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pratanubanerjee-blog · 6 years ago
news of accident - blogging
I often get news of accident and once I saw the news that a senior had an accident while crossing the road. The investigation revealed that this serious accident was due to a collision with a car. The prime cause of death is due to road accidents and the main reason is reckless driving. The police advice people to use helmet otherwise there might be car accidents.
I had recently read the news that a plane crashed before take-off and many people were killed and thousands were injured. We have often seen a wreck and the investigation reveal that it causes traffic jam. From the news, I had heard that there are many people who are involved in the collision at the expressway near my house.
There are incidents of head-on collision and it is really tough to save those people. The reports of mid-air collision had been devastating. I had read reports of pile-up due to foggy weather. From the report in a newspaper last week, I had heard that a child going to school was run over by a motorcycle near a college.
Sometimes public raise a question to the hospital, “Could your hospital cope with a significant disaster like the crash of an aeroplane?” The authorities of that hospital could not give a prompt response. These situations infuriates the public and they ransack the hospital. The environmental catastrophe is due to the air pollution and the depletion of the layer of ozone in our atmosphere. The nuclear catastrophe is dangerous and it might killed lakhs of people.
The pencillin was invented suddenly, while they were conducting research on something else. One day I told my father ‘I broke your spectacle by accident.” The girls were discouraged by the science teachers for higher education. The teachers believed that the girl should stay at their homes and marry early.  
The content writer made several grammatical errors by mistake. He apologized to the boss. One day the boss apologized to the employee and said, “I didn’t mean to upset you.” I am also sure that the owner of the bicycle didn’t mean to hurt the traveler.  If I take an accidental overdose of drug, there might be serious problems of health. It is true that most of the accidental deaths are due to alcohol and the percentage of death is 70%.
I feel that the remarks were totally unintentional and I developed a strong character to deal with the troubles in my life.  My favorite actor is Uttam Kumar. Uttam Kumar had played in prominent characters and received significant appreciation from the public of West Bengal. He had been an actor atnd singer. In one of the films, he had sung a song. Movie star Rajnikant had declared to join politics. There are many actors who started acting at a young age. They enjoyed acting significantly.
Before my father become an English professor, he had worked at Berger paints in  the department of accounts. He had enjoyed teaching for 15 years. The acting of mother was played by an veteran actor. My father had always motivated my mother in amateur drama.
The company needs someone who can play the role of business developer. I had never seen a pantomime in my life.  I had performed in synthesizer at the stage of St. Thomas Church School. My father had written a thesis on the role of women in theater. My finest performance had been appreciated by public. I had received 7000+ views in some videos of YouTube. The business owners are looking for marvelous performance of their employee.
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pratanubanerjee-blog · 6 years ago
leading role - short story
In the quiz show, it is often asked by the quiz master “Can you name the actor who starred in James Bond?” Those who are aware about those movies, they can reply quickly. I had never seen a police drama where a good actor had been starring. There are many actors who had starred and got public appraisal.  Wizard of Oz gave the opportunity to Judy Garland as the leading role.
My friend was given the chance to play the lead in a movie. It is really interesting to watch the life of people after a nuclear war. The lead role was played by Kevin Costner in a movie with a budget of $50 million.  Snow White was an amazing film and the actor had played the part of a stepmother.
In cooking, the cook knows how to add spicy flavor with fresh chilies.  It is good to see that a sofa was added on the room and the visitors can sit comfortably.
Sometimes the quiz master asks, “what do you get when you add 50 and 60?” The reply is given quickly by a young boy. He said, “110”. This boy received a prize. The total prize money was Rs. 100,000 and the man had won the lottery. I visit the museum sometimes and found that the latest addition is a painting of Rabindranath Tagore.
It is good to take food products without artificial additives. In my school life, I was asked by a teacher “which international leader do you most admire? I admire the way of writing of my father.  People around the world admired the works of Rabindranath Tagore.
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pratanubanerjee-blog · 6 years ago
career - my personal opinion
I had spoken to my boss yesterday about the improvement of the company. I am working in this company for three years as a business developer. I do not want to postpone a successful plan and he agreed. Our office wants to have an amazing party, but I don’t think it will be good at the present moment.
Everyone agreed with my opinion about God. I have faith in Lord Krishna and I follow the books of Srila Prabhupada. People had warmly welcomed the ideas of Srila Prabhupada and opened Iskcon temples all over India and also in different parts of the world. The local people at Paikpara had accepted the political party and had voted the candidate. They had reluctantly accepted the leader and his term in office had been extended.
During Kali Puja, I had no idea how to put up with the noise. I travel somewhere beyond kolkata and take some rest. It is good to spend time in those places which are devoid of the crackers of noise.  My parents had taught me that you have to live with the present situation and fight for justice. Sometimes I wonder why my mother tolerates the behavior of some people.
I am resigned to the fact that I stammer sometimes. I had taken steps to cure the problem. I believe that I have to make the best of my positive qualities. The government had passed a law which restricted those who smoke in public place. I have no idea when the bill was passed.
I asked for the opinion of the public but they did not approve the quality of my videos. Sometimes I need to take the approval of my parents before taking decisions. My mother was rushed to the hospital when she had pain in the appendicitis. In my childhood, I had an accident while I was playing cricket. Nowadays, the Tala Park is closed after 7 pm. There are many suspicious people around the park in the evening. Therefore the authorities of the park had taken this decision.
I find serious accident in the newspaper and feel like writing a blog on the condition of the society. It has been investigated that the accident was due to a fast moving vehicle. When I go to office, I find that the buses compete with one another for passengers. The passengers get angry and leave the bus. Sometimes the police constables charge fine for parking at the wrong place.
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pratanubanerjee-blog · 6 years ago
About My Father
My father’s name is Swapan Kumar Banerjee. If I want to tell something about the person, he had worked in accounts department at Berger’s Paints and then he worked as professor in Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah for more than 15 years.  My views on father cannot be expressed in simple words as he is an amazing writer. He is a good speaker too.
In order to describe my father, I am writing something concerning him. He can deal with something intelligently and can solve any problem of electronic gadget. If you move around the house, you will find a large collection of books. There are approximately 1000 books in my house! He has taught roughly more than 100 students in English literature. He had lived in Santragachi give or take 6 months. A month or so later, he had shifted his house to Ichapur, Kadamtala howrah where he lived for six years.
My father did not accept an offer of teaching at Arunachal Pradesh. He had joined Narasinha Dutta College before receiving that appointment letter. In college, he had been asked, ‘if you were given the post of Principal, would you accept it?” He said “No.” He had said, “I wish I had ever agreed to join the job at Arunachal Pradesh, my life would have been changed totally. He then said, “I may take you on for certain years.”
My father had warned me not to take anything from unknown people. Many people have offered him lucrative position. In Cossipore English School, he had been told by the chairman, “I am offering you this head of managing committee position – take it or leave it. “
In his life, he had never accepted bribe from somebody. My life is connected with my father. I started accepting the fact that higher education is necessary after observing his love for books and higher learning.
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pratanubanerjee-blog · 6 years ago
Healing Certificate Courses in Kolkata at Institute of Performing Art and Mind Power Development
Learn Kundalini Reiki from Pratanu Banerjee in Kolkata
Get guidance with kundalini reiki for healing relationships, situation healing, healing of qualities, healing of plants, healing of animals. The certificate training is given at institute of performing art and mind power development in kolkata.
Learn Diamond Reiki from Pratanu Banerjee in Kolkata
Pratanu Banerjee offers healing and guidance with diamond reiki. This is a certificate course at institute of performing art and mind power development. The class is held at paikpara, kolkata. This is a one day course.
Learn crystalline reiki – certificate course in kolkata
Pratanu Banerjee offers guidance in crystalline reiki. This is a certificate course at institute of performing art and mind power development. The class is held at paikpara opposite to ujjan computer.
 Learn DNA reiki from institute of performing art and mind power development in kolkata
Pratanu Banerjee offers guidance in DNA reiki. This is a certificate course at institute of performing art and mind power development. The class is held at paikpara opposite to ujjan computer.
Learn Past Life Reiki from Reiki grandmaster pratanu banerjee in kolkata
Pratanu Banerjee offers certificate course in Past Life reiki. This is a certificate course at institute of performing art and mind power development. The class is held at paikpara opposite to ujjan computer.
Do you lack the courage and strength? Get guidance with Angel Reiki
Pratanu Banerjee shares the tips and tricks of improving your courage and strength of mind. At institute of performing art and mind power development, you will be given training in Angel Reiki  by reiki grandmaster pratanu banerjee. This is a certificate course.
Do you have impossible deadlines in profession? Get assistance with Angel Reiki
Pratanu Banerjee assists in reaching the impossible deadlines using Angel Reiki. The class is held at paikpara opposite ujjan computer. The center name is institute of performing art and mind power development. The reiki grandmaster pratanu banerjee will offer remarkable guidance using angel reiki.
Do you need an interpretation of your dream? Get guidance from Angel Reiki expert in kolkata
Pratanu Banerjee is an experienced Angel reiki practitioner in kolkata. He will provide an interpretation of your dream. Angel reiki is a certificate course at institute of performing art and mind power development. The class is held at paikpara, opposite to ujjan computer.
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