preacherblu-blog · 4 years
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preacherblu-blog · 4 years
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preacherblu-blog · 4 years
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preacherblu-blog · 4 years
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DOWNLOAD “JOY” feat. MO’HORNS@ adrian15.bandcamp.com for $1 or more!
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preacherblu-blog · 4 years
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preacherblu-blog · 5 years
WORD WEDNESDAY: Metaphysical Bible Interpretation
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
[9] Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. [10] For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
Each of us has two things called thought and feeling. Thought is how to decide what you want. Feeling is how to know if you really want it. Whenever we get off track in life, it’s because thought and feeling are mis-aligned. Thought says what to do, feeling says it’s right or not right. Thought guides feeling and feeling expresses thought. Thought without feeling is dormant. Feeling without thought is emotional mayhem. Neither one can accomplish anything on its own. They both hold each other up.
Decide what you want in life and your feelings will be the gauge for if what you’ve decided is the best thing for you! If what you’ve decided isn’t the best thing for you, based on how it makes you feel....change your mind (Thought).
Pastor Adrian Moore
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preacherblu-blog · 6 years
Time Travel
Watching, again, the classic 80’s sci-fi movie, I began thinking about the phenomena of time travel. Time travel is deciding what you want to be, do, and have and seeing yourself as that person here and now. If you desire to have an experience other than the one you’re, currently, having, you can have it. When visualize what you want, you, in a sense, go back in time and “re-originate” yourself.
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preacherblu-blog · 6 years
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preacherblu-blog · 6 years
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preacherblu-blog · 7 years
These Are They
I am, personally, convinced that those individuals who have been able to maintain some sense of sanity in today’s world have gotten in touch with something beyond themselves. These, particular, individuals are not identified by race, gender, geography, religion, or socio-economic status. They are identified by their fruit. The fruit that distinguishes these individuals is not of, just, human nature but spiritual. A display of spiritual fruit does not, necessarily, require one to be an, active, participant or follower of a religion, church-denomination, or spiritual sect. The stumbling-block of unawareness has, often, caused many to overlook those who appear insignificant based on the societal-profile designed by popular culture for those of power and influence. There is, arising, a company of faithful souls, a remnant, who are “angels” being entertained “unawares”. Yes....out of the ashes they rise.
Revelation 7:14
....These are they which came out of great tribulation.
We have, I believe, reached the fullness of time as it pertains to, as the Bible puts it, “judging after the flesh” or prejudice-ness. As Joel S. Goldsmith says, spiritual illumination binds men together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding. This is key. We are not nor have we ever been bound together by the flesh. Natural blood is not even guaranteed to keep people united. True oneness is only realized through spiritual understanding and nothing else. This is how we know the “angels”!we “entertain unawares”. These angels are unlikely messengers, unassuming messengers, un-churched messengers, non-religious messengers.
Brother love must, and will, precede your ability to, universally, receive from the angels (Hebrews 13:1-2).
Adrian Moore copyright 2018
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preacherblu-blog · 7 years
The Art Of Being A Peace Keeper
Matthew 7:1-5 KJV
[1] … Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's …
The reason we are told to judge not, is because we are one, spiritually. Whatever you do to your neighbor or brother, in thought, word, and deed, you are doing to yourself. The first thing that must be understood in order to be a peace keeper is recognize that we are all one. No one is interested in harming themselves. If I, truly, believed that how I treat you has a direct affect on me, It would not be easy for me to stand in opposition of you. How can you see the mote in someone else’s eye and not see the beam in yours? This is self deception. The reason that the example of a mote is used is because of its size. The mote is a mote because of its distance. It also speaks of the tremendous amount of effort it takes to notice a small mote but overlook a huge beam. The size of of the beam speaks of the huge significance of what we have to deal with within ourselves and how less important it is for us to be distracted something that is of little significance in the grander scheme. I suggest that the beam and the mote are one and the same. It times past, we’ve been taught that “if I get the beam out of my eye, I will see clearly enough to get the mote out of my brothers eye”, as if it’s outlet responsibility to live “good enough” to have the place and position to set my brother straight. I believe we missed the point. If we are one, spiritually, then the removal of the beam from my eye automatically removes the beam from my brother’s eye. If I see you correctly, you will see me correctly...if not immediately, at some point. Righteous vision begins with a righteous consciousness. This is deep calling unto deep. God is universal good. Because we have our being in God, we are of he same source, which is infinite goodness. When we possess righteousness consciousness through the recognition of God, we will reach for that likeness via our conscious awareness at all times. God is omnipresent. Your brother or neighbor possesses the same consciousness if he or she realizes it or not. We become “peace keepers” when we abide in this truth. Abiding in this recognition dissolves dual-consciousness, or the belief that there is more than “one”. Of God is all there is, there is nothing to oppose.
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preacherblu-blog · 7 years
The Kingdom
You were, indeed, bought with a price. The price that was paid for your redemption was God condescending, if you will, to the form of man that the kingdom of Heaven might be established in the earth. The kingdom of Hod or Kingdom of heaven is not of “this world”. Jesus said “My Kingdom” is not of “this world”. When you realize that “My kingdom” is not of “this world”, you will cease looking for it in “this world”. The kingdom of God is within you!
There, ever, awaits you an, always, present invitation and opportunity to forsake the, limited, conditioned, human viewpoint for a heavenly viewpoint that sees completeness, perfection, and wholeness. This is the kingdom of God and can only be found within you.
What is the kingdom of God?
Romans 14:17-19 KJV
[17] For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. [18] For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. [19] Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
The kingdom of God is not anything material. The kingdom of God is spiritual substance....a state of being, a state of conscious awareness:
Righteousness: The right, appropriate, and honorable use of things.
Peace: A state of union, communion, and rest.
Joy: An attitude of gratefulness.
All of which are the result of the constant recognition of the spirit of the consciousness of the presence of God.
The evidence of the consciousness of the inner Kingdom is unshakeable peace. If you are easily removed from peace, you are condition driven. The kingdom of God is a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
The kingdom of God is God’s world. God’s world (the kingdom of God) is already built. You “build” the kingdom of God, within you, through your RECOGNITION of it. When you recognize it, you are to maintain through realization and awareness. The practice of meditative-prayer is the practice where this occurs. The singer-songwriter, James Taylor, has a song entitled “Enough To Be On Your Way” that has a line that says “...home, build it behind your eyes, carry it in your heart, safe among your own.” The kingdom of God is made of all the dreams, goals, and desires that represent your idea of a harmonious existence.
The kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven is a city that is set on a hill. This city, this kingdom is within you, your very being. The hill that it is set on is your mind. Your mind is God’s mind. You cannot hide from the state of your mind. You cannot hide from yourself. Whatever means you use to “light” the candle of your life is what will give “light” to your house. The light is understanding. You must let your light shine before “men”. The “men” of your own consciousness need to see the light so that they may glorify the “Father”, your consciousness.
The Pursuit Of Happiness:
The reason that the phrase “the pursuit of happiness” exists in the human language is because we are conditioned to believe that we don’t already have happiness. When you think that you don’t have something, you, naturally, have started looking for it. You start looking for happiness based on what you are told what and where it is. No one ever here’s their parents say, when they are children, you are already good enough and acceptable. We are born with a sense deep within us that tells us that we are okay. The older we get, that sense or inner knowing lessens as a result of how we are conditioned to look for validation and affirmation outside of ourselves. This is how we end up feeling divided and ultimately confused about who we are. Over time, we end up accepting an outer version of self that is the result of the influence of others who share the same discontentment. I believe that many of the life choices and identities that society offers are outer versions of self tha we have just settled for.
The story of Moses ascending Mount Sinai to get the law of god is an allegory that reflects the nature of humanity and how we become frustrated, dissatisfied, and impatient while waiting on the divine inner impulse to direct our choices.
The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal is an allegory of how we become divided within.
Psalm 133:1 KJV
[1] Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Unity is a characteristic of the kingdom of God. We dwell together in unity. We don’t create unity. We unify through the recognition of unity. Unity is spiritual. For it to be experienced we must see beyond all the things that we identify with humanly. When we practice spiritual unity, we engage in practices that reinforce the recognition and realization of the presence of God as divine oneness expressed individually. Without the recognition of spiritual unity, we will try to change one another. Without the recognition of spiritual unity, we will appear to be unified through certain activities but we will not be convinced from within. God is not divided. The human mind becomes an instrument of division through outside conditioning. The human mind compares and assessed value based on comparisons. Spiritual unity appreciates individual expression without judgement.
The Oringinal Plan:
Love has always been God’s plan. Love is God. That is to say that love is the one defining characteristic of unconditioned awareness, which is how Neville Goddard defines God. Once an individual awakens to God or to love, which is God-consciousness, that is all that matters. This becomes the “beginning” and it is this, rediscovered, awareness that creates “heaven and earth”. The created heaven and earth is spiritual in nature, because God is spirit; unconditioned awareness. God as self-awareness is only aware of that which it is...pure love. This brings fresh and new meaning to all that we do as we awaken to righteousness. Until this happens, there can only be “darkness upon the deep” and the spirit of God, which is unconditioned awareness, moves upon the face of the waters of our individual consciousness. It is then that we have the “let there be light” experience or understanding reveals itself within the context of wherever we are.
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