prettyiconicroses · 1 year
BELIEVE and PERSIST**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
3doc + ROE challenge ! ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
So I heard about this challenge a lot and I kind of wanted to give it a try.
I've also seen successes through this SO it motivates me to really try this.
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What I will affirm
ROE I have everything on my void wishlist in 3 day or less
ROE I already have everything on my void wishlist
Everything on my wishlist!
July 29-31
I'll send u guys my success!!
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
i love a good manifesting routine so i made this! lmk if you try it ˘³˘
- go down your list of affirmations to remind yourself of who you are and what state you are now in.
- read this vaunt to keep the fact that this is your reality and you have the power to get whatever tf you want rejuvenated in your head.
- loop your affirmations as you do your morning routine or just loop for a minimum of 10 minutes
- do something that puts you in a good mood: read your favorite book, watch your favorite show, youtuber, etc, play your favorite songs, whatever you enjoy just to start your day on a positive note.
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲
- as always, whenever you think of your desires, loop your affirmation(s) in your head until you are satisfied.
- at least once, rampage for 10 or more minutes, or read a vaunt. it can be a vaunt of your choice or the same one from morning.
- read your list of affirmations once more.
- play this audio (or a different one if you prefer) and meditate on already having your desires.
- fall asleep to revising your day. regardless of how you did, tell yourself as your drifting off to sleep that it was a successful day, you kept all your thoughts in check, and that of course during the entire day you remained in the state of having your desires because you already do. duh.
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: in my opinion, completely my opinion, the less you think about your desire the better because you won’t be contradicting yourself or dwelling in the old story as much as if it was the only thing that has your focus. occupy yourself with things you love doing throughout the whole day or just anything that’ll keep you busy and focused. on days where i don’t really do much, i love to interact with you guys, watch my favorite content, play music, catch up on z’s, or spend time with family.
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
healing your journey in 23 steps
⭒ Edward Art series in a nutshell! 💌 As you probably know, I summarized all 23 posts from Edward Art series! You can read all those posts fully here. This post is the collection of my fav quotes from every single part! » Edward teaches the law based in Neville books and lectures. His posts made my journey lighter and more simple, so I hope you can feel lighter reading it too! I really recommend you to read it :) If those quotes don't align with your personal beliefs, just ignore it ♡
💬 may u have a lovely read... ♡
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1: No one or nothing to change but Self
Remove having to get things. Remove stress. Simply imagine what you want with the feeling of actual freedom to do so.
fulfill it mentally (your desire). Remove rules. Remove consequences. Remove the outer-world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you "should do" or "have to do." Do what you want (within).
do not care about how it will happen or when, or even if it is possible.
★ Do not stress yourself trying to change the mirror, but focus on changing self. Go within and fulfill your desires in imagination.
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2: Let go of control, and control Self
There is no objective reality.
"Never blame, only resolve." - Neville
let go to the HOW. let go of controlling your outer-world and control yourself. The world is reflecting self. And "Self" is everything you think you HAVE and ARE.
do anything you wish in your mind. You are so powerful in your mind that NOBODY can imprison you. It is entirely up to you, to be what you desire to be in your mind.
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3: He who will not live by love must be subdued by fear
You can remove ALL your fears if you do what you want in your mind.
the goal is to NOT change each and every fearful thought. It is not to argue and contemplate on the fear.
NEVER BLAME YOURSELF FOR FEARFUL THOUGHTS. Never blame, only resolve them within. You have the power to resolve to what you want. Don't waste that power on blaming yourself.
you are ALWAYS GREATER than what you are creating in your mind.
We are NOT trying to manipulate reality or force some change upon this physical world. That will happen NATURALLY. Why? Because your world is REFLECTING SELF.
Do you not realize you only get what you want when you give it to yourself?
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4: Inner self must be exalted
It comes down to who you think you are. Who you are identifying yourself with. In order to feel completely free, you must identify yourself with the one within you.
When Neville says "Leave the world just as it is and change self. No one to change but self," he means the self that is within, the only self there is. Why leave the world alone? Because it is only an expression of "SELF!" Why does he say to change that and that alone? Because "SELF MUST BE EXPRESSED," that is the Law. You don't have to doubt "is my imaginal act going to come to pass?" Who is doubting? "SELF!" Who is worrying? "SELF!" What gets expressed? "SELF!" YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST THAT SELF WILL BE EXPRESSED!
Discard the outer-world and that includes your identification with this body. This is ALL an EXPRESSION OF THAT "SELF."
identify yourself from within and you will grant your every wish from within.
since you identify yourself with outer-world and outer-self instead of your True Self and inner-world where everything is possible, you remain stuck.
identify yourself, not with this world, but with the one within, the one who is truly desiring.
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5: Imagining is FUN
Thoughts come FROM your FEELING.
thought HAS NO POWER OF ITS OWN. That means the thought HAS NO TRUTH IN ITSELF.
You create the feeling you want and from that thoughts come. That is a STATE [!!!]. Remove this idea that beliefs are hard to change and they are blockages in your subconscious.
bring yourself back to the Creator. Stop identifying yourself with the thoughts and understand they are coming FROM the FEELING.
FREE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND ENTIRELY. Stop caring if it will happen or what will happen, REALITY IS YOUR MIND. IT REFLECTS "SELF."
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6: Honey
"Should I? I Must! I Have To!"
These are rules we create in the Mind. Why do we do it? We do for the simple reason that we are trying to control the world. With our physical actions we are trying to control it.
(People who create rules) think the world is outside of them so they create all these rules to control it.
Start with the feeling that, "I can have and feel whatever I want in my mind."
★ free yourself of the rules you (or others) created. Free yourself in your mind. Fulfill your desires within as you want to.
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7: I Am not going to tell you "You are Crazy"
we should do everything we want in our minds with no fear. Doing what we want, which is so simple, frees us.
The moment I have any desire in me, I fulfill it. I don't care what it is, how "big" or "small"! I DO NOT CONDITION IT OR WONDER IF IS POSSIBLE ANYMORE OR "GOING TO WORK".
If you really see your mind as the reality, and you fulfill your desires within, you will see how stupid it all is.
the greatest Self-Concepts, the greatest Feelings, the greatest Thoughts are the ones you WANT to have.
start with changing self radically. See yourself entirely different by feeling what you want to be.
When the feeling or desire comes upon you, THAT is the time to ACCEPT IN FULLNESS! Do not wait, do not put it off. Accept in fullness. That is truly what you want to do!
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8: Feeling & SELF
Studying [the law] is one thing, actually accepting it another.
EVERYTHING is an assumption. All those thoughts you are thinking are assumptions, and THE MIND DOES NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
how does one feel? The word is ACCEPTANCE. ACCEPT (your desire) ANYWAYS, ENTIRELY ACCEPT IT IN THE MIND!
Create this wonderful habit of accepting every wonderful desire that comes to you. Then you will become normal.
I thought we were suppose to manipulate and control the world. I thought we were suppose to imagine a scene and repeat over and over until it happened. I was wrong. "NO ONE OR NOTHING TO CHANGE BUT SELF!"
when you are panicking about so-so or what might happen or this or that, remember ONLY CHANGE SELF! There is nothing else to change, or nobody else you must change!
SELF is the way to control and manipulate the world. SELF is who you think you are and what you think you have WITHIN! This is a feeling.
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9: If I Am then I will Be
"Nothing to change but SELF", "Feeling is the secret." Well, if there is nothing to change but self, how is feeling the secret? In order to change self, it changes through FEELING. This is so important because so many times, I have and others repeated countless affirmations to see little if any results. We repeat it 1000 times, hope it "sticks in the subconscious." Then we hear about feeling so we force feeling into it, and it changes us for a bit but then it becomes exhausting. It becomes exhausting because we feel that we HAVE TO feel this specific feeling or else.
There is no HAVE TO, but WANT TO. FEEL what you WANT to Feel. You discover what you want to feel by asking SELF inside. FEEL that. It does not matter what it is, just something you have always wanted to feel. This is what changes us.
Forcing affirmations, forcing feelings is not what you want. If you just changed the intention to feeling it because you want to feel it, because you want to fulfill all your desires within yourself with feeling, then you would be far happier.
SELF cannot fail at expressing. And SELF is ALL that you FEEL to BE and HAVE in your MIND! Allow yourself the freedom of FEELING what you want with no worry.
So SELF or yourself cannot fail you. You always express what you FEEL to be and FEEL to have. There is NO OTHER CREATOR IN YOUR MIND. None. You are doing it ALL in your mind. You give or you take. There is no other God in the Mind but you.
We are what we feel to be and have in Imagination and this dream world shapes to US.
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10: Fearful Of Magnificence?
We should go beyond just granting wishes and start seeing ourselves highly in our minds.
You learn to stop fearing the wonderful feelings by seeing it is YOU who is holding yourself back.
Once you break through your own fear of wonderful feelings, you will see it was you all along. All fear are mental imaginings that you are creating within yourself. Knowing, you bring the power of CREATION BACK TO YOURSELF.
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11: Self Identification
How can I BE what I want?
It lies in your IDENTIFICATION OF SELF. Do not be afraid but IDENTIFY yourself FULLY with the INNER MAN. The immortal you. The one that can do ANYTHING it wants. The one who owns the world and all that is in it. If you identify yourself with the inner man, you will be free.
The outer man see's nothing but limitations. He lives in desire. Too many of us have identified ourselves with what the outer-man HAS and IS, not seeing it is a reflection of the INNER MAN.
See what you HAVE and what you claiming yourself to BE WITHIN. THAT is what is reflected always.
You do not have to persuade others to help you [!!!]; all you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world (which is nothing more than yourself pushed out) go to work to make your assumption possible. - Neville
How can you "believe you are what you want to be" when you the world is showing you otherwise? Again it comes down to "SELF" IDENTIFICATION. Conceptions of ourselves are what WE FEEL OURSELVES, OUR INNER MAN TO BE. The Inner Man has all the freedom to see and feel what it wants to be.
To the Inner Man EVERYTHING ALREADY IS TRUE, not to the outer. IT ALREADY IS SO, to the Inner Man. There is no convincing necessary, no 1,000 affirmations, no repeating over and over hoping it works, IF YOU IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH THE INNER MAN.
You did not imagine "How" to get there, you are already there in imagination. Your issue is NOT in imagining the end, your issue lies in who you are identifying yourself with. If you imagine yourself in the end, which is easy, but then you identify yourself with the outer-man, you will breed nothing but frustrations.
"Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be" - Neville
Leave the world as it is, with all of its denials and change yourself within and see how it is yourself pushed out.
So discard all beliefs of what you think you are, or what you have been called etc, and Identify yourself with the One Within and you will be free.
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12: Personal Reality
stop thinking about the outer-world. You get rid of this 3D reality. You then FEEL that your inner world is YOUR reality. Your own PERSONAL reality, where you can do, have, and be what you want.
We are not trying to "make something happen" or "hope it manifests," rid yourself of these feelings. They will do nothing but block the wonderful feelings and experiences you want to have within. This is your own personal reality.
Once you create this personal reality where everything seems to go lovely, you will see that there is no one to blame for what you were previously imagining. Taking all responsibility for what happens WITHIN us, we can then use that power to change what we want WITHIN us.
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13: No Permission Needed
Remember the outer-world is a reflection of what the INNER MAN has, is and does in their own Personal Inner Reality. That is you.
if we wish to have radical change, let's radically change the INNER MAN. Give the INNER MAN what they want. That is, radically change your own Personal Inner Reality.
"DARE to assume" DARE to FEEL (accept) what you want. Without doing that, you remain as you are.
THE INNER MAN NEEDS NO PERMISSION! THE INNER MAN DOES NOT CARE WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSSIBLE! So in your Personal Reality, your Mind, understand you need no permission to FEEL what you want to feel. No permission whether not it is "possible". Identify yourself with the INNER MAN who is FREE to do, feel and be what they want!
Your Personal Inner Reality is not bound by the facts of this life. In the Reality Within, you can go back in memory and change what you want. It is YOURS to change!
Your Personal Inner Reality is not bound by the facts of this life. In the Reality Within, you can go back in memory and change what you want. It is YOURS to change!
Daily FEEL what you want to feel and experience what you want in Imagination which is your true SELF, the SELF that is reflected in front of you.
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14: The God Of The World Of Imagination!
There is this world, the World of the Senses, and there is another world, the World of Imagination. There is a Man who experiences the World of the Senses, which we call the Outer-Man. Then there is another Man who experiences the World of Imagination. We call that Man the INNER MAN.
The Outer-Man sees the limitations and restrictions in the World of the Senses. The Outer-Man feels he is limited and confined to the ‘facts’ of life. The Outer-Man goes through life fully convinced that this World of the Senses is happening to him not from him. He uses only his five senses to move in this World. So naturally he feels like a victim and desires to control this world through the means of force, manipulation etc. The Outer-Man feels fear that life can throw at him things that he is not prepared for. Situations he does not want to encounter but since he feels powerless, he fears the future. Since he cannot change the past, he guilt himself over it. This is how he is limited.
Then there is the Inner-Man who lives in the World of Imagination. In this World, he is unlimited and can create what he wishes. He is free beyond measure and everything that he can be conceive of is his. Everything. Not one thing is not his because he is the Creator of it!
THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE OUTER-MAN. The Outer-Man is simply an expression of the Inner Man. The only Man that exists is the Inner Man. There is NO OBJECTIVE WORLD OF THE SENSES. The World of the Senses, is but the expression of the World of Imagination.
The Inner Man can convince himself that he is this Outer-Body living in this dangerous world but he is still the Inner Man fooling himself into that!
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PART 15: Awakening
What the Inner Man FEELS himself to BE and FEELS himself to HAVE in the World of Imagination is what will be EXPRESSED in this World of the Senses.
you are an INNER individual living in the World Of Imagination. In this World, you are God. You can imagine anything. All things are possible here in this world, INCLUDING the FULFILLMENT of your desire. You can change SELF to what you want. And SELF is what you THINK you HAVE and what you THINK you ARE in this World of Imagination. Read that sentence again. And SELF, THAT SELF, is what is EXPRESSED.
As you read this, you are living in this 3D world. You own things within it, you HAVE things. Based on what you HAVE in this 3D world, you create identities for yourself. Remember, we CLAIM we ARE things BASED on what we THINK WE "HAVE."
stop identifying yourself with this 3D world, which is simply an expression of INNER SELF, if you stop identifying yourself with what this 3D person "HAS," and start identifying yourself with the INNER MAN, you will see the freedom.
in this 3D world, we give ourselves identities based on what we THINK (FEEL) we HAVE. So if we can identify ourselves with the INNER MAN, and in that world we HAVE the things we want, we can then give ourselves a new identity.
stop thinking you are "only imagining" this. I want you to stop thinking what you are seeing in your mind is "fake." I want you to stop reacting to what you do not want to react to you. I want you to stop FEELING limited by this World of the Senses. I want you to stop worrying about HOW or WHEN it is going to happen and instead FEEL secure KNOWING this 3D world reflects what your INNER SELF HAS AND IS WITHIN. I want you to FEEL you are limitless within because you are! You do not have to bow down to this world and accept what you THINK it says about you. I want you to FEEL yourself to be the creator of everything within you.
Can you accept that you HAVE what you want because you see yourself (INNER SELF) with it, and everything in this World of Imagination is yours and is real?
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PART 16: "What Else?"
How I enter into a New State of Consciousness? Death. Death is the only way. How does one die to a State of Consciousness? By surrendering to the New State. You cannot enter into a New State taking with you all the limitations, questions, and worries of the Old State. The Inner Self must be exalted but it cannot be exalted by holding 2 contradictory States.
When you imagine having exactly what you want in your mind, you do not question anything, you do not worry, you do not wonder "what if," you do not entertain the Old State and its limitations for one second. You die to it entirely.
You cannot bring your current limitations, worries, questions and FEELINGS with you to your New State.
The States or Concepts you hold in the Imagination are nothing but things you "hold." That is it. You think because the concept you are holding is reflecting in your world somehow makes it more "real?" I assure you it is not. It does not really matter if it is being reflected.
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PART 17: Dream The Dream
remove the outer-world and remove the idea of "trying to manifest" and simply have the attitude of changing your INNER WORLD to your liking. Here is nothing to do, nothing to force on the outside. You change it, you mold it, you feel it and you do it all within you. You create a new dream, a perfect dream within you.
To "try to manifest," is a feeling. "Trying to get, trying to resolve, trying to make something happen," are FEELINGS you take with you before you imagine. These feelings are what disrupt you from actually FEELING what you want to feel. Instead FEEL that you are solely going to re-imagine, or re-dream a new dream WITHIN YOU and you will change you FEELING how you feel within. These changes is what expresses itself in the world. So if you wish to change the outer-world, leave it alone. Leave it alone and go within and change THAT WORLD, the world WITHIN. Change who you are THERE, change what you have THERE, change how you are treated THERE. Dream up a new World Within!
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PART 18: Expansion
what you are seeing in your mind is not fake. And not only is it NOT fake, you can shape it PRECISELY how you want to shape it.
In order to actually lose yourself in the imaginal act, one must accept it is real and let go entirely of the outer-world. One must suspend rational thinking, and just accept it is real.
In order to access this feeling you must not be afraid to assume it is Real. If you are not FEELING it then that means you are still bound by your senses and this outer-world. You need to allow yourself the Freedom to Expand BEYOND the rational mind that is keeping you from experiencing your Wish being granted. You cannot be afraid anymore to feel and imagine what you want.
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PART 19: Boldness
Your Mind is your own Personal Reality and you have the power to shape it PRECISELY, and FEEL what you want in it!
This is about giving the Inner Self what you want.
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PART 20: Receptivity
Now we come to Denying. That is to say that we must truly let go of what the Outer World is showing us. True Denial is not looking at your World and merely repeating, "It does not exist," but is actually ACCEPTING the new reality within you. You do not deny being unwanted, by stating your are not unwanted. You deny unwantedness with the ACCEPTANCE of being wanted. It is our ACCEPTANCE of our Imagination which is our DENIAL of the senses. So Denying is not something you do, it is the implication of your ACCEPTANCE of the Imaginal Scene.
To stress yourself on whether you are "denying" the evidence of your senses enough is an unnecessary stressor. You do not fight against your senses for they only reflect you. Because "True Denial" as Neville says is "total indifference." But to be totally indifferent about your senses, you must ACCEPT your Imagination as the Reality. To become "indifferent" is an emerging consequence of accepting Imagination as the One and Only Reality.
You cannot wait for the world to change to what you want. You must change what you are and have in Imagination. If you are tired of what your world is reflecting, you can be confident it will keep reflecting that until you change YOU inside your Consciousness. This calls for radically giving yourself what you desire IN Consciousness.
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PART 21: Irrationality 
Chances are you truly are NOT giving yourself what you want because you feel some impossibly in it. Forget that. All things are possible in the Imagination. Do it anyway. Just do it. Do what? What you deeply want. Do you for only you, you Inner Self.
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PART 22: The Dreamer
Never seeing he is the Creator, the Cause he always fails. The idea that he does not have to do anything, he does not have to work his way out - this idea is lunacy to the Outer-Man. He thinks, "No, there must be a way that I just have not figured out yet." So he goes on seeking outside of himself, yet he himself is a desiring self, and only seeing his reflection, he only see's his desires. Never obtaining them, always seeking them, frustrations, rage, jealousy all stir up within him. Hating his world, hating what he see's, hating his own reflection he wants to destroy it. He cannot win because he lives in a position of fear and failure, and what is within will be without because Man can only give what is within himself.
If only he were to stop hating his reflection, and saw that the mirror only reflects what he is doing, he would be free. If only he were to see the mirror is stationary and does not judge but simply reflects. If only he were to see himself in the mirror and see he is the Creator, he would be free.
He does not have to cope with his limitations, he does not have to fight his way out. He will stop feeling after his fears and become indifferent about them for they are his Creation and has no power over him.
The Dreamer abandons limitations and turns towards his desires and gives it to himself fully. The Dreamer will always dream beyond what his limitations dictate.
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PART 23: Unconditional Thinking
To truly grasp the freedom that is attainable within you, you must understand the concept of States. A State is a belief about the yourself or what you believe you will experience, an attitude towards life. There are infinite statues (states) that lie dormant within you. They do not disappear, for nothing can disappear in Imagination. The acceptance that you are the State now, is what brings life to these dormant statues.
If entering into a New State within you is challenging it is because you have not accepted who you are within. You are not a State, but is God. As God within, whose permission are you asking for? To whom do you answer to? If there is only One Being within you, then who can stop you?
If you wish to rise as something New in Imagination, you have to give up entirely your currently thoughts/feelings, questions, worries, what you think of the world, what you think is possible, if you think you are worthy or not, if you deserve the New State etc.
"Don't tell me anything!" That is the secret. Total self-abandonment to the current State is the way to bring life towards the New State.
You have to die to what you do not want to express entirely, a true act of surrender. You can do it.
leave the world alone and go within and die to what you want to stop expressing and allow yourself to be what you want. Imagination is the evidence you are seeking for it is the only reality.
Assume all works in your favor to express your States. This is how the Imagination works. Everything within you is yourself for the taking. Think unconditionally.
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💬 may u had a lovely read... ♡ i see u next post!
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
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Barbie + Blonde Male Fragility Reviews (insp):
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
Manifest your dream life over the holidays weekend
So, you want your dream reality but you want it…now? Don’t worry I got you! Literally, all you need to do is trust me.
PS: Obviously, I know manifesting is instantaneous and you don't even have to wait an hour, let alone two days, to get your desires. This is just for people trying to have fun; honestly, I always felt that those types of statements made me feel more discouraged about my results. So, just remember to have fun with it!!
There are many ways to manifest, and chances are you already know this. I'll be focusing more on saturation and mindsets or states. Like I said, just have fun with this. This WILL work for you and the only person who can tell you otherwise will be YOU.
The goal is that by the end of the weekend, you are in the ultimate manifesting mindset. You'll be affirming, vaunting and overall changing your state of mind to that of a manifestation master. I you don't like affirming, I've made a subliminal playlist that you can just put on a loop.
First off, saturate your mind. Use anything. Affirmations, tapes, vision boards, vaunts, journalling, idc just SATURATE YOUR MIND. Completely convince yourself that you hold all the power (which you do) and everything happens according to your thoughts. You can read this post to help you get into that thought space.
Next you can just listen to the subliminal playlist (or one of your own choosing) or repeat affirmations throughout the day. One thing you can practice is to vaunt. Vaunting is kind of like ranting except you're ranting about your perfect life.
"omg everything i want just appears out of thin air. its like I think things into existence! its so annoying because ill be thinking about croissants and all of a sudden, BOOM! a new bakery opens up out of nowhere on the street. i always get what I want, when I want it. everything I do is just so PERFECT. its like things are practically CHASINg me. forget law of attraction, I'm convinced my desires are running after me to find me."
Vaunt 4 or 6 times per day and affirm or listen to playlists consistently. Like I said, it's all about saturation. Completely fill your head with manifesting-master adjacent thoughts. Choose what you think. Something unfavourable happens? No it didn't. You are in control, there's no way that could happen. You think you can't do this? Now why the hell would you think that? Are you dumb? You're literally the creator of your reality babe, I don't understand what's not clicking.
YES, it's really that easy. NO, you don't need to do any fancy meditations or techniques. You could literally look at your vision board all day and you'll get results. You could literally just THINK about your dream life and you'll have it. Imagination is reality. Your imagination IS your reality.
Affirmations - I am the creator My imagination is reality I will things to happen instantly I am in control Regardless of everything, I have my desired life Regardless of everything, I am the creator
Anyways, hope you guys find this challenge fun. Please contact me when you get results, I would love to hear your routine and the amazing things you manifest. Remember to take it easy and just enjoy yourself. See you guys later!!
Love, tree.
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
I AM SURE × SATS Challenge
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Hey guys! A lot of anons have been asking for a method/challenge to enter the void and so I just wanted to release this challenge. This challenge can be used for any desire, but since this is a void blog, I'm going to assume your desire is to enter the void. This challenge is so so so easy and I feel like this is really going to help a lot of people so let's get into it.
What is the I Am Sure method?
I think** that is the original creator so I am just going to insert her video of her explaining it:
What is SATS?
Ive been talking about SATS for quite a while now so I dont think I need to go in depth. Here is one of my favorite posts on understanding what SATS is and here is my indepth explanation as to why I recommend SATS so much. Also, here are some of the success stories I've received from some of my followers.
The Challenge:
Every morning, as soon as you wake up, either say or write or think "I am sure that I will wake up in the void state aware tonight." Anytime you think of the void or your unfavorable 3d, repeat that affirmation to yourself. As you go to sleep, do SATS and imagine a scene that implies that you woke up in the void state aware and really feel it. Keep imagining this scene on repeat until you fall asleep. Persist in this challenge and tell me your success story! That's all 💗
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
SATS: State Akin to Sleep Guide
I've mentioned that the SATS method is one of my preferred methods for manifesting and shifting, and as such, a lot of people have asked how I use it. So here's a little guide on what it is, how to do it, etc!
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Before I start this guide I need to clarify some things because I often see confusion regarding this matter.
The state akin to sleep is just a state of consciousness. It's not a method.
The SATS method that most people talk about, refers to one example of using this state to manifest. This specific method does include visualization however, there are tons of other SATS methods that don't. I'll be going over the visualization method as well as the lullaby method and mentioning a few other options for you in this guide.
Now that I've got that out of the way!
First, what is SATS?
You sit down for the purpose of creating a state akin to sleep, as though you were sleepy, but do not push the drowsiness too far, just far enough to relax and leave you in control of the direction of your thoughts.
-Neville Goddard
The State Akin To Sleep (ie SATS) is a state of consciousness where a person is completely relaxed, and often somewhat drowsy, yet is still aware of and in control of their thoughts.
This state can happen at any time of the day, however, people are most often aware of it right before they go to sleep and right after they wake up. It's still important to note that you can get into this state whenever you want, not just before sleep!
Now, remember what I said at the very beginning, SATS is just a state of consciousness. There are multiple different methods one can do while in SATS. There are also other things you can do in this state, not just methods! I'll talk about this more further down.
Now that we know what SATS is, let's get into some SATS methods!
Neville Goddard explains one of his personal methods of using SATS to manifest as such:
Get into a completely comfortable position and start to relax
Know what you want to manifest and decide on it beforehand
Decide on a scene to visualize that would imply you have your manifestation (ex: manifesting being rich and visualizing seeing millions in your account/counting money/etc)
Once you've decided both of these things, allow yourself to fully relax and enter sats (try not to think too hard about this - just relax)
The moment you enter this state, visualize your scene on repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
Another version, the Lullaby Method, is extremely similar but uses repeating affirmations in place of visualizing. So do go through the first two steps and then instead of visualizing a scene, pick one or a few different affirmations to repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
The Vaunting Method is another method that can be done in the state akin to sleep. To do this method, simply pretend to have a conversation with someone of your choice, and then talk/brag about your manifestations. This one is popular with people who don't like repeating the same aff over and over again and prefer their affirmations to sound more natural, hence the conversational tone of it. This method doesn't need to be done in SATS but it is a fun option.
"Feeling it real"
In this feeling, it is easy to touch anything in this world. You take the simple little restricted action which implies fulfillment of your prayer and you feel it or you enact it. Whatever it is, you enter into the action as though you were an actor in the part. You do not sit back and visualize yourself doing it. You do it.
-Neville Goddard
Neville repeats quite often that "feeling it real" is very important to this method. I want to make it clear that 1. you don't need to feel it real and 2. feeling it real is actually a lot easier than people think it is and most people are able to do it.
"Feeling it real" in regard to visualization or affirmations usually refers to that feeling of confidence or assuredness that you already have your manifestation. Say you're manifesting your desired face; feeling it real would come with a feeling of just knowing that you have your DF and the scene that you repeat would actually feel real, not necessarily in a physical sense, but in a way that you know it to be true and you're not just imagining/wishing for it to be. So again, it's not about feeling physical sensations, it's more about feeling the emotions and thoughts that you would feel if you were actually experiencing your desires in the 3D.
For example, if you're manifesting being rich, imagine the emotions and feelings that being rich would give you. Would you feel happy? Comfortable? Secure? If you're manifesting a partner, what emotions would you feel being with them? If you're manifesting a vacation or a new phone or getting accepted into your desired university etcetc, imagine the emotions, thoughts, and feelings you would have if you were experiencing this right now.
Try not to be worried if you can't feel it real or it doesn't come easily to you at first. Tons of people manifest without feeling it real, myself and a lot of other loa blogs here included! It's not necessary, it's just another option that can help. It's another facet of knowing your desires already belong to you. Which... they do! Regardless of your doubts and fears, they belong to you. You already have them. This is partially why feeling it real works and also why it isn't technically necessary. It works because you're acknowledging that you already have it but it's also not necessary because you quite literally already have it, regardless of how you're thinking.
Common Questions
How do you use the SATS method to shift?
It's basically the same thing! Instead of visualizing/affirming something about a manifestation, you would just visualize/affirm your DR/WR.
Is visualizing necessary for the SATS method?
I answered this above but I want to say it again. Yes and no. Visualizing is one of the methods. That specific method is a visualization method. However, there are other methods that use this state that don't include visualization.
I know a lot of people like to say you don't need to visualize for the SATS method, and they're like... partially right. The state akin to sleep isn't a method itself, it's just a state of consciousness. There are hundreds of different things and methods you can do while in the state akin to sleep. However, the specific SATS method that most people talk about in loa and shifting circles is referring to one of Neville's methods which does include visualization as a major component. So no, you don't need to visualize while in SATS, but yes, visualization is part of that specific SATS method. I know it can get confusing, which is why there's so much debate about it. It's mostly semantics though and once you know that difference, it's a lot easier to understand these conversations and figure out something that works for you.
If can't or don't like visualizing, check out the above methods and/or the last question!
How do I get into SATS?
You can let yourself enter it naturally by sitting/laying in a comfortable position and calming yourself down. I have a post that gives a few different options for getting and staying relaxed.
Again, try not to overthink this! The state akin to sleep is literally just a state where one is completely relaxed (and could drift to sleep) but is still awake and aware of their thoughts. That's it! You don't have to be getting ready to sleep to enter SATS. If you've had one boring class, you've probably gotten into SATS during the day!
Is the SATS method necessary to manifest/shift?
Can I move while in SATS?
Yes. This isn't the military - do whatever you want. No, you won't get knocked out of the state if you move.
What are other methods that use SATS?
Besides the ones mentioned above, one of Neville's other methods was feeling thankful; essentially feeling thankful for your life and for already having your desires while being in SATS (this one also employs the feeling of the wish fulfilled). I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but another one is to listen to music, subs, and/or waves that remind you of your manifestations/desired realities while in SATS. Again, there are other options, these are just some of the most common ones!
Do remember that the state akin to sleep is simply just a state and you can do literally whatever you want in it. You can make your own method that works better for you! Don't be afraid to just lie there and try something out.
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That's honestly it! SATS and SATS methods are really simple actually! Once you know what the state is, and I promise you've already experienced it, it's really easy to figure out a method that works for you while in it.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 🥰
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
i need m absolutely fool proof method to enter the void, bc it has to be tonight, thank you so much <3
Hiii angel, don't worry I got you🤭💗
This method is fool proof, because tons of people used it to astral project and was successful on their first Try . If they can astral project, you can definitely enter the void state in one go <3 .
Step 1 :
1. Go to sleep at your regular time. If you sleep for 7 hours , set your alarm for 3 hours earlier.
2. When your alarm goes off, do whatever you want . Chill for some minutes or go to the bathroom. Whatever you feel like doing , just do it.
3. After you done with whatever you was doing in these minutes. Go to bed , laying on your back with your arms on the side. Repeat a phrase in your mind " I will wake up soon and enter the void state " over and over until you fall asleep.
4. When you do wake up, do not move at all! Close your eyes immediately and start affirming for the void. And imagine yourself going up into the void state while affirming.
5. If done successful, you will start to feel vibrations ( this is vibrational stage , where your body is hovering between consciousness) . Keep affirming as you feel the symptoms because you are close.
6. Once the vibrations ( symptoms) getting stronger , keep affirming. Then from there within Minutes , you'll reach the void state.
Link to the astral projection part of this technique
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
Radiant One, this experience may dawn between two breaths
After breath comes in – that is, down – and just before turning out – that is, going up – The Beneficence. Be aware between these two points, and the happening. When your breath comes in, observe. For a single moment, there is no breathing – before it turns up, before it turns outward. One breath comes in; then there is a certain point and breathing stops. Then the breathing goes out. When the breath goes out, then again for a single moment, breathing stops. Then breathing comes in.
Before the breath is turning in or turning out, there is a moment when you are not breathing. In that moment the happening is possible, because when you are not breathing you are not in the world. Understand this: when you are not breathing you are dead; you ARE still, but dead. But the moment is of such a short duration that you never observe it.
Each outgoing breath is a death and each new breath is a rebirth. Breath coming in is rebirth; breath going out is death. The outgoing breath is synonymous with death; the incoming breath is synonymous with life. So with each breath you are dying and being reborn. The gap between the two is of a very short duration, but keen, sincere observation and attention will make you feel the gap. If you can feel the gap, Then nothing else is needed. You are blessed, you have known; the thing has happened.
Try it. Suddenly you will get the point – and you can get it; it is already there. Nothing is to be added to you or to your structure, it is already there. Everything is already there except a certain awareness.
First, become aware of the breath coming in. Watch it. Forget everything, just watch breath coming in – the very passage.
When the breath touches your nostrils, feel it there. Then let the breath move in. Move with the breath fully consciously. When you are going down, down, down with the breath, do not miss the breath. Do not go ahead and do not follow behind, just go with it. Remember this: do not go ahead, do not follow it like a shadow; be simultaneous with it.
Breath and consciousness should become one. The breath goes in – you go in. Only then will it be possible to get the point which is between two breaths.
Be aware. When the breath is going in move with it, and when the breath is going out move with it. Do simply this: going in, going out, with the breath.
You will suddenly become aware that there is no breath, and the moment will come when you will feel that the breath is neither going out nor coming in. The breath has stopped completely. In that stopping, The Beneficence.
This one technique is enough for millions. The whole of Asia tried and lived with this technique for centuries. Tibet, China, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Ceylon – the whole of Asia except India has tried this technique. Only one technique and thousands and thousands have attained enlightenment through it.
-- From The Book of Secrets
Sit or Lay down in a comfortable position
Now start Focusing on your breath Be aware. When the breath is going in move with it, and when the breath is going out move with it. Do simply this: going in, going out, with the breath.
You will suddenly become aware that there is no breath, and the moment will come when you will feel that the breath is neither going out nor coming in. The breath has stopped completely.
Whilst doing this you will notice that ur body is now completely numb , there r NO intrusive thoughts etc..and this is the time when u gotta affirm for void AND I KID YOU NOT U R GONNA ENTER THE VOID INSTANTLY , mark my words , INSTANTLY !
That's it ! This is the most easiest and yet the most powerful technique u can use to enter the void I SWEAR !! ♡
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
★ pl6netgirl
★ halokisses
★ yourdiorwhore
★ whimsicallfairy
★ amaranthine777
★ lovilyy
★ venuscelebrity
★ uniquelymeandmyworld
★ s3okjinius
★ luvforend
★ sixbrujeria
★ 4stralbabyy
★ starliet
★ divineangelbee
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
Enter the void state within few minutes !
Yesss u got it wright <3
Hey guysoo! ♡
So the method I'm going to talk about is The Trance State
It's a state of semi-consciousness , a sleeplike altered form of consciousness in which a person is neither fully awake nor fully asleep . In essence, the trance state involves walking between the world of the conscious and subconscious mind . Trance states are sometimes referred to as “zoning out,” “being off with the fairies,” “out of it,” and even “day-dreaming.”
Overall it's the state before the void
So , what you have to do now ?
First of all Do a guided meditation then listen to this video and follow the instructions She's giving
"Get into trance state within 1 minute." on YouTube
After finishing this u will be in a trance state and from there u can enter the void within 5 mins or even less
So after that video finishes u have to affirm for the void and BAM! Done <3
For those who want to wake up in the void instead of tapping in it , u guys can do this method at night and fall asleep as u continue to affirm u will either enter the void at that moment or u will fall asleep and wake up in it...or if u want then u can also just command your subconscious once and go to sleep after doing the method . Don't worry if u didn't enter the void or wake up in it after doing this method , REMEMBER atleast your subconscious will be reprogrammed after doing this for atleast 2-3 nights... consistency is v imp , stick to one method only ( which is compatible with u ) .
Try it out and lemme know how it goes ♡
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
I have adhd I can't concentrate when ever I meditate my thoughts wander and lost in between. I really wanted to enter the void but everytime I do subliminals, mediation or delta waves i lose focus or fall asleep . I don't know if ive to enter void or try waking up .any tips on instantly getting into the void? Pls
Hii love , how are you ?💗
Well, all methods are instant angel. Yes, I get when people have ADHD they neurotransmitters in the brain which is associated with Focus and and attention doesn't synch well. But don't worry, I got you ^_^.
These 2 methods will surely help you and are ADHD friendly.
If you want to try and affirm being awake :
Then you should try @ghostfest method. It's a void state/ trance state method. ADHD friendly.
I'll summarise it for you : ( full credits to him )
Firstly, put a song or whatever that you like to listen to on. Whatever that makes you feel relaxed. Which ever song that's makes you feel comfortable , have fun with it and relax.
2. Think about anything. Remember you not trying to stop or fight your thoughts , but thinking and letting them go one by one . Think about your life after entering the void state how will you feel. Immerse yourself in your imagination. Think happy thoughts:-).
3. Once you feel your mind is calmer and thoughts slowing down. Start to affirm for the void state or vaunt . Anything you want , beloved.
Second method , waking up in the void state ( if you so desire too) .
I have already explained this , love. So , I'll link the answered asks with it .
Tips on how to wake up in the void state
How to command your subconscious to wake you up in the void state
How to enter the void with ADHD. I have also linked ADHD mediations
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
#void succes
my void success story💞🦋
(1st void story)
it’s 7:30 pm right now and i got into the void last night and i’ve been processing everything ALL DAYY… chilleeee it’s overwhelmingly exciting!
so in this post i’ll tell y’all HOW i got into the void and WHAT i manifested. but yall the way i woke up is my favoritee thing ever🥰
***long post ahead***
nowww how did i get into the void
i got in at night but anytime works as y’all know
1. i did a meditation [for the 1st time] a little bit before going to bed just because .. that shits super relaxing 10/10 recommend
2. anyway i set an alarm for 5 hours cause i read it somewhere that when you do, you get sleep paralysis so mmhm that’s what i did
3. i went to sleep with the intention of the void being easy to get into and yeah. it was a cool lil 5 hours.
4. thennnn my loud ass alexa alarm went off i told her to shut up and i just lied there.. they key is when the alarm goes off you don’t open your eyes and don’t move too much. this will get your body into SP. then your mind is awake and your body is dead asleep.
*in case it wasn’t obvious already make sure you’re not falling asleep again after waking up*
6. igh so boom… here we are now in SP . at this point i just repeated a few void affirmations. and i started getting THEE floating feeling, i was elevating the WHOLE time til i stopped.. then i got this falling feeling. i literally fell all the way from where i was and then i slowed down. right after i felt this shift .. AND BOOM BITCH I WAS IN THE VOIDD!!!! it was pitch black and the rest of the other stuff you experience when you’re in the void . moving on .
all i said was “gimme the life i’ve been deserving of” and i was out that ho. 🏎
tbh i wasn’t even scared cause i was ready for any of the symptoms .
so now what you probably wanna know. what did i manifesttt ???
so overall, i basically got my dream life so here’s kinda what that looks like
🦋my physical appearance: i got my desired face and body, as well as going from itty bitty 5’2 to big mf heavy stepper 5���8 mmmhmm. i reduced my titties and shii 😂 i had really ugly finger nails but they look really well kept now: and my toenails. they look like girl toes now. my skinnnn.. i can’t stop touching it.. it’s so soft 😌
🦋a lil boo thang or whatever: ooouu i’m not gon say teww much butttt.. yall i’m allll about black love so y’all already knoww… darkskin, muscular, gives THE best hugs ANDDD he’s from brooklyn, ny. and he got the accent and his voice is deep and a lil 🤏🏽 raspy ughhh ifykyk
🦋 tesla model y and my driver’s license: so i’m 17 and i didn’t get my license at 16 like most do. i actually didn’t even go to drivers ed fr. but that all changed of courseee. and to go with it i got a tesla. i got a black exterior , white interior , model y . i got in the car and knew exactly what to do lmao i was mind blown and overwhelmed with excitement.
🦋 my parents allowing me and my sisters to smoke: ok, i would like to start with the fact that my parents are african ok? and ifykyk! so me and my older sister like to smoke a lil weed and obviously my parent weren’t cool w that but they are now and it’s so weirddd.. like me and her go to the backyard and smoke and they just ignore it.. my dad yell at the fact that we smoke in MY SISTERS car tho and i’m like bro it NOT YOUR CARRR. he need to relax, he need some weed fr.
🦋desired friend group: i live in a predominantly white area and please don’t get me wrong but i just feel like i connect with my sistas better. but again where i live limits that so y’all already know wtf i did. i manifested 3 close friends and they really make my life so much better 💞
🦋moneyyy ofc: nothing much to say but i definitely won’t be worrying about money
🦋a fun life: i go out w friends , my bf takes me on fancy dates , i have a car now, so i take my little sister shopping and i love spoiling her . school is so easy so i don’t worry about it, my days are productive but fun, i have a great social life. and i’m traveling next weeekk.
🦋school goes by fast: even though i have late arrival bc ima senior i be tryna gtfo
🦋i got a cat: vivi is my munchkin kitten she’s so so tiny and i love her but i swear she love my man more than she love me bro.. ion know i might have to get on her ass.
🦋instant manifestation forever and perfect self concept: i would say my sc before the void was decent but now it’s perfect and that was the goal. and my manifestations are instant. seconds…
that about wraps this post right tf up. uhh like i said i’ve been adjusting to my new life , experiencing new things , just enjoying my life with no job , all the money i need and my only priority being school .
if y’all want the story about how i woke up from the void lemme know and i might make a post on it .
have a great morning , afternoon , evening , or night
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
Easy Method to Enter the Void (No Meditations, LOA, Subliminals, etc)
This post was supposed to be shared weeks ago but I totally forgot about it so please enjoy it now. I am on break still however.
link to original post: here
link to another bloggers explanation in more clearer terms: here
I consciously reached the void within 6 minutes of falling asleep (new record) easily via the Bob Monroe couch/recliner method I posted here before. I did it after no more than 3.5 hrs of WBTB. Unsurprisingly, this person also has the same experience of chilling in the void after WBTB and sleeping in a recliner. You can anywhere and do anything once you're in the void. I strongly recommend using this method.
A beanbag also seems to work as it molds itself to your position. If using a couch/recliner, it should ideally be at a 120-130 degree angle.
You need a pillow on your neck and back so your field of vision is forwards like waking life and not sideways or downwards like dream life. It's also worth noting Tibetan Buddhist monks (creators of dream yoga which is known as lucid dreaming in the mainstream) also slept sitting upright.
IME, I was snapped out of it because of external stimuli of which I suspect was cars I heard outside my usual reality. This is something I failed take into account because while sleeping while sitting upright with your eyes positioned forward does prevent key parts of the mind like the prefrontal complex from shutting down during physical sleep, you can get woken up by outside noise due to an awake conscious mind. This can be remedied easily with noise cancelling headphones or earplugs or maybe even sleeping pills. Haven't tried this with binaural beats and don't care enough to.
I also didn't experience sleep paralysis before reaching the void. Your experience may vary. Due to you basically forcing your body in a sort of in between, half awake, half sleep state, you may have an intense conscious sleep paralysis episode involving falling sensations, entity communication and etc. There's also a real chance of you falling asleep only to "wake up" by stepping out your recliner only to turn around and literally see your body sleeping. If you freak out, your astral body might get sucked back into your physical body and you'd be woken up.
This method is a free and easy way to induce an altered state of consciousness but by now you should really be aware of what can come with you hovering on the line between a waking state and a sleep state.
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
Hey everyone! I hope u all are doing well <3 This is going to be a simple , short and yet very effective method on how u can reprogram your subconscious to enter the void state
Ok...so I know this is going to sound a little weird but throughout the day say what you're doing as u do it
For example : You pick up your water bottle SAY "I picked up my water bottle " ( you can say it in your head too but if you're alone do it out loud )
This way when u will do it as you try to enter , your mind will be like " Oh yeahh they've doing this all day , it's fr " and you'll enter the void instantly since your mind is already used to it
Good Luck Loviees ! ♡
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prettyiconicroses · 1 year
(Plus i manifested that it'll work for anyone who try this challenge 99.99%)
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So,this challenge is really easy like literally 😮‍💨✨.
Take this challenge for a week.😀
1. Take a nap a foking nap.
2. When you wake up naturally don't move and keep your eyes close.
3. Affirm for void.
So,I saw on a reddit post as I was scrolling through it when I found this one post saying that they use Micheal Raguda's ✨The Phase method✨ to enter void or astral project by taking a nap😀. Well since I have a hard time sleeping at night,I will try it tmrw gotta go study for my test.
Read my recent post,if y'all wanna know more about The Phase by Micheal Raguda and make sure to checkout the bloggers and their post they are amazing ✨👌credit to them I got the idea to create a challenge of mine too.
All the best >.<
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