pracstyles · 3 months
I am sad
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pracstyles · 1 year
Love is only for the brave
Imagine: After the irrelevant chaos held by Candace Owens of him wearing the dress, Y/N helps him and proves that you have to be brave for each other when you are in love.
A/N - It's an old topic to discuss about. The whole thing is outdated now to talk about but I wrote this months ago but never finished it. Also, even if the whole Candace Owens thing is not there, the toxic masculinity and misinterpretation on feminism is still there which I would like to highlight in this imagine. Hope you enjoy!
Warning - lots of crying, hate and toxic comments, insecure!harry
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The door clicks after her as she enters the apartment, her one hand carrying the entire bag of papers, a pile full of script she decided to bring back home to read, too lazy to do it on the set. Other than that, she was missing her boyfriend. The moment her watch showed nine o'clock, indicating she was done with her day at the set, she had rushed out of the set they've been working on.
The third reason being that she quite remember arguing with Harry about the positions she always wants to have sex in. While she wants to do it, Harry is somewhat reluctant about her getting hurt. So, during her lunch break, she'd make sure to question every query through the internet. Luckily enough, there were several opinions about it and she found out the conclusion.
“Baby, I am home!” She shouts happily through the exhaustion. A glimmer of smirk comes on the side of her lip as she shouts again in an amusing tone. “With answers!”
In other, usual days, Harry Styles would never dare to keep quiet when he hears his girl’s voice. Today, Y/N feels something wrong.
The whole place is cascading with silence. For a second she thinks he has gone out. The thought instantly worries her as to why hasn't he texted earlier to tell her that he would be gone out late. She hastily put her bags on the side table beside the entrance and walks in, her eyebrows furrowed together. Where is he?
Passing the hallway attaching the living area and their shared bedroom, she reaches in front of the door, almost lifting her hand to twist the knob when her ears pick on a wet throaty sob, followed by another sound of cry.
No doubt, the other side of the door is Harry. She even can feel the pain in his cry, he’s hurt, badly. She senses outrage as her mind dampens with anxiety not knowing who dares to distress him. The last time she had heard this much pain through his voice was when his stepdad passed away. That time she was in no place to blame anyone and prefer to give Harry every amount of care. But now, the thought of him undergoing the same squirms resentment inside her.
She didn't waste any time to open the door, the only barrier coming between them. Her heart almost tugs into half seeing the love of her life, sitting on the carpet near the bed, his head hidden between his palms. He let out another cry and then silences himself with quiet sniffles.
“H.” His uptight shoulders loosen instantly when he hears her voice.
His arms fall down that was initially wrapped around his body protectively and he automatically speaks. "They are talking stuff about me." Harry murmurs.
"Baby, what are you talking about?" Y/N sits down beside her boyfriend who sniffles, shaking his head while looking down at his lap. She bits her lips clearly not okay how shaky he looks. "Harry, tell me what stuff?"
Harry breathes and stifling a sob he spills. "They didn't like the dress that I wore."
Normally she is the one crying over everything and nothing, every crisis that ever happened to her, Harry's arms always had found her body to wrap, to soak in every sadness from her but now she is the one required to give comfort. Shuffling herself more closer to him, Y/N reaches for him and strokes her thumb on his tear-stained cheek. "You went online?"
With a nod, Harry responds to her. He feels guilty. He was strictly told not to go on social media the moment the photo shoot would be out for the world held by vogue. His manager, PR team, and even his mom asked him to keep his distance as the shoot was controversial enough to affect his career. So, Y/N made him stay away from all the comments being passed for a week. Until she chose to go to work this morning compelling Harry to check Twitter.
Seems like all hell broke loose after that.
"Oh, Harry." Y/N sighs, slumping her shoulders. Harry lays his head swiftly on her shoulder as her fingers started combing his soft curls. They both stay cuddled into each other arms, sitting on the floor of their bedroom.
"There is this woman." Harry begins slowly. "Candace Owens. She criticized the shit out of me." He chuckles softly.
Holding him, she pulls him apart to focus her eyes on him. "Who is she?"
"I don't know much about her but got to know she is an author and activist."
"That's why I told you not to open those apps for few days, didn't I?"
"Curiosity got the best of me, I guess." He whispers. Rubbing his cheeks with the back of his palms, he glances at her taking a long breath. "What should I do?"
"Have you talked to Jeff about this?"
"He said to ignore these comments."
Licking her lips, she asks, tilting her head in familiarity. "Well, can you ignore them?"
Harry's eyes again teared up. "I think I can't."
"Show me," Y/N says. Kissing his forehead, she smiles sadly at him. "If you can't ignore then share it with me. Show me what she had said."
He nods at her words. He feels fortunate to have her. With a lot going on, he always knows he will have Y/N along to support him. At last, she is one of his biggest supporters.
Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he hesitantly passes it to his girlfriend who gives him a reassuring glance before unlocking his phone to see the first thing that pops on the screen; the twitter statement made by Candice Owens. Harry must have put down the phone after reading this, feeling low enough which made him cry.
"There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack."
"Clothes don't define how strong a man is. Clothes simply shouldn't define your gender." While she is nodding reading the words, she scrolls down to see the opposite.
"It screams gay to me. What is happening to this world? Men trying to be women? Go out and work. Leave this to women."
It is then when one reply catches her attention. It says. "Wait so Y/N let her boyfriend wears the gown and had no problem with it? Dude, she ain't getting it on the bed then."
Following comments are either of people supporting Harry or standing Candice's statement about how he has influenced the wrong description of masculinity. Disgust crawls upon her, watching the audacity of this woman not only circulating false reality but changing the whole meaning of feminism and masculinity.
"Ugh! What the fuck?" Y/N finally groans, looking up after skimming through the replies under the tweet. Harry sure had predicted an outburst, a hug to comfort but not her walking on him. He stares as she tosses his phone on the bed angrily and dashes out of the room. He doesn't move though, thinking Y/N has left him.
While Harry thinks worst out of the situation, Y/N is fuming. She is seeing red. Digging her phone from her bag, she calls her manager instantly.
"I am posting about Harry on my social media." It isn't her telling the manager but instead making her statement clear.
"Didn't you two determined to keep your relationship private?" Her manager's voice comes in an alerting tone.
"Not after what people is saying about Harry online."
Of course, her manager knows it. Hell, everyone working in the movie with Y/N is dreading to ask her how she feels about her boyfriend wearing a dress but they decided on the contrary.
"Be careful, Y/N. You know you shouldn't be getting into any feud when we are so close to finishing the movie. It can damage the ratings once it get released." Her manager sighs on the other side. "I'm just saying you have to be careful with your words. Protect your boyfriend but don't forget about your reputation."
"I will try to be as polite as I can. Good night." With the last farewell words, Y/N's mind knows what to do next. It has to be done. Not for Harry but to clear the stigma.
The next morning, Harry wakes up with red swollen eyes, hair scrambled with knots, and throat aching from the crying the previous night. But the other thing that comes to his attention is him resting on the bed when he clearly remembers falling asleep on the floor.
That means only one thing. Y/N had helped him to bed. That means one more thing. She is still here. His heart is beating fast. He is unsure whether she now thinks of him as a joke like others.
Taking a deep breath, he walks over to the bathroom and decided to clean himself up good to face the consequences. He's afraid to do so but as long he wishes Y/N to be his side, he can handle anything. He relatively recalls the day, when he came home to her, a contract in one hand telling her about how he got into a Vogue photoshoot. According to him, this was something big for not only him but for the world to face as he would be dressing up in a gown. Not to forgot he was terrified of her reaction too, of what she'd think. His face went priceless when she smiled at him, later dedicating the whole night for the big opportunity landed on him.
"You don't think of me as some mad man wearing dress at all?" Was his trembling words when she had stepped in the kitchen with wine glasses.
"You're only a mad man in bed, baby. In a positive way, of course." Was her answer with a shrug and a proud smile.
So, how can he think of her not supporting him now?
Harry carelessly gets out of the shower, rushing to wear his clothes as he wants to check on her. He is convinced Y/N couldn't just stop supporting him.
When he strolls out of the bedroom, he then smells a delicious aroma filling the whole hallway of their apartment. A smile tugs on his lips, surprisingly a cheerful one that had gotten away since the night.
He finally finds her. Swaying her hips, she is mixing something in a pan as she cooks something while dancing to whatever the radio's been playing.
"Y/N." That makes her turn around and Harry sighs in relief seeing his love happy and not what he was imagining earlier.
"Baby, good morning to you too." She grins radiantly at him.
"I am sorry for yesterday." The words came out faster Y/N could blink. She creases her eyebrows together, very confused as to why he is apologizing to her.
"Why are you sorry?"
"For crying like a baby yesterday. You came home tired and then you had to babysit me." Y/N sure felt her chest tightens at his words. Does he thinks she feels obliged to take care of the person she is in love with?
"It wasn't me babysitting you, H. You needed comfort yesterday. You've done the same for me too, right?" When Harry nods, she continued. "None was your fault, Harry. You did something which you felt comfortable doing. If few people don't seem to appreciate this then it's on them."
"You don't think of me as a fool?"
"Why will I think of you as a fool, baby?" Y/N walks near him.
"Me wearing dresses, painting nails, and wearing jewelry...you never thought of it as extra?"
She shakes her head and then looks straight into his eyes. "What do you think of yourself when you wear these things? Normal or extra?" She asks calmly.
"And how long it's been since we are together?"
"Three years." His answer comes out fast.
She sighs, glowing. "Yes, three years. So, why the fuck will I feel your dressing sense extra when I never once complained about it."
Silence quoting in the kitchen, she snickers. He watches her while she chuckles at his dumbfounded reaction, returning to her work. His head starts bobbing in understanding. The words of his girlfriend explored his mind further. If someone close to you gets affected by your real normal self then the person is not your loved one.
His mom always loves him, so does his sister and his friends. Y/N loves him.
He smiles to himself. She truly loves him. She would never leave him alone.
Suddenly his phone rings breaking him out of his thoughts. Seeing how gracefully Y/N dances on the song currently playing on the radio he quickly walks out of the kitchen to attend the call. Turns out that the call is from Jeff.
He quickly picks up, thinking what provoked his manager to call him this early in the morning.
"You know you should marry Y/N right now or I'm fretting someone else will."
"What the fuck, Jeff? What are you talking about?" He questions.
"Just open insta and Twitter to find out, mate." With that Jeff quickly ends the call, leaving Harry to do the task. He sits on the couch, glancing over Y/N who is cooking breakfast for them.
Sighing to him, he gathers enough courage as he doesn't want another episode happening like yesterday night, he taps the Instagram icon.
He is left bewildered, as he stares at the photo. With the same rush of excitement, he quickly exits the app, opening twitter where his face gives the same reaction.
His eyes blink back few happy tears. He makes a run towards Y/N and carefully tugs her body around his arms. She squeals at the immediate weight lift and laughs, throwing her head back.
"Something happened?"
"Yes." He simply replies. Plopping her down, he is quick to taste her lips. He grabs her jaw and pulls her impossibly close enough, relishing her body heat and fragrance.
"Seems like something good happened." She hums, chuckling as she pulls apart.
"You, baby. You happened and it is more than good."
And yes, Jeff's warning of marrying Y/N stays in Harry's mind. He was in rush the next day to find a ring, a perfect fit for his lovie. In their love, she is the brave one and he is glad she is his.
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pracstyles · 1 year
fuck the patriarchy
warning: wrote it in one go so it's not proofread, mention of blood, death.
Imagine : Y/N and Harry love each other but it's nineteenth centaury and their love story is restricted.
based on All Too Well by Taylor Swift (queen). Please note that it doesn't give the same tale which was followed throughout the song. The story is entirely different from what the song depicts.
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While she was his rose, Harry had never once complained about the thorns that came with loving her. It was a heavenly time for both of them. One was a prince, a royalty too costly for anyone to have his time and one was a girl with no identity.
Only he had known, participated in knowing who she was, the real her. For only him, she was Y/N. But for others, she was just a servant.
"Run away with me, love." He said while she combed his brown precious hair with her slightly rough fingers. But softness of peace was all he could feel as she showed her love through each soft of care.
"It's not that easy." She chuckled. Harry got up and crouched in front of her.
"I am not fooling with you. One day I want to see you as my wife, I as your husband."
She gasped, although not a bit perplexed by it. He'd said that many times and she had waved it the same times. Those aspects were that they could only dream of, impossible of even thinking it as real.
"I know you are not joking with me but don't fool your people, Harry. They need you."
"You can't be selfish, y'know." She looked up, meeting her charming yet upset gaze.
"How I am selfish here?"
"Thinking about people whilst you are not thinking of me. What about me? Don't I need you?" He whispered, tugging his body close to her, too close that she climbed on his lap and rested her forehead on his chest. "We both need each other's love."
"How can you love such a girl?" Her question didn't surprised him a bit. He was used to it, her pouring out all her insecurities as he tried to reassure her.
"A girl like you is all I am capable to love. How can I love someone else thinking that you exist."
"You are cheeky, my prince." She mumbled. She lifted her head and kissed his ear making him blush. "Don't you dare take this blush away, alright?"
"This appears because of you. Don't concern as long you are with me, this may go on." He grinned, looking down.
She giggled. Harry had listened to this sound multiple times, each time him being the one to cause it. He joined in, chuckling became few fits of laughs. They both let out their worries, rigidity of the idea of not being together, and every pain they were caused just because of their titles, they let it all out through their innocent laughs.
What they didn't know were the guards secretly watching them as more of them started surrounding the small secret part of the royal garden where the lovers always had lived their moments. It was their place, full of memories of theirs, dreams knitted with love.
The king, father of Harry silently came forward towards the guards.
"Are they here?" He roughly asked. The head guard nodded, bowing to his king.
The angry king looked through the bushes to see them, laughing like fools. He was mad at his son, not just for wasting his time but also fleeing his training time to meet a girl. He could be learning from different books to become a king one day, practicing sword fighting, all that wasted just for a girl with no importance. Lastly, his son was to tie a knot with a woman having status and money and not just a poor girl.
"I am revealing myself. Wait for indication." With that, he strode forwards.
Dry leaves rustled and Harry and Y/N's minds were alerted. Their heads turned to the movement and there he stood, glory and lavishness oozing from him, their ruler.
Y/N expected Harry to shove her away, to deny anything with her, although he didn't. If anything else, he had tightened his grip more closely around her waist as they both stood frantically.
"Father." Harry visibly gulped.
"I've never raised you so that you can misspend your years with this whore. I contemplated my son better than this." He growled.
"Don't call her that!" His son shouted, his green orbs glaring with anguish. Y/N had to put her palm on his arm to calm him down as he was this close to punching his father. No, she didn't want it. She wasn't worthy of it, to make a son fight against his own father.
She knew better than that.
The furious king turned his vision to the girl and glared. "You! How much do you want to leave my son alone?"
"I don't want anything." At her shivered reply, he had laughed cruelly like she was telling a terrible joke.
"Girls like you always have something in their hearts. You wanted him to fulfill it, don't you?"
"No, I love him!" Y/N didn't know why her heart pumped faster and that fearless shout came out from her lips but she continued anyways, ignoring his darkened angered eyes. "We love each other."
"What do you know about love apart from greed, huh?"
"I love her, father!" His son interrupted but his protest was cut short by the king again.
"Guards!" Almost twelve guards huddled around them and Harry tugged his love back, his arms stretching so that he could protect every piece of her.
"Don't you dare touch her!" He pointed at one guard who stepped towards them with nothing but eagerness to seize her.
"Harry if you don't leave her then her punishment would be worse." The king roared mercilessly. For a moment there, the helpless prince decided to accept the fate as he didn't want to slip the chance to get his girl back home safely. Maybe his father would tell her to go back home? At least for today, they might be safe.
"You trust me, right?" Y/N spoke from behind him. He narrowly turned his head back, not knowing what to say, and nodded.
"What — "
A golden pistol designed only for royals was in her hands. Harry realized she'd pulled it out from his waistband. Without any thinking she put the front of the weapon on his head, alarming him as well.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" He whispered, baffled by her action.
"Trust me, please." She looked at his eyes deeply before turning her gaze before them.
"Put your guns down or I'll shoot your prince!" Actuality dawned upon Harry. He was glowing proudly for her internally. The guards suddenly stopped, the safety of their prince coming first to them.
"You've finally showed your true colors, girl." The king laughed at her tactics to save herself. Less of him to know, she was trying to protect both of them.
"I am going to shoot him if you take one step forward!" Warning crept from her mouth and Harry's mind wandered at her again. She was never this kind of a girl. She was loving, caring but now this side of her was the things he was yet to discover and he was sure that he has a lifetime to experience more of her, day by day.
"Put the gun down." The king focused his finger at her, veins popping at his forehead.
Y/N knew she had to do it. For their betterment, she had to. So, she did it. Raising the point of the gun a little up, she fired the first bullet in the air but it was enough for guards to throw their weapons on the ground.
"We will going to walk out from here and if any of you will come after us, I'm going to shoot him for real."
Everyone nodded. Even the king looked less scary to her when Harry and her started moving back and slowly they were walking out of the garden, the gun still pointed to his head.
"You are wonderful, my love, you know that?" Harry chuckled as they passed the gates of the garden and finally almost ran towards the backside of the castle. The backside was uninhabited, grasses covering all the land that was in the vision till it reached the deep forest.
"Never was before you came, H." She smugly muttered. She looked around to see no one. "Now what?"
"We are running from here first of all." His voice was stained with seriousness. "I can't be living with my family if they can't accept you."
"Harry, are you sure?" She softly asked. She had her parents in the village. She thought of them and she knew he was thinking the same.
"We can run to the village and tell your parents everything. Then we all can leave this kingdom for good." He planned. "They won't be coming to the village to find us. They will search the boundaries first and it's enough time for us to tell your parents and make a run out of here."
She nodded, wiping unleashed tears from her cheeks. There was no time to cry, not that time. They had their own war to fight.
Both, hands tied together made a run in the direction of the village instead of going to the forest first. They passed yards of wild grass, trying to reach there in secret. If they'd use the common path, they were most definitely would get caught.
Soon, they could see the small huts, energetic voices of villagers from a mile. Their heartbeats thumped faster as they took steps forwards together. Everything was going to be alright to them until he saw it. It was too late.
A sharp bullet pierced through Y/N's stomach and she shrieked in pain. Blood sprinkled out like a fountain, instead this time, the fountain of red was showing pain and not joy or happiness.
Harry quickly took her on his lap as her blood flew out of the wound. "Y/N, love." He whimpered, his tears streamed down, mixing with her blood that had seconds ago was splattered on his face as well. He touched her like she was some doll and he was scared that he'd break her even with a touch.
"You are not dying. You can't, please. I need you." He sobbed, looking down at her face. She smiled wearily at him. "Don't you dare give me that smile. It's not the end. Remember you promise to watch me die when we get old and not the opposite."
"Harry, get here. I've shot the bullet for a reason." His father's voice came and he looked up from his love. His eyes were blaring fire to him. He gazed as the villagers showed up, leaving their work at the farm. They were alarmed to see their king, prince, high-level guards around the village but their eyes didn't fail to see a girl, laying on the prince's lap. all bloodied.
Harry ignored his father's yells for him. He looked down again, breathing heavily as he felt her breathing slower and slower.
"Don't die. I beg you. You are powerful than this, Y/N. Please."
"Once you said to me." She unhurriedly said, her attempt to speak as she fought with her end. "You said that one day you will change all this. Change the rules, change the life of every girl so that they could live their dreams without any fears. Said you will fuck the patriarchy."
He chuckled throatily, tears gushing down his face. He did not move to wipe them. He nodded because at that time all he thought was to nod. He felt helpless, incapable to give her protection.
"Do it for me, Harry. Please. Change the world when I am gone."
"You are not leaving me. You hear me!" He said aggressively. He looked up and everything went into slow motion as he picked the gun from beside him and pulled the trigger on his father.
Bullet went through his father’s heart. Harry made no attempt neither showed any emotions. He was dead in a second.
Turning his attention back, he watched as her breathing became shallow. She had fought from the death and now she had lost.
"We will change it together. I am not fighting this world without you."
That minute, the fourth bullet from the same pistol had punctured the prince's head as he fell down, his body knocked down backward with a thud.
With a little life on Y/N's body she managed to push herself beside him and they came face to face, shoulder to shoulder as equal. That where they belonged.
A moment fitting a whole of possible future of theirs rushed through their minds at the same time, as they both looked at each other's eyes, slowly life slipping away.
"I love you, Y/N L/N."
"I love you, Harry Styles."
And it was the end, their bodies stopped. The death took them but it was all well as they've gone together and not separately.
For them, it was all too well.
Like and reblog? 🥺
Took me one hour and repetition of all too well as I wrote each word of this blurb 😭 too tired and it is 4:00 in the morning. I should get some sleep. 🥴 thanks for reading!
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pracstyles · 2 years
Hey guys. I know most of you must have forgotten me and this account. It's almost been a year since i posted anything i think. I'm deeply sorry about that. I apologise for the lack of writings, and to see that you guys have been waiting for my work or sequels to some of my works got me feeling fucking emotional.
Last year was so overwhelming for me. I finished my school, got myself into college, made friends, broke up two times with two different guys and then when 2023 began, I patched up with my first ex thinking to give him a second chance.
I spent 14 years of school at a girls school. So when I got into college and saw guys in it, I had no experience to start conversation. I made two guy friends. Fell in love with one but sometimes it's better to have your love one sided. You wouldn't get hurt right? You wouldn't fear rejection. So through a week of relationship with my ex, I didn't know whom I should love. I felt like a criminal. I was dating someone who I love but never was in love with.
So I broke up with him before he could give his heart to me. I couldn't do this to him. He doesn't deserve it.
Then when I thought life couldn't get more confusing, I got diagnosed with the same brain disease that I went through before COVID. Now, being surrounded with medicines, daily checkups and no one to talk to, my life has turned into a turmoil.
Today after a long time when I opened this app, notifications hit me. People have been messaging me, asking for any updates.
I want to update that I am not okay. I am not happy. You think I am showing tantrums and it might not be this hard then you must be right. I have heard and seen people going through the worst. But when suicide entered my mind, I think nothing can get worse than that.
I am writing this because I know if you guys were to judge me then I won't mind. You don't know me, I don't know you. Deep inside my heart I made this account to vent out my feelings through my writing anonymously.
I think I will write more from now on. Thank you if you have read till here. You are a good person.
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pracstyles · 2 years
this picture makes me soooo proud 😭😭😭
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my heart
78 notes · View notes
pracstyles · 2 years
This is so cute 🥺🥺
im in love with this
477 notes · View notes
pracstyles · 2 years
Smoke crumble volcano
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41K notes · View notes
pracstyles · 2 years
Come get this dick-fil-a
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pracstyles · 2 years
Is it just me or does anyone else's Spotify is showing the lyrics “side book” instead of “side boob” in the song Keep Driving?
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pracstyles · 2 years
You can do a story based on Harry's house. Like every song has a story or something. IDK just a suggestion. WELCOME BACK GIRL
You know what? That's a great idea. Let's do it! Gonna update y'all for that soon ;)
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13 notes · View notes
pracstyles · 2 years
are you like officially back? Will you be posting regularly from now on?? missed your angst imagines
I can't say i am officially back but yeah i am active nowadays. Though i won't be posting writings or imagines until June. And might be working on more angst stuff. 👀
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pracstyles · 2 years
Part 2 to ever heard of abortion pleaseee
Hmmm i want a good end. Like I've written part 2 and part 3 but each parts need to be revised and part 3 needs a good end. But i am writing again from June onwards so let's see. It will come soon i guess. 💕💕
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pracstyles · 2 years
Hang on a second
Are you Indian?!?
Yes yes. 😩😩
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pracstyles · 2 years
most of your links are not working.
I just logged in tumblr so i'll see what's the problem. Thank you for informing me, love. 💕
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pracstyles · 2 years
Dear 11th syllabus
I'm sorry I ignored you
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pracstyles · 2 years
I wore a saree for the first time yesterday. Never felt sanskaari and sexy at the same time 😩💗
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pracstyles · 3 years
I threw up twice and shaking rn. This is what cbse is doing to us. Shame.
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