately when he hears you moving and instantly thinks you're gonna leave and become a banana or something (dumbass dude)
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
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Otome Characters as Tumblr Textposts pt 3/???
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
i know you and i like you anyway (1)
nathan prescott x reader ; warren graham x reader
summary: when the pressure and eyes are on you, it’s hard to stay afloat. especially when your not so forgotten best friend comes back into your life. and they are ready to mess up the plans others have for you.
having parents and peers constantly nag you about your grades, interests and lack of an significant other can bring you down. but meeting the new kid in the academy can change at least one of your mocking points.
yn is implied to be afab (lives in fem dorms) but is genderneutral otherwise!
tw/cw: mentions of poverty, mental health issues, canon typical violence, swearing, implied/ref drug use, modern au as in its not 2013, huge canon divergence and messed up time line, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, tell me if i missed smth!
read on ao3 for better formatting and tagging
unlike popular belief nathan prescott did not grow up in arcadia bay. the heir to the prescott name grew up in fort lauderale, florida. his family, from his mother side, lived there. she was able to convince his father to let them live there, bless her soul.
(“it will be good for him! for us! the pressure will destroy him. just look at how kristine treats us.. i don’t want to lose another child.”)
he spend his time at prestigious elementary and middle schools. and at middle school is where he meet you. people started quickly talking about you, simply because you were the only scholarship student. unlike everyone else you didn’t come from money.
your uniform was constantly 3 sizes too big, your hand was constantly raised and when you got anything less than an A there was clear panic on your face. the biggest difference to everyone else were your empty eyes and constant deadpan. seemingly nothing truly got a reaction out of you. there was a boy who tried to, by pulling at your hair and messing up your homework.
you beat him up so bad that the whole class just decided to leave you alone. and fact is, everyone who was near you also got left alone, so nathan was naturally pulled towards you. he wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
middle school was hard, simply because nathan`s problems started to really show, he wasn`t a child anymore who threw temper tantrum’s. he was now a boy with violent emotional outbursts. and quite frankly, children are cruel. getting a rise out of the weird prescott kid was more entertaining than torturing their maids and nanny’s.
because you were the only one who could handle his temper, simply because you didn’t care about it as long as he didn’t touch you, you got paired up for different projects.
and that’s how you meet his family. his father didn’t like you, but he doesn’t even like his own children, so his opinion didn’t matter. his mother and sister loved you, simply because you were very polite. dinners were filled with you being questioned to hell and back while you were trying to eat as much as possible.
“uhhh.. i have an older brother, he’s 2 years older than me…i have a twin brother, too. and another 3 little brothers. my father works at a la…actually he’s unemployed right now. my mother works as a teacher and during the summer break she works..where ever they need someone. what i want to be when i grow up?…middle class.”
meeting you after school was hard, responsibilities which nathan couldn’t even imagine carrying were put on your shoulder.
(“sorry. i have to study and babysit. so sorry, i need to grocery shop and take care of dinner. i wish i could, i have to cut the hair of all my brothers and clean the house. if i don’t pass this test my father will murder me.. i have to study. thank you for being so understanding.”)
to be honest, at first nathan didn’t even want anything to do with you. his mother insisted for him to invite you over. he now knows she pitied you. he now knows, too that you even were able to pull on the heartstrings of his father, because he would ask when you would visit again.
when nathan asked you, why did you have to care for everything, what did your brothers do to help? “have fun, i guess.” he felt angry for you. “how can you just roll over and take it? what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“well, who else would do i? why are you angry? i’m not angry, and i’m the one with the responsibilities.”
nathan learned to love you and the emptiness you carried around.
just like everything good in his life, your friendship (or was it more? it felt like more. he misses you, he misses your mean comments, your eye bags and exhaustion.) ended slowly.
once middle school was over, and he was able to graduate with a dirty record of violent outbursts, which was magically clean once he looked over it. the prescott family moved to arcadia bay. he was enrolled in the blackwell academy.
he found this out at the end of the summer break. to be honest he was getting suspicious, because all his questions regarding the highschool he was supposed to attend were being ignored. his father send him away, his mother smiled at him with sadness, he insisted to go to the same school as you.
“please, don’t forget me at your new cool school.”
“i will NEVER forget you, idiot. you’re the only tolerable person i know.”
the way you smiled at him was still clear in his head. you were beautiful in a way he has never seen, and the older he gets the more he realises he never will see anyone quite as pretty as you.
when nathan is 13 he meets dr. jacoby and starts treatment for the anger he feels. he knows that he fells ptity for him. nathan misses you, when he told you about his father, about the bruises and pressure he is under you simply talk about an escape plan. a way you both will be free from the shackles your family put on you and live happily everafter.
maybe you pitied him, but that would never stop you from treating him normally. you didn’t try to avoid his outburst, his meltdowns, you were always direct to him and never lied. he respected you more than anyone. he sees it in his mother, and relatives, how they dance around him as if he is fragile.
when nathan moved away, the first year he visited every break he could. summer, fall, winter and spring spend together. when he wasn’t there with you, he texted you. sending letters, postcards and hour long phone calls. his father hated this, more than anything.
(“depending not only on someone, but on such a low class person? don’t you know that you’re being used? they only see you as a walking wallet! i will put an end to this.”)
the only time dr. jacoby has seen sean prescott in person is when he expressed his concern regarding a codependent friendship with someone from florida. looking back on it, the doctor realised he was lied to and he was able to convince nathan to stop the contact, the only stable and positive influence in his life.
nathan wishes he could say that he got back in contact with you, that you were best friends again, but life is cruel and he’s a coward. he misses you, more than anything. he thinks he’s obsessed with you, dreams were about you (both dreams and nightmares), his day was spend imagining what you were up to, what you look like now. the silly thing is, nathan has never told anyone about you. victoria knew that he had an ex best friend in florida, but she didn’t know any details, rachel knew he was hung up on someone, jefferson knew that there was someone inhabiting his heart and mind.
and well. the school knew somethings. see, the thing is, when you’re high some things slip out. sometimes you mumble a name once or thrice when you’re passed out, and when you (try) hooking up with someone, you moan the wrong name. more than once. with different people. yeah. when one person claims he said the wrong name it’s one thing, but three? he was in deep shit.
victorias nosiness didn’t help, she wanted all the gory details, but he couldn’t say anything. what was he supposed to say? i fucked it up with the best person, because i couldn’t stand up to my shitty father and useless psychiatrist? sure. part of him was sure that she saw the pictures of you he has in his drawers, in his albums, hidden away.
for a short time nathan thinks he moved on, when he met rachel. she was pretty, smart and nice. she was less than you and much more. and he thinks he’s ok, ok with the distance and unknown which surrendes you. why did all your social media accounts have to be private?
nathan is 18 and it has been nearly 4 years since he has seen you. blackwell turned into the senior focused art academy, just like it was planned. he entered his first year in the 2 year programme and finally he was able to make a name for himself. victoria turned the vortex club into a group for the elite just like how she planned, with nathan’s help. he wasn’t the victim anymore, he finally ruled over the school grounds. summer passed and before he could register it, it was fall break.
it was the last few days and students started to move back into their dorms. the talk right now where the new students attending, some students dropped out because they were catched with drugs on their person, some couldn’t afford the rising tuition prices and others simply moved away because of their parents. nathan couldn’t careless, those who left aren’t close to him, but who is truly close to the prescott heir? he can’t lie though, he lost one of his best customers, or more like frank did.
victoria was in nathan’s dorm room, she was checking out the new student’s. according to her, there were no new people in the girl dorm’s who fit in the vortex club. how tragic. outside on the hallway was some commotion,
“please, move and unlock your door before i decide against helping you with your furniture.” could be heard from the outside, spoken by an unknown voice. the room besides nathan was being occupied. sad. he will miss the privacy and silence. especially now, with furniture being build. fucking hell.
“oh my, hottie alert. two of them even.” victoria was peeking out of his door.
“oh yeah? found some new members?” she hummed, “let’s go over and introduce ourselves. first impressions are everything. before the freaks come and snatch `em away.”
nathan groaned, “give me a minute. i’m still fucking hangover from yesterday. fuck, frank needs to stop stretching his shit or one day i’m going to die, for real.” victoria only chuckled at her best friend.
stepping away from the door she got out here phone and looked herself over in the camera, fixing a few strands and wiping away lipstick which started to smear over her lips. in the meantime nathan got up from his bed, going through his har with his hands and putting on his iconic jacket. with that he left the room, victoria right behind him. looking his door before they make their way over to his new neighbours.
and honestly, he should have expected this, because you always meet someone twice. or that’s what you always said. the door was open, and some guy had his back turned towards them. damn, he’s tall. it’s kinda overkill. turning around, the stranger nearly ran into him and victoria,
“shit! my bad, i didn’t see you there…do we know each other?”
you weren’t who nathan saw when he found out you were back, or more like you were here. in his life. instead, he saw face to face with your twin. the guy was freakishly tall, nathan remembered how small he used to be, now he was over 6 feet tall with clear defined muscles.
nathan with his proud 5`7 feet felt his fragile ego being tested, simply by the fact that some guy he used to know when he was, like, 13 was now way taller than him. and part of him wants to lash out, yell at oliver for not watching where he’s fucking going. but nathan was aware that this would kill any chance of reconciling with you. starting a fight with your brother would immediately put him on your shitlist, even if you hate oliver. sometimes.
(“he’s still my brother. if you talk badly about him again, i’m going to throw you out of this window.”)
“jesus himself could stand before you and you wouldn’t recognise him. stop bothering people, this is the third time you have asked someone this. get your stuff already.” your clearly annoyed voice rang through the room. thankfully this took away n
oliver scratched his head, “man, not my fault i can’t recognise faces for shit. my name’s oliver. nice to meet you guys!”
victoria the angel (or devil) took over the conversation, noticing that nathan was a tiny bit overwhelmed, “hi! i’m victoria and this is my best friend nathan. we just wanted to welcome you to blackwell. if you need any help don’t be afraid to ask us.” she put on her best mask of friendliness. “we are the leaders of the vortex cub, a group for blackwells elite. i’m sure you will fit right in.” taking out a flyer she gave it to him.
reading it over oliver said, “me? for sure. i don’t know about grumpy bear back there.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you’re my twin, and i love you but you’re mean. like, even teachers are afraid of you. well, i better get going before you throw something at me.” with that oliver left his spot at the door and nathan finally can look at you. you were sitting in the middle of the room, an unfinished shelf laying on the floor and a toolbox was at your side. in one hand you held a screwdriver and in the other hand, raised into the air you held a pillow, obviously ready to throw it.
you look just like he remembered and at the same time it feels like he’s looking at a stranger. you’re not quite as skinny anymore and your eye bags weren’t as dark anymore. wearing a oversized hoodie and jeans, just like when you were a kid. but now he knows it’s probably more a fashion choice instead of only owning hand me downs and extra big clothes to grow into. of course, you still have to be stupidly attractive. now you wear glasses, too.
you lowered the pillow back to the ground, now that your target left. looking down at the shelf you pouted and said in a small voice, “i’m not mean.” your piercing gaze drifted over to victoria and then nathan, “hi, i’m the mean y/n, apparently.” when you saw him, you did a small double take. victoria and her awareness immediately caught that. stupid artists and their eye for details, especially since she has heard that name mumbled many times.
“oh? where are you guys from?” she asked, smiling at you.
“uhh…florida,” when you saw her raise a brow, hinting at waiting more details you continued, “fort lauderdale, to be exact.”
“what a coincidence! nathan here also grew up there. do you perhaps know each other?” the way victoria smiled reminded you of a dog barring it’s teeth in a warning.
nathan knew you and you would play along with whatever lie he went with, but part of him doesn’t want to lie. here’s his chance to actually start a path, to be friends again (or to be more. but you probably hate him, on the other hand who doesn’t?).
“…long fuckin` time no see, y/n.” what a lame way to say hello after nearly 4 years, but it’s not like he can rewind time.
before he could register it he was hit square in the face with the discarded pillow, “what the fuck? what happened to forgive and forget? huh?”
“woah..” only now did nathan register that fucking warren was also in the room, sitting on the bed. the guy was impressed, he never thought he would see someone attack nathan fucking prescott. warren is putting you on a pedestal right now.
“what the fuck are you looking at, loser?” in true nathan fashion he had to lash out at someone and it couldn’t be you. warren quickly put his hands up in surrender, regretting ever speaking.
“no fighting in my room, guys.” oliver returned in his hands two boxes stacked on top of each other. looking at nathan, he said “so i do know you, what kind of unforgivable act did you commit for grumpy to punish you with the pillow of hatred?”
“stop calling me that!”
oliver walked further into the room, dropping his boxes near you and asking you something, in a hushed voice and a language unknown to the others in the room. when you answered his eyes widened in shock.
“the rich kid! of course i remember you, dude. in fact, y/n will forgive you for whatever you did and marry you. so we- you guys can be rich and shit, together.” oliver nodded wisely, while you looked so tired. shaking your head, you simply started to screw around with the screws in the shelf.
quickly dismantling the shelf, you dropped the screws messily on the floor and stood up, pointing to your brother you said, “you’re horrible,” pointing to nathan, “i’m incredibly angry with you,” pointing to both warren and victoria you spoke your last words, “it was nice to meet you both. warren, i will take you up on that offer to show me around.” and then you walked out with the tool box in hand.
“are you finally going to tell the story about y/n?”
“…fuck, i don’t know how to put up any furniture.”
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
oh no, im realising how attractive he is, don't do this to me man
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Meow. Bring out the claws. I love seeing chicks fight.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Relationship Headcanons.
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🦋 some short headcanons on what it's like in a relationship with my six favourites :)
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: cheesy romantic stuff, swearing, jealousy, insecurities and toxic relationships (nathan)
🎧A/N: I send these out faster than my brain can handle, I have no idea why it hasn't turned to pure dust yet.
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🦋Chloe Price:
🤍Wacky, trashy dates that don't cost a ton of money, she definitely cannot afford to go to super expensive places so the junkyard, train tracks and just simply walking about late at night is the best you're gonna get.
🤍On one date, she bought/possibly stole this tacky little lighthouse figure for you so you could put it nearby and when you see it, you'll automatically think of her.
🤍She was SO nervous asking you out even if you guys were super close, like shaking and fidgeting with her hands type of nervous.
🤍Offers to paint your nails sometimes but she literally only owns black nail polish, so you'll have to make do.
🤍She totally believes she's a badass 100%, I'd be lying if I said she hasn't climbed through your window at least once.
🤍Jealous? She's in the middle, she trusts you but is also scared some dickhead is gonna get the wrong idea.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
🤍She seems like she'd enjoy those cute little picnic dates or movie nights, as long as it's not a horror movie. Kate can't cope when she's watching ANYTHING horror-wise, she's holding onto your arm the whole time.
🤍She'll buy you a small gift here and there but she also likes sketching you or painting your favourite place to go together, she's pretty artistic.
🤍If you couldn't tell already, she ADORES you, she could literally spend hours just looking at you.
🤍When she finally confesses to you, she cries happy tears and stares at you in pure disbelief as if she's just waiting for you to tell her it's a prank or somethin'.
🤍Kate trusts you entirely and knows you won't just leave her, not after all the things you guys have gone through together.
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📷Max Caulfield:
🤍You have to be on pretty good terms with Chloe, she's literally Max's best friend. As long as you aren't a major asshole, you'll be fine.
🤍She takes photos of you, so many photos. Photos at the beach, photos at the diner, photos of you half asleep, photos of you in a banana costume that one halloween, photos of you brushing your teeth.
🤍It's like dating your best friend, even if you guys weren't that close when you first met, you are now motherfucker!
🤍Max can't cook, at all. Do not expect anything other than burnt grilled cheese or off-brand cereal if you were to ever get anything breakfast-wise.
🤍If you can cook then, oh boy! She will definitely refer to you as her beloved private chef with a huge grin on her face.
🤍Max thinks being jealous is for cheesy middle schoolers, she doesn't really care.
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 🎭Rachel Amber:
🤍Oh my god, she fucking loves you. In her eyes, you're literally an angel with wings that she scored with pure luck, she 100% hangs out with you nearly all time and is a little paranoid that something could happen to you out of the blue.
🤍Expensive gifts, you're literally collecting them from her at this point. On your birthday, she read out a poem she wrote herself with dramatics and all.
🤍She has to be really close with you to fall genuinely head over heels so, well done!
🤍Unlike Max, Rachel can actually cook like she could serve up a whole 5 star, three course meal with rarely any effort.
🤍She has a box under her bed which is just full of photos and sketches of the both of you.
🤍It's in Rachel's blood to be..a little jealous, she'd be broken if you were to just lose interest in her completely.
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 🎬Victoria Chase:
🤍Shocker but you HAVE to get along with Nathan, or somehow tolerate him but I can understand how that could be hard.
🤍Victoria is so damn wealthy and is nearly always buying you cute little necklaces or expensive ass things to put in your room, she loves going on dates with you but she'll freak out if anyone sees you together in public and you aren't nearly as popular as her.
🤍She also takes photos of you a lot, she has a weird nerdy side that only you and Nathan really know about.
🤍If she's open about your relationship, she definitely posts those cheesy middle-school posts about you and refers to you as `her light, her inspiration and the moon to her sun` she 100% sees herself as the sun because she's bright and fun and you're just you.
🤍Victoria gets jealous SO easily. She has to bite her tongue to stop her from saying something she shouldn't sometimes, she'll just look at you with an annoyed ass look on her face if you're doing something she doesn't like.
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🎮 Warren Graham:
🤍Ever stayed up till 4:30AM playing shitty ass multiplayer games with snacks in your lap like you need junk food to survive? Well, now you'll be doing that all the time with him! He seriously won't give up and he's the first person to let you know when the new game you guys have been wanting to buy is on sale.
🤍He's a dork but he's a dork that helps you with studying when you need it, he's already outside your door before you can even pick up your phone to text him.
🤍You know those zodiac tiktoks kids make? Yeah, he'll have a fucking fit if they're not accurate and he seriously believes those but will pretend he doesn't.
🤍He'll maybe buy you a cheap ass video game here and there but other than that he'll probably just write you a little love letter and slide it under your door which is SO fucking cute.
🤍Warren can get jealous sometimes and I feel like he'd be kind of insecure about if he's a good boyfriend or not.
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 🧨Nathan Prescott:
🤍If I'm being honest, it isn't the healthiest relationship exactly and he freaks the fuck out if you stop replying to his texts suddenly because he needs your attention constantly.
🤍He's terrified that you'll get fed up of his shitty behaviour and bail, so he's constantly trying to make it up to you. He'll buy you a new camera, expensive equipment or just blow up your phone if that doesn't work.
🤍He'd be open about your relationship depending on your popularity and if you're a guy or not, he's still probably going through some denial but he still loves you the same even if he's a complete asshole.
🤍Nathan suffers from really bad nightmares and without warning you'll just wake up to him shuffling around your room in the middle of the night and then ask if he can stay over but pretend he didn't the next day, even though it keeps happening nearly every night.
🤍So jealous, like really jealous, he wants you to only have eyes for him and is a sucker for your attention only.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Mental Health Headcanons
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 🦋 warnings: heavy topics, mentions of psychical and verbal abuse, mentions of mental illness, kate's suicide attempt, a gif of warren beating the shit out of nathan which is funny to me, mentions of my literal enemy mark jefferson
 🎧 A/N: I was feeling a little silly, goofy even. This idea popped into my head as I was writing some relationship headcanons but I decided to write this instead, the relationship headcanons will be out later today though probably or tomorrow. ツ (this took like 9 hours)
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 🦋 Chloe Price:
  💾 An attachment to Rachel who turned out to be just really only leading her on and giving her false hope, a dead father who she keeps seeing in her brutal nightmares, an abusive stepfather who we see hit her after a certain choice and has probably hit her before on several occasions, a mother who rarely takes her side and a best friend that's dipped only to come back and not tell her.
   📼Her emotions can change in a split second from 0% to 100% almost immediately, she's seen smoking which she probably uses to drift away from reality and ease the way she feels.
  📝I think that from research and playing the game that Chloe has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), from her trust and abandonment issues, being unable to take control of her emotions and the meltdown she had in Chaos Theory.
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  🍂Kate Marsh:
 💾 Kate is so deeply traumatized by what Nathan did to her, drugging her and promising that he'll take her to a hospital (he lied to her, he's an asshole). Only for Victoria to spread a video of her kissing complete strangers for the whole school, town and her extremely religious family to see.
  📼Her room is unclean and messy, things are spread across the floor including books and clothes, when she's at her desk she looks noticeably tired with red, puffy eyes from crying. Inside her room, it's dark and her mirror is covered up (afraid to look at herself, i think she's beautiful by the way.) When she's on the roof threatening to jump, she's correct that we don't know her mother but she apparently thinks that Kate is already on her way to hell.
 📝I think from how her behaviour is in the game that she has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Depression.
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 📷 Max Caulfield:
 💾 She's gone through hell and back, watching her best friend get shot and finding out that she has literal powers that can rewind time. Then having to rewind and save Kate's life, rewinding to stop Victoria from going to Mark Jefferson and ending up in the dark room, saving Chloe from getting killed by a train and shot by Mark, finding Rachel's dead body and ending up in the dark room herself.
  📼Max seems to be pretty socially awkward and just focuses on photography entirely, she probably struggles making friends and communicating with others.
  📝I think that Max has Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), from her tending to avoid certain social decisions and her problems communicating with other people. Also, she could possibly have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after the Life Is Strange events take place, from her time in the dark room and constantly having to rewind and save Chloe's life.
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 🎭Rachel Amber:
 💾 Rachel sort of has to have everyone's eyes on her, you know? The popular girl that everyone knows, especially after she goes missing. Finding out that her dad's cheating on her mom, who turns out to actually not be her biological mother, that shit would fuck with anyone's head.
  📼She's described as a huge flirt from the way she acts with Frank and Chloe but she's leading them both on at the same time, putting a huge strain on both of their relationships. Chloe's convinced that Frank is a huge creep (a little) especially since he has her bracelet but Chloe refuses to believe that Rachel would have did that to her. (going behind her back, lying to her.)
 📝Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD), it seems to describe her and her behaviour pretty well. Her emotions, her powers , how she started a whole fucking wildfire and her very unhealthy behaviour.
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 🎬 Victoria Chase:
 💾 The Queen Bee! It's obvious that she was born into a wealthy family due to her expensive jewellery, clothes and very expensive camera equipment. (I see why Nathan and Victoria get along, they're both rich people who slightly get on my nerves.)
  📼From what she said to Max, it's obvious that she's jealous of her and probably afraid she'll take the spotlight or her place probably. She wants to be liked, the center of attention and if she isn't then she'll have a fucking fit. (I'm gonna have a BF, a bitch fit!) It's also obvious that she's very close with Nathan and aware of his unstable behaviour, their relationship can be seen as romantic or just friends. (i don't ship them, more like brother & sister.)
 📝It says on her profile that she could possibly have Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD), seductive behaviour, self-centeredness and constantly seeking reassurance or approval.
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 🎮 Warren Graham:
 💾 It's my favourite dork! He's literally 16 and in a school specifically for seniors, smart much? It's said that he probably advanced a couple grades on his profile due to him being pretty smart.
 📼He's seen a few times fidgeting around, he's literally unable to stay still apart from when he's getting his picture taken. He acts without thinking like how he beat Nathan Prescott's ass (twice) and I get the vibe he'd also struggle focusing on certain tasks.
 📝I couldn't find anything on Warren but personally i think he has Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from what I said earlier, he's unable to stay still, acts without thinking and struggles focusing on certain tasks. (like loving me back)
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 🧨 Nathan Prescott:
 💾 He's a horrible person and I don't defend this man but I do feel bad for him, physically and verbally abused by his own father, used by Mark Jefferson all because he's rich and easy to manipulate. He went down all the dark paths in the world for a fucked up dickhead (i literally despise mark jefferson, i will beat his ass.)
 📼It's obvious he's mentally unstable and everyone around him knows, they just don't care except for his therapist. It's heavily implied that he suffers from paranoia, anxiety and psychosis. From his scary ass drawings and a letter from his therapist directed towards his father detailing how Nathan is `disconnected from reality`.
📝Nathan is confirmed to have Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia from the medicine (Risperidone, from his profile) that he takes which is used to treat both of those things. And possibly, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which could have been brought on by the abuse he endures from his father. (i'll beat his ass as well.)
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Petnames.
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🦋 What do they call their partner, what do they like to be called?
 🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 Warnings: nathan prescotts issues, sappy stuff and my never ending beef with nathan prescott
 🦋 A/N: Bored, tired and severely sleep deprived. I'm sticking to actually posting for once? Shocking! The word petname has me giggling like a kid and I've got no idea why.
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 🦋 Chloe Price:
 💓 Chloe would probably call you the basics like babe, baby and hey maybe even babycakes as some classic comedy. She seems like the type to just make the coolest petnames in her head and spit 'em out in a split second. (She'll probably call you dude, regardless of your gender.)
 🤍 She'd deep down enjoy those real sappy, cute and sort of cringe petnames. Like pumpkin and sweetheart, you know? Maybe even puddin' but in a southern accent, apart from that she doesn't really care.
(Chloe's just a big softie, come onnn!)
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🦋Kate Marsh:
💓Kate, katie, literal angel, and she'd probably call you her angel as well! She'd also call you darling, dearest, my love and probably hon/honey.
🤍She'd enjoy and appreciate it if you were affectionate with petnames like the way she is, so probably darling, angel and my love if I were to guess.
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🦋Max Caulfield:
💓I get huge calling her partner broski and dude vibes, no matter your gender which is probably gonna be a little like Warren's headcanons. Calls you by your name and maybe sweetheart or greets you after a while like `Hey there, cowboy!` (again, regardless of your gender.)
🤍Doesn't care what you call her, lovey dovey and insist on calling her the most sickening, romance novel petnames? Okay, it's what you like and she probably doesn't mind.
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🦋Rachel Amber:
💓Petnames are mandatory, MANDATORY!! Am I the only one getting the vibe she'd call her partner baby girl/baby boy or..?
💓Apart from that it's angel, love, sweetie and maybe babe. Probably reminds you that you're handsome or pretty nearly everyday because she's a theatre kid and DRAMATIC, or maybe she just wants to show you sum love.
🤍Call her what she calls you or add some little sappy nicknames in there cause she deserves better and just wants to feel the good old romance in the air.
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🦋Victoria Chase:
💓Okay big old bully:( She's the good old classic mean girl in public but with you? She's like a totally different person, I mean forget all those horrible, awful things she's done..ahem..
💓If you're super popular and everyone knows who you are, she'll call you babe and hon in public. If you're not as popular as her, she might not put the best effort in but she's still got your back!
💓In private it's my love, babe, baby, hon/honey, all types of sappy stuff.
🤍Isn't a big deal to her what you call her just be affectionate dude (don't call her dude, she'll be like wtf)
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🦋Warren Graham:
💓Is for sure calling you dude, bro and broski like yeah you're in a relationship but he didn't ask. Take it or leave it, broski! Refers to you as his partner no matter what, he'll be struggling to call you anything else and that has me laughing a little. (favourite nerd)
💓I feel like he'd jokingly call you dumbass, if you're okay with that probably.
🤍LOVE, AFFECTION, ADORAAATION! Put some effort in, like yeah he barely calls you anything romantic and cute but like leave him alone okay?! He's trying his best!
🤍Call him anything cause he'll eat that shit up daily for every meal, he loves you and just needs SOMETHING!
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🦋Nathan Prescott:
💓It's dickhead again, let me just pull out my book of problems! Comedic purposes..very hilarious but he's got some intense issues and this is gonna be like one of those shit love stories.
💓He's not big and open about your relationship so he doesn't call you anything in public (especially if you're a guy, sorry dude but he's got denial issues up the ass).
💓He might call you babe or somethin' else, he's an asshole struggling with affection and other things.
🤍Call him what you wish just don't try it in public because he'll get all pissed off and act like he's never seen you in his life. Like, how dare you be affectionate and loving?!
🤍He's the problem.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
rachel amber 4ever just sayin, this is also super cool!!
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oregon beaches
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Sexuality Headcanons.
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  🦋 Warnings: Spoilers for Life Is Strange 1 & 2, mentions of religious trauma and denial, simping for warren, victoria being mean, unsupportive and shitty parents.
🦋A/N: Coming from a dude who's played Life Is Strange 1 & 2 but also done the occasional research, I've noticed how well they include different sexualities and genders. From Chloe Price to Rachel Amber and how Esteban was totally chill with his son kissing a dude in Life Is Strange 2.
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 🦋 Chloe Price (Lesbian):
It's canon that she's a lesbian, right? So that's it then, she just likes girls alone with nothing else in the mix. I feel like she was aware of her feelings before Max dipped and William died.
When she first found out, I'd say she was going through denial and Max was definitely her first sort of crush on a girl.
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🦋 Kate Marsh (Panromantic):
I feel like Kate's panromantic personally and struggles with huge religious trauma, Deep down she doesn't care what gender her partner is, she just loves them for them.
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 🦋 Max Caulfield (Unlabeled):
I'm actually sort of struggling to find something in my head to describe what Max's sexuality would be but she wouldn't put a label on it for sure,
And she doesn't seem to be super into romance in the first game, like her friends are her number one priority nearly all the time.
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 🦋 Rachel Amber (Bisexual):
RACHEEEL!! She's totally one of my favourite characters and she's of course bisexual! (Canon, by the way.)
I get the vibe that she leans towards guys but that doesn't mean she isn't bisexual, you know? Her parent's don't seem like they'd have a huge problem with it because it's kind of obvious.
She doesn't make it a big deal necessarily, she's just trying to be that cool, dramatic and comedic theatre kid at all times.
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 🦋 Victoria Chase (Questioning):
Okay, okay! Some people think she likes girls but in my opinion, I think she's straight or at least questioning!
Like she thinks some girls are pretty, is she gonna tell them? Do you know who she is?? She'll probably insult them or come out with some rude ass, sleazy remark.
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 🦋 Warren Graham (Omnisexual):
Omnisexual, preference for girls.
Like, look at him and then tell me he hasn't explored sexuality wise. Because he has, he HAAAAS!!! He's kissed guys, girls, people who don't identify, the ground when he was hammered.
Max is missing out, if she doesn't want him then I gladly do. I welcome this man with open ass arms.
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 🦋 Nathan Prescott (Unlabeled):
In such huge denial and I'm gripping my desk trying not to feel bad for this man, his parents obviously don't give two fucks but I feel like maybe at least his mother would be a somehow good person.
His dad's a bully and we don't hear a lot about Nathan's mom, she cares in a way but she doesn't try to do anything about it.
He'll think a guy's attractive in a way but then feel guilty right after realizing what's going on, man just wants to be loved! DON'T LET ME FEEL BAD FOR HIIIM!!
Time finished: 02:28AM
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pristinekanesays · 2 years ago
🦋Life Is Strange: Masterlist
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This might be my more active one, as I've played the game and know nearly everything! More experienced writing these:)` - Kane, 20/01/2023  🦋
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🍂 𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖍:
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🧨 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖙𝖙
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🎧 All/Headcanons:
🐺 Life Is Strange: Petnames 🌚
⚠️ Life Is Strange: Mental Health Headcanons🦴🩹
🦊 Life Is Strange: Relationship Headcanons 🌚🦴
🦋 Life Is Strange: Sexuality Headcanons 🌚
🤍Life Is Strange: How It's Like Sleeping Next To Them 🌚
🌙 Life Is Strange: General Headcanons 🌚🦴
⚡️Life Is Strange: With A Sick S/O 🌚
🦋 UPDATED: 28/03/2023
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