princessart98-blog · 3 years
I am having a severe GERD flare tonight. I've no choice but to let it play out and hope the next day will be better. This is the WORST flare. I hate GERD.
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princessart98-blog · 3 years
Been a long while since I have been on this platform, but I need to vent. So here goes. I am a 23 year old Master's student. I chose online school, after I graduated because I am broke and cant afford to get a car and I didn't want to inconvenience people having to get driven everywhere. I stay with my father, and all was well until he let my toxic brother move in. My brother, who is practically a narcissist and sociopath, has been causing some....stress in my life since I was a kid with his hurtful and borderline abusive ways. Some would say its expected of a brother to act like that, but....this was different. I can't describe it. He was manipulative, and still is, often lying to family members and exposing us to potentially dangerous situations, ranging from covid to potential assault from the people he hangs around with. Anyways, he is a bad person, and my father let him back in. So, call me petty, but when he first came in, he seemed like he was determined to get his life together, but the longer he stayed, the more he returned to his narcissistic manipulative ways. He started to steal again, lies about important things like coming into contact with possible covid patients and being vaccinated, and causes us thousands of dollars in property damage. Yet my father won't get rid of him. Instead, he just began to take his anger out on my sister and I. I wish I could afford to move out. This life is making me question my willpower.
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princessart98-blog · 5 years
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