141 posts
One little scandal could knock you down, shattering your entire world to a million little pieces. For some, it felt like the only thing tying it all together was everyone keeping each other's secrets. After all, everyone making it in this world knew there wasn't a single person with clean reputations. It was almost like an open secret, this backstabbing and betrayal and straight-faced lies. UNTIL GOSSIP GIRL.( movile navigation )
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
Hi! Are you still open?
Hi! Yes, we are definitely still open and hoping for a few apps for our OPEN CHARACTERS.
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Hysteria is exactly what it sounds like—it’s a place invented for debauchery. While the polished and prestigious professionals have stayed at The Whitney in order to close Fashion Week, the most scandalous of Manhattan’s elite have made their way over to the club that has slowly but steadily taken over the nightlife of the city. And at the height of the party, while champagne is flowing and the partygoers are entertaining themselves—
They hear it.
There is no warning, no slow build. Phones begin to vibrate and chirp, all set off at the exact same time. It’s a moment that reminds many of their days at high school, and it’s all due to that very faint but very familiar panic that they all reach for their phone and open the message.
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
Any chance you could see natasha liu bordizzo for alexandria? thanks very much!
Yes, I think Natasha is a fantastic alternate!
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to your first task! This is an introductory task that is MANDATORY for all members where you will be asked to make an introduction post that contains all the key details of your character. You can include whatever you like—extra headcanons, specific details of their relationship status, Pinterest boards, etc.
Along with this, we have included an interview that each character will take part in—questions that should be treated with as much honesty as you think your character would feel comfortable with.
1. Who is your family, and what is their legacy? Is this legacy something you aspire to be part of, or do you want to make your own way? 2. What is the fondest memory you have growing up? 3. What is your biggest regret? 4. How would you describe the most important person you have in your life? You don’t have to name them if you prefer. 5. Do you believe you matter? **Each member will also receive a unique question specific to their character that they will be asked to answer. You can reach out to the admin via Discord to get your question.
This task should be completed no later than a week following your acceptance.
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
Hello to all! With our second round of acceptances being held today, I would love to see more apps in the inbox for the remaining characters we have. We currently have SIX OPEN CHARACTERS and I know both I and our lovely members would love to see them get taken up before our opening event. If anyone has any questions or if they’re working on an app, let us know!
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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IT’S ONE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED TIMES OF THE YEAR, when white tents explode from the ground up and the streets of New York are lined with models, designers, and agents. It’s time for New York Fashion Week and it’s not surprising to see that everyone has taken the opportunity to revel in excess. Front row seats to some of the most coveted shows, catching new talent on the runway before the journalists and the tabloids have caught their names, and parties lasting until well after the sun comes up.
This is not the poised and prestigious time of political galas and charity balls. Fashion Week is about innovation and edge, the time to throw tradition out the window, and everyone is allowed to get their hands just a little dirty. The Upper East Side thrives off of chaos, and after a whole week of stress and perfection, something is bound to blow.
Welcome to our first event —
This will be used as our kickoff, where members can plot and get to know each other before we officially open for interactions tomorrow when we post our first plot drop. Many of our cast will be reuniting after time spent apart, while others will be returning to the city for the first time in years, so there is plenty of room for drama!
The event will be starting off right at the end of Fashion Week. Cavanaugh Couture has just closed the week with their final show at The Whitney Hotel. There will be a party in the hotel’s lounge where journalists, designers, guests, and models can put their best face forward. Later on, there will be a less-professional after-party at Hysteria.
Remember —
We are not yet open for interactions yet. We want to give time for our members to plot and get to know each other, so we will be giving you all time to do so before we open with our first ever plot drop that will be posted after the second round of acceptances!
Important Details —
WILLOW will be hosting an after-party (an after-after-party, as it’s been dubbed) at Hysteria in Cavanaugh Couture’s name. Anyone who is anyone has been invited, although crashers are always an added bonus.
ALEXANDRIA has made their return to New York City by walking for WINONA & CO. earlier in the week. They plan to announce their “relationship” with ASHER at the after-party at Hysteria.
NATHAN and FRANCESCA have made their public debut as a married couple at the start of Fashion Week, and the party at the Whitney will be their first official appearance at an event—everyone who has scores to settle will be looking out for them to slip up.
JULES has been using Fashion Week as the way to begin their research for the exposé on Manhattan’s elite. Her eyes are wide open to look out for any secrets they can use.
Plotting & Threads —
This is our grand opening, so be sure to come in with a bang! Feel free to plot with members, get to know each other, and get ready!
Threads for this event can take place at any point of the night, whether it is during the party at the Whitney, at Hysteria, or even before the fashion show itself. If you have any questions about your character that you would like to clear up before interactions begin, feel free to drop a DM on Discord.
This is the first time so many people from the same social circle will be in the same place at the same time in years, and there are many reunions waiting to happen, so get creative with it!
Timestamps —
In the roleplay, this event will take place on SEPTEMBER 13, 2021.
In real time, this event will be from MARCH 19 — MARCH 28. If you’d like to keep track of all posts part of the event, feel free to use whatever tag you like.
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
hi pls apply for richard thank you xoxo
I could not agree more—please bring us our PRODIGAL HEIR ASAP!
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
hi i just wanted to say that i am so EXCITED reading all these little notes and i hope that i can craft my application to match the caliber of those already accepted!
Ahhh, that is so lovely to hear!! You have no idea how much fun it was to read through these apps and I have no doubt that your app will be just as enjoyable! We cannot wait to see it in our inbox!
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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And so concludes our very first round of acceptances! I just want to reiterate how endlessly grateful the admin team is for the support and enthusiasm we've gotten and give a heartfelt congratulations to all the members who will be joining us! Don't forget to review the relevant pages and send your account in within 24 hours (or reach out if you need some more flexibility)! And thank you again to absolutely everyone who took some time out to get involved in our little world. The admin will be working behind the scenes to get everything set up in the meantime, but rest assured we're just a message away if there's anything at all you'd like to ask/say! Oh, and keep an eye out for more acceptances tomorrow xoxo
— Admin B and Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, ADMIN B. You have been accepted for ISADORA DAVENPORT. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“The truth about desire, Isa believes, is that it is not something hopeful, growing steadily like a warm candle. It festers, clings to your skin with every step you take, rots inside of you if you leave it for dead while the carcass rattles your bones.”
So often we hear about characters who are supposed to be enigmas or paradoxes, but so rarely does one actually get to see a character as splendidly ungraspable as you’ve tailored Isadora to be. She’s the contradiction of satin smoothness and jagged shards of ice, of devouring void and blinding excess, of surface calm and tumultuous depth, all wrapped up in a stellar package— as beautiful as she is distant, glimmering with an ethereal coldness. Beauty is terror, indeed. And yet, with all of Isadora's sublime contrariness, she doesn’t feel any less real for it. Both her heart and her mind are extraordinary, with an undeniable logic to the operation of each. I don’t know how you’ve managed to create a character who is both a fantastic puzzle but also so stunningly authentic, but I am so lucky I’ll get to see more of her. I don’t think it actually needed to be said how perfectly you’ve portrayed her - after all, it’s obvious after a full main’s worth of your heartbreakingly lovely writing, your masterful grasp of character nuance, and your boundless creativity - but I wanted to say it anyway. I can’t wait to see all the games Isa gets up to, my love <3  —Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, ADMIN E. You have been accepted for FRANCESCA RHODES. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“That’s all Francesca’s ever meant to be - beauty so vivid it plagues - and that’s therefore all Francesca will ever amount herself to. A brilliantly gorgeous pestilence.”
I love Francesca. This is not a surprise to anyone. I also believe that no one else but you, Elle, could have made me feel so sure that they are perfect to play Francesca. Your motivation section in particular struck a chord with me, the brilliantly weaved poetry of Cesca’s beauty meshing with the gaunt, terrifying image of disease. Francesca is a newcomer, someone that most people—most applicants—could possibly mistake for being unassuming, delicate, a pawn to be moved at the hands of others. In your hands, she is startling, harrowing, frightening in all of her potential, not because she’s a monster, but because for the first time, as you so wonderfully put it, she is finally allowing herself to enjoy the game that she is now apart of. Your vision is striking, so vivid that I can practically hear Francesca’s delightful Southern drawl as she inches closer and closer to the top, and I cannot wait to see how you bring her to life. —Admin B
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, KAT. You have been accepted for WILLOW DAVENPORT. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“I’m not a monster. A viper, yes, but not an outright monster.”
I have a special place in my heart for Willow, someone who I wrote with the image of long-stemmed roses riddled with thorns in mind. It’s as if you took that image right out of my head and formed a complex woman who is both iron and glass. Kat, you’ve so effortlessly delivered a Willow who is brimming with ambition and passion and fervor in all the right places. There were so many bits and pieces in your app that stood out to me, and I think the decision to write in character really allowed me to see exactly who you had created: A stunning picture of a girl who is ready to go to war for those she loves, someone who is not unworthy of sympathy but would spit at pity. I love Willow to bits and pieces, and your app has certainly made me love her all the more, and I am so ready and excited to see her come to life in your hands. —Admin B
So first things first: Willow is that special brand of spectacular evil where she definitely would have bullied me if we ever met and yet somehow I can only love her all the more for it. You’ve crafted such a stunning mean girl, an icon, a legend, and I don’t doubt she’ll end up solidified along the likes of Regina George and Blair Waldorf in my mind, with the razor-sharp wit and indomitable will. However, you’ve also managed to imbue a heartbreaking sympathy to her. It’s crystal clear why she acts the way she acts, and it just makes it all the more tragic, knowing the storm that’s coming for her. It’s all so stunningly, perfectly, seamlessly composed I’d suspect this skeleton were written expressly for you if I didn’t know any better. Overall, you’ve gone above and beyond what I was hoping to see in a Willow app, and I bet she’ll give even our Gossip Girl a run for her money when it comes to who’ll be running our Upper East Side. —Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, KAT. You have been accepted for JULES CAVANAUGH. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“Her victory is violent, her success carnage, she intends to head back to England with a path of destruction in her wake, a Marie Antoinette incarnate as she sits upon her dais of roses and diamonds and says, ‘let them eat cake.’”
Originally, I was worried that no one would apply for Jules—this harsh, feral, unrefined killer queen who had never learned the art of subtlety or finesse. Instead, we were met with two stunning apps, but it was you, Kat, that ultimately won me over in the end. You took a sycophant with nothing but jealousy and rage to her name and presented me with a new perspective on a character I thought I knew inside and out. She’s a fearsome thing to behold in your hands, almost twisted, and I am so eager to see you run with her. As an admin, to see someone breathe life into one of your characters is a wonderful thing and I am so in love with Jules. From falling asleep in a stranger’s bathtub to meticulously plotting the downfall of an entire society simply because she can, you’ve truly taken my breath away. In your hands, Jules doesn’t want the keys to the kingdom—she wants to burn the whole thing to the ground, and I am so wonderfully enamored with who you’ve created, that I just might let her. —Admin B
As our very first application, I can’t even begin to express how high you set the bar. On your app, my very first comment is “she's INSANE & i love her for it” and the rest tended to be “hot,” “HOT,” or “HOT!!!!!” and I don’t think there’s any more genuine expression of how incendiary the character you’ve brought us is. Every single line of your application is killer, every detail both unexpected and yet so quintessentially Jules that I can barely envision this character any other way but how you’ve written her anymore. She’s clever as sin, cut like a jewel, and absolutely going to decimate the Upper East Side, like a conquering goddess leaving ruin in her wake, and yet tinged with an undeniable loneliness and denial that keeps her feeling vividly real. It truly feels like she’s perfectly tailored to the world we’ve built here, and I can’t wait to see her step into it (shortly before destroying it with all the most agonizingly wonderful to read schemes, of course!).  —Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, ALLI. You have been accepted for ISAAC RHODES. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“how much love have you poured out of your pockets, drained into the sea, buried in the waves? how much of yourself have you let die a thousand deaths?”
This was perhaps one of the most devastating pieces of writing I’ve ever been presented with and I loved every single moment of it. Alli, your Isaac is a tangled mess of ruthlessness, love, grief, loneliness, sorrow, and envy—a Greek tragedy just waiting to happen, so close to breaking that you can feel the tension in every word you wrote. Your app was, simply put, breathtaking. He’s so incredibly complex, nuanced in a way I wasn’t even able to manage when I was first writing him. There were so many bits and pieces that I highlighted, so much that I had to point out, that proved why you were the one who is perfect to take Isaac on. It’s impossible to hate his ruthlessness when you’re compelled to love all of his tragedy, all of his beauty. The self-hatred mingled with his need to prove himself was so amazingly Isaac that I couldn’t imagine a better image of our backup choice, our lost hero who always comes last when he is so convinced that he is meant to be first. —Admin B
I don't think there was a single word in your application that didn't hurt. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that had such a high heartbreak-to-word ratio ever, and yet for how painful it was, that’s not the first word I’d use to describe your application. That word would have to be spellbinding. The writing here is second to none, incredibly gorgeous, displaying such a deftness in both your prose and your grasp of the inner machinations of a character as endlessly complex as you’ve made Isaac out to be. Like, this is the kind of writing I wish I put out. The way you’ve painted a watercolour of feeling - agony bleeding into fury bleeding into ambition bleeding into loneliness, a canvas of vividly clashing colours blending seamlessly into each other - is beyond what I could have hoped for in an Isaac application. I already know his unraveling is going to light up our dash and I can’t wait to watch it play out. —Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Paradise, NIK. You have been accepted for ASHER DONAHUE. Please make sure to read through your CHECKLIST and send in your account in the next 24 hours.
“Asher likes to pretend that its their privilege and family that created the cage that they live in - but really it’s a cage of loneliness of their own making.”
From the first line of your motivation section, I felt like you got the essence of Asher down to a T. Your hold on why they do the things they do, with barely a care in the world and not a single thought to whoever gets caught in the middle, was so exact that it was hard to find fault in your app. Boredom and spite, loneliness and inertia—all of it was so wonderfully portrayed. But it was in our relationships section where I really felt you shined. The way you seamlessly manage to connect Asher’s relationships to each other and elaborated on how Asher feels about everyone in their life was just so great to read about because it only gave me a deeper understanding to who they are. I enjoyed everything about the Asher you’ve presented us with and I cannot wait to see more of them! —Admin B
There’s a kind of Dionysian magic you’ve woven into your portrayal of Asher that’s got me absolutely hooked, and by this I don’t just mean their inclination to hedonistic mania, but in the intimate details— the struggle with the limits of what they are and what they’re still in the process of becoming. In a world of rigid arrangements and meticulously balanced transactions, Asher, aching to be free of everything and anything, is both a sympathetic figure and an undeniable herald of ruin. I can’t even tell you how many exclamation marks ended up in the comments at the section of your app about Asher’s destructive impulse turning to their own family name. Plus, the way you added moments of both sweetness and humour really rounded out an already incredible application to a simply phenomenal level. There aren’t enough words in the world to express how happy I am to welcome you into our little slice of paradise! —Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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All the acceptances have been finalized and the notes are almost done being written up. We’ll begin posting them shortly, but before we do, we want to say a quick thank you to each and every person that followed, applied, and shared this group. Every single compliment we got was so wonderfully sweet and we are so grateful that you guys all showed interest in this little group.
To everyone that applied, thank you so much. All of you are so talented and if anyone applied and didn’t get it, you are more than welcome to reapply, or IM the main for feedback and we’ll gladly talk you through it. To everyone that applied and got accepted, we’re so excited to welcome you all to the wasteland of Paradise Lost in all of its glitter, excess, and debauchery. We both have so many exciting things planned for this group and we’re so thrilled to have you all be apart of it.
— Admin B and Admin E
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prdslstdrfts · 3 years ago
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And the submit is officially closed! Thank you to everyone who has applied, we’re both so grateful to each and every single one of you who has applied. If anyone has any questions or concerns, we may be a bit slower to answer, but we will answer nonetheless.
We’ll see you soon for acceptances!
— Admin B and Admin E
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