prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn form it... you're destined to repeat it
Bartholomew Oobleck 
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prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
No matter what bonds you forge with others, time will tear them apart.
Shinobu Oshino
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prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities; I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise; but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes I'm too good for them - that I'm on a level that they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people.
Pyrrha Nikos
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prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.
Pyrrha Nikos
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prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
It's not about hating a guy on the other side because someone told you to. I mean, you should hate someone because they're an asshole or a pervert or a snob, or they're lazy or arrogant or an idiot or a know-it-all. Those are the reasons to dislike somebody. You don't hate a person because someone told you to; you have to despise people on a personal level, not because they're red or because they're blue, but because you know them and you see them every single day, and you can't stand them because they're a complete and total fucking douchebag
Leonard L. Church 
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prgnmerc-blog · 7 years
Breaking a painful connection may give you back the freedom you once lost. However, gaining freedom will always require a sacrifice. Will it be worth the sacrifice?
Mike Inel
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