until the very end
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James Potter. 19 years old. Gryffindor Alum. 1/4 of the Marauders Gang. Husband. Future Father.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
Dear James; Do not, under any circumstances, give your child a ridiculous name that they might hate one day. All My Love, The woman who's daughter hates the fact that her name is Nymphadora.
Dear Andromeda,
I will consider your advice, although I will say that I am still sold on the name Elvendork.  It is practical, and I doubt my child will hate such a fine name.  However, Lily does seem to be opposed to such a name for reasons I will never fully understand.  So, we have opted to go in a different direction, looking at names like Evan, Charlotte, Harry, etc. for our baby.  Personally, I think you should owl Evans and tell her that Elvendork is a proper name as she might listen to you.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,J. Potter
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
fmk voldemort bellatrix snape
Oh, no question about it.  I’d just kill myself.  It seems the only logical choice.
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
So what happens if your child comes out with deer antlers?
“Now, why would my child come out with deer antlers?”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
If you had to get another pet, what would it be?
“Pretty sure my cat and owl are enough to keep me busy.  But, it might be kind of cool to get something no one else has.  Like a monkey.  Yes, I want a monkey.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
So how pregnant is your wife? Is she a blimp yet? She's at 17 or 18 weeks right?
“We think Lily got pregnant around the end of October or the very beginning of November.  So, she’s only about fifteen weeks.  And she’s definitely not a blimp.  Her bump still just looks like she ate too much.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
What do you want for your birthday?
“My wife to not be targeted, my baby to keep growing, the war to be over... and more broom polish.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
Do you and Lily even have a clue what you're doing? Do you have any sort of backup plan for this baby?
“Does anyone really know how to take care of a baby until they actually have one?  Really, I think we’re par for the course.  And as for back up plans... sure, we have one.  My first idea is that she’ll go on to become a world class Chaser.  And then back up is that she’ll become the Minister of Magic.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
5 favorite people?
1. Evans
1. Sirius
1. Peter
1. Remus
5. My main girl, Minnie
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
Which one of your wives do you like more, Sirius or Lily?
“Most days, I tend to like Sirius more.  But that’s just because I don’t live with him anymore.  I’m sure if I lived with him and not Lily, I’d like Lily better.  But just because I like Sirius more, doesn’t mean that I love him anymore than I love Lily.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
She’d said yes. Lily Evans had said yes to James Potter. Or… no, really her exact words had been “Sure James.” But that was probably as close to a yes as the boy had ever gotten from her. And now she was going to Hogsmeade when she hadn’t been planning on it on a maybe date but also maybe just a weekend between friends who have nothing better to do and who totally didn’t think that the other friend was very… nope, she wasn’t even going to think it.
Lily was paying attention to little things that really shouldn’t have mattered. Was the sweater dress with leggings to dressy? No, it was cold out, and it was a warm and comfy. If she was going to be wandering around Hogsmeade she’d rather be comfortable. Once she was satisfied with how she looked why was that so important she grabbed her coat and a hat and headed down the stairs, her hair bouncing around like a wild flame about her shoulders.
And there he was. Sitting on the couch in the Common Room, looking like he swallowed a vat of bubbles and might float away at any moment. James and his messy hair and his glasses. The moment he looked up, the messy hair and glasses were joined by a grin to put all others to shame.
The word-vomit was endearing. Sweet. Merlin, he must really be nervous. Lily cracked a smile, unable to help herself. “Thanks, you look nice too.” She said as she pulled on her coat, fumbling with the buttons for a moment before nodding for him to lead the way. 
“To Hogsmeade?”
The sight of the smile on her face only caused James’s grin to widen.  After all, that smile was directed at him.  Granted, it was directed at how much of an idiot he sounded, babbling like some sort of idiot.  But, that didn’t matter.  It still was enough to make her smile and he made it his personal goal to keep making that happen today.  Just, perhaps not at his own expense.
James shoved his hands into his coat pockets as he awkwardly watched her button up her coat.  Should he not have helped her into it?  Would that have been the proper thing to do?  Probably, and his mother would have a fit if she learned that he wasn’t minding his manners the way she had taught him to with a lady.  Merlin, did he just think of Lily Evans as a lady?  She wasn’t even two months his senior, and he most definitely was not a gentleman by any sense of the word.  Then again, James supposed that Lily had always been in a league above his own.  Something that once would have been extremely hard for him to admit, but not so much anymore.  It seemed as much a fact as that the sky was blue.
“Sure,” he said, turning and leading the way out of the common room.  He climbed out the entrance, his feet landing firmly on the ground before turning back to hold his hand out to help Lily down.  It’d been so long since he went to Hogsmeade the proper way, instead of trekking through the secret passages he’d found with his mates.  But, despite the fact that James knew his friends liked Lily well enough, he doubted they’d appreciate him showing her all their secrets.  Especially not on a first date.
His mind raced through the potential topics for them to talk about, trying to come up with something.  It was so weird.  Just them being Head Boy and Head Girl, they’d had several back and forths during their long nights doing rounds.  But now, that their dynamic had shifted ever so slightly--at least, in his mind it had--it seemed near impossible.  “Are you ready for Christmas holiday?”
What Came Before Won’t Count Anymore || James & Lily || November 19, 1977
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
What Came Before Won’t Count Anymore || James & Lily || November 19, 1977
If anyone had told James Potter during his first year that he would be going out on a date with Lily Evans, he would think they were crazy.  If the same person had told him that during fifth year, he would scoff and tell them that obviously he would be--because who could resist the Potter charm?  And if it had been mentioned to him again last year, he would laugh at the preposterious idea.  After all, Lily had just been an infatuation during his fifth year.  His sixth year saw him in a relationship with a girl a year his senior, and he was happy with her.
Yet, standing in the boy’s dorms and tugging at the hem of his jumper, James Potter felt the impossible was here.  It had taken him three months of getting over a breakup and two and a half months of doing rounds with Lily to finally get up the courage to ask her out once more.  A time to which she finally responded in the affirmative.  Now, standing in front of a mirror, the moment of truth was drawing closer.  He had already changed twice, gelled his hair, messed it up, gelled it again, and was now in the process of messing it up a second time.
Sighing, James figured that it was going to be about as good as it was going to get and walked away from the mirror.  Grabbing his coat and scarf, he passed his friends on the way down to the common room where he’d agreed to meet Lily.  His friends had opted out of Hogsmeade today.  After all, they had told him.  They knew ways to sneak out of the castle, so they could go whenever, and they were seventh years.  The magic of the town--figuratively, not literally--had worn off and they claimed to have other things to do.  Namely, James had figured, sleep.
So, he slipped his coat on and sat down on one of the couches in Gryffindor’s common room.  His leg started to bounce up and down as he waited for the familiar head of red hear sweep into the room and he wondered if maybe he didn’t have time to change his jumper just one more time.  But, as he spied Lily, all thoughts of his clothes vanished and he stood up.  Walking over to her, James grinned, but couldn’t find anything to say.
Which was stupid.  It was Lily.  They’d known each other since they were eleven and spent practically every night together working on homework and doing rounds.  But his mind was blank.  Did he compliment her?  Did he start with a simple greeting?  Did he just start walking and hope she followed him?  The possibilities were endless and James realized with horror just how horribly out of practice he was with the whole first date thing.
In the end, he decided to go with the all-three-approach, his words coming out too fast and jumbling together when he spoke.  “Hey,Lily.  Youlooknice.  Areyouready?  Alright,let’sgo.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
Lovely Asks!
🌹- Are you/ do you want to be in love? 🌸- Do you have a crush? 🐝- Tag three friends and your three favorite things about them! 💐- Are you/do you want to get married? 🌺- Do you have a best friend? 🦄- List your three favorite things about yourself! 🥀- Have you ever had your heart broken? 🌻- What is the longest relationship you’ve been in? 🦋- Tag three people you want to get to know better and state why! 🌼- What are you attracted to in people personality-wise? 🌷- What are you attracted to in people physical appearance-wise?
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
“Oh really? Well… I have to admit, I like having you around too. Don’t let that go to your head, Potter, it’s already big enough.”
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“Everyone likes having me around, so that definitely does not surprise me.  Well, it has to be big.  How else would I have such a great head of hair if my head wasn’t as big as it is?”
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-hug tackles- "How's this for making you feel loved? How'm I doing?"
James laughed as his wife grabbed onto him.  “You’re doing wonderfully.  Being held by you always makes me feel loved.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
“Yes, of course. How could this James Potter ever be a toe rag. Clearly I was blind to see the charm of the giant squid- though I’m still not quite sure how I would have worked out a date with him. He was a bit… out of my depth. Good thing I got stuck with this James Potter. I like him an awful lot more than the Squid… Oi, This James Potter. Get over here, I want a hug.”
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“Exactly.  I think you would have found a way to make it work with the giant squid if you really wanted to.  Though, I have to admit: the idea of you being pregnant with a giant squid baby--while cool--is also slightly terrifying.  It would come out all crawling around already and there would be so many legs that the doctors would be all confused.  It would just be a mess really, so it’s a good thing that you didn’t see the charm in the giant squid.  But yes, it is a blessing that you got this James Potter.  Well, I will never say no to a Lily Evans hug.”
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How does it feel to have no one who loves you? They keep you around out of pity. Mudbood.
Oh yes. I’m pitied and hated. That’s why I’m married to a wonderful man and surrounded by crazy friends who are actually family. I’d love for them to hear this.
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
She didn’t respond at first, and just sat there in silence. He shouldn’t have to feel bad, Lily thought to herself. No one should have to feel bad for the chaos wreaked by some other party who got their kicks by making people miserable. But there was James, who was trying so hard to keep the world safe and sound for her- for them. “You don’t have to do anything to make it up to me. I just want you to hang out with me today. And pretend that that,” Lily waved her arm towards the counter where the coffin had been sitting a moment before. “Never happened. And hope that no one else sends anything morbid.”
James moved his arms down so that they could wrap tightly around his wife’s waist.  While he couldn’t wait to see her stomach grow larger as their baby grew, James had to admit that he liked being able to pull her this close to him.  “Already forgotten about,” he promised, grinning down at her as he kissed the top of her head.  Of course, James wasn’t sure that he could ever forget about such a terrible event.  Such a terrible gift, and he only hoped that whoever sent Lily such things wouldn’t repeat their actions come the end of March.  It would only make his nerves worse.  “Well, can I give you your presents now?  I haven’t totally finished wrapping one of them, but it’s close enough.  Or, if you want to wait until later, I’d be more than happy to do that to.  This is your day, after all.  And I want to spend it doing whatever you want.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
“Yeah, didn’t you know? As I get older I become more senile. Old Lady Lily Potter: walks into rooms, forgets why she’s there, falls asleep at the dinner table, and all that jazz. God, I love magic.”
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“That just sounds like we’ll have to take you to St. Mungo’s and leave you there.  Merlin, I mean, I knew that some wizards and witches in their old age had problems with their memory.  But I didn’t expect it to get you so soon.  Oh well, we had a good run.”
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"Oi, Potter... Do you know what day it is?"
“It’s January 30, right?  I think something special happened on this day, but… Merlin, I can’t remember what it is for the life of me.”
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prcngsxpctter · 8 years ago
James’ affirmation made Sirius grin grow twofold. The hat now back on his head, his hair seemed a bit more tame then usual, though his eyes were still wild. 
“Thats exactly it, Jamie-boy!” Sirius pointed a finger at him as the picture, with the new addition of ladies lingerie on the floor was hung securely to the wall. He stood back and took a bow at his work, his hand swirling the air. 
“The old man’s lady’s a bitch anyways.” He laughed with a shrug. Not to mention she’d given him an earful the other day for “making a mess” by moving the furniture about. How were they supposed to have a samurai fight with a huge ass couch in the way? They weren’t, thus it had to be moved. ‘Casualty of war’, he had said. 
Sirius continued to tap on both of the arms of the chair as he listened to James go over their plan. He opened his mouth but then closed it as he listened to some possible alternatives, all of which coming up pretty dry. 
He gave a heavy sigh and his lips pursed together into a frown. If James didn’t have any ideas, and he was the “idea master!” then it was hopeless for the lot of them. “Maybe..” he trailed off, coming up empty. “Well we need to do something. Snape can’t get away with this shit.” 
Sirius laughed, tossing his head back and pulling off his hat, putting it instead over his face to balance it. “Bunch of nutters really. No wonder they’re in Slytherin. Toilets are a good idea,” he sent a finger gun at his mate, still buried in the hat. 
“We gotta keep up our rep, Jamie.” Sirius explained. “We need to pack a punch with this one.” He pulled the hat off and sat up, “We’re getting soft.” he sighed. 
“Before we know it, the Marauders will be wearing bunny slippers and matching sweater vests!” He exclaimed in horror. “I mean, you’d look good in the slippers mate,” he laughed, “but I doubt that’d terrify the Slytherins.”
As Sirius continued to rave, bowing at the painting and going on about the man’s wife, James simply shook his head.  While the samurai sword fight had no question been entertaining and a fabulous way to spend the afternoon, he didn’t think much about the yelling Sirius had gotten afterwards.  Besides, it wasn’t anything that he hadn’t heard before up to that point.  Something about being irresponsible and inconveniencing others.  Really, it made more sense that they were inconveniencing them by not wanting them to have a sword fight.  And it was definitely entertaining for everyone else, so it seemed that the old women simply needed to get whatever stick was in her arse out.
Still, as Sirius continued talking, it made James wonder whether or not his best mate had gotten into something earlier that day.  It seemed, to him at least, that Sirius was more wired up than usual.  “No more caffeine for you,” he muttered, as the other boy continued to tap away against the chair.  Granted, James understood the constant need for motion.  He himself was always tapping his quill against his desk, or playing with a snitch.  But those were simply habits that he didn’t think twice about.  Clearly, this Snape thing was messing with Sirius worse than James had originally realized.  Of course, that much he could understand.  Snape in general was just someone that caused problems.
“I’m sure we’ll figure something out,” James said.  “Have we ever passed up an opportunity before to get back at Snape for being such a git?”  Pushing his glasses further up his nose, James leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling as though the answer might be written up there.  He couldn’t believe it.  He was actually blanking on what to do for some sort of revenge scheme against his self-proclaimed arch nemesis.  This was something that was never, ever supposed to happen.  He was supposed to be able to think up ways to make Snivellus’s life hard at the drop of a hat.
Stretching his arms out to either side, James shrugged as he tried to give off an impression of false modesty.  “What can I say?  I’m full of good ideas.  But very true.  Slytherins never do seem to have the brightest candles in the bunch.”  He shook his head as though disappointed in the lot.  Granted, James was sure there was a definite bias going on between both of the boys.  Maybe there actually was someone bright in Slytherin house at that very moment, but James would never admit to such a thing.
“I don’t think it’s growing soft so much as just growing up,” James said.  “I mean, think about it.  Pulling pranks almost seems... juvenile now.”  Not that he would ever stop, of course.  But when he paused to think about it, some of their ideas seemed no better than what they would dream of their first or second year of school.  “But I agree, this has to be bigger to show that we’re still on top.  We can’t have people thinking they can best us.”  James smirked at the mention of him looking good in bunny slippers.  Since it was most certainly a true statement, he pictured himself trapsing up and down the corridors of the schools in them, perhaps smoking a pipe just to add to the overall effect.  It was enough to make him grin.  “You never know.  I’m sure even I could turn bunny slippers into something dreadful enough.  After they associated me with those bunny slippers, it wouldn’t surprise me if they started shaking every time they saw a rabbit from now on.”
Call the Calvary | James & Sirius|| Feb, 17 ‘76
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