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Benefits of Handwriting Tutoring

Handwriting tutors help students develop their penmanship skills by teaching them the correct way to sit when writing, how to hold a pencil, and the proper stroke, spacing and size to use when writing. They often meet with students one-on-one or in groups to provide instruction.
The benefits of ot for kids include a stronger letter recognition ability, improved spelling memory and the ability to generate ideas more easily. The physical act of writing also engages more networks within the brain than typing. This makes handwriting an important skill to teach children (Longcamp, Zerbato-Poudou&Velay, 2005).
Providing Handwriting Tutoring
There are many reasons why students need to learn to write properly, but it's especially critical for a student's academic achievement. It's a skill that needs to be taught in the early childhood years, and it is essential for students to master before they can begin school-level writing (Cahill, 2009). Discover more facts about education at
When children learn to write by hand, they are more likely to recognize letters, identify words and remember them better than those who solely write using a keyboard (Longcamp, Zerbato-Poudou, Velay&Medwell, 2005; Daffern, Mackenzie &Hemmings, 2017; Cahill, 2009). Learning to form letters and groups of letters efficiently and automatically frees up working memory and allows higher order cognitive skills to be focused on other aspects of the curriculum. Be sure to get more info today!
It's also a great activity for improving fine motor control, as students learn to correctly hold and manipulate a pencil. They can practice this by using a rubber band or pencil grip to fold their fingers against the hand and flip the pencil into the correct position, which helps them to feel the motions they need to make to write correctly.
Developing Handwriting Skills
As young kids start to learn how to write, they often need frequent practice sessions and encouragement to keep up. When they become frustrated, they often need to take a break and focus on something else for a while. You can help by encouraging hands-on playtime that is designed to strengthen their motor skills, including drawing on a vertical chalkboard/whiteboard and painting on an upright easel.
Handwriting can also be a useful tool in learning maths (Cahill, 2009; Schlagal, 2014). Learning to write enables students to transfer their knowledge of the times table to written language. This gives them an advantage over their peers when they have to read maths texts (Cahill, 2009).
Tutoring is a great way to support your child's academic growth and development. Sign up for a one-on-one handwriting lesson or group session with a qualified tutor to help your student improve their letter formation, legibility, and speed.
Get Help with Handwriting from a Professional Tutor
A handwriting tutor can help your student improve their writing and increase their confidence. Their expert knowledge can help your child develop a solid foundation for their future success in handwriting, reading and other academic subjects.
Wyzant makes it easy to find and connect with professional handwriting tutors in Queens, NY. Simply search, message, and compare tutors' rates to find the best fit for your budget and goals.
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Occupational Therapy For Kids

Pediatric occupational therapy helps kids develop and improve the skills they need for life. These include fine motor, visual-perceptual and sensory skills.
Occupational therapists at are university-trained health professionals who work with children and adults to improve their ability to do everyday tasks. They may also help people with physical disabilities, developmental delays or intellectual or learning difficulties.
Handwriting tutor work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities and private practices. They must complete a supervised fieldwork program and pass a national certification exam before becoming licensed to practice.
The main job of an occupational therapist is to help children perform their activities of daily living (ADLs), or self-help skills. These include things like eating, dressing and toileting. Read more about education at
These skills are crucial for a child to be able to go to school and participate in other life activities. Occupational therapists use a wide range of techniques to help kids learn how to do these tasks effectively and safely.
Some kids are naturally gifted with fine motor skills, but others have difficulty. This can impact their ability to hold a pencil, write, paint or cut with scissors.
In these cases, an occupational therapist can use a variety of strategies to help them improve their handwriting skills. For example, OTs can teach children how to hold a pencil correctly and use their hands to draw or cut shapes with a ruler.
OTs also use play to help motivate children and reduce their anxiety during treatment. This can be done by allowing them to explore their surroundings through games, puzzles and other interactive activities.
They can also use sensory integration therapy to help children with autism or other conditions. This type of therapy helps kids with a wide range of issues, such as tactile sensitivity, sound sensitivity, and sensory processing disorders.
These therapists are experts in these areas and are highly trained in using play to help kids learn and develop the essential skills they need.
The Occupational Therapy Association describes occupational therapy as a "health care profession that promotes and restores function, participation and quality of life through examination, diagnosis and intervention." In addition to helping children with physical, cognitive and sensory challenges, it also helps people with brain injuries or strokes recover their independence.
Many parents find OT to be a good fit for their child, because the therapist is trained to understand their unique needs and goals. In addition, therapists are trained to work with children in a safe, non-threatening environment, which can be beneficial for children with sensory processing disorders or other conditions that might cause them to become anxious or uncomfortable at times.
They'll also teach your child new self-care and social skills, which will make their lives easier at home and school. This can be important for children with autism or other developmental disabilities, who might not have the skills necessary to do their daily chores and activities.
Your child's therapist might also work with your child's teachers and family to teach them ways to adapt the classroom for your child's special needs. This can include helping to create an accessible learning environment and teaching your child how to navigate the classroom, if needed.
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The Benefits of Preschool

Preschool is an excellent opportunity for children to begin the process of acquiring social-emotional skills. These skills are essential for children to develop in order to be successful later on in their schooling careers.
The social-emotional skills that preschool enrichment teaches help children to form positive relationships with other people and grow their self-esteem. Studies show that children who attend high-quality preschool programs enter kindergarten with a better understanding of social norms and fewer behavioral problems.
In addition, children who go to quality preschools are more likely to succeed in a number of academic areas, including reading, math and writing. Compared to students who do not attend preschool, kids in high-quality programs have higher pre-reading skills and richer vocabularies, as well as stronger basic math skills. Get more facts about education at
Teachers and staff at preschools are trained to meet the needs of all children. They have a strong background in child development, are knowledgeable about different cultures and languages and are supported by a curriculum that provides specific goals, expected outcomes and assessment procedures.
Occupational therapy for kids also work closely with families and understand each individual child’s needs and interests. In addition, they are well-paid and often receive benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.
A great teacher can make a big difference in a child’s growth. When a child is in an environment where they feel comfortable, they are more likely to learn and grow at a rapid pace.
Another benefit of preschool is that it can be a more affordable alternative to other forms of childcare, especially for low-income families. In many areas, publicly funded preschools offer subsidized enrollment for children whose families are eligible. These preschools can save parents thousands of dollars compared to full-time daycare costs.
1. Teaches children to follow directions
Whether it’s following directions from an adult or a teacher, your child will get practice figuring things out for themselves in a classroom setting. This is a skill that they will use for the rest of their lives.
2. Teaches children to be responsible
At preschool, teachers expect children to wash their hands and keep their personal belongings in cubbies, put their toys back where they belong, and follow a set of rules. This helps them develop their sense of responsibility, a key factor in preventing behavioral problems.
3. Teaches children to share
In preschool, children are encouraged to share with classmates and their teachers. They are taught to raise their hand and take turns in small group activities. This is an important skill for them to learn before they start school, where they will be expected to work with a larger group of students.
4. Teaches children to be flexible
A child is often born with an instinct to want to explore the world around them. At preschool, they will gain confidence in their curious minds and have the freedom to ask questions and learn more about their surroundings.
5. Teaches children to develop a sense of self
As they grow older, your child will learn more about themselves and their abilities. When they go to preschool, they are able to blossom into their own person and develop their unique strengths and talents.
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