princesstaysworld · 9 months
A story for the "teacher/student cnc-ish" anon. If you enjoy this story, please consider buying me a coffee. 💝
Sitting in my college advisor's office at the end of the semester. He'd flirted with me all year, and I was too naive to tell him to stop. Now his middle aged body was leaning over me on his sofa, making me nervous and needy as he coaxes me;
"Come on, let me just see your pussy. You're so pretty, I bet your pussy is so cute and sweet. I just want to look at you. Let's get these panties off… oh my god, look at you. Look at that pink pussy. It's so beautiful. Can I just touch you a little bit? Can I put my hands here, on your thighs, and maybe spread you open a little? Oh yes, baby, look at you, so wet already, you're shaking… I just want to hold your pretty little pussy open and watch you squirm. Yes, baby. Don't be shy, I want to see you drip for me. No no, don't close your legs. I'm gonna spread you some more. There we go, there's your pretty little clit. I'm gonna lick it, baby, is that okay? Would you let me lick your little pussy for a minute? Just a minute. Mmm… oh fuck, baby, you taste so fucking good… Mmm, god, you like that? My tongue swirling around your clit? You like it when I fuck you with my tongue? Mhmm… fuck yeah, moan for me, baby… Let me just hold you open and eat this pretty little pussy… until you're shaking. Oh fuck, you're so wet, baby… you're so close, I can taste it… please cum for me, baby. Cum in my mouth… just cum, baby, oh, yes… Come on, baby, I know you can. Keep cumming, that's it… fuck, you're so pretty when you squirm like that. Good girl. Good girl… let me rest my cock on your pussy for a minute. Get your breath back while I slide my cock up and down… God, you're so wet, baby… you're dripping. Soaking wet, aren't you? It feels amazing. Just sliding back and forth across your clit, teasing your little pussy with my cock… you're making me throb baby, can you feel it? Can you feel my cock pulsing on your clit? Fuck… What if I just… push the head in? Oh God, you're so warm… Mmm, yeah, let's do that again, just the head… Fuck, fuck yes… look how easy I can slide inside. It would be so easy to fill you up. I could slide all the way inside you. You're so wet for me. You're so ready to be fucked, baby. Let's just test it, okay? I'm gonna put the head in, and we'll see how easy you open up for me, okay? Mhmm, there's the tip… and now, there's an inch… two… three… Oh god, baby, you're taking it all so well… look at you stretch around my cock. Dripping, taking my dick so deep, fuck… there it is, baby. My whole cock buried inside you. You took it all, baby. Good girl. Does it feel good, being filled with my cock? Can you feel me stretching you open? Can you feel my pulse inside you? Oh God, you feel so fucking good. Your pussy is so soft. You look so beautiful spread open for me like that. I just have to fuck you now. I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're so tight around my cock… yes, baby, fuck, you feel so good. Just let me fuck your perfect little pussy a little longer… Yes, yes… fuck, yeah, baby, you like my dick inside you? Mmm, yes… I'm so deep inside you. So fucking deep. Fuck, I want to cum inside you. Fuck... Let me pound into you until you can't think. Just feel me fucking you, pushing my cock as deep as I can, feel me getting harder and hotter… that's it. Good girl. Whimper for me. Tell me how good my cock feels buried inside you. Take that cock, and moan for me. Yes… Mmm, fuck, baby… you're so wet, you're so warm… yes. Yes. Oh God, I want to cum. I want to cum inside your pussy so fucking bad. Can I, baby? Please let me fill your cunt with cum, oh God… fuck, yes… please, baby. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum, baby, I'm sorry… fuck… oh, fuck, baby, can you feel it? Mmm… can you feel me flooding your pussy? Fuck, you're making me cum so much… so deep inside you… Oh fuck, yes… take that load, baby… what a good girl. So full. Fuck."
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princesstaysworld · 1 year
Becoming a fuck toy for strangers
(A story set ordered by someone, all scenes are extreme cnc where the mc has hired a service to perform these acts)
She shuffled onto the train car. Standing between a man sitting down reading a book and one standing behind her seemingly paying no mind to her. As the train lurched forward the man behind her fell forward into her, almost knocking her forward. Steadying her footing so as to not fall onto the man sitting down she began to ask the man behind her to move when his hand grabbed her ass. She gasped lightly as he leaned into her. 
"What are you doing you creep." 
"Shhhhh" He chuckled as his hands roamed her ass. "Wouldn't want someone to see." She flushed making sure the man who was only a few inches from her didn't notice, she became painfully aware that if he looked her way he would see straight up her skirt from this angle. 
"Stop touching me." She tried to squirm away but ended up stumbling closer to the man sitting down. He looked up at her and the man touching her chuckled again. He pinched her ass hard making her bounce slightly. The man sitting down stared intently.
"I told you to be quiet." His hand slid around to the crotch of her panties and the sitting man began stroking himself through the fabric of his pants. 
"Please, please sir, turn away. " She blushed, feeling the erection of the man behind her, and watching the erection of the one in front of her grow. She felt her own arousal start.
"I think he wants a show." The man said before stuffing his fingers into her pussy. She gasped as the wetness of it allowed him to dive deep. "So soaked my dear, you seem to be enjoying getting groped by a stranger."
"No! Of course not." She gasped as he pulled out just enough to pinch her clit.
"I think you are a little slut. Who dreams of a man showing her how he should use her body." His breath was hot on her ear as he pressed himself to her. "How about I show you, and give the nice man a show?" He purred pulling her panties to the side exposing her dripping pussy. Shame flooded her. The man sitting down did not want just a show as he quickly dove forward and latched onto her pussy. His tongue dove inside of her as he grabbed her ass for better access.
"Please! No!" She tried to squirm but the man behind her grabbed her arms pinning them to him.
"Oh you can't deny the man after showing him your slutty dirty pussy can you. "
"I'm, I'm not a slut, and I didn't show him my pussy." Both men chuckled. The one sitting down slid his finger along her slit as he pulled his mouth away a bit.
"You're pretty wet to not be a slut." His point was accented by the man behind her effortlessly sliding three fingers into her pussy. Her eyes rolled and she tried to close her legs but both men kicked them open. The man behind her driving his fingers deep in her.
"Now now, be a good slut for us. Don't make a scene." Thoughts raced through her head as her first orgasm began to build. Was she really going to let these men fuck her?
"I'll scream." She gasped as the second man resumed his sucking on her clit. The sensation of being penetrated and having her clit suctioned began driving her wild.
"Oh will you now? I guess we will have to keep you quiet until we're done with your filthy cunt then. '' The sound of zippers caused her heart rate to spike. Before she could respond she was bent over with the sitting man's cock in her mouth and the other man's mouth on her pussy. Her muffled moans as they tag teamed her grew. Her orgasm was just at the edge as she felt her pussy begin to twitch. Her eyes rolled as she silently pleaded for the man to push her over. Then his tongue disappeared from her soaking mound
"No"She tried to mouth around the cock in her throat. She wiggled her hips desperate for the release she needed. 
"No?" The man chuckled "see I knew you were just a desperate, needy little slut. You want this?" She felt his dick press against the entrance of her. She couldn't nod her head or say anything as she gagged on the man hammering her throat. His erection grew tight with his nearing orgasm.
"I'm going to have to cum in your throat so that it doesn't make a mess. Be a good little cum dumpster for me ok?" She looked up at him through hooded eyes moaning as he fucked her throat, she desperately began to want his cum down her throat. With no warning the man behind her slammed his entire length into her soft soaking petals. The force firmly shoving the other man's cock down her throat as he began streaming his cum into her. Gagging, she swallowed it as fast as she could while the other man hammered her pussy. She coughed as the first man moved back in his seat, zipping his pants back up. 
"Such a good girl." He murmured as he watched her get fucked. Suddenly she was standing upright again. A new man in front of her. Her brain froze with embarrassment as she listened to the sounds of her pussy being fucked and the moans she couldn't control anymore. She looked around to see a total of three men staring. Their erections were noticeable.
"Go ahead boys. Next stop isn't for another forty minutes." He jerked her hands behind her back and the men lunged. Quickly her shirt was ripped open and her bra cut free from her body. Mouths found her nipples teeth dragging along the skin roughly. They did not waste time being gentle as they pinched, slapped and tugged on her. She felt an orgasm building as the men ravaged her body to the tune of the train. Teeth clamped down on her nipples as one man slapped her across the face. Her orgasm ripped through her body spraying all over her legs around the man inside her. 
"Ooh!" They cheered out loud watching her soak herself. "I guess these are ruined." One said as she felt her panties get cut away from her body by a blade. Her shirt ripped, bra and panties removed, nothing stood between the men and her body now. 
"Oh god" She heard the man behind her exclaim, in the daze she hadn't noticed him swelling in her pussy.
"No wait!" She cried out just before she was bent over for another cock to get shoved into her throat. She sucked it down as she felt the man explode cum into her pussy, pounding the last of his sperm deep inside her. Tears brimmed as she orgasmed from the feeling. She knew they would breed her at this rate and she didn't care. She needed more. She was moved to a seat and positioned so all the men could have access to every part of her. Teeth returned to her nipples as someone slapped her clit hard. She jerked screaming out and the cock was returned to her throat.
"That's right. Cum as we abuse you like the whore you are." Fingers entered her as teeth marked her skin, and slaps rang out on her clit. Eventually someone tied her feet to the chairs so her legs were in the air and her pussy and ass could be assaulted at the same time. She lost count of the orgasms as they racked her body and soaked the seat. Soon she was pushed until she hung off the seat slightly. The man in her throat began to cum as two men positioned their dicks to fuck her. Her eyes widened as both of her holes were filled by the men. After she finished swallowing the cum the man on top of her retreated into the train car. The final one positioned his dick at her mouth standing next to her. He grabbed the back of her head.
"Three more loads you little whore. Do your job." She opened wide, needing more cum in her throat. Her eyes rolled as she lost herself in the bliss of being completely filled. The men were not gentle with her, continuing to slap, bite and scratch her as they pounded her ass, pussy, and throat. Tied helplessly to the chairs she felt like she would die from being fucked so much. The next orgasm racked her body and again she squirted all over the seat. She felt all three men grow frantic as their cock swelled. She was so full of their big swollen dicks she was certain she couldn't take it, and then just as soon as it began all three men pumped their hot cum into her. Pounding as hard as they could they shot the loads as deep as possible. They pulled away and she felt the ties leave her wrists and ankles. As she lay there leaking cum from all holes a suited man approached. She watched the other men leave as the new man began reaching in his pocket. In anticipation for him she spread her legs, showing him her cum leaking holes. He chuckled as he handed her a business card.
"Next time you want to be used, give this number a call. We won't tell you when, or where, or how many will attack you, but we expect you to resist a little to make it fun for them. We'll be seeing you soon." He smiled smugly as the train doors opened and he disappeared into the night. She buttoned her shirt and tried to cover herself. Tucking the card safely into her purse. She would call the number as soon as she got home. In hopes they would take her again soon.
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princesstaysworld · 1 year
It was a warm summer night, which was why you were sleeping on top of the sheets. You were having a shamelessly horny dream about some tentacle monster ravishing you, probably grinding against the bed in your sleep. Though for some reason, one of the tentacles felt much more real than the others. It slid up your leg, silky smooth against your skin, and all at once your brain realizes it's not from your dream.
You jolt awake, looking for the source. Was it a cat? A snake? You don't see anything around. Except, maybe- no, that was just a shadow. And you were so close to the good part of that dream, too. You look down at your underwear, which features a prominent bulge and wet spot at the tip. You grumble and turn back over, grinding into the bed a little as you try to resume your dream.
You're almost asleep again when you feel it again. It's in the same spot, on your inner ankle working its way up to your thigh. You jump up just in time to see it slither off of the bed- a long, thin, inky-black tentacle. It's eerily close to the one in your dream, so you logically determine you must be imagining it. But you sleep on your back this time anyways, looking down towards your feet.
The third time you see it, you had your hand down your underwear. Why did you have your hand down your underwear? You should probably just get off so you can get to sleep. Or you would, if you hadn't just seen the tentacle pop up again. Now that you're ready for it, you can see it clear as day. It's dark, and it blends in with the shadows, but you see it stick it's little "head" up, almost like it's sniffing the air.
You stop all motion, and it slowly angles towards you, almost like it's looking at you. That's weird, you think, that's a perfect size for- no. You will not consider fucking the weird alien tentacle monster. Undaunted by your stillness, it slowly works its way up the bed towards your foot, and then moves along your leg. You're unsure if you should scream or thrash, or if it's poisonous and you're already infected. Instead you just sit there, curious what it'll do.
If you had to describe the motion, you'd call it "sheepish". Every few inches, it stops, or retracts slightly, or stops to "sniff" again. Every time it does, it moves ever so closely towards your hand in your underwear. You're also unsure how long it is. It seems to be an inch or so wide at the tip, and grows to about two inches down the length. But you haven't seen the other end. Under your bed, presumably. Eventually it gets a little too close for comfort, and you shift away from it. In response, the tentacle shirks away, almost like it thinks it hurt you. You almost think it looks cute. It's only after you shift you notice that you're leaking precum again, and it's all over your hand.
You reach for a tissue to wipe it off, but the tentacle moves towards it first. Almost it like it could- no, you will not consider the idea that the tentacle wants to eat your precum. It could just be reacting to the movement. Against your better judgement, you hold out your precum-covered hand to the tentacle. It slides over and rubs itself along your hand, nuzzling against the sticky substance like a cat. Just to strengthen the simile, it makes a slight purring noise when it's completely covered.
Okay, so the tentacle monster likes your precum. Test number two, saliva. You lick a finger on your other hand and hold it out to the tentacle. It sniffs your fingers, spending more time on the wetted one, but no purring. Interesting. You also get a good chance to feel the thing's skin, which is still as smooth as you felt earlier. It seems muscular, capable of tremendous dexterity, and can flex and curl itself into various forms. Your brain has already come up with hundreds of ways those can be useful, and so you override every self-preservation instinct and take off your underwear.
You sit up, curious what it'll do. The sudden movement gave it pause, but when you settle back down it sniffs and immediately looks towards your dick. You watch it hesitantly move towards you, sniffing more and more. This whole exercise has given you time to relax, so the first time it touches the tip you're quite soft. The lingering scent of precum seems to draw it, and so soon the tentacle is looped once, twice around your own quickly-hardening cock. It's not moving or squeezing, just sitting there in a loose coil, purring warmly against you. The rest of the tentacle's length, draped off the bed, makes a slight rippling motion that looks contented. You have no idea what is happening, but you can't stop now.
You gingerly take the coil around your cock and start to slide it up and down the length. The tentacle seems confused, but when another drop of precum squeezes out it seems to understand. It starts moving of its own volition, up and down, squeezing slightly. You make a turning motion with your hand and the tentacle quickly complies, wrapping even more of the coil around you and rotating them back and forth. The more you leak the more it moves, and soon it's humming and stroking your cock eagerly, lubed by your own precum.
"If only there were two of you," you mutter, lying back on the bed. Within seconds, another tentacle has appeared in your vision. What? You try to sit up, but the monster is still stroking away and you have to slow it down for a second to regain your composure. "There are more of you? And you can understand me?" The creature makes no noise, but ripples in a way that you're pretty sure means "well enough." A third and fourth tentacle appear at the foot of your bed, snaking their way over your legs. You lie down, flabbergasted. This is going to be even more fun than you thought.
You've coaxed out four of the tentacles from beneath your bed, though you're not sure what all they can do. The first tentacle is still coiled around your dick, sliding up and down at the exact pace you set. Its contented purrs have elicited the occasional twitch and moan from you, which only seem to encourage it. You've concluded that they seem to be attracted to the pheromones that you produce when aroused, lucky for you.
You've set up the second tentacle rubbing your chest. Your tits are pretty sensitive, and you were able to demonstrate what you needed from it pretty easily. You ran your hands up your sides, over your ribs, and then grabbed your tits and flicked your nipples a few times for good measure. The tentacle tentatively mimicked you, wrapping around your chest and caressing you. It's gentler than you wanted, but force could be taught later.
What you really want now is one of these inside of you. You don't have any lube near your bed, and there's definitely not enough precum to use. You're about to give up on the whole thing when you decide to just ask. "Can you make lubricant? Can you make yourself slippery like this?" You gesture to the precum at the head of your cock. Funnily enough, the monster seems to think for a moment. You weren't sure if it would be able to understand. "I want you in here," you clarify, gesturing below, "but you need to be slick first."
The third tentacle slides towards your face, and you tentatively open your mouth. Almost sheepishly, it parts your lips and slides down your tongue. You're shocked at the audacity, but you relax and tilt your head back anyways. Emboldened, it begins to thrust in and out, creeping towards your throat with every movement. It must be trying to use saliva, you realize, but you don't stop it.
You lie back and enjoy the rhythm, the gentle purrs sliding around your dick, the subtle groping of your chest, the length probing its way into your throat, all in unison. You use your hands to guide the one on your chest, to make it grasp you more firmly. You take a hold of the one in your throat, and shove it deeper, rougher than it had dared by itself. The monster adapts to your request, and soon it's fucking your face with vigor. You feel the muscles contracting, pulsing, tightening- and suddenly something hot flows out of it. What you can only imagine is tentacle cum fills your throat, and you try to swallow as much as you can. Your mouth fills up anyways, and you feel the monster pulsing over and over and over again. The entire thing purrs, seemingly satisfied, and slowly retracts itself from your gaping mouth.
You open your eyes just in time to see the cum-covered tentacle slide between your legs, below your cock, and you lift up your legs in anticipation. Sure enough, the slick mess works well as lube, and you feel it start to probe your entrance. You slow the one on your cock, wanting to savor this. The monster probes around, spreading the cum around your thighs and ass, almost like it's marking it's territory. You swallow what cum you haven't drooled out of your mouth, and it tastes... surprisingly good. Finally, the tentacle constricts itself to barely more than the width of a finger, and gently nudges you open. You gasp, grabbing onto a nearby tendril for support.
The creature takes this as a sign, and pushes deeper, widening your hole. It encounters little resistance, slick and smooth as it is, but you can feel every time the muscular form twists and expands inside of you. You feel it start to make a thrusting motion, similarly to the one in your mouth. Inspired, you take the fourth tentacle and bring it to your mouth. If they liked it so much, why not? You coax it deep inside, and let it start thrusting again. You feel so full, but the one in your ass can't seem to get the angle right. It's having trouble, you know it wants to thrust deep inside of you, but it can't seem to reach. You try moving your legs, but everything is just so hectic.
You feel two more tentacles - wait, weren't there just the four? - grab your legs and pull them up towards your chest. The muscles on these are firm, and you're not sure you would have been able to resist them if you wanted to. The repositioning allows the tendril deep in your ass to start fucking you properly, and oh god does it take advantage. It seems to have found your prostate, sliding in quick thrusts from your entrance all of the way to your core. You moan around the flesh pressed down your throat, making a guttural noise of pleasure. "More, harder, please," you moan, but you're not sure if it make out a word your saying. Or if it even cares anymore.
You're not sure how many tentacles are on your body now. A few of them have spurt, leaving pools of slick cum on your face, your tits, your cock. Usually they finish by fucking your face, though a few came just from grinding against your skin. The one fucking your ass right now has been going for a few minutes, and you're a little suprised you haven't finished yet. Maybe the cum you swallowed earlier had something that's messing with your body? You're certainly producing a lot more precum than before. It's mixed in with a lot of the monster's juices at this point, but you're not complaining.
A few more tentacles have wrapped your body, slid between you and the bed, and lifted you slightly. They arch your back, opening your throat so they can find their way deeper inside you. One cradles your head and wraps itself gently around your neck. On occasion it squeezes slightly, mimicking a hand just above your collarbone. Where did it learn that? You didn't ask it to do that, did you? Either way, it shifts as another bulging length fires its load down your throat, its pulses visible through your neck. How much have you swallowed? You're not sure, but it tastes amazing. Even better than it did the first time. Now every time your face is free, you beg for another. Every time your mouth isn't being violated, you plead for more. You make the whiniest noises, asking the monster to consume every last piece of you.
Some time later, every part of your body is bound with muscular rope, being groped with alien fingers, or being roughly fucked and filled to the brim with alien fluids. Your arms are pinned behind your back, your body entirely off the bed. Your ass has had a few loads dumped in, but you're begging for more. You're begging for anything and everything, when the things escaping your lips are words. You feel the latest intrusion into your ass subside, spent, when something much larger presses itself against your stretched hole. You can't get a good look at it, but you feel it pop inside. It's not slender and flexible like the other tentacles, this one is firm and rigid. The monster slowly lowers you onto what must be their own cock, way wider than anything you've taken in the past. You whine and whimper through the tendril down your throat, and cry against the assault. But you don't ask them to stop.
The monster cock is ribbed and knotted. It's not nearly as smooth as the others, and it curls slightly at the tip. The monster manipulates your entire body to make it fit, lifting you upright and spreading your legs wider than they should go. Eventually you must have bottomed out, because it starts thrusting. While the other tentacles were smooth and firm, this is far rougher than any of them. It slams into your insides, not caring about your sounds anymore. Over and over again it slams, while another tendril spews cum over your dick. Seemingly reminded of the reason it approached you initially, two tendrils begin to stroke your cock absentmindedly while the monster continues its assault on your ass.
You know the signs that a tentacle is about to cum - the rhythm of the twitches, the deep slow pulses, the sudden stiffness - and you start to feel it again deep inside you. The monster pulls your body over its cock one last time, splitting you open somehow deeper than before. You feel something warm, different than the normal monster cum, seep inside of you. It hard to tell, but it feels like... eggs? The knot in the cock keeps any from seeping out of you. But at that same moment, you feel a gate open within you. Something has definitely changed, and now you feel the weight of a pent-up orgasm crash into you. Like you had been holding it back for minutes, hours, right on the brink. It seems the monster wouldn't let you finish until they had. In the face of that pleasure, your body convulses. Your body is full of the monster and its fluids, filling every inch of you with itself. It constricts around you and holds you in place as your body is torn apart from both the eggs and the ecstacy. Your dick spurts all over your chest, and each pulse is a tsunami over your nerves. You cry through the alien flesh in your mouth, through the constant sensation on all sides, through the thing inside of you. The bliss is so strong that you black out for a moment, and come to being gingerly lowered back towards the bed.
The monster cock slowly deflates and slides out of you, but whatever it put inside of you does not. The one in your mouth removes itself gingerly, but the rest only loosen slightly. A few massage the last drops of cum from your dick, a few absentmindedly stroke your chest, and the rest nuzzle up against your skin. Almost like you're being held.
The monster lets your arms and legs relax, and you slump over, unable to move more than a few inches. Your body is covered in cum, but they do their best to clean you up. The gentle strokes against your skin massage your sore muscles. You start to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion, but before you do, you watch them retract over the end of your bed. One lingers behind, stroking your back, then your thigh, then your leg, almost waving goodbye.
"Goodnight, my new friend" you whisper as you fall back asleep.
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
Also something super hot to me about getting fucked while my pussy is swollen and aching from the last pounding.
Telling you I’m too sore and you say okay, that’s okay, just the tip then. Kissing my forehead, lets me cuddle in close. But you rub your cock along my sensitive slit, still horny and wanting - the head of it slipping along my ruined hole, catching the wetness that’s pooled there despite my complaints of being too sore and you fucked me raw and now my cunt is swollen tight and maybe later?
But a shudder runs through you and you press just a little deeper, drawing out a whine from me as you do. I can feel your cock throb and get harder at the sounds I make, as I roll my hips to try and avoid the intrusion of your stiffening cock in my aching fucked-out hole.
You loved being the reason I was so sore, you loved the look and feel of my abused cunt after you’d pounded your load deep inside it. The red flush, glistening swollen clit peeking out between puffy folds, ruined just to take your load of cum. You cuddle me closer still, gentle but firm, not letting me go. I was still so hot and so wet.
Ignoring my whining and timid cries, you continue to nudge the tip of your cock into my slit. Almost involuntarily, the whole head slides in and I’m startled in your arms. You hold me still, the tight hotness of my cunt enveloping the entire head of your cock. It feels so good. I part my thighs more automatically, submitting to you instinctively. It aches but it feels so good.
Telling you it hurts, it hurts a little, and you apologise and reassure me it’s okay, but I feel your nudges getting more irregular now, a little less composed - and you push deeper still, into my swollen little pussy, tight walls clenched around your thickness. You’re holding me down so I can’t deprive you any longer. It’s so sore but it feels so good - your cock massages my insides, relieving the ache - I’m grinding my hips onto your cock now, almost in tears from the combination of pain and indescribable pleasure.
And ofc it ends in my tight fucked little pussy gripping your cock so hard it drives you wild, and soon enough you’ve entirely forgotten that I was “too sore” to fuck again and your hand is clamped over my mouth and you’re splitting me open on your cock, full length, deep strokes, lubricated by the load of cum you brutally fucked into me earlier - you love destroying my pussy, and I love to let you
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
A story for the “caught edging in public” anon.
My little pussy is never satisfied. Lately it’s been a constant struggle to keep my mind straight and my hands out of my pants. But I’m just so wet all the time, my clit buzzing as if I neglect it, my pussy clenching around nothing in neediness. I’ve started edging myself everywhere- at home, on the phone at work, while grocery shopping, in every public bathroom I can find. I’ve gotten to the point that I can climax silently and continue my errands without stopping. But it doesn’t stop the constant, aching need to be fucked. Today, I have to go to the bookstore. It’s not far from home, so I walk there with my favorite lace panties pulled tight against my cunt, my clit rubbing against my folds as I walk, my face blushing as I get wetter and wetter. By the time I enter the bookstore I’m biting my lip in embarrassment, hoping no one can see the wetness trailing down my legs under my dress. The clerk makes idle chat with me as they locate my order, and I rock on my heels as I try to rub my swollen clit harder against the lace. It works. Another drop of my juice rolls down my thigh all the way to my ankle, and I shiver a little. Once the clerk hands me my books I make my way to the back aisle, the research corner, where hardly anyone ever went. I lean against the bookshelf, holding a book open in front of me as my hips make small circles. Pretending to read, I nudge my clit over and over inside my panties, the tension building steadily inside me. I see my hard nipples poking obviously through my sundress. A few minutes pass, and I stare unseeing at my book while I try to make myself cum without my hands. Still rocking gently, I feel a hand from behind me cover my mouth, and then an arm wrap around my waist. My book falls from my hands as I begin to panic. Someone shushes me in a whisper, and I’m pushed forward into the bookcase. They kick my legs apart, and more of my wetness runs down my thighs. Tears sting my eyes, and I whimper behind their hand. They shush me again as they push my dress up and pull my soaking panties to the side. “Don’t move. I’m not going to hurt you. Your pussy is begging to be filled. I saw it dripping when you walked in.” They keep one hand over my mouth and use the other to guide the head of what feels like a ridiculously huge cock inside me. I moan as it stretches me open, terrified of this stranger and still desperate to cum after all my edging. They hold onto my hip tightly and push forward, deeper, opening my wet pussy with their cock. I struggle a little, moving my hips against them, shaking my head. They growl and push me harder against the bookcase, telling me “Hold still and take it. You’re obviously desperate to be fucked.” Deep, hard strokes plow into me then. I hear my cunt making obscene wet sounds as they force their cock into it. My lace panties continue to rub my clit as they fuck me, making me whimper and moan into their hand, making me push back into their thrusts. I hold onto the shelves for dear life as they pound into me, bruising my hips and battering my insides. Tears run down my face, but their cock feels so good. In only a few minutes I feel my legs start shaking before my pussy starts trembling around them. They chuckle as I cum on their cock, stopping all thrusting to feel my body convulse and jerk against them. I can feel my womb shifting open after all the teasing and I shiver in embarrassment, unable to stop myself fucking them back, riding my orgasm as long as I can. “That’s right, slut. Use my cock to get off. Take as much as you can, baby.” Dizzy and exhausted, I lean back onto them and pant for air between their fingers. My cunt clenches lazily around them, aftershocks rocking my hips, and without a warning I feel them pull me another inch down their shaft before their cum swells inside my uterus. Instead of fear, I feel my body give in to the sensation of being bred. My back arches, and they stroke my hips as they continue flooding my pussy. Their voice is ragged, but they throb over and over inside me as they whisper “Good… fuck, that’s a good little pussy… taking it all so deep…” We pulsed against each other for another moment until we heard voices from the adjacent aisle. They withdrew from me quickly, their cum pouring out of me in a thick river, and they were gone before I could turn to face them. The other voices grew quiet as they walked away too, and I sighed in relief as I rearranged my panties and dress. I should have felt dirty and assaulted, but all I felt was bliss. After months of edging myself to lackluster orgasms, I’d finally been fucked into a stupor and allowed to cum on a living, breathing cock. The only disappointment was that their cum had spilled onto my new book, ruining it.
💝If you enjoy my original content, please consider buying me a coffee💝
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
okay hear me out
soft sexual kink
I would Die™️ to need to ask to come, even knowing the answer will always be "yes"
Being told to "give it up"/'give it to me" when I'm so close to coming
Being praised and called sweet thing and blushing and scrunching my nose because praise makes me shy and squirmy and embarrassed and blushy
Asking for what I want from a scene like an adult and then getting it, relaxing into it because there are no surprises, nothing to brace myself for, and I can trust my dom to handle things while I'm soft and small
"don't muffle yourself, those noises are mine, give them to me"
Hickeys!!!! across my shoulders and chest and stomach and thighs!!!
Giving someone an orgasm as they walk me through pleasing them, not having to worry about being good at it because they tell me how to please them, they tell me what to do and all I need to do is listen, and I'm so good at listening
Getting to worship someone who deserves it and being able to ask how to do it better, knowing I will never be made to feel like I've failed
Kneeling and being quiet and soft!!!!
I would like all this very much!!!!!!!!
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
some pretty asks✨
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for?
galaxy; what fascinates you?
melody; favorite artists?
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?
rose; favorite flower?
sun; favorite season
film; favorite movie/tv show?
gorgeous; what do you like in a person?
diamond; favorite color?
infatuation; first crush?
dream; how long do you sleep on average?
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like?
perfume; favorite scent?
fleece; have any pets?
pigment; what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?
charcoal; do you have a good relationship with your parents?
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation?
murky; biggest fear?
devotion; are you taken?
lingerie; what do you wear to bed?
daydream; best memory?
joy; best feeling you’ve ever experienced? 
masque; what’s your skincare routine?
valentine; best gift you’ve ever received?
parchment; favorite book?
garden; do you have a garden? plants? 
oasis; dream destination? 
sense; best subject? favorite subject?
footprints; do you want kids?
rainbow; what’s your sexuality?
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes?
nail laquer; punk or pastel?
1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why?
tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings?
feel free to reblog and send me some! <3
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
Why is there no big mean older man whispering disgusting things into my ear and holding a vibrator to my clit making me cum over and over while i cry into his shoulder and get his button up wet?
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
The Ocean Ritual: Tidal Waves
I don't remember much from last night. I know I wanted to meet up with friends in a bar, but I must've missed them somehow, because I was alone there for some time.
There was a beautiful woman approaching me... what did she say was her name? I'm not sure. She told me about the supernatural, the old gods, rituals. It made so much sense then but now my head is pounding - how much did I drink?
I hear waves somehwere in the distance. Why? I don't live anywhere near the sea.
When I open my eyes it's dark. I can feel the sand under the soles of my feet. How did I end up at the beach? And why am I naked? The sand doesn't just touch my feet, but my bare ass as well. I'm sitting upright.
Now that I am more aware I can feel cold stone at my back. The shore isn't as far as I first thought, I can see the waves crashing, even though dozens of candles are lit up all around me in a circle.
The cold air is sending goodebumps up my arms, my nipples harden. I can feel some kind of fabric covering my arms. Whoever stipped me just ripped my blouse open and half off of my arms, it's still covering my shoulders. There's also a hood placed on my hear that's certainly not mine.
My fuzzy brain knows that this isn't good. Why the strange setup? What would anyone gain from this?
The humming starts and I startle. It's a whole choir of voices behind me. It's strangely otherworldly. I start to struggle, but thick ropes hold me where I am.
I realize my vulnerable position, arms tied behind my back, legs sprad and fastened. I crane my neck but can't see anyone. All of the people humming must be directly behind me, out of my field of vision.
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The humming intensifies and suddenly the waves are getting louder. What is this, some kind of ritual to influence the tide?
I start panicking when I see the sand near my crotch starting to move. My eyes get huge and I don't dare to blink. The sand moves like water, rippling and mesmerizing. Soon I think I can see something else there. I'm sure there's a faint glow coming from the sand.
If I hadn't known with absolute certainty that whoever is here with me won't help me, I would've tried to scream through my gag when I saw the first tentacle emerging from the sand.
Suddenly I know why I am here, spread and bound like this. I know why the tentacles are appearing right between my spread legs. I start to pant, though I'm not sure if it's just terror running throuh my veins. There's a slick heat between my legs as well.
I know enough. There is no way this night will end with me unused. The humming didn't stop even once, but I can't concentrate on it. A single voice starts reciting something in latin, maybe. But I am too agitated to try and listen.
The first tentacle brushes against my slit, rubbing up and down to gather the slick heat there. I can't really see what color it has, but it seems to be glowing, purple and blue. It doesn't try to invade my pussy, though. It just keeps brushing. It slides along the inside of my thighs, down my calves and back up to tease my clit. A second one emerges, sliding through my slit before probing against my ass. I'm whimpering, the voice get's louder, the humming continues.
I can hear the waves loud and clear when the tentacle stretches my sphincter and slides in. I moan. It's slick and somewhat cold as it invades my asshole. It sets a slow pace thrusting into me. It feels like an eternity like this, my ass getting pounded by this creature while all I can hear is humming, waves crashing and strange words from the mouth of a faceless person behind me.
My pussy starts to leak, my own wetness runs between my ass cheeks and onto the tentacle. I clench my ass and the thrusting becomes faster.
More tentacles emerge, they're touching me everywhere. Some slither up to curl around my breasts, squeezing them, teasing my nipples.
My gaze is fixed to the pit where they emerge though, because now I can see a cock-shaped tentacle. It's huge. It didn't seem like it at first, but now it's like it's growing as it comes out from whatever dimension the women behind me called them.
The cock speads my lips and slots itself against my hole. The tentacle in my ass returned to it's original, slow pace. I mewl around the gag in my mouth. The cock just sits there at my cunt. If I have to endure the ass-fucking, I want an orgasm, too but the cock doesn't move. It's warmer than the one sliding in and out of my asshole.
I'm close to crying, why am I here, why am I teased like this?
Finally the cock sinks into my pussy. It goes in slowly, spreading me so wide that my panting increases.
The tentacle fucking my ass stops mid-thrust, halfway inside of me as my cunt is spread. The other tentacles get rougher, pulling and squeezing my breasts and nipples. I move around, but all it archives is that my lower body moves against the cock. I try to get away from it, but it followes. It never stops sinking into me until I am sure it must sit right agains my cervix.
I am not fully pressed against the stone behind me. All I could do is slide back forwards, but I don't dare to do that. I'm so full now. I look over at the sea and try to imagine something else but it is not working.
The cock pulls out of me as the tentacle slots itself deeper into my ass. I'm stretched out and it get's so much tighter when the cock slides back in. I'm moaning constantly, the cock hits just the right angle inside of me.
I know I won't be able to hold back my orgasm. The cock started fucking me at a slow, even pace but it picks up speed, fucking me with abandon.
The tentacle in my ass slitheres around as the cock impales me over and over again. My pussy is fluttering as my orgasm crashes over me like the tidal waves. I hear blood rushing in my ears, my holes are still stuffed and I can feel the cock pumping a load in me.
I distantly wonder what it is that's spurted into me right now. Alien cum? Thick sea foam?
My pussy clenches uncontrollably around the cock and it starts to fuck me again. Tears stream down my face, I'm not sure if I can take another orgasm like this.
The tentacle in my ass is getting bigger and my eyes grow huge. I'm already stretched to the limit, what else will they do to me? The cold tentacle stutters in it's movement. It's spurting it's own load into me. Cold liquid hits my insides, much more than a normal, human release.
My eyes flutter open again - when did I close them? And I see dozens of little cocks now instead of tentacles. Two of them shoot a thick, cold liquit onto my breasts. The one in my ass is pulling out, it's cum tickling out of me but the first cock, the one in my pussy never stopped it's movements.
I take a shuddering breath. How long will I be here? Another tentacles pokes at my ass. How many tentacles are there and will all of them fuck me?
The reciting has stopped. A woman's voice rings out over the humming, "he'll come now. His beast has had it's fun and he will be pleased. He will emerge once again from the sea to grace us with his presence, sisters."
I hear murmuring, my pussy is still getting pounded, but there, in the distance, something else comes out of the water.
@oddartistagain made this wonderful picture! Here's their Patreon so you can see more awesome stuff. You can also buy me a coffe over on ko-fi :)
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princesstaysworld · 2 years
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
As she sat in the dentist chair, her mind was wandering to the previous evening with her boyfriend. He said he wanted her but was willing to wait. All she wanted was for their first time... her first time... to be special. Why her mother couldn't snag an appointment at the normal dentist was a little irksome, but she would have to suck it up. It was nerve racking going to any dentist, much less one she hadn't seen before. At least the dentist's assistant was hot. She was enjoying watching him set up the room. Even his bulky lab coat couldn't conceal his muscles underneath.
She was wearing her first sundress of the year, and wondered if after this appointment she could find a nice quiet place to park in the forest preserve. Her boyfriend had left her all hot and bothered the night before. He just wasn't happy that she had only let him put in the tip.
When the dentist walked in, she was pleasantly surprised by how handsome he was as well, even though he was a little older than most men she was attracted to. It made sense that when she was horny, there were a lot more men that became attractive.
"So I hear you're having some anxiety about having this filling," the dentist had proclaimed upon entering.
Was he talking down to her?
"Yes, doctor, that's right."
"Well, we have some special treatments we can give you that will take all that anxiety away." He looked sincere enough and smiled at her.
"Thank you," she sighed "that would be much appreciated."
"Just sign this form and we'll get started."
"Shouldn't my mom do that?" She asked.
"My files say you're over 18. Are they wrong?" He looked a little aggravated.
"No, I turned 18 last month."
"Then, happy birthday! Please sign right here and we'll get started." The dentist beamed at her.
After signing the paperwork, the assistant hurried away and returned quickly, closing the door. She hadn't realized the lack of windows in this room. Hmmm...
"This treatment works best if you just lay back and try to relax." The dentist's voice sounded a little more calming now. "Relax and breathe normally. The mask is gonna go over your mouth and nose in a moment. Breathe normally and you'll feel much better soon."
Once the mask was on her face, she tried to breathe but couldn't. She struggled a bit, but the assistant was there to hold her down. Finally the air flowed and she relaxed. The gas tasted sweet and enticing. She moaned into the mask. Her panties were getting wet.
"Breathe normally," the dentist repeated. "That's it. Just like that. In and out. Very good."
When the mask was removed, she'd completely relaxed.
"How are you feeling?" The dentist asked.
"Feeeel.... gooood..." she smiled sleepily and gave a soft moan.
"That's very good. We're going to use more techniques now to make sure you're nice and relaxed before we begin the procedure. I'm also going to be asking you some questions to make sure we tailor the treatment specifically to your needs. Have you ever had a filling before?"
"Yeesss... once before."
"Very good. This tooth?" He stuck his finger in her mouth and poked at a tooth."
"Nooooot.... sure..."
"That's alright." His fingers teased her tongue a little.
It felt sooo good. She let her eyes roll back in her head. "Wha ded yu gibe me?" She asked with yummy fingers still in her mouth.
"Oh, just something to keep you calm. Sometimes it makes the female patients a little squirmy and needy though. My assistant is here to help with that."
She could feel a pair of hands moving her dress up.
"Ohhhhh... tank yuuu..."
"You're welcome. We're here to help you."
The hands started groping her mound through the panties.
"Mmmmm.... ar yu supposd ta be doin dat?" She mumbled still half sucking on his fingers.
"Oh yes. We're helping you relax." The dentist got right next to her ear now. "You want to be a good girl and relax don't you?"
With that the assistant put a little pressure on her clit through the panties.
"Mmmmhmmmm... yeth I do. Tank you." She moaned drowsily.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Asked the dentist.
"Yeth... I do..."
"You're 18 now, has he fucked that tight pussy yet?"
"Weewwwl... nod weally..."
"Oh, what do you mean 'not really'?"
The assistant moved her panties to the side and teased along her slit.
"Mmmmmmmm.... wewl, I dust led im pud in da tip..."
"Oh, just the tip? I see."
The assistant put a single finger slowly into her pussy.
She arched her back in pleasure.
The dentist stroked her neck with his other hand and moved the straps of her dress off her shoulders. "I think it would help you relax if my assistant puts in just the tip."
"Mmmmm... I don knooow..."
"Your pussy is getting sooo wet though, it's begging to be filled."
The assistant slid a second finger inside her, teasing the tight walls.
"Ohhhh.... mmmmmm...."
"He'll be so gentle. I know your pussy wants to feel good."
"Mmmmhmmmm," she moaned. "Yeth it doeth..."
"Go ahead and put in just the tip."
Removing his fingers, the assistant stroked his hard cock against her pussy lips to lubricate himself. Then he teased the opening, applying slight pressure so only the head entered her.
"Mmmmmm.... dat does feeeeeel gooood."
"If it feels so good, maybe he should go a little deeper."
"Uhhhh uhhh...."
"Noo? Hmm... come on, just a little deeper would feel soo good." He moved his fingers strategically in her mouth, letting her suckle at them. "Do you want to be a good girl and let him go deeper?"
Her eyes rolled back again. It was getting more difficult for her to focus on anything but the sensations in her mouth and pussy. "Mmmmmmmm...." she moaned. "Yethh... please go deeper... mmmm." She felt the cock beginning to stretch her more. "Ahhhh..."
"Go slow for her. Not too much too fast." The dentist was groping into her bra with his free hand, teasing her nipple.
His assistant wasn't that deep, but as she was getting more soaked, it felt like bliss.
"Now this is very important," the dentist moved his lab coat to the side and revealed his erection. "I'm gonna need a release before the procedure so I can focus better. Please be a good girl and stick out your tongue."
She did as commanded, her tongue half falling out of her mouth. The precum on his cock was yummy and she gobbled it up.
"Now open wide." The denstist stroked his hard cock slowly into her drooling hole. "I think you can go a bit deeper now. Go slowly so that tight cunt can take all of you."
With the assistant's thrusts getting deeper and a delicious cock in her mouth, she started building toward a tipping point. The pleasure was almost too much as she moaned around his cock. A grande finish of which she'd only dreamed consumed her, with the muffled screaming of her claimed mouth.
The dentist took this as an excuse to fuck her face harder and did so until his warm cum was shooting down the back of her throat. She could feel the throbbing dick in her pussy reaching it's own crescendo, and it didn't take long before his release was deep inside her, making her moan in ecstasy.
Later at the forest preserve, she found she didn't need to masterbate. The treatment had made her feel relaxed and happy. She admittedly didn't remember much after the mask had been put on her face, but something told her she'd found a new favorite dentist.
-Thanks for reading till the end. -RG
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
Getting fucked by a massive, veiny, raw cock. Having your pussy absolutely stuffed with it. Pushed open with it. Drilled with it. Stretching your tight little pussy as you whimper and sob for mercy. Imagine them just going all out on your little pussy and brutally taking you from behing. Almost fucking you in half~ as they fuck your pussy inside out. Imagine that fat cock getting jammed so deep in you that your poor stomach bulges. And once they cum... they overflow your well used hole. Creating a massive puddle of thick cum underneath you.
Fantasize about that little stomach bulge craving sluts~
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
My dark fantasy prt 1...
It had  been a long day and all I wanted to do was feel a big hard cock inside my tight pussy. I was beginning to get frustrated. Every night I would stay home edging myself into a sweaty dripping mess. Fantasizing about being used like a filthy whore. Images of tight hands around my neck, teeth bearing down hard against tender nipples, heavy breaths as rough hands pull and squeeze and slap. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. As I rode the subway home my thoughts were all consuming. The time flowed like water and I soon found myself in a sea of people. I looked up and saw a pair of hunger filled eyes looking down at me. I don’t know how long he had been staring at me but as I looked back down, flushed, I realized my skirt had been riding up and my shirt was a bit more exposed then I’d realized. Shit. I’m such a stupid slut. I go to fix my skirt and shirt, when in a flash he edges as close to my ear as possible and whispers. “Don’t you dare.” My whole body shivers and yet the heat that I feel consumes my body. My back is straight against the seat and I realize I am seated in the single seat in the far end of the train cart. My races as My eyes make their way back to his face. He is handsome. Very handsome. My eyes find his and again my body shivers. The dark lust that clouds causing my pussy to pulse. “Excuse me...Sir?” He smiles at me enticingly when the word Sir falls from my lips. As if I had passed his test, and somehow I felt like I needed to.
“Don’t you dare cover another inch of your body.” As he leaned his body down closer I could visibly see his big bulge through his basketball shorts. I bit my lip and quickly realized how reckless I was being and moved to get up. His hand tightened hard against my shoulder as his other hand moved to my chin bringing my eyes to him. My heart is pounding and he whispers for oly my ears. “Listen to everything I have to say very carefully slut. I know how much of a dirty little pervert you are. I bet if I reached right now your pussy would be wet and your dirty ass probably isn't even wearing panties. Those tiny little nipples are perked up through your tight shirt and I bet there's nothing too hard going on in that mindless whore brain of yours. So what's going to happen next, is you're going to make yourself useful and start stroking my cock the second I let go of your chin. I get off in three stops and if you’re not completely useless Maybe you’ll get to crawl home after I'm done using you. Nod if you understand.”
I was frozen and I felt like there was electricity running throughout  my entire body and suddenly I couldn't think. I felt scared but I nodded. "I knew exactly what kind of a filthy slut you were the moment you stepped in this train. Desperate to be made usefull like a good little cock whore." He let go of my chin and shifted himself close to me, closing me off to the others on the train. My body moved on its own as my hand reached for the buldge in his pants. When I felt my hands wrap around it I couldn't help but gasp. His cock what's so big and thick. I tried keeping my eyes down; my face flushed in embarrassment. He let out a sigh of satisfaction as my hand began to stroke. "Look at me bitch" Mny eyes darted quickly up at him as I felt his member growing harder. "Look at anything other than me or my cock and I will bitch slap you so hard right here slut do you understand." I nodded my hand continuing to stroke his massive cock. I felt my pussy starting to pulse and I know I must be sick for getting so turned on. He looks down at me biting his lips and his grip tightens against my shoulder. He is savoring every second as he controls my body and mind. " You better try harder bitch" I speed up my strokes as my heart continues to feel as though it's bursting through my chest. Suddenly the train comes to a stop and a flutter of new faces flood in. In a quick motion I feel him pull me up hard from my seat and push me against the emergency exit door. I feel his teeth nip against the nape of my neck and a whimper escapes my lips. I can feel his cock grind against my ass as his hands climb their way up and down my body. " Good it's like you were begging for this to happen. Such a mindless slut. You better keep it down. You wouldn't want all these people knowing what filthy cock whore you are."
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
Getting fucked by a massive, veiny, raw cock. Having your pussy absolutely stuffed with it. Pushed open with it. Drilled with it. Stretching your tight little pussy as you whimper and sob for mercy. Imagine them just going all out on your little pussy and brutally taking you from behing. Almost fucking you in half~ as they fuck your pussy inside out. Imagine that fat cock getting jammed so deep in you that your poor stomach bulges. And once they cum... they overflow your well used hole. Creating a massive puddle of thick cum underneath you.
Fantasize about that little stomach bulge craving sluts~
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
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This is about Sci-Hub. yeah we get it.. gatekeep knowledge and protect the interests of capital…
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princesstaysworld · 3 years
Can’t stop imagining a party game (maybe truth or dare) going a little too far...everyone in the room ganging up on me, making me chose between undressing and describing my darkest fantasies, until I’m blushing and stammering and down to my underwear. Someone daring me to let them tie me up for 5 minutes, but as soon as I agree and allow myself to be tied over the coffee table, somebody yanks down my underwear. I can’t see who it is, but they start laughing at how wet I am, and force their whole hand inside me to prove it. When I try to protest, another person shoves some of my discarded clothing in my mouth, muffling my voice. They decide to keep me tied up for the rest of the party, taking turns fucking my ass and fisting my boycunt, and eventually just stuffing my holes with whatever then can find, taking pictures and laughing. After the party, when everyone goes home, the host unties me, but instead of letting me leave they lead me to their dog’s kennel, to wait for the next party...
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