prettymadgirl · 2 years
Is it possible to know the world without despising it?
To see it clearly and not turn away?
All I know is this:
There is only one way through a thorn forest.
You must pick up an axe and swing and swing and swing.
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prettymadgirl · 7 years
Cleanliness is next to Godliness (or so they said)
How could I have known what was to come
All I wanted was a bath
clean yourself the learned men said:
your body is polluted
your blood makes you unclean
Clean yourself
Cover yourself
Your body is a sin
Your blood brings shame
You and all your kind were corrupted from the moment Eve took that curious bite
Who was I to question?
Only a woman, and prone they said,
to the same weakness and treachery as she who came first
So I bathed
To clean myself of my blood, my sin, my shame,
Mine, yours, Eve’s
He saw me then and everything changed
He took me for his own
shed blood to keep me
How could I ever be clean again?
It wasn’t until my son lay dead in my arms,
Fair recompense said the prophet for the crime that created him,
That I really knew
That I could truly understand
What do men, even the learned, the Pharisee, the King, know of women?
What do they know of God?
They know the law
They wrote it for themselves
They know the scriptures that they keep hidden from us
Tools used to judge and subjugate
These learned men say that God created the world
but I see now that is not so
The One with no name for me to cry out in my rage and my grief
Created heaven and earth
All things seen and unseen
but it is men who created this world
And there will never be any place for me here
Not with these men who branded me impure by word and deed
These men who branded my child as sin punishable by death
These men say Eve was forced out into the world with a flaming sword at her back
the knowledge of good and evil flowing fresh in her veins
Well that knowledge is mine now
bitter and life giving as blood
There is no choice but to use it,
To wield it as a flaming sword in my hand
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prettymadgirl · 8 years
To beware of men bearing gifts
You offered the world
a fine gift you thought
to lay at my feet
like the head of the Baptist
For surely my love
my body
my Self
is worth more than a dance and some veils
and surely your gift is greater than any that
Herod, weak and false as he was, could offer
After all, up to half of his kingdom was no true reward
half of a kingdom is no kingdom at all
Still, I am afraid I must decline
Gifts are grand indeed
but the Trojans have taught me to be wary of them
for what is given can be taken away
or burn empires into ash and myth
It has happened before, but will not happen again
Not to me
Besides, I don’t want the world
It holds no lure for me
I cannot hear its siren song
But know this:
if I wanted it 
I would have it
and I would take it for myself
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prettymadgirl · 10 years
This is very well written and beautifully expressed. I too suffer from depression and have for most of my life. It breaks my heart that Robin Williams' life could mean so much to so many and yet be so unbearable to him, though of course this is the very nature of the illness. As you say it is an internal condition and it somehow manages to override external truths. You are so right I think in how you imagine Robin would react to the "incident" with the penises! Finding humor in the little absurdities of daily life surely must be one of the keys to bearing its struggles and sorrows. Selfishly I wish he could have born his even longer than he did because as glad as I am that he is at peace and safe from whatever was hurting him, it still hurts that he's gone. Sorry for blabbing on so much. Believe it or not I originally intended to just say good job!
I was scrolling down my dash and watching videos of Robin Williams and looking at gif sets and laughing and crying and then between two related posts there was a gif of two naked men rubbing their dicks together. I was taken aback and a little angry at first because now simply doesn’t seem like...
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