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Wonder if anyone’s still here.
If so...
Well...the good news is I got a job. 
The bad news is it’s a really freakin’ time consuming job, and the only way I’ve found I’m able to run a blog is to make a hub blog, and run everything on side-blogs from there.
So...I’ve moved (again.)
Hope to see some of you here~
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RP-Starters: Trouble on the Way
”Sorry, hate to wake you up. But I think I heard something.”
“I think we’ve been followed for a while now.”
“We’re not alone.”
“I don’t think we should go that way.”
“That’s a trap if I’ve ever seen one.”
“Hold still, maybe it/he/she/they won’t notice us.”
“So, we just need to choose the lesser of two deadly evils, then.”
“Wait here, I’ll go check it out.”
“Maybe we should take another route, just to be safe.”
“Don’t move or it’ll attack!”
“I have a bad feeling about this…”
“That wasn’t there when we arrived, was it?”
“A lot of people have gone missing here. Be careful.”
“Keep your eyes open, that probably wasn’t the last of them.”
“We have to move out before they come here.”
“They want to keep us on edge, tire us, before they finally attack.”
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If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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“…” Seems hugs are a theme today
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*yeets a chocobo at Zack and a moogle at Vincent and hopes this sends and that this hellsite doesn't screw it up* @-@
“Hey, fella!” Zack warmly greets the feathered beast with a large smile and a gentle stroke of its head. The Chocobo, in turn, releases a happy trill before taking a small strand of Zack’s hair into its beak, where it offers a friendly, playful tug. 
“You’re a friendly guy, huh?” Zack laughs at the large bird’s introduction. “Where’s your owner? You got one?” 
The Chocobo releases Zack’s hair in order to look down at Mako-tainted eyes, and then offers the SOLDIER a tilt of his head. “Wark?”
“Ya know, when you look at me like that...you remind me of someone.” Zack laughs softly as he strokes the blond bird’s neck. “You kinda look like ‘em, too.”
Meanwhile, Vincent’s eyes narrow as the floating creature makes its way to him. “That you, Reeve?” He asks, yet the creature doesn’t respond. As it gets closer, the Gunman can see that it’s far too realistic to be one of Reeve’s toys. Although...that makes the fact that it continues to flutter closer to him all the more concerning. 
Vincent attempts to step out of the creature’s way, yet it seems to go out of its way to continue floating closer, earning a cold, if not puzzled stare from Vincent. “...Can I help you?” 
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“In the flesh.” Joshua states proudly as he quickens his stride to rid the distance between himself and the Keyblade warrior. Violet eyes are quick to scan over Vanitas, and just as quick to take note of the concern in his eyes. “It’s been far too long~”
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  Vanitas releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding until he released it. Onyx and golden orbs blinked in response before whispering to the young “man”. “Joshua…? Is that really you?”
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Alright, let’s reply to things!
As soon as the power comes back. 
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Send animals, magical creatures,Pokemon, etc. into my inbox for my Muse to interact with!
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“You’re not my enemy anymore.” Vincent explained, his cool tone never faltering. As far as he was concerned, their reason for fighting was long gone. Jenova’s head was no longer shoved into a small box-- and even if it was, Yazoo’s body seems to lack her cells now, perhaps he no longer feels drawn to find those wretched remains. When he looks into those eyes he can’t deny the knot that appears in his stomach: Yazoo is a Remnant of Sephiroth, they share DNA, which means he also shares DNA with...
The elder turns his gaze downward, to see eyes so similar to hers looking at him, full of confusion and pain...now is hardly the time to become sentimental. “I don’t want to hurt you.” As he speaks, Vincent takes in their surroundings. He can’t leave Yazoo here, not at the mercy of beasts who will no doubt be drawn to the smell of fresh blood. No, he needs proper shelter...and proper first aid. That makeshift bandage will do nothing to fight off an infection. 
“I remember you.” Vincent responds, though his tone holds no anger, nor resentment to his former enemy; on the contrary, he sounds calm as one could possibly be. Crimson eyes remain focused on the younger’s wounded leg, which should have begun healing the second the sharp metal was removed from his flesh, yet it refuses to close, and the blood continues to flow rather heavily. It would seem something is very different about the younger sharp-shooter…could it be that whomever, or whatever, brought this one back was also able to alter parts of him? Vincent would not be surprised (he was hardly surprised the remnant was back, things in their world simply don’t like to stay dead.)
The soft sound of tearing fabric fills the air as Vincent rips off a large piece of his already-tattered cloak, and he quickly, expertly weaves the cloth around Yazoo’s bloodied leg. It’s only after the wound is tightly bound that the older sharp-shooter’s eyes leave the wound, and gave at the wide-eyed remnant. “If you try to walk, you’ll lose a lot of blood.”
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“I remember you.” Vincent responds, though his tone holds no anger, nor resentment to his former enemy; on the contrary, he sounds calm as one could possibly be. Crimson eyes remain focused on the younger’s wounded leg, which should have begun healing the second the sharp metal was removed from his flesh, yet it refuses to close, and the blood continues to flow rather heavily. It would seem something is very different about the younger sharp-shooter...could it be that whomever, or whatever, brought this one back was also able to alter parts of him? Vincent would not be surprised (he was hardly surprised the remnant was back, things in their world simply don’t like to stay dead.)
The soft sound of tearing fabric fills the air as Vincent rips off a large piece of his already-tattered cloak, and he quickly, expertly weaves the cloth around Yazoo’s bloodied leg. It’s only after the wound is tightly bound that the older sharp-shooter’s eyes leave the wound, and gave at the wide-eyed remnant. “If you try to walk, you’ll lose a lot of blood.”
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today in shinra
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Stirs his tea with his spear like a real man, because #$%^ it.
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Huh...she’s got a nice laugh, not that he thought she wouldn’t, he’d just...never heard that sound come from her, had he? Maybe when they all went to the Island together, but he hardly paid her much mind then; there was a long overdue Frisbee competition to get to. Come to think of it, he didn’t know Aqua all that well at all, truth be told, all he knew about her he knew from Ven. Then it’s decided, today’s as good a day as any to fix that. 
“You know it. Best seat in the house.” His response came with a proud grin. In all the worlds he had been to, Lea had never come across a sight half as nice as the sunset from atop the clock tower. It always struck him as strange that they never got to the top to find other people occupying their space. Were they not willing to make the climb? Afraid of the height? Thought they’d fall off? Ah, well, more sights for them. Lea takes a step back and motions with his head for Aqua to follow. “We got some time to kill before those two show up. Wanna get the grand tour? I’ll show ya our meeting place.” 
the sun sets red
“Yeah. If I’m not on that clock tower by five, those two’ll send a search party.” Lea puts on an easy smile. After everything they’ve been through, the time spent torn away from one another, and the mile-long list of goons-slash-monsters that want them sent straight to the Final World, he really can’t blame his little Keyblade buddies for getting a little up in arms when they can’t find him, despite his old habit of frequently being late. 
It might do those two some good if he decided to move here for good, heck, it would do him some good to only be a stone’s throw away, in case someone tries to delete all of his memories of Xion again, or stuff Roxas in a computer. Still, if he moved here, he would have the same worry about Isa. His oldest pal doesn’t have the same emotional attachment to this place as the youngsters do, and after years of being away, he can’t blame the former Diviner for wanting to stay close to Radiant Garden.
In the end, his heart is torn between two worlds, but, hey, it’s a small price to pay for having a heart. “What brings you to our humble town?” She doesn’t look like she’s here on official Keyblade Master business– if that’s a thing. Good ol’ Yin Sid was never really clear on the difference between Master and Wielder.
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“someone slept in late today.” (for the old man)
“I didn’t get back in until after 3.” Vincent states as he walks towards the coffee pot. When did he become the WRO’s recon man, one might ask. To answer: He’s not entirely sure. 
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‘stay for me.’
‘what’s this between us?’
‘i don’t want your apology.’
‘you know i have feelings for you.’
‘yeah, i remember the drill.’
‘you’ve never hurt me. ever.’
‘then leave her/him/them. at home.’
‘i don’t believe it.’
‘this is breaking my heart.’
‘you met me at a very strange time in my life.’
‘what keeps you up at night?’
‘i wish you were here.’
‘i let you down.’
‘something strange happened here.’
‘you’re not safe here.’
‘i wasn’t ready to say goodbye.’
‘we are not the same, and never will be.’
‘don’t touch me.’
‘is it my fault?’
‘i’m not like them.’
‘i forgot my name again.’
‘i don’t know who i am.’
‘your fear of looking stupid is holding you back.’
‘are you still alive?’
‘i don’t like being told what to do.’
‘am i making you uncomfortable?’
‘nobody cares if you don’t go to the party.’
‘it was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it.’
‘where the hell are my friends?’
‘stop pretending life doesn’t terrify you.’
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tired sentence starters
“rise and shine, honey.” 
“some warm milk should do the trick.” 
“shh, it was a dream. you’re safe. everything’s okay.” 
“i think you need a nap. you’ve had a long day.”   
“why don’t we try a lullaby?”
“i’ll carry you.”  
“can you carry me?”
“don’t forget your stuffed animal.” 
“come lay on my lap and get some rest.”
“ah, ah, ah. medicine and then it’s back to bed for you.”
“will you tuck me in?” 
“did you want me to tuck you in?”
“someone slept in late today.” 
“that was a big yawn.”  
“sweet dreams, honey.”
“what if i have another bad dream?”
“wake up, sunshine. i’ve got a nice breakfast waiting for you.”  
“why does the milk have to be warm?”
“can’t i stay up a little later tonight?”
“tell me a story.”  
“good morning, honey.”
“i’m not that tired.”
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