princess leiana
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hi, I'm leiana :)sharing & exchanging astrology to you☾ pisces ☼ capricorn ↑ taurus
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princessleiana · 2 days ago
astrology moon sign observations 💋ྀིྀི
segment two
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princess leiana astrology xoxo ⋆. 𐙚 ̊
11th moon house natives
A lot of people don't talk about how 11th-house natives actually have not the best relationship regarding their mother. I noticed that a lot of times with this placement people can have mothers who prioritize friendships, gossip about a child's business, aren't completely aware of how to emotionally support a child, or even have a child unexpectedly resulting in negative outcomes as it connects to a child's upbringing. Their relationship can also be good one second and the next it's crumbling. This also contributes to why an 11th house native can be isolated when it comes to dealing with emotional turmoil and actually begin to not like being around people who are very unpredictable as it resembles their mother. If you have this placement it is very important to understand your circumstances in your childhood and know you are not alone. And it is completely normal to go through ups and downs but it is very important to not pick up on unpredictable or unpleasant traits from your mother/mother figure. I also noticed with this placement a lot of people intellectualize their emotions and try and give solutions to themselves often not letting themselves feel the emotion in the given moment. Childhood may have brought you to an understanding of emotional connections early on in life. Many outcomes regarding relationships with the native mother are either absent, close relationships after childhood, or resentment. There is often an untraditional relationship between the native and the mother's relationship. Your friends may look to you for support and think you have great knowledge regarding emotional connections. You may consider your friends closer to you than family members and even feel more comfortable expressing yourself to your friends. These natives may also have a friendship relationship with their mother or have a mother who often treats them like a friend.
Leo sun + Aquarius moons
This is such an interesting combination people don't talk about enough. I think with every sun sign we get a different version based on your chart especially with your moon sign. The Leo sun and aquarius moon combination is a leo that embodies the energy to want to be seen & wants to be heard but values the connection within others. These people are incredibly smart and love to debate and share ideas amongst people. There is a calling to be seen when embarking on your independence but you don't sway away from human connection. These people are really aren't afraid to be themselves. I find with this placement these people do good in pop culture. These people love drama lowkey but in a way where they love breaking it down especially when something looks dumb. They aren't afraid to share their opinions regarding the population and topics the collective gravitates to. But these people do struggle with finding balance between creative expression and putting their self-expression outward vs being detached and rebellious. I find people with placement have a magnetism to them that compels people to always want to get their opinion regarding them or caring what this native might perceive them as. There is a certain magnetism to these natives people catch on quite quickly and every person with placement is a person who has a splash of uniqueness in their character It is pretty amusing and bold. But these people struggle with acceptance at times. Having fixed energy in the sun & the moon makes this native quite stubborn at times, especially in debates. But these natives are so loyal to friendships and literally are the best support system. They love being around their friends and watching them be together and feeling like they can make people unite. These natives loved to feel belonged and wanted.
Cancer moons with a 10th degree
These natives may have experienced a lot of emotional events in their lives that will forever stick in their paths and have shaped them into who they present themselves to be. There is a strong relation to how structure was represented in your home life as a child and that is often a theme. I think with this placement some one may have tried to guide this native to be conscious of how they represent their emotions in public or something even regarding that. These natives can be conscious of expressing themselves in public nature. These people are very good for comfort emotionally and can give a sense of authority in comfort. They may have played a mothering/fathering role or this can be in relation to having to grow quickly regarding home life and emotions. These people are actually more patient and observant with their emotions as cancer moons feels things quite often but these natives may have taught themselves the skill to be patient or observant with their emotions and the emotions of others. These natives are more susceptible to catching on to depression so I would be wary or they struggle with feeling sad. This placement can indicate this person being able to bring stability to home life especially when parenting. Tradition may be a theme in this native's life. This native may have had to play some traditional role within their home or even expectations. These natives have a lot of resilience.
written originally by me, don’t not steal writing.
let me know your opinions, did this resonate? :)
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princessleiana · 10 days ago
astrology moon sign observations 💋ྀིྀི
this will be segment one I will make more segments with more observations that I make apparent to share :) xoxo
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princess leiana astrology xoxo ⋆. 𐙚 ̊
Having the same degrees as your moon (ex aries moon 1st degree, Pisces moon 12th degree, etc) can indicate you may resonate with your moon sign more than your sun sign. You feel more in tune with the sign of your moon paired with the degree. This is a cool placement in my opinion.
I know this is very annoying but it is true that Pisces moons find escapism within dealing with issues in their current life. But, a lot of alone time for them can be quite healing. As they have big hearts they pick up on things quite quickly rather more than most moon signs. They are emotionally intelligent and oftentimes can find answers within themself. The best advice to a pieces moon I can give is never ignore the dream you constantly dream of. It's a gift utilize it and don't be fault of your sensitive heart. It is okay to be sensitive as I know Pisces moons are aware of that but don't let people feel as though what you feel is wrong. Pisces moon are beautiful people that hold a great sense of morality in their hearts. Don't let your early years in life define your emotional world with the emotional gift you were born with.
Leo Sun + Aries Moon people have stories most people won't believe because of their spontaneous personalities. They are strong people that have built themselves up from the ground. You have a strong personality that won't be forgotten and you won't hesitate to make yourself known. As much as people like to perceive you as a strong-willed, self-assured decision-making person you do like being in a group of people who hold similar traits but aren't afraid to have an open mind and hear what you have to say. This sun and moon pair doesn't like to be disrespected or belittled and holds sympathy for people who are. Definity , the type to stand up to bullies but would definitely get mad at a loved one for displaying weakness and encourage them to stand up for themselves. You like to be heard.
Scorpio moons with the 1st degree natally can be quite a handful. They can be quite observant towards others and have their guard up. But they have stories that make up for that. They can be quite vulgar when expressing emotions and become naive to think people are out to hurt them with any access of vulnerability they provide. They feel things very closely within their inner world but some of them experience some type of physical trauma with their mother or experience seeing that type of behavior enforced on their mother. This moon placement may find intercourse an outlet for inner frustration or emotional dissatisfaction. You may have also feel like you have to fight or battle to have control over your emotions or wants in your early years, they may have been a controlling guardian in your life.
Fire sign moons have much more passion when expressing emotions like laughter, anger, sadness, etc. You can tell when these people feel a certain way and can be quite entertaining because of this. But fire moons always have a sense of self that allows them to still express themselves when expressing these emotions. They can be creators with their emotions as it is a part of their identity. Their emotions can create creativity and attention to them.
Water moons feel and acknowledge their feelings quite early in life and it will always be a part of them. They have powerful and transformative events in their life and always have a story to share and empathy to provide. They love music and being enlightened with their emotions. Being a water moon is something to embrace.
Air moons are funny with their emotions. They are good for advice with their emotions but a lot of people don't realize every moon sign element-wise receives and puts on their emotions differently in the world. Air moons are more logical with their emotions but they think emotions are connected to people. Emotions for them are a way to think and express to people and connect with others. As I imagine they have a great gift to do so and always have something good to offer. They could enjoy intellectualizing their emotions and want to wonder and question things. It's their emotional process and they shouldn't have a bad rep for that. Everyone processes things differently. Embrace your air moon.
Earth moons are more slow and patient with their own emotions, not everyone else's though lol. They are more moderate and know the practicality of the world and what reactions create another. They are actually a lot smarter in the emotional realm than others. They are just a bit more realistic with emotions similar to air moons. But the thing is they rather fix than ponder or quiet whatever emotion is loud and reaching out to them like it would to a water moon which is constant and purging but not as quick and sudden like a fire moon would receive. Their just a bit more mature in this area especially Capricorn moons. They are just books that want to be read. They have amazing stories and emotions that they would want to share just for you to take a page off their book and learn something. Very sensual moons signs they like things that make them feel good and practical to the world around them.
written originally by me, don’t not steal writing.
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