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1. If you were to sum up the objective of your religion, CREATIVITY, in one sentence what would that be?
A. That objective would be: The Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the White Race.
2. Why is that so important?
A. It is a matter of priorities. Our religion is based on the ultimate of all truths: The Eternal Laws of Nature. Nature tells each species to expand and upgrade itself to the utmost of its abilities. Since the White Race is Nature's finest achievement and since we encompass the White Race, there can hardly be any other goal that even compares in importance.
3. Isn't your religion based on hate?
A. No, on the contrary, it is based on love — love for the White Race. Besides being based on the Eternal Laws of Nature, CREATIVITY furthermore is based on the lessons of history, on logic and common sense.
4. But isn't it part and parcel of your religion to hate the Jews, blacks and other colored people?
A. True, but if you love and want to defend those whom you love — your own family, your own White Race, then hate for your enemies comes naturally and is inevitable. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin. Only a hypocrite and a liar will go into battle against his enemies proclaiming love.
5. But doesn't the Christian religion teach love and understanding, in fact, love your enemies, and yet it has survived?
A. The Christian religion is a good case in point when we talk about liars and hypocrites. Whereas they talk about love, the history of the Christian movement shows that they were as vicious and brutal in savagely hunting down their enemies, labeling them as "heretics" and burning them at the stake, torturing and killing them, as are the Jewish communists of today. Were the Christian church as powerful today as it was 400 years ago, it would still be doing it. During the various Inquisitions, the organized Christian churches killed millions of their own kind for having insignificant differences of religious opinion. They killed Christian rivals by open warfare, by the rack, by burning at the stake and other grizzly and gruesome means. In fact, the Christians over the centuries killed and tortured a thousand times more of their fellow-Christians, than the Romans ever did in their supposed persecutions.
6. But wasn't this done by people who were not following Christianity's teaching of love?
A. Since these killings, tortures, and persecutions were carried on by the highest leaders and authorities of the various Churches themselves, such as the Popes, by Zwingli, Luther, Calvin, etc., we must presume that the teachings of Christianity, which at best are ambiguous, contradictory and hypocritical, must be held responsible for producing these kinds of people and this kind of insanity. But if we turn to the New Testament, we find Christ himself dispensing such hateful advice as for example in Luke 14:26: "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother and wife, and children, and brethren and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." What idiotic and destructive advice!
7. What then is CREATIVITY'S position on love and hate?
A. We follow the eternal wisdom of Nature's laws which are completely opposite to the suicidal teachings of Christianity. Whereas Christianity says to "love your enemies" and to hate your own kind, we say just the opposite. We say that in order to survive, we must overcome and destroy those that are a threat to our existence, namely, our deadly enemies. At the same time, we advocate love and protection for those that, are near and dear to us — our family and our own race, which is an extension of the family.
8. How does this differ from Christianity?
A. Christianity teaches love your enemies and hate your own kind, we teach exactly the opposite, namely hate and destroy your enemies and love your own kind. Whereas Christianity's teachings are suicidal, our creed brings out the best creative and constructive forces inherent in the White Race. Whereas Christians are destroyers, we are builders.
9. What do you mean by Christianity is a destroyer?
A. Christianity teaches such destructive advice as "love your enemies", "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor", "resist not evil", "judge not", "turn the other cheek." Anybody that followed such suicidal advice would soon destroy themselves, their family, their race and their country.
10. If Christianity is as destructive as you say it is, how do you explain the fact that it has survived for nearly 2,000 years?
A. Small pox has survived for longer than that, but the damage it has perpetrated on its victims has been devastating. Similarly, the creed and the church have survived for nearly 2,000 years, but the horrible damage it has wrought on the White Race is something else again. The Jews' primary objective in concocting Christianity was to destroy their mortal enemies, the Roman Empire. In this they were successful beyond their wildest dreams. Two thousand years ago, before the advent of Christianity, the Roman Empire had reached an astoundingly high level of civilization, art, literature, law-giving, road building, language, and in dozens of other fields that are the hallmarks of progress in the White Man's civilization. Beginning with the reign of Augustus Caesar, Rome enjoyed two centuries of peace and prosperity (known as Pax Romana), the longest such span in history. As Christianity spread, and more and more poisoned the Roman mind, the good Roman citizens lost touch with reality and their minds meandered off into the "never-never land" of the spooks in the sky, fueled by fear of that horrible torture chamber, HELL. The result was the collapse of the Roman Empire and the White Race retrogressed into chaos, barbarism, and a thousand years of the Dark Ages. Poverty, ignorance and superstition were rampant. Like a monster, the Christian church fed upon, and capitalized on these miseries. But the church itself grew fat and powerful.
11. Does CREATIVITY not believe in a hereafter?
A. No, we do not — because there is not the slightest shred of evidence of any "pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die," nor, thank goodness, do we believe in "fry-in-the-sky-when-you-die."
12. What do you believe in?
A. In order to get the full scope and breadth of our beliefs, you must read and study "NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION," and the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE.
13. What, in substance, is that belief?
A. The aim of our religion, briefly, is promoting the best interests of the White Race, the highest pinnacle of Nature's creation.
14. Do you have a "Golden Rule" in your religion?
A. Yes, we do have a Golden Rule in our religion, and it does not coincide at all with the Golden Rule generally accepted in the Jewish-Christian philosophy. Our Golden Rule briefly can be summarized as follows: That which is good for the White Race is the highest virtue: that which is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin. See page 274 of NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION.
15. Don't you believe in the commonly accepted Golden Rule of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?
A. No, we do not, and the reason we don't is that when you analyze it more closely, just like many of the other shibboleths of the Jewish-Christian Bible, the so-called Golden Rule does not make good sense. To quote some examples: We would not treat our enemies the same way as we would treat our friends. Our relationship to our employees would not be the same as to our boss. Our relationship to our children would not be the same as that to our parents. Our relationship to members of the White Race would not be the same as to members of the black race, for instance and we would not expect the same kind of response. The numbers of examples that could be quoted are endless, and on closer analysis, it is a completely unworkable principle.
16. Do you have an equivalent of the Ten Commandments in CREATIVITY?
A. We have the Sixteen Commandments which set forth the basic philosophy of our religious creed. However, our creed and our program are not limited to these 16 commandments, but the wider ramifications of our philosophy are spelled out in their totality in NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, and this, the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE.
17. Upon what principles do you base the Sixteen Commandments?
A. They are based on the most solid foundations imaginable, namely, the Eternal Laws of Nature. On page 26 of NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION at the end of Chapter 1, we have listed 24 observations and conclusions from the Laws of Nature. Most of our beliefs, creed, philosophy, and in fact, our total program, are based on these 24 observations.
#Golden Rule#CREATIVITY#White Racial Religion#White Atheistic Racialists#Religious Naturalism#Philosophical Naturalism#Ben Klassen
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David Eden Lane, #14Words: The Old Testament teaches living within the reality of this life. It is about taking power, women, and territory. It is about being absolutely ruthless in racial or tribal chauvinism. The race or tribe that follows its ruthless parables and allegories the closest will survive and prosper. Those who deny its philosophy will be enslaved and destroyed.
#Wotanism#1488 Davidic Wotanism#14 Words#Bridenapping#Polygyny#Polygamy#Patriarchy#Odinism#14 Word Press#Wotansvolk
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David Eden Lane, #14Words:
The Old Testament teaches living within the reality of this life. It is about taking power, women, and territory. It is about being absolutely ruthless in racial or tribal chauvinism. The race or tribe that follows its ruthless parables and allegories the closest will survive and prosper. Those who deny its philosophy will be enslaved and destroyed. The people we call Jews stole this knowledge, called themselves by the names created by Aryan Hermetic philosophers, and conquered the world. Now they use their power to exterminate our kind. Again, I will not debate who the actual Authors of the original writings of the Old Testament were. In many cases the stories have been re-written to conceal their Aryan origination, but it doesn't matter because the philosophy will preserve our kind if it is adhered to with ruthless determination.
I am sorry for my friends who are determined to cling to the New Testament. I know very well how a few verses have been used by Identity Folk to tie the two absolutely opposite Testaments together. It is a transparent deception by the editors of the Holy Book. The Old Testament is a fertility religion, as all racial religions must be. Nothing is more vitally important to the life of a people than that males fight for sexual union with their females. Nature and Nature's God gave the sexual instinct to preserve the existence and diversity of each race and species. I have had an ongoing debate with some Identity friends whom I respect for their efforts, but the denial of reality of the over all philosophy of the New Testament can no longer be compromised with. Ninety-nine percent of the New Testament is concerned with some spiritual afterlife. Our ancestors did indeed teach of a Creator God and an afterlife, which I will discuss. But they taught that we were put here in this reality on this world and that it wouldn't have been done if we were only meant to live for somewhere else or some other time.
The whole philosophy of the New Testament can be summed up in John 18:36, where Jesus tells his followers not to fight the Jews because, HIS KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD. No more certain prescription for racial suicide could be devised in the mind of a Devil incarnate. It is exactly what our people have followed for many centuries and now we face racial extinction. It is not an isolated anomaly. Here are the words of the three major figures of the New Testament on sex. In First Corinthians Chapter 7 Verse 1, Paul tells us that it is best not to ever touch a woman. The entire remainder of the chapter tells us that if you just cannot resist the evil urge for sex, then marriage is barely tolerable in order to lessen the sin. The compromisers and debaters try to gloss over the whole chapter by saying it only tells us to be faithful to our mates. That is self-deception. That is not what it says by the farthest stretch of the imagination. You just cannot have a holy book that teaches suicide.
In Revelation 14:3 and 14:4, John tells us that only virgin men will be favored and that sex with a woman defiles a man. Besides being insane, such a teaching will lead people to their death.
In Matthew 5:28, Jesus says, that to even look at a woman with lust is adultery. Again the apologists justify by saying that he meant married women. That is not what it says and indeed what it does say matches perfectly with the entire anti-sex, anti-life, and anti-nature thrust of the whole Testament. The Old Testament is a book of life. The New Testament religion was forced upon us because it is death.
There are, also, transparent efforts to combine the major figures of the two Testaments with a few verses calling Jesus the Son of David. That is exposed by the Aryan Hermetic philosopher Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon constructed the English language King James Bible as a coding device to preserve the old wisdom. Space here does not permit showing how the coding system works, but on the overt level please note that David had 19 women and he had nineteen sons listed in one chapter of the Old Testament. He is a lusty man of THIS world. He kills his enemies and the enemies of his people. He takes and preserves territory for his people. Despite the incident with Bathsheba, which is a Hermetic Parable, he is the near perfect example of the leader that a people must have. He is the exact opposite and antithesis of the New Testament figure and philosophy.
Atheists and Odinists, who ridicule the Identity Folk for Identifying with the Old Testament tribes called Israel, are on the wrong track. The Old Testament is an excellent racial religion. A race cannot share its Gods with other people for that is suicide. The Old Testament religion is exclusive and ruthless. Joshua exterminates every person residing in the territory that the Israelites desire, because a race which shares territory will perish. On the other hand Identity Folk must realize that Hebrew is one of the Mystery languages, not a people. IS-RA-EL is the creation of Aryan Hermetic Philosophers used to teach the old wisdom in allegory, parable, gematria, and other formulae. It is not to be taken as literal history. The Original Christianity, called Gnostic, has no relationship to the ninety-nine percent of the New Testament. In their original form the Christian Mysteries, the Odinist Mysteries, the Mithraic Mysteries, the Egyptian Mysteries, the Elusian Mysteries, and others were all Aryan coding. The mythology of an incarnated God born to a virgin at the winter solstice was common among Aryan religions thousands of years earlier than the Judeo-Roman perversion. Jesus, Odin/Wotan/Woden, Zeus, Jove, Mithras, Osiris, and all the rest of the names we have used for God are equally proper in their own time and situation. The secret teachings preserved down through the ages by the Hermetic societies such as the Mystery schools, the Mystery religions, the Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, Rosicrucians, early Masonic Orders, and others involved the nature of God, the nature of men, and the nature of the material universe. Through meticulous observation of nature, from the spirals, shapes, spacings, and cycles of the cosmos to the geometry of earth bound matter such as the pentagons of flowers and the hexagons of snowflakes and honeycombs, the ancients found evidence under the mathematical laws of probability that there exists a creative force and intelligence that we call God. Naturally, should the masses of mankind be aware that the secrets of life were available to all through observation of nature and instruction in the arcane wisdom, then the tyrants and tricksters of priestcraft and statecraft become unnecessary. So this wisdom has been mercilessly persecuted for thousands of years. Witness the brutal suppression of Gnosticism, or its twin called Odinism, of all the Pagan or nature-based religions, the persecution of heretics, the burning of Jacques de Molay and Giordano Bruno along with perhaps millions of others in inquisitions, the driving out of every philosopher, every scientist, every astronomer, every truth-teller from Europe thus bringing the Dark Ages, and on and on.
In light of many thousands of years of persecution the Initiates in the mysteries long ago developed incredibly sophisticated methods to code the old wisdom right under the noses of the tyrants. One of the major devices is called Gematria. Your lying preacher knows very well that Greek and Hebrew, the languages of the two testaments have numerical values. This practice, called Gematria, allows coding by substituting numbers for letters or letters for numbers according to the formulae that cannot be decoded without a hidden key. The text of both Testaments in their original languages as well as the text in the King James English language Bible conceal and preserve old teachings. That is why I have said that for those who have the key, the King James Bible is as fine as an Odinist book as was ever written. Just substitute names and know the key. Do you think it is only coincidence that Thor and David both killed a giant with a magic weapon? Jacob had twelve sons. Solomon had twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus had twelve apostles. At a given time Odin had twelve lesser Gods. Saxe, who brought Odinism/Wotanism/Wodenism to Northern Europe, initiates twelve chief Drotters or priests into the Mysteries. Mormonism, created by Initiates, has twelve apostles. The structure is common to all Mystery religions. In all cases it represents the Sun and twelve signs of the Zodiac as well as the 666 Sun Square and its twelve factors of even divisibles.
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David Eden Lane, #14Words:
Negative changes can be observed even in the new manner of conversation. In a Nordic country we demand personal space, and conversation is always from a distance of at least an arm's length. I first noticed the change in prison, as even White men try to stand with their heads inches from mine for conversation. I would back up and they would step forward. It is alien to our organic culture.
Also, in times past we were taught from childhood that unnecessary conversation was boorish and uncultured. The fact is, 99% of all human conversation today is inane, repetitious, pointless and boring. Additionally, no man can think while his tongue is wagging or someone else's gums are flapping in his ear. The more primitive the race, the individual or the culture, the louder it tends to be. The more advanced the race, an individual or a culture, the quieter it tends to be.
Just fifty years ago we were taught to think before every sentence uttered, and then to be precise. This business of "it's like...." "ummmm," "see what I'm sayin'," "it's like, you know...." "like, know what I mean, uh....." is total cultural decadence.
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David Eden Lane, #14Words: Negative changes can be observed even in the new manner of conversation. In a Nordic country we demand personal space, and conversation is always from a distance of at least an arm's length. I first noticed the change in prison, as even White men try to stand with their heads inches from mine for conversation. I would back up and they would step forward. It is alien to our organic culture.
Also, in times past we were taught from childhood that unnecessary conversation was boorish and uncultured. The fact is, 99% of all human conversation today is inane, repetitious, pointless and boring. Additionally, no man can think while his tongue is wagging or someone else's gums are flapping in his ear. The more primitive the race, the individual or the culture, the louder it tends to be. The more advanced the race, an individual or a culture, the quieter it tends to be.
Just fifty years ago we were taught to think before every sentence uttered, and then to be precise. This business of "it's like...." "ummmm," "see what I'm sayin'," "it's like, you know...." "like, know what I mean, uh....." is total cultural decadence.
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David Eden Lane, #14Words: Elaborating on why we do not put blame on our brothers for deeds of destruction before hearing great truths, we must consider the nature of our minds. The human mind is much like a biological computer, G.I.G.O. (Garbage In, Garbage Out). And 99.9% of all sensory experience in the lives of the young men of our folk has been anti-nature garbage. The "evil White man," who oppresses women and minorities (actually vast majorities) has been a dominant theme in America and all Western Nations for generations. Our young men have rebelled against a system that grates against their very soul. Unfortunately that rebellion has seldom been constructive and it has led many into prison. Then, here in prison the rebellion usually continues in a self-destructive pattern. Drugs, drunkenness, gambling on Skraeling sports, bluster, and such, are of no value to the individual or his people. All too often our young men, when incarcerated, are quickly led into what I call the "Code of the Convict," or the convict mentality. How often have you heard the phrase, "He's a good convict?" Time and again I see a young man come to prison with a short sentence, maybe 5 years. Sometimes in this era they are railroaded into prison on false charges, just because they promoted the 14 Words. But as soon as they get here some group or gang starts to pressure them to join up. Almost always there are some members of the group who have destructive habits and when they have a collision, as they always do, the new recruit is required to support his "brother." So the 5-year sentence becomes 10 years or 20 years or life. "Brothers" like this we do not need. If it's the last thing I do before dying in the prisons of my enemy, it will be to change the "Code of the Convict" to the "Code of the Revolutionary."
I had a friend, a noble man, named Maynard Campbell. About 35 or 40 years ago he worked for a short time as a radio repairman for the Denver Police Department. But upon seeing what a corrupt organization the police department was, he quit and became a TV repairman. Then later he went into the lumber business. Then about 10 years ago the Ruby Ridge Massacre happened. The Feds murdered a woman named Vicky Weaver, and her son Sammy. They blew her head off while she was holding her youngest baby in her arms, all because the Weavers were White Folk who wanted to live with and preserve their own kind. After the murders, the Feds began their usual propaganda, demonizing the Weavers and justifying the murders. This was too much for Maynard Campbell. He wrote a short book exposing the lies and brutality of the Federal Assassins. So the Feds falsely charged him with cutting down trees on Federal property. And after the usual farce called a trial, instead of a fine, they put him in this prison; then labeled him an ex-cop. Naturally the "Code of the Convict" got Maynard killed. Maynard is no longer exposing the Federal murder of the Weavers, or the Federal murders of our race. The "Code of the Convict" did their dirty work for them. All the system has to do is accuse someone of being a rapist, a child molester, a snitch, an ex-cop, or whatever, and the "Code of the Convict" will do their dirty work for them. Part of the "Code of the Convict" grows from the mistaken belief that by putting down someone else, we raise ourselves up. I see drug dealers that may have ruined the lives of a thousand children attacking someone accused of a sex crime that may have harmed one person. That is hypocrisy. The man who is secure in his own self-image is not concerned with others in "their" society. When we have our own nations for the life and benefit of our folk, then we will worry about morality. In here we need to learn to mind our own business, and we need to remember that the "crimes" of others who have never heard truths and who have never been taught a sense of destiny, are "crimes" of ignorance as often as crimes of malice. I say quote crimes unquote for a reason, and this too is related to self-image. Far too many of our young men accept the label "criminal" or "convict," when in actuality they should consider themselves rebels and revolutionaries.
The U.S. Constitution restricts the police powers of the Federal Government to three areas. Treason, crimes on the seas or waterways, and counterfeiting. And since the Federal Reserve that prints "our" money is unconstitutional, that leaves two areas. How many of you here today are convicted of treason or crimes on the high seas? You see, the criminals who violated the supposed supreme law of the land are the ones who put you in prison. You are not the criminals.
Another famous philosopher once said, "He who kills one man is called a murderer, but he who kills millions is worshiped as a President, a King or and Emperor." Not that we should justify unjustified and unnecessary killing, but the point is, governments are always the greatest criminals, a million times over. So we do not need to support our self-image by denigrating other individuals. The forced bussing judge who destroys the lives and sensibilities of tens of thousands of the children of our folk, is also tens of thousands times more vile than any so-called convict. Even a Ted Bundy is an angel compared to a Federal bussing judge.
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Something makes me think we are gonna miss 2014 🤔
happy new year 2015!!!
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Rise. Saturday-January 4, 2025 7:38am
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Blast from the past.
𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚
𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙩 '𝙚𝙢 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚...
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How the Sun sets over our terrestrial plane Earth.
Has nothing to do with "curvature". (They claim curvature begins at 3 miles but there are tests after tests which show that one can still see well-beyond 3 miles),
Even a little child can tell you very clearly that the farther something is away, the smaller it becomes until it "disappears". That's why you take your fingers and pretend to squish items using your fingers. It is away at a distance and that is why it appears small. The further away it gets, the smaller it gets until it diminishes. Light itself is no different. Light does fade. (Depending on certain conditions in the weather where it actually acts as a sort of magnifying lens and at times the Sun and Moon appear massive.)
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