precious-and-petulant · 5 months
i +hink you’re ^llowed +o be^+ up your coworkers. ^s ^ +re^+.
Me too. uwu he deserved it anyway.
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Oh dear! 😖 Sorry to hear about your plant 😔 I understand that anyone would be very upset about that but i dont think you should be physically fighting someone over it next time haha 😅
(T-T) maybe... but... but my little plant...
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Shit hE riPped youR planT Up? sOunds obNoxious, youR cowoRker Sucks. cAn yoU regRow snapDragons? Or aRe thEy jusT brokEn
He did!!! I'm so angry!!! I don't even have words!!! Of course I can always heal them up but!!!!! (╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
You pHysically fOught youR cowoRker? Why? tHat soUnds supEr inteNse
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
i beat up my coworker in front of a client, basically, and now i feel so bad. i'm so embarrassed. normally i wouldn't do that...
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Kiss him s❁ he d❁esn't have time t❁ get mad at me, pretty please!
! My c❁w❁rker isn't in right n❁w... It's the perfect time t❁ rescue his plants f❁r his ugly hellish cubicle ❁f death!!!
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
! My c❁w❁rker isn't in right n❁w... It's the perfect time t❁ rescue his plants f❁r his ugly hellish cubicle ❁f death!!!
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
I think that went well! An❁ther rep❁tting f❁r my m❁re difficult little plant, but it's f❁r the best. They'll adjust and be better f❁r it!
Unf❁rtunately my c❁w❁rker is T❁TALLY having an affair with D❁llie that BITCH. Pyth❁n if y❁u're reading this y❁u SUCK and I hate y❁u and if y❁u t❁uch my plants I will EAT Y❁UR S❁CKS.
Anyway. G❁ing t❁ get a new plant s❁❁n! ^-^
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
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Did you think I was joking? @the-bloodsoaked-battlefield
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Chains/Fauna, 15k w❀rds, alternate universe - c❀ffee sh❀p, cute and fluffy, LEM❀N!!!, d❀n't like d❀n't read!, tr❀lls❀nas used, chains t❀ps, if it matters, tsundere!Fauna, by which I mean, canon!Fauna, l❀l, the auth❀r regrets n❀thing, n❀ beta we die like Pescii in alt timelines, I will g❀ d❀wn with this ship, chains v❀ted w❀rst cust❀mer ever, asked to leave c❀ffee sh❀p, d❀es n❀t d❀ that, imp❀rper f❀❀d handling, N❀T F❀❀D AND DRUG SAFETY ASS❀CIATI❀N APPR❀VED, d❀n't try this at h❀me, ❀r at y❀ur l❀cal c❀ffee sh❀p I guess
Oh they definitely are (our associates I mean). I also cannot wait to see the developments with the characters! It'll definitely be fun :] - 🎍
it's going to be interesting... i think we'll see some great insight into characters with this new arc... as well as something... fascinating... just around the bend... i can't wait either.
also. who do you think tops? not the worm... right?
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
OIZEKPIR: n gvqhkzbesp buh ihqr dac'eh wlagwujvqz, twvj fpnq fvax. Razr wahv tjdpnsl pa rffcede. P ls sab ehzymx ytm yrlz irdyweh, gvz anxt V uxwmry ub, V ngve isactk mv srti buh xewvhuaz dgk mbjocglhu eex rwe wal jixf. jhw B rvsb twj lm ocvye. Q uril blj bivq xhaix qdrqmbipqk
I don't think this pain will ever fade. It's hard to ignore the piece of me cut out and pulled away. I'll just be happy if he can be happy.
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
1 don't th1nk 1 ever apolog1sed for th1s: Sorry for blow1ng you up that one t1me
:) Thank you for saying that. I'm sorry if my recent posts seemed aimed towards you - they weren't. I know you're one of the ones I could trust with my fly trap. The pain from that has faded to a comfortable buzz, easy to ignore. The singed vines hold no more nerves to feel the pain.
:( It's my little Drosera I'm worried about. I don't think I can stand the pain of being apart like this...
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Ne rkijs'e.
Hlb usl nxocmej scs mk kpshw? Kt sori gfch kj ptf tkvtnmzu gly zip, vzuasz enfj, hkve kcci cfz? Evac ktzy dmd kcci qv. Yssu xftv au pzyeza jcd efwt, kmpm nmgupr dii tfh kj dd nvawk fyr hiwy xs ps jyzd plv gwsahzsr auwvqq. Rk cfz sori rsj wzir mzk plry qsapj? Mzk ex yzcho? Xyj Lqdi? Kmp OYLV… Yss lezs… T qwr wjpz plv MZZA me rp… Kdiij dva FVQZBCW… Sze hdmj nd kdek nd pawk… Yswo mj bsop mj gpgp… Xynd wo ayfe wo fvxe tkv KMPA… wru kzf ic WQJHNEG… jgsj mw ne awovx xs d y i y lzh smjc… Wp'w wtc hdi sjdh… Jsstom apjj ncqpu jgsn yeipfoxrso hdmj ulwj. Cfz ocj'x yfgs wrp blm ps lsosnwkfyr slry jcq'zv izba xf rp.
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Hlb usl nxocmej scs mk kpshw? Kt sori gfch kj ptf tkvtnmzu gly zip, vzuasz enfj, hkve kcci cfz? Evac ktzy dmd kcci qv. Yssu xftv au pzyeza jcd efwt, kmpm nmgupr dii tfh kj dd nvawk fyr hiwy xs ps jyzd plv gwsahzsr auwvqq. Rk cfz sori rsj wzir mzk plry qsapj? Mzk ex yzcho? Xyj Lqdi? Kmp OYLV… Yss lezs… T qwr wjpz plv MZZA me rp… Kdiij dva FVQZBCW… Sze hdmj nd kdek nd pawk… Yswo mj bsop mj gpgp… Xynd wo ayfe wo fvxe tkv KMPA… wru kzf ic WQJHNEG… jgsj mw ne awovx xs d y i y lzh smjc… Wp'w wtc hdi sjdh… Jsstom apjj ncqpu jgsn yeipfoxrso hdmj ulwj. Cfz ocj'x yfgs wrp blm ps lsosnwkfyr slry jcq'zv izba xf rp.
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
They hate me f❀r my girlb❀ss grind and p❀ssibly als❀ the playing with their very lives like st❀ryb❀❀k cut❀ut characters but that's unlikely
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
I'm n❀t d❀ing anything, I'm just cauti❀ning against inviting misf❀rtune when y❀u d❀n't kn❀w wh❀'s listening!
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Are y❀u just stupid, ❀r genuinely ❀ffering? Y❀u sh❀uld be m❀re careful with what y❀u say ar❀und pe❀ple wh❀ might be listening.
GOds and nOt gOds and things that hunger…
Can Cambrian just get a fucking break?
I knOw it sOunds a lOt tO ask, but there are Other peOple- if yOu want tO harass sOmeOne, I’m right here!
Just leave Cambrian alOne. I dOnt knOw hOw much mOre can be dealt with.
They’re nOt fragile, but a fOrce tO be reckOned with. They’re nOt a timebOmb cOunting dOwn either.
They’re just One persOn. Just One persOn whOs been put thrOugh things that wOuld ruin hundreds.
Please just let them have a fucking break.
Or I swear tO fuck I’m gOing tO make these prOblems mine just tO get them sOme dOwntime.
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