miscellaneous horror blog??They/them, 20I follow from jigsawlovebot!
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Israel continues the massacres in Gaza... 232 souls taken in less than an hour! We are dying before your eyes—please, don’t leave us alone! Save us, do something... protest, donate, participate. I don’t want to die!
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What Strength Really Means 💪
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️
Hey everyone, my name is Abdelmajed. I don’t usually talk much about myself, but today, I want to share a little piece of my story.

I was born and raised in Gaza, a place that has always been my home 🏡. I grew up surrounded by my family, my friends, and the streets that I knew like the back of my hand. Life wasn’t always easy, but we had love, laughter, and dreams. I used to think that no matter what happened, home would always be here. But life has a way of changing things in ways we never expect.
Over the past months, everything I once knew has disappeared. The streets that were once filled with children playing are now silent. The houses that held so many memories are now just rubble. And the people I loved—some of them are gone forever. 💔
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️
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statement from mahmoud khalil shared by the center for constitutional rights
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sorry i heterosexualized your yaoi fanon by turning one of them into a trans woman. are u mad at me
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Final Destination: Bloodlines (2025)
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my friend is still dying
anas's gastric cancer is metastatic and he's suffering terribly. i've seen videos and photos of him vomiting blood and i don't feel right sharing even if he's given me permission because i shouldn't have to show you my sick friend at his worst for people to care. he is not alone. he still has to care for his parents all while dealing with this illness taking so much from him, and the hospitals in the strip have been left with nothing to treat him. all i want is my friend's safety. all i want is his happiness. please give whatever you can
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Please take a few minutes to watch the video and read this post.
I am writing these words after losing hope in everyone… except for you, my friends. Tumblr has a very large number of users, estimated in the millions . That’s an enormous number! But imagine, with all those of people, how would you feel if people saw you and ignored you? You’d feel deeply disappointed, right? Or maybe you’d even wish for death.
Have you ever wished for death? For me, I feel like I’d rather die than be ignored by everyone. If I wasn’t in desperate need of help, I wouldn’t ask anyone for it. I really need help.
Imagine for a moment that you have a small child you love dearly, and you’re forced to watch her suffer in front of your eyes. This isn’t just an imagination for me; it’s my reality. My family and I live this pain every day.
The Rafah crossing will open its doors for travel a month from now. If we do not collect enough money for all of us to go out, we will be forced to separate and the family will be dispersed. Please stand with us and do not allow us to separate and our family to separate. We all want to get out of here.
Please, be our hope. Be our voice. Be the ones who save us from despair. Don’t ignore us. Donate, even if it’s just $5 .
There are so many people reading this post right now. I beg anyone who sees these words to donate if they can, and if not, to share this post. Please, don’t leave us behind.
Be our family, or think of us as members of your own family, and save us from this suffering.
No matter how small the amount, your help means the world to us. And if you can’t donate, share this post and add a few kind words to inspire others to help.
Thank you so much, everyone. I wish you all the best.
Tagging for reach 🙏🏽
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ITS DOECHII BITCH MISS D-O-E DON DADA BITCH YOU NOTICE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bensons fav twitch streamer randy985
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i hope every single one of you outlives these hateful fucks on the news right now. i hope each and every one of you is able to find joy and support throughout these tumultuous times and i hope you get to live so fiercely as yourself. i hope you wake up one day to news that you’ve outlived those pieces of absolute shit and whether that brings you joy or relief or hope or what have you, i hope you live to see that day
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Do not let them erase this. Do not let them tell you he meant "my heart goes out for you."
This man is the grandson of a Canadian Nazi sympathizer who moved to South Africa BECAUSE he thought the apartheid was just the coolest.
He has a gaggle of kids specifically because he believes his genes are superior and need to be spread to improve humanity.
He has thrown his support behind the neonazi party in Germany and the far right party in the UK, not to mention how far he's wormed up the ass of the Republican party.
He threw two sieg heil salutes back to back at the inauguration of the president of the United States and is trying to scrub the evidence off the internet.
Elon Reeve Musk is a fucking Nazi.
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