Independent/ Fandomless/OC/ 21+/ Sing we the cries of man and prey upon each other. Sing we the cries of beast and prey upon the cowards.... low activity
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Southern Iceland 2014, John Bozinov
Source: Kekenos (reddit)
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One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 3]
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
01. — scrub 02. — honey 03. — bubble 04. — salve 05. — clear 06. — surface 07. — reach 08. — sparkling 09. — graphic 10. — flash 11. — mirror 12. — mist 13. — wine 14. — glide 15. — mask 16. — card 17. — sample 18. — stress 19. — mango 20. — caffeine 21. — eraser 22. — tongue 23. — active 24. — complexion 25. — gentle 26. — tart 27. — essence 28. — golden 29. — philosophy 30. — heat 31. — clip 32. — blossom 33. — ripple 34. — mint 35. — drawer 36. — skin 37. — unmanageable 38. — vitamin 39. — secret 40. — combination 41. — peach 42. — complete 43. — foam 44. — relief 45. — fresh 46. — protection 47. — advanced 48. — sherbet 49. — deep 50. — cotton
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I want somebody with a sharp intellect and a heart from hell. somebody with eyes like starfire and a mouth with a kiss like a bottomless well. but mostly I just want someone who will love me. when I do not know how to love myself.
Beau Taplin (via thelovejournals)
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just because i’m very slow with replies doesn’t mean i don’t care about our plot !!!
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Pen and marker landscapes 2018
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Coraline {Sentence Starters}
“You can pick out something you like.”
“What? I didn’t hear anything.”
“You think they’re trying to poison me?”
“You probably think this world is a dream come true, but you’re wrong.”
“You have a really funny way of showing it.”
“I almost fell down a well yesterday. I would’ve died.”
“You’re in terrible danger, girl/boy!”
“Now you’re going to stay here forever.”
“You realize you’re walking right into her trap.”
“They say even the proudest spirit can be broken.”
“Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me! I’ll die without you!”
“Maybe they got bored with you and moved to France.”
“You are NOT my mother.”
“You know, you could stay forever, if you want to.”
“So sharp, you won’t feel a thing.”
“I already know where you’ve hidden them.”
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A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC / A GATHERING OF SHADOWS by v. e. schwab sentence meme.
❛ I’d rather die on an adventure than live standing still. ❜
❛ After all, you can kill people, but you cannot kill magic. Not truly. ❜
❛ Impossible. What a useless word, in a world with magic. ❜
❛ Everyone thinks I have a death wish, you know? But I don’t want to die – dying is easy. No, I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were actually doing before wasn’t actually living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high. ❜
❛ You have two faces. One you wear for the world at large, and the one you wear for those you love. ❜
❛ Everyone’s immortal until they’re not. ❜
❛ It is as it is. It cannot be undone. So please, be grateful, and be done with it. ❜
❛ The thing about freedom? It doesn’t come naturally. Almost no one has it handed to them. I’m free because I fought for it. ❜
❛ I know you can do this. I know you can hear me. Stay with me. Listen to my voice. ❜
❛ Maybe you just got a taste of what it really means to be alive. You almost died. So now you know what it feels like to live. To fear for that life. To fight for it. And once you know, well, there’s no going back. ❜
❛ You made a mistake. Everybody makes them. Even me. I’ve made many. It’s only fair that you made one. ❜
❛ I did only what I had to do. If I could have given my life for yours, I would have. ❜
❛ A kiss for luck. Not that I need it. ❜
❛ I know. I know what and who you are. What will you do? Kill me? ❜
❛ Why am I the only one in this fucking world to be held accountable for my actions? ❜
❛ Aren’t you afraid of dying? ❜
❛ I’m sorry. For whatever happened to you. For whoever hurt you so deeply that you see things like friends and fondness as weapons instead of shields. ❜
❛ You know so little of war. Battles may be fought from the outside in, but wars are won from the inside out. ❜
❛ Between the two of us, we’ll tear the whole world down. ❜
❛ I am going to cut that smile off your face. ❜
❛ It hurts. More than dying ever did. There are days when I feel like I deserve this. ❜
❛ Death doesn’t scare me. Not nearly as much as the idea of wasting a perfectly good life in fear of it. ❜
❛ You’re always so eager to slash and stab, why couldn’t you have stabbed him. ❜
❛ Which is it, huh? You’re angry at me, or worried about me, or happy to see me? Because I can’t keep up. ❜
❛ Wouldn’t it be amazing, if we got away with it? ❜
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I've been walking through A world gone blind Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind Careful creature Made friends with time He left her lonely with a diamond mind And those ocean eyes
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Everything in Freya’s life changed the day her brother died. Her parents, who were so vibrant and care free became sullen and listless. They moved around the house like ghosts of their former selves. While the ghost of Bjorn weighed heavily on them all. Freya was very close to her brother. He taught her how to hunt, how to fish, and how to survive in the wilderness if something ever happened to society. Normal Hope County things. His death created a void in her life as well as the ecosystem of the family.
That was originally why she left. She bought a school bus off Hurk that he re-purposed into a mobile home and she toured around the country for a while. It was nice at first to be away from the oppressive grief. Her parents were having a hard time moving on and they were only bringing her down when all she wanted to do was heal. Which she did. She Skyped with her parents once a week. They told her about this new church they’d been going to. The people were receptive and supportive. Freya’s parents actually seemed like they were finally getting better. They told her it was all thanks to someone they called The Father. And then they suddenly disappeared. They didn’t return her Skype or regular calls.
Freya returned home as soon as she could and found the place to be a lot different than how she left it. Everyone was nervous and suspicious. Mary May told her about the Project at Eden’s Gate cult. They’d always been around, but Freya thought they were harmless. And they were, until recently. People around town had started to go missing. No one was sure why or how, but they were all certain Eden’s Gate was the cause.
Despite Mary May’s warnings of how dangerous the cult was becoming, Freya did the only thing she could think of. Which was drive to where the Eden’s Gate main church was, barge into the room before anyone could stop her, and stomp right up to the man at the pulpit She had already lost one member of her family. She wasn’t about to lose her parents as well. Not if she had a chance to save them. “What have you done with my parents?” she asked him. And then quickly realized he would have no idea who she was talking about. If the rumors were to be believed, quite a few parents had been taken by Eden’s Gate. “Gunder and Ofelia Sigursson. Where are they?”
#gcdspoke#v; hope county#// you don't have to match the length#// i got kind of carried away setting stuff up
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My internet is broken and no one will be out to fix it until tomorrow. So I can’t write replies or anything until then.
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10 Things I Hate About You sentence starters
101 starters feel free to change gender pronouns ’read-more’ added for length content warning: alcohol mention, cussing, sexual themes
“I see our visits are becoming a weekly ritual.”
“I’m supposed to show you around.”
“Now listen. Unless they talk to you first, don’t bother.”
“Wait. Is that your rule or theirs?”
“Yesterday I was their God.”
“I burn, I pine, I perish.”
“Yeah, but see, there’s a difference between like and love.”
“Romantic? Hemingway? He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso, trying to nail his leftovers.”
“I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.”
“Someday you’re gonna get bitch-slapped, and I’m not gonna do a thing to stop it.”
“_____, I wanna thank you for your point of view. I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper-middle class suburban oppression. Must be tough.”
“So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr. _____’s class again.”
“Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action.”
“I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.”
“People perceive you as somewhat… “Heinous bitch” is the term used most often. You might wanna work on that.”
“Oh, she’s out of reach, even for you.”
“There’s more to her than you think.”
“I mean, look at the way sh-she smiles, and-and look at her eyes, man. She’s totally pure.”
“Put her in your spank bank, and move on. Move on.”
“I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be ‘whelmed’?”
“That’s a charming new development.”
“Remove head from sphincter, THEN drive!”
“Hello, _____. Make anyone cry today?”
“Can we focus on me for a second, please?”
“Can we focus on me for a second, please? I am the only girl in school who’s not dating.”
“Where did you come from? Planet Loser?”
“You’re asking me out? That’s so cute.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, my sister’s a particularly hideous case of loser.”
“Did I or did I not tell you it was pointless?”
“He sold his own liver on the black market for a new set of speakers.”
“Does this conversation have a purpose?”
“That’s a touching story. Really is. Not my problem.”
“Do you even know my name, screw boy?”
“I know a lot more than you think.”
“Hey, no, hey, I don’t wanna hear that defeatist attitude. I wanna hear you upbeat.”
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My internet is broken and no one will be out to fix it until tomorrow. So I can't write replies or anything until then.
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