presleygirl1986 · 3 months
Austin takes a minute say hi to his girlfriend Kaia. You can actually hear him say “hi sweetie” eeek!!!! So cute!
Jodie Comer On Being The Only Woman In 'The Bikeriders' With Austin Butl...
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presleygirl1986 · 1 year
Austin Butler with Randy Gerber at Burning Man with a fan.
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presleygirl1986 · 1 year
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"It wasn’t work. NBC was paying me, but I think it was apparent to everybody that we very much enjoyed what we were doing." - Susan Henning, Reinventing Elvis: The 68’ Comeback
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presleygirl1986 · 1 year
Austin Butler and Olivia DeJonge from ELVIS sit down with Jamar from CHU...
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presleygirl1986 · 1 year
Austin Strength Training for Elvis. #austinbutler
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
Love hearing how similar his voice is to Elvis
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
Kate Rosen standing in the spot light for once.
The hug at the end? That's genuine affection.
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
Austin Butler The Iceman Cometh interview 2018
Finally this is on YT. It's one of my favourite interviews of Austin and one of the few he gave during The Iceman Cometh.
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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Austin Butler photographed by Eric Ray Davidson
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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Austin Butler for W Magazine
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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All Shook Up
Summary: While out running errands y/n realizes she's being followed and calls Austin to come and get her.
Warning: None really except the being stalked part. This is my first one-shot so if I have missed anything, please let me know.
y/n heart pounded as you peered over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions. Your breath catching in your throat as you realize that you were not wrong, someone was definitely following you, and had been for the past six blocks speeding up when you did, and never taking his eyes off of you except when you looked in his direction.
Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you continued walking briskly along the busy street thanking God you were out in public. It was such a beautiful day that you had decided to park further away from the town square where you would do your shopping so that you could enjoy a leisurely walk. You had left Austin at home working on getting some much-needed rest and relaxation after the buzz of his latest movie Elvis had premiered a few days before.
Searching frantically through your purse for your phone y/n prayed that Austin had left his phone on in case you called. He was good like that, always the protective boyfriend. Finally, having found your phone you speed-dialed his number sighing with relief when you heard his voice after the first ring. His voice was gravelly and sleep heavy when he spoke which would normally have you smiling from the butterflies it caused, but you were too frightened to care. Clearing his throat Austin greeted you warmly, with only a glimmer of wariness in his voice. "Hey sweet girl, everything okay.?" You were breathing heavily now, "No, baby I think someone's following me. I've been walking now for a little more than six blocks, and they haven't left. I crossed the street a minute ago and they did the same. Austin, I'm scared, I don't know what to do." You heard rustling of sheets as Austin jumped out of bed. "Okay honey, just breath, you're okay. Where are you now, I'm coming to get you." You bit back a sob as you tried to figure out where you were.
Scanning the street, you spotted a favorite coffee spot of yours that you and Austin frequented. "I just passed the Green Bean Cafe, should I meet you there? What if he follows me inside.?" Austins keys jingled in his hand as you heard him close the front door to your house. "Yes baby, go inside and go straight to the counter and tell them what's going on. If he follows you inside, they'll call police. I'll be there in five minutes, I'm in the car now." y/n sniffled as the seriousness of the situation began to sink in. Saying goodbye to Austin you put your phone away and jogged across the street to the cafe. As you walked into the cafe you could hear the strangers' footsteps not far behind you. You thanked your lucky stars that the cafe was not busy and there was no line.
Walking straight up to the counter you flagged down the nearest barrister whose tag read 'Rick, manager' in bold letters. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm being followed, and I think I'm in danger." The barrister looked to be about his middle thirties, he had kind eyes and as he saw the cafe door open behind you, his expression went from relaxed to serious in a flash. He was about to respond when you felt a hand on your elbow pulling you towards the stranger. "Hey, sweetie, I've been trying to get your attention for about four blocks now." He was tall with dark hair and brown eyes that were menacing and anything but kind. You immediately yanked your arm away from him. "Get away from me, I don't know you." you raised your voice. By now the manager was standing between you and your assailant causing the stranger to drop your arm and step back. "You heard the young lady, she doesn't know you, so I think you need to leave. I've already pressed our security alarm."
The stranger sneered as he backed up towards the entrance, raising his hands in the air in mock defeat. "No, no. it's all good bro, just wanted to talk to her is all." y/n shivered as the manager turned to you as if to silently ask you what you wanted him to do. "I don't want to talk to him. I've never met him before." Turning back to the stranger the manager took a step forward. "Your done buddy!" the strange man bit his bottom lip eyeing you as he dropped his hands to his side as he backed out the door of the cafe.
Turning to you Rick noticed that you were shaking and on the verge of tears, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry Miss, ... ah?" "Y/n, my name is y/n." Thank you so much for your help." "no problem at all Y/n, the police are on their way, is there anyone else I can call for you?" Just then Y/n heard the cafe door open. Peering up you began to sob as your eyes locked with Austins. "No thank you. My boyfriend's just arrived." Taking two big strides Austin wrapped his arms around you as you crumpled into him. "hey, hey. It's okay baby your safe." Holding you close his chest he brushed your hair away from your face as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck as he kissed your temple. Noticing Rick standing by Austin let go of you for a moment to shake his hand. "Sir, thank you so much." Rick smiled warmly as he took Austin's hand. "No, it's no problem, I'm glad I could help. Hey, you guys are regulars here aren't you?" Austin nodded smiling warmly as he held you at his side. "It's one of our favorites. Great coffee!" Rick's eyes lit up proudly. "Oh, that's wonderful, well your welcome anytime. Listen, I called the police, I hope that's okay. They'll want a statement before you leave. Austin nodded, his eyes turning serious as he peered down at you. "No problem, I'd hate to think there are others out there that this guy is harassing. Squeezing you gently he kissed the top of your head. Rick looked around and gestured to a booth in the back corner of the cafe that was surrounded by shelves adorned with books. "Hey, listen, why don't you two grab that booth there while you wait for the police to arrive, and I'll grab you some hot drinks. Maybe caffeine free for y/n, something soothing." You smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Rick that would be nice." The manager shrugged of the gratitude. "Just doing my job, please, it's on the house. Austin shook Ricks hand again before leading you to the back booth.
When you were both settled, Austin pulled you in knowing you needed his presents more than ever right now. He could feel you shaking against him and worried that you might be in a bit of shook. "Hey sweetheart, you doin okay. I'll get you home as soon as we've spoken to the police okay. " He brushed a protective hand up and down your arm doing his best to keep you calm. Y/m sighed emotionally nodding in response as you reached up to lay a hand on his chest to play with the chain that hung around his neck. He knew you well enough to know that this was a grounding method for you, playing this his chain, the collar of his shirt or the rings on his fingers, especially the big Elvis ones he'd been wearing of late.
It didn't take long for the police to arrive as well as an EMT just in case you were experiencing any delayed reactions of shock. Once they were done taking your statement, y/n and Austin thanked the police and EMT as well as Rick the cafe manager with a promise to come back y/n and Austin got in the car and drove home.
Later that evening after spending the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching your favorite show with Austin you decided to take a shower in hopes to wash away the remainder of the day's trauma. Even though the threat was gone, you stilled couldn't shake the feeling away. Letting yourself stand under the flow of the warm water you took a deep breath letting it sooth you as you lathered yourself in your favorite shower gel. Y/n glanced up when you heard the bathroom door open slightly, nodding to Austin for him to come in you rinsed off the last of the soap and turned off the shower. Austin reached for a towel and held his arms open for you. You smiled as you stepped towards him as he wrapped the towel around you and dabbed your hair dry before leading you back into the bedroom.
The both of you moved around the room in comfortable silence as you dressed for bed. Austin knew you well enough to know that you would talk when you were ready or in this case when it all became to much for you to hold onto to and when you were faced with his beautiful adoring face your eyes filled with tears as you crept into bed and curled up into his outstretched arms. "Ssh, baby it's okay. C'mere sweet girl I know your scared, but it's okay now. No one's going to hurt you baby, okay? I've got you. Y/n snuggled into Austin as her sobs began to subside. "I hate that I felt so vulnerable. I hate that there are people out there who do that kind of thing. I almost prefer paparazzi." Y/n felt the sound of Austin's chuckle against your ear. "You know what baby, I think I'd almost agree with you if I didn't despise them so much, at least you would have been safe.
Y/n sniffled wiping a stray tear from your cheek, a faint smile appearing on your face as you peered up at him. "That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear you say." Austin chuckled as he softly placing a kiss to your lips. "I'm okay, just a little shook up is all. Y/n whispered, a faint teasing in your voice as you mocked Austin's Elvis voice. Austin raised an eyebrow as he smiled deviously, "Oh I'll show you a little shook-up little lady c'mere." y/n laughed out loud as he attacked you with kisses and tickled your sides. Becoming serious for a minute Austin brushed a thumb over your cheek bone. "I'll always, protect you, whenever possible, you know that don't you baby." Y/n smiled up at him drawing him toward you to place a passionate kiss to his lips. "Yeah, I know."
This was a first for me so I hope you liked it. I don't normally write but I was inspired so had to give it a go. Hope you enjoy.
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
Congratulations Austin and Baz on Eight Oscar Nominations
Anybody who understands the depth of loss that you experience would understand how bizarre it must feel for Austin and Elvis crew to be celebrating at the same time. It must feel like an absolute mind f$&$, and so wrong to be celebrating and and the same time still in mourning. But I hope they can celebrate knowing that they honored Elvis and his family and those that have gone too soon would be so proud of them.
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
It's been reported that they did one photo and skipped the red carpet. Which I would have expected. Reporters would not have been gentle.
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
Gosh I hope he's ok.
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Austin Butler at the Critics Choice Awards on January 15, 2023. ✨✨✨
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presleygirl1986 · 2 years
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