prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Everyone -including the gms- cried at Marlee’s death.  (100% of the vote!) 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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By 70% Marlee gave us the most feels
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
Go With Peace and Love || Death OS
The venom hits my neck just as I realize what Ayla's done. It's hard to convince myself that she was the one who killed me, 'cause right now it feels like it was just a mean old snake, 'cause now Ayla's got me in her arms and even though I can't breathe, I feel like it's going to be okay. I looked up at her and all I want right now is someone to hold me. Breathe... breathebreathebreathebreathe I can't breathe.
My body wasn't even strong enough to flicker, even though I was scared. Ayla's talking to me, about Mommy... Mommy. Even seeing Mommy isn't good right now as I let out a strangled sob, struggling to catch my breath. "I'm so sorry, so so sorry..." Ayla's voice was thick with tears and I want to tell her not to cry. But I can't.
The world's getting darker, the sun is going out, but I refuse to close my eyes. Tears stream down my face and I'm completely terrified. I don't want to sleep, my eyes are closing, I don't want to sleep I don't want to sleep...
Suddenly there's a lot of quiet and a hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing to get my attention. I open my eyes and look up into Colin's gentle ones. He looks different- younger, less tired, and he's smiling softly. "Come on, Marlee," he urges. "It's time to go." 
Colin's hands moved to my shoulders as the light faded away, revealing somewhat of a stereotypical afterlife meadow. I looked around nervously until Colin gave my shoulders a squeeze. "Over there, Marlee," he cooed, turning me until I saw Rowan, a tired smile on her face, with Ford behind her. I broke away from Colin, running as fast as I could until I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her as tight as I possibly could.
Her arms gently looped around my back, squeezing me gently as a few tears leaked from my eyes and onto her dress. I drew back from Rowan a bit only to throw my arms around Ford. He ruffled my hair a bit with one hand and awkwardly patted my back until I stepped back, looking up at them with wide, shining eyes. "I missed you," I said eagerly, my head tilting a tiny bit to the side as I smiled at my brother and my friend. 
"Someone else missed you too," Rowan said gently, pointing behind me. I turned around, curious, to see Colin standing with an arm around a strange woman's waist. She had wavy brown hair and green eyes... green eyes just like mine. 
"Mommy?" I whispered, looking at the woman in surprise. She nodded once, tears in her eyes.
I launched myself across the distance between us. She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist as I clung to her, both of us crying with a mixture of sorrow and joy. I felt Colin's arms around both of us, the three of us clinging to each other with everything we had. 
My family. My real family was finally together, even Ford was nearby. I had everything I'd ever wanted, and even though we were dead- well, Colin was a god, which is a bit different- we were together. That's all I could ask for as I kissed Mommy and Colin's cheeks in delight, nuzzling into Mommy's collarbone. Colin kissed the back of my head and went away for a bit, to get the rest of the tributes.
Mommy puts me down a few minutes later and I look around, seeing that others have joined us. Ruby is there, and I hug her tightly, her comforting arms wrapped around me as they were on the roof. And Mallory, who I meet with a tight hug and a sad greeting that she's without Ana. But there are hunters here that she can run with, she'll never be lonely. And even a little girl just my age, who calls herself Eliza and has eyes as blue as the ocean that Zale talked about, tells me where we can go to watch over everyone we love.
As I look around, I feel like, oddly enough, everything in my life is together. I can watch over my family and keep them safe, and be with my other family up in the stars. I go back to Rowan and slip my hand into hers, staying close to Ruby and Mommy and Ford and Colin and Mallory. "What do we do now?" I ask, and everyone chuckles gently. Rowan smiles a little and brushes through my hair like Ayla did in my last moments. 
"Anything we want, kid," she replies, and I feel full of warmth as a smile spreads across my face.
I'm finally home. 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
lord make me a rainbow, i'll shine down on my mother she'll know i'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh, and life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no ain't even grey, but she buries her baby
the sharp knife of a short life, oh well i've had just enough time
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Kill Story: Marlee vs. Ayla
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Location: Far to the southwest (i mean west this time i learned to read a map)- maybe I'm even almost at the edge!
Allies: Just Teddy. 
Items: two daggers, crossbow, shield, teddy bear, small medical kit, canteen of water, wool socks, 2 cans of Pepsi, strawberries, paper and crayons (now a map and an explorer’s log), flashlight
Injuries: None!
Important Events: I woke up and escaped from the cold and the snowballs using my shield as a sled! Then I walked for a while. When the Fallen showed, I cried at the loss of Rowan and Ford, but I hope they can watch over me now from wherever they are, and they can welcome me home safe when I die too.
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
With The Stars || Fallen OS
Explorer's Log: Day 2. It's almost dinnertime, I think! My feet hurt from walking so much even though I rested too. Hungry: Pretty hungry! Tired: Not too bad. Fun Level: Why am I asking myself this?
After running away from the snowballs, I walked west for a while more, working on my map of the second day. Retracing my steps seemed pointless- maybe that'd be a job for tomorrow. I dipped a little further south from the curves in the maze, continually listening for those who may not be happy to see a little Marlee in their path. 
I grew tired after so much exploring. Yawning and stretching a bit, I climbed up and made mysef another hammock in the leaves, sleeping soundly for a couple hours with Teddy bravely keeping watch before I was back at the exploration once again that evening. I decided that I would climb nice and high (not too high) and then watch the fallen. Then I could make my next move. The anthem played as I scaled the wall with my crossbow and my teddy, and as I settled in, the flicker of the seal gave way to a picture.
When Rowan's face lit up in the night sky, I felt my lower lip tremble and quiver just for a moment. In seconds, I was sobbing, tears streaming down my cheeks as I cried for the loss of my first friend here, the girl who held my hand on the hovercraft and the only person to visit me in the infirmary after the course. I loved Rowan, she was my friend, and weirdly enough, I trusted her. But nothing prepared me for seeing Ford's face right after hers.
My big brother was dead. 
I knew Colin would be there, to take them both by the hand and safely deliver them to the afterlife: that was his job, after all. Maybe even Mommy would be there if no one else they knew were, to give them even just a little comfort. But either way, the tears streamed down my face as I sobbed for the girl who'd always been there for me and my real brother who wanted to keep me safe. I cried until my tummy hurt and I wanted to fall asleep right there in the bushes and let someone just come along and take me out with them.
But I wiped my tears away and took a shaky breath. I didn't want to make my camp or explore the wall like I wanted to. But I pretended Rowan and Ford were next to me, and they'd want me to keep moving forward, so I took a deep breath and got to work. I climbed around on the wall, getting to know the terrain. There were tiny animals running around through the greenery and the occasional bird fluttered by. I wanted to climb all the way to the tippy top but I was a bit nervous to. If I got up there, what if something dangerous was there? I was better off huddled in my shelter I was about to make. 
Finding a place where the branches were particularly thick, I struggled in the dark to make myself another shelter like the night before. When I had it threaded together, I laid back and clutched Teddy. I had to pull out my notebook and write their names down, as much as I didn't want to. I wiped more tears from my cheeks as a beeping interrupted me. A sponsor gift fell from the sky: some hot soup that I ate up with more strawberries and water, and a flashlight for me. I was smart enough to think of ways to use it as a weapon and smiled a little as I flicked it on a bit to help me make sure my nest was safe and cozy. 
"Ford, Rowan," I said softly to the darkness. "I miss you and I love you very much. Can you look after me and keep me safe tomorrow?" I asked quietly. I knew it'd be a big day and my odds of hiding any longer were slim. I figured tomorrow would be the day I joined them and I just wanted comfort in my last moments. I wanted to know that they were watching over me. That's all I could ask to my friends, my friends who were now with my mommy: with my mommy, with the stars. 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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A parachute find Marlee after the fallen with a bowl of soup and her flashlight
Warm soup for your soul, a light to find your way into dakness. - Lily
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
What's Cooler Than Cool? Ice Cold! || Morning Day 2
Explorer's Log: Day Two. Time: Early-ish. Hunger: Not too bad. Tired: A good night's sleep, other than the big scraping noises and somebody yelling loudly and shooting fire sparks everywhere. Also: Brrrrr!!! It's really cold! 
I looked outside my hammock indignantly when I heard the first scraping of the walls. What was that racket, anyways? Frowning, I gasped when I saw a wall a few dozen metres away turn sideways, opening new pathways. "Son of a seabiscuit!" I muttered, grabbing my backpack and bow and dismounting from the makeshift hammock with Teddy under my arm. It was a good camp for a night, but now I had to re-map everything I'd already mapped yesterday. Talk about annoying.  
When I hit the ground, I paused, listening carefully. Suddenly, I realized there were voices. Loud ones. Really close. Oh, no! They weren't the calm voice of Ruby or Zale, the encouraging voices of Rowan or Ford. They were strangers, and I had to run for it! I turned to run WEST as fast as I could, but after a couple yards, something hard and cold hit me in the back. 
I slipped again and fell, when I came up with an idea. There was a patch that was dry for a few feet ahead before it became slick with ice again. Quickly, I flipped my shield so it rested facedown and took a few running steps before putting it facedown and jumping on it, sailing down the corridor WESTward. The snowballs pelted at me and I used one of my daggers along the icy ground as a rudder to try and steer myself. I let out a little giggle as I sledded down the corridor, until the ice ran out and I was flung from the sled, flying a few feet through the air. Giggling a little more, I retrieved the shield, brushing the dirt from it- it was a little scuffed up, but still alright. 
Listening close, I couldn't hear the loud voices anymore. The strangers were far behind me, and now I was ready to keep adventuring. I proceeded down the hall, crossbow outstretched, hoping I could stay out of trouble for the rest of the day. 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Location: Somewhere in the south east. Just a bit farther southeast than the C on the map.
Allies: Just Teddy. 
Items: two daggers, crossbow, shield, teddy bear, small medical kit, canteen of water, wool socks, 2 cans of Pepsi, strawberries, paper and crayons (now a map and an explorer's log)
Injuries: None!
Important Events: What a busy day! I got away from the bloodbath, got a present from the Gamemakers, started making my map of the arena, found out I got picked by a sponsor, and made a camp: all by myself! I'm really tired but feeling positive. Positivity will get you a long way, you know!
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
This is the Life || Night Day 1
Explorer's Log: Night-time. Maybe around 8:00. It's dark enough for the Fallen to be playing soon, probably, but right now the sun is still up just a little. Hunger: Very, very hungry. Tired: About to fall asleep on my feet. Fun level: What even is fun anymore?
I walked all day long, stopping to rest occasionally, improve my map, and eat a few strawberries from my pack. I didn't know what Pepsi was, but it said it had a lot of sugar in it, which would probably just give me a sugar crash anyways, which was the last thing I needed. I was pretty sure, judging from the map, that I was moving south east, which seemed like an okay place so far. 
I moved quickly up the wall, leaving my pack on the ground for the moment and taking just my knife with me. Holding on with one arm, I began to rearrange some thick and sturdy vines together to form a sort of hammock. Using pieces of vine that I cut down from the rest of the wall, I held the thick vines together, having created a nice hammock that didn't stand out too much from the wall. Using a few leaves, I nestled it in and even created another loop of vine to rig my crossbow from, so if danger came to me it'd already be pointed at my attacker. 
Traps, though, were what I needed next. With some more vines, I created two traps with loops that would swing an attacker into the air by the leg. I remembered Ayla teaching me it and I smiled a little at the memories of when I could play and train with no worries about my survival.
Finally, my camp was made. I climbed up the wall again and settled into my hammock, resting my backpack next to me in a small hammock I made just to store it in. I pulled Teddy and my explorer log out from my bag and settled them next to me, looking up at the slowly sinking sun as the stars came out. It was almost peaceful, and I yawned a little, trying to stifle it. I didn't want to miss the Fallen. 
A beeping interrupted my thoughts and I reached out to snatch up the parachute just in time. Inside there was lots of water to drink and I guzzled down a few mouthfuls of it, thankful to finally quench the thirst I'd had all day. There was also a container of mac and cheese to eat and a note from... a sponsor! Lily had chosen me! I grinned brightly, looking up at where I guessed a camera was. "Thank you, Miss Lily!" I whispered, digging into my dinner. It was lots more filling than strawberries. 
After I ate up my delicious dinner, I laid in the hammock and stared up at the sky. "This is the life, Teddy," I remarked quietly, folding my hands behind my head and sighing happily, nibbling the occasional strawberry. Tucked up in my camp, away from the ground and from the danger, I was thankful. But who knew how big the maze was? And if I'd run into any trouble tomorrow?
The Fallen flashed across: mostly tributes I'd never met or seen before. The last face, though, was familiar: Arlene. I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth in shock. I couldn't believe it! She was so tough and strong and scary... but she was really injured from being so mean to everybody. I was still sad for her family, though. They must really be sad.
I couldn't be sad for long, I had to focus on myself. Not to mention, Ruby and Rowan and Ford and Zale and Mallory and Ana were all still alive! I knew I wanted my friends to get home if I didn't. Pulling out my log, I wrote down all the names of the tributes and added:
12 of us are left. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Hopefully I will be able to report back in the morning.
Folding up my paper and crayons, I wrapped Teddy up in my arms and fell asleep, hoping that we could stay out of trouble at least for tonight. I needed my sleep if I was gonna keep exploring in the morning. 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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A parachute for Marlee arrives as the sun starts to set down. A canteen of fresh water and warm mac’n’cheese are in it. 
Day one is done and you did great. I am proud of you  - Lily
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
Marlee The Explorer || Morning Day 1
Explorer's Log: Day One. About 11:00 in the morning. No exact time, 'cause I don't have a watch and the maze makes shadows so I can't even make a sundial or anything like that. Hunger: kinda got the growlies in my belly. Tired: nope, too scared. Fun level: Nonexistent.
As I ran into the maze, I noticed Ford there, too, a couple dozen yards away. Ford! My big brother! With another little boy... who he instantly killed before they even made it into the maze itself. My face was a picture of horror and I kept racing away. My big brother just killed a kid exactly my age... I wasn't safe near him, no way. I took off running deep into the maze, taking twists and turns to get away from him as fast as I could. I was on my own now. 
Then I remembered... I had a backpack! And there was tons of stuff inside it, just for me! I slung it off my back and looked around again. I had time to take a little peek. Kneeling down, I opened up my backpack and looked inside. I pulled out a fuzzy teddy bear with delight and hugged it close. "Teddy!" I whispered, unable to hold back my excitement. He looked just like my one back home!
Taking my attention back to the pack, I noticed paper, a couple crayons, lots of strawberries, some medical supplies, wool socks, a drink called Pepsi... I smiled, thrilled with my haul. I put everything back in except the paper, one crayon, and my teddy bear. I needed a friend, right? 
I sat cross-legged on the ground for just a moment, trying to recall where I'd come from. I drew the big circle where we started, then remember running straight, right, left... I drew a line guesstimating how far along I was. This way, I could map the maze and all the dangers so I could keep out of trouble. Then I turned the page and wrote down an explorer's log. I had to keep track of how things were going for me, like a diary. So I didn't forget any details.
"Okay, Teddy," I murmured, looking down at my map. "Let's go exploring!" 
I rolled the paper up and shoved it into the side pocket, placing Teddy into the top of my  backpack with his head poking out. I put one dagger in the pocket of my hoodie, holding one in one hand and my shield in the other. Now I was officially ready to explore. I set off down the maze, following it until I reached a fork. I quickly grabbed out the map and drew the three-way fork, choosing the left path first.
As I walked, I heard a beeping noise and looked around me with confusion. I noticed the package nestled in some vines up the wall a little while from where I stood. I climbed up easily, the vines holding my tiny body up very well, and snatched the package down before dismounting from the wall and opening it up when I was on the ground again. Inside there was a crossbow, just my size, and a note from the Gamemakers. This must be my prize for winning the obstacle course! I pulled out my explorer's log again.
Explorer's Log: Day One. Maybe five minutes later. Got a gift from the Gamemakers!
"Thank you, Miss Eywa and Miss Persephone!" I whispered, tucking my dagger into my hoodie pocket with the other one and holding my crossbow tight in my other hand. There were no bolts, but the crossbow said self-loading on it which meant that maybe it didn't need to be refilled. I continued, my map and explorer log tucked away safely into my pack, Teddy watching my back, and my little crossbow in my hand. As I explored deeper and deeper into the maze, I felt kind of like maybe, just maybe, I could do this. 
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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A parachute drop near Marlee into the vines o the walls. In it there is a small magically reloading crossbow with the occasional poisoned bolt.
You surprised us so far, continue on that path little one.
-GM Persephone and Eywa
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Part 2: Marlee, Ford, & Rowan
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
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Lily’s final choice is…. Marlee! If you need something ask her and it might fly your way!
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prettylittlemarlee · 10 years
Goodbye For Now || OS
I woke up the morning of the Arena terrified and anxious- as should be expected. The morning before the hovercraft was a blur, Ford and I ate a quick breakfast and were guided together to the hovercraft. I was hesitant to leave Colin and Angelica, but my mentor and stylist promised they'd meet me there, in the launch room. So I let them strap me into a seat, just like the first night over a week ago, when my whole life had changed.
When we arrived at the site, we were all brought down into the launch rooms and I entered one that had DISTRICT 6 FEMALE in block lettering over the door. That was where Colin was waiting for me, to say his last goodbye to me before I hit the Arena. He pulled me onto his lap as he seated himself in a chair in my launch room and I pressed my face into his shoulder, trying not to cry. 
The two of us sat like that for a few moments, his hand rubbing up and down my back before he pulled back a little bit. "Get in there, get something to use and get out. Preferably a pack if you can, you're getting a weapon from the Gamemakers. I'll organize it, I'm getting you something that you'd never find in that place. Don't trust anyone. Even if you run into someone you know and you choose to stay with them, keep one eye open always." I nodded solemnly, taking in the information.
"No matter what happens, I'm so proud of you. I hate that it was in these conditions, but I'm so glad I finally got to meet my little girl," he said, his voice choked up with tears. "Be brave, Marlee. I love you." 
I nodded back. "I love you too, Daddy," I choked out, still clinging tightly to my father. He pulled me in a little tighter, and while I'd resisted calling him anything but Dad during the week, I felt that connection to him that was unfamiliar, that had to be true family. I decided that I had two daddies, and two mommies. Cara and my mom who had died, and Geoff and Colin. They were both equally my father, because they loved me. 
With one last hug and a kiss on the top of my head, Colin left the room and Angelica entered. She helped me dress in sneakers, denim shorts, a bright orange t-shirt and a grey hoodie. She fastened my hair into two long french braids that rested over each of my shoulders, tied with little grey ribbons, and pulled the hood up over my head.
"Be brave, Marlee," she cooed, taking my hand and guiding me to the platform. "Good luck." I nodded back as the tube closed around me. Suddenly, I was panicking, the tube raising me up into the sky. I pressed my hand against the glass, looking at her in horror. I didn't want to go there. No way. I just wanted to go home. 
I didn't have a choice as the tube raised. So I dried the little bits of tears on my cheeks and stood up straight and tall, ready to face the Arena with my head held high. Because the daughter of Hermes never gives up: and I was going to do anything I could to survive. 
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