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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Some interesting speculation on the latest Twitter posts by an account named SVichnaV (I can't post a link on Tumblr it looks like), seems a whole bunch of Broadway VAs will be part of the Hazbin Hotel cast, eyes in particular on Amir Talai who some people are claiming could be the new Angel Dust voice if they add the character's accent. Thoughts?
First off sorry, I'm sure I'm answering this way long after you sent this, im not very active on here and tumblr doesn't notify me of stuff like this.
But at this point I don't wanna speculate or get my hopes or down. I'm waiting for the trailer and then I'll take it from there.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Hi, I've been watching your videos for a very long time and I've always wanted to talk and become friends with you because you seem awesome but I don't have much social media outside of snapchat and discord. What are you the most active on? And do you have a new Tumblr /discord dedicated to doll talk since the rebrand of your channel?
I'm most active on Instagram but I do have a discord since you mentioned that. (You can dm me for my discord)
I plan on making a new insta account for posting about dolls/toys
The discord server that I have has a doll channel in it. I originally made it for hazbin so that's what most of the channels pertain to but I started to add more channels for art, fashion, dolls, etc, if you'd wanna join that.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
As we thought, Angels designs had Minimal Changes, but TBH, Angels design was already perfect so like, how do you improve upon it.
You cant and that's why I don't like the redesign. I swear they just put all the characters old designs in a color swap generator and the first one that came out was what became their new design. Cause that's all they really did on all of them was just color fill.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
To be fair most likely we will see some of the characters constantly change their outfits throught the show. Vaggie and Angel are probably going to be the main ones.
I'm interested to see what their gonna do with Vaggie when they redesign her
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Angel is next it seems
Watch his shit look exactly the same like Alastors.
But I mean I really hope they give him more of a bad bitch vibe especially based off the outfits they gave him on the Instagrams. So I have high hopes but recently hazbin likes to crush my hopes and dreams so 🤷‍♀️
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
i hope Im not the only one who believes Hazbin is better off picked up instead of staying indie
I'm sure your not
Everyone has their own opinion
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
honestly I like that Alastors redesign didnt change all that much, not every design needs to be redone from the ground up after all, and the bits that WERE changed may have some... interesting implications about the future of his character.
Hot take: I think it was dumb to hype it up when literally nothing changed. He got a white stripe 😐...thats it. And honestly I find the white trim to be an eye sore since there's literally no other white in his outfit. If white was supposed to be the pop color, WHERES THE REST OF IT?? They should've added more white accents, cause I agree his outfit has to much red and could use more contrast, but they literally just put a white trim on his lapel and called it a day. Like they might as well of just kept him the same at that point.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Today we got Alastor's new look and a really fun Angel Dust fansong from PARANOiD DJ - 'Use Me Up' (Angel's Order). I've been so hungry... it feels nice to be fed with good things sometimes 😭🕷️🦌.
I haven't listened to Angels song yet but Alastors redesign is.....something
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
HOLY SHIT IT'S ALASTOR REDESIGN DAY!!1 I SURE AS HELL AM FUCKING AWAKE NOW BABEEHH! He's gone through so many redesigns ever since he's been conceptualized. I wonder what his "final" version is gonna be. I have the word final in quotes since the characters can always get new design upgrades and tweaks in future seasons if needed - haha oh boy am I getting ahead of myself or what. He's probably just gonna look more or less exactly the same tbh, I guess we'll see later.
Crazy how you were literally right
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Wake up babe, Alastor's government mandated redesign comes out tomorrow
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
I agree with you and the anons. I hope ppl give HH a fair chance when it drops, since a lot of love is going into it. What Pride theorized may be spot on to an extent, I also love Angel as a character and I never quite realized how much trauma piled up behind my back over the years. I never realized that this trauma made me scared of change in general, your post helped me realize it so thank you. I hope this show brings everyone closer together and helps us heal our inner traumas and wounds 😭😭
It be like that, but I'm glad I was able to aid in some self reflection. And in terms of the show bringing everyone together and what not, that entirely depends on how Angels trauma is written and depicted. For some reason accurately representing abuse and the trauma that stems from it seems to be a hard task for many shows and movies. They either get it right or fail miserably. I've said it before but I'm so tired of the Stockholm syndrome route when it comes to abusive relationships. It's overplayed and doesn't happen as often as the media likes to act like it does. I wanna see the victim hate their abuser, harbors no love for them at all, but is literally trapped so they have to play the game of pretend but on the inside all that hatred turns into repressed anger. There's so many other angels of abusive relationships that could be explored that rarely ever are. Addict gave me hope that Angels story is gonna be that story but idk, guess we'll have to wait and see.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
It kinda feels like a lot of people are going into the series expecting the changes to suck, while i can understand being wary, and agree it should have stayed an indie project, it honestly feels like a lot of people are just gonna hate it because its different from the pilot and go into it looking for things to hate about it while not giving it a fair chance, which makes me sad, since everybody's working really hard to make it as good as possible.
I've been thinking about this alot about how so many fans are opposed to the changes and I have a theory. Angel, being a character who has trauma, had people who also have similar trauma gravitate towards him and the show (myself included). It's also known that traumatized children hate change. So I think because a decent majority of superfans are traumatized people and the show has done nothing but announce multiple changes everyone is upset because this thing that they like that they thought wouldn't change is changing which is a reminder of how nothing in their life is stable. This is a generalization and may not be the same for everyone but I know I feel this way and I'm sure others do too and may not even realize that's the reason why.
Now I'm not saying this justifys the extreme hate that some fans are giving to people working on the show but it's something to think about. But for me I'm still mad about the whole VA fiasco. I just feel that whole situation could've been handled better. So for me I don't care much about the redesigns, I'm waiting for the trailer to know how they sound.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
So we're getting an Alastor redesign reveal on the 18th of March 2022. We got Charlie's redesign reveal on the 22nd of February 2022. The new Hotel design was shown on December 21st 2021. Kinda seems like we're gonna be getting monthly updates with the new designs. Wow, we sure are being well fed amirite 🤡 💀. I mean, it sure as hell is better than nothing, but it gives me a little bit of anxiety since I'm scared if I won't like one of the main redesigns... Well, here's hoping for the best. 🦌
We're literally fed crumbs while Helluva fans are spoon fed 😭😭😭
At one reveal per month we ain't gettin shit till 2023 🥲
I'm not too worried about the redesigns. I don't feel their gonna change the actual characters that much, just their clothes. However I hope their not redesigning them because of some "their original designs were too complicated" bullshit. If a small indie studio could get it done there should be no excuse.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Can you please do a reaction video to - "VALENTINO" Hazbin Hotel Fan-Animatic (UNOFFICIAL) - from Youtube? It's so well made and it's done by the same person that storyboarded most of the Addict MV. Another reaction request is for the fan song for Alastor - [MUSIC] 'Smile Like You Mean It' (Alastor's Offer). They're soo good so I'd love to see your awesome reactions if you feel like it <3.Or if you don't feel like making reaction videos, I'd at least love to hear your thoughts about them here.
I feel like I might've watched that first one but I don't really remember but yeah I can definitely do that at some point 💗
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Also, it seems like Hazbin Hotel may actually be coming soon for real or something (haha, yeah right, *flips table*). Some signs are sorta pointing in that direction imo, with staff members going public with the fact that they're working on the show, then you have the redesigned hotel and Charlie being revealed and even bentoboxent (animation studio's handle) posted on their IG that the show is coming soon. I hope this comes out this year, earlier than Halloween since I've been waiting for years
Yeah Vivs been saying that for years so I'll believe it when I see it
They said soon 3 months ago, when is soon to them? A month? A year? I really thought when they said soon in December we were gonna get a trailer in January to kick off the new year but apparently not.
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Am I the only one that's scared when a Hazbin Hotel trailer eventually drops? BRUH if Angel Dust is not on point with his new VA I will drop dead... And I'll be mad if any of the main characters get big character design downgrades to make things easier to animate for the studio or some BS like that, since guess what, Helluva Boss has been absolutely slaying it as an independent production so far and the character designs there are quite complex. Do you like Charlie's new design btw? (I like it)
No your not, I'm terrified. If Angels voice isn't good I'm done. Recasting Angel was one of the worst decisions A24 could've made because honestly the future of hazbin DESPERATELY depends on if the fans like the new changes.
Now in terms of the new design changes I haven't had a problem with them. I liked the new sleek design of the hotel, it looks less like a cluster fuck. I'm not really sure why Charlie needed to be redesigned but it's not that drastic of a change so whatever (I don't really like her red eyes tho). My only concern is that she'll clash with Alastor since he also wears all red but im assuming all the characters are gonna be redesigned so maybe he doesn't even wear red anymore?? I don't even know what to expect at this point and I hate it. Unless Alastor told her to wear all red or Charlie decided to because of Alastor or something then that's different.
And it's like, I'm not opposed to minor design changes like clothes and stuff but if they start introducing drastic changes I'm gonna start to get worried. Like i won't mind if Angel gets redesigned to have a cute new outfit, same for Alastor cause honestly Alastors outfit is so all over the place, he could use a redesign. But idk the pilot made it seem like these characters were already ready to go especially considering the Helluva cast stayed the same from pilot to show. I stand firm in my belief that Hazbin should've stayed an indie production because corporations suck the creativity out of everything
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pride-all-day · 3 years ago
Hi, I'm sorry to bug you but I'm in a pretty shitty situation. If you would be able to reblog my donation post it would mean a lot to me
My page doesn't really get that much exposure, especially recently, but sure
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