🥂 Business Success Potion 🥂
a potion to aid a person in success with business
🥂 gathered: sugar, apple juice, champagne, a leaf of mint, a cork, yellow candle, sign of jupiter.
🥂 carve the candle with the sign of jupiter, light candle
🥂 mix apple juice and champagne in prefered amounts.
🥂 burn the mint in the candle.
🥂 waft the cork through the smoke, then place it in the drink.
🥂 rim glass with sugar, and drink.
#Reblog#Gifs#Potions#Success#Money#Finances#Business#Consumable Potions#Alcoholic Potions#Money Spells#Prosperity#Wealth
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Potion of soft, glowing hair

Apple cider vinegar
Horsetail (plant)
One glass jar
It's best if you can pick all of the herbs fresh. I'm lucky enough to live in an area where just a short walk around my neighborhood provided me with all of the herbs I needed, fresh & wild.
Combine the herbs in a glass jar (I found this one at Dollar Tree) then fill the jar to the top with the apple cider vinegar. Let the potion sit in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Keep refrigerated after each use.
Once ready, take a large bowl (I recommend repurposing a plastic container or using something that won't shatter if you accidentally drop it because you'll be taking it in the shower with you. I'm a dumbass so I just use a glass bowl, but don't be like me)
Pour roughly 1 tsp for every 6 inches of hair that you have into the bowl. Fill the rest with shower water.
Wash your hair as usual.
Towel dry your hair (hack: hang a towel over the shower door or rod so you dont actually have to get out of the shower to do this. Just squeeze the excess water out of your hair)
Dip the ends of your hair into the potion and let sit for at least 30 seconds. Carefully pour the rest of the water over the top of your hair. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. It fucking hurts.
You can rinse your hair out with water, or leave it at that and you're finished!
Your hair will smell like vinegar while it's wet, but once dry the smell goes away :)
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Tea Correspondences
White, green, oolong, and black tea all come from the same plant (camellia sinensis) but are separated by how oxidized they are.
A lot of ‘tea correspondence’ lists make associations based on the *color* of the tea, rather than by the oxidation cycle. Correspondences are quite personal, of course, but as somewhat who quite likes tea I think there can be deeper meaning beyond the color. I associate the four types of teas and other four step cycles: ages, time of day, elements, seasons. I’ve also included the health benefits of each type of tea. Green Tea: Childhood • Morning • Earth • Spring. All tea starts out green. Green tea is not oxidized. Nature, health and growth. Interferes with the growth of cancers; prevents clogging of the arteries, burn fat, counteracts oxidative stress on the brain, reduces risk of neurological disorders, reduces risk of stroke, and improves cholesterol levels.
White Tea: Youth • Afternoon • Air • Summer. White tea is 1-10% oxidized. Cleanliness, purity and simplicity. The most potent anticancer properties compared to more processed teas. Good for skin.
Oolong Tea: Maturity • Evening • Water • Autumn. Oolong tea is 10-85% oxidized. Stability, balance, and variety. Lowers cholesterol levels.
Black Tea: Old Age • Night • Fire • Winter. Red tea (known as black tea in the west) is 100% oxidized. Rationality, formality, and energy. Protects lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, reduces the risk of stroke.
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🌼 Little chamomile milk tea potion 🌼

I made this to relax before bed and bring in sweet dreams and happiness the next day. This is good after a stressful day or when you want a good nights sleep.
What you need
-3 chamomile tea bags - relaxing, peace, happiness
-water (I used normal water but you can use rain or moon water for more of an effect)
-honey - to sweeten your dreams
-cinnamon - to bring happiness into the next day and to remind you that the sun always rises the next day
I. Fill a mug ¼ full of water and pour it into a pot. Put the chamomile tea bags in and simmer the pot to let them seep
II. Let the tea get really strong. Maybe simmer it for about 10 minutes
III. Fill the mug about ¾ full of milk and pour it into the tea. Make sure to leave the tea bags in.
IV. Add in honey and stir until devolved. Once your milk tea is warm, pour it into the mug and sprinkle cinnamon one top
V. Hold the mug in your hand and change it with calm and happy energy
I hope you enjoy this delicious milk tea! Have a wonderful day 🌼
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Different Types of Potions and Herbal Remedies

Thank you for the suggestions on how to decorate the pages, I will try and add more to the pages and may even redo them in the future
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Lavender Lemonade
Nothing beats the summer heat like a tall glass of ice cold Lavender Lemonade! Not only will you love the refreshingly delicious taste it has to offer, but you may find yourself more relaxed since the mere scent of lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety. In addition, the odor from essential oils that are released from lavender blossoms may provide migraine and insomnia relief.
1/4 cup Dried Lavender Flowers
2 cups Boiling Water
1 cup Honey
1 tray Ice Cubes
1 cup Lemon Juice
5+ cups Filtered Water
Put the dried lavender flowers into a bowl and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it.
Add the honey and then allow it to steep for about 15-20 minutes.
Strain out the lavender flowers.
Add ice cubes to a 2-quart pitcher.
Pour the honey and lavender mixture into the pitcher.
Add the lemon juice and top it off with cold filtered water.
Stir and enjoy!
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Hot Chocolate Money Potion!
My Grimoire Prints | My Instagram
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My personal recipe for sun tea! A perfect way to lift up your spirits during the cold winter months. To make sun water, just leave some fresh spring water out in your garden or windowsill during the day to bask in the sun’s rays!
My Grimoire Pages | My Instagram
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Illness protection potion!
My Grimoire Pages | My Instagram | My Blog
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Effects of Libations in the Garden
Halfway through writing a libations post, I realised no-one talks about the effects of libations on plants and gardens. Let’s cover the most common:
Yes. Totally fine, however you CAN drown a plant, especially indoor plants that typically don’t lose as much water through evaporation.
No. Bad. Vegetable oils such as olive, sunflower, corn, etc in SMALL, irregular amounts are possible to compost at correct temperatures. Any kind of oil buildup can suffocate the soil and any plants nearby by creating a water resistant environment. On the plus side, pouring oil on weeds will kill them. Also don’t pour oil down the drain!!
Yes? Okay-ish. Diluted honey in water can be used as a fertiliser on plants that are not growing properly. Any sugar in small amounts can be a growth stimulant in the garden, but too much will kill.
No. Ethanol (grain alcohol) at small percentages suppresses plant growth, and larger amounts kills plants. The sugar levels in wine and beer stimulates fungal and bacterial growth and will kill plants.
So if you’re looking for the correct place to pour out your libations, any plant you care about would rather not be the recipient. Although coffee increases soil acidity, and some plants love that …
Ancient Greeks poured their libations directly into their hearth or on the floor. Some were poured over statues and altars, like the blood from animal sacrifices.
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Quick Vitality Potion:
1 Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Sugar (or substitute!)
Mix it all together and... lemonade! vitality potion!
#Potions#Consumable Potions#Kitchen Witchcraft#Eclectic Witchcraft#Food Magic#Vitality Potion#Lemonade#potionsblog posts
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Wassail Punch
Yule is the celebration of hope, returning light and life. At the Winter Solstice, we acknowledge that the darkness is defeated by the light once more and that the days will grow longer each day from here. Wassail (pronounced “waes hael”) is traditionally prepared and shared around Yule as a means invoke the sun, and bring us cheer as we face winter’s cold darkness.
The earliest versions of Wassail was a warmed mead into which roasted crab apples were dropped and burst. This drink was called ‘lambswool’ and was drunk on Lammas day. Later, the drink evolved to become a mulled cider made with sugar, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg, topped with slices of toast as sops and drunk from a large communal bowl called the ‘wassailing bowl’.
Many of our best known “holiday” spices (cinnamon, orange, nutmeg, ginger, allspice) all have solar and fire associations. Drinks such as Wassail, not only heat you up physically but also bring you into resonance with the newly returning solar energies of the Winter Solstice.
This recipe can be prepared in either a crockpot (lowest setting) or in a stockpot on the stovetop (med-low heat).

2 quarts apple cider
2 cups orange or cranberry juice
2 cups spiced rum
1 tablespoon allspice
2 cinnamon sticks, crushed
1 small orange, sliced into 4-5 rings
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional)
1 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
Honey (optional)
Turn your heat source on high and pour in the juices. Stir in allspice, then add the cinnamon sticks (We crushed them with a rolling pin). Slice the orange into rings and stud the peel with the whole cloves.

Cover the pot cook on high for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Turn heat to low and allow to simmer for 3 more hours or until the liquid starts to foam. The orange slices and cinnamon will have settled to the bottom. Sweeten with honey to taste. Add rum 5-10 mins before serving. Serve warm.

Tip: For a bubbly Yule party punch, try substituting champagne for the rum! Ginger ale is also a great non-alcoholic alternative.
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PSA: Magic Waters
We all love our various waters. Essence of pure magic, they are. But you know what isn’t magical? Bacteria. Especially not when you’re ingesting them.
So if you plan to drink your waters, be it straight or as the base of a potion, a few tips for you:
Glass Only
Plastic doesn’t cut it, not even for a day or 2. Plastic is porous, meaning bacteria can hide in it, and the chemicals leech into the water. Glass is the only way to go. All the cool kids use glass, man.
Refrigerate It
Water kept in a glass container will still grow bacteria if kept in a warm area under light. We all love our witchy cabinets (isn’t that shelf of magical ingredients just, so, well, magical?) but when it comes to magical water, the fridge is your best friend.
6 Months Tops
Even under PERFECT conditions, bottled tap water keeps for about 6 months at most. As for other waters…
Unless you think parasitic worms are really magical, don’t drink water you’ve collected. Pond water is the most potentially dangerous, but even water from a stream or river has the potential to make you very ill.
… Rainwater?
Rainwater may get a pass, as long as you collect it straight from the sky and not, say, from a gutter or from the lip of your porch. Chemicals and such from heavily congested cities might be a problem here but country rain is most likely okay. I’d still probably boil it, personally.
There you have it, my friends. Magic is great but without common sense it can be dangerous. Just use yours!
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How do you make moon water and sugar???
Typically, you place the water in a clear bottle or an uncovered bowl and sit it in direct moonlight for a night (or how ever many nights you please)
Same with sugar: put it in a bowl/bottle and set it under the moonlight.
(Or that’s how I make mine!)
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Every Day Kitchen Witchery: #1 - Lavender Tea
For: Calm, Relaxation, Passion, Purity, and Clarity
One of the reasons I love tea is that it ties together the practice of kitchen witchcraft and herbalism. Mix together your needed ingredients, preferably ones that will taste great together, and you have a makeshift potion customized by you.
This was chosen for the amazing and calming properties of lavender. Lavender is known to calm and relax, as well as to open us up to love and passion, and has been shown to help aide those with depression. For this little tonic you can also add rosebuds (like I have) to help with mental clarity and boost the strength of your inner eye. I like to drink a cup of this before a tarot reading or using my pendulum.
I think a tea ritual every day, however small, is an excellent way to treat yourself and maintain calm and balance.
To brew I use a teaspoon and a half per eight ounces and water just before the boil. While it steeps I sit and stare into the changing water, like a reflection pool, reflecting on the day and how I can take action to make it smooth. I fill it full of positivity and when it is done brewing and I throw away the leaves or compost them, saying a mental thanks for their gift, throwing away negative thought with them.
After that I add a little honey, always stirring clockwise and enjoy!
I’d love to hear any criticisms or comments on how I can make these weekly entries awesome. Tea pictured: Lavender Dreams by Teavana, photo by me. Concept help by: @spooookyspice.
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good luck smoothie potion
1 cup chopped orange
1 cup chopped pineapple
1 cup chopped strawberries
½ cup of plain or vanilla yogurt
½ cup of milk
1 cup ice
sugar or honey to taste
add ingredients to blender
blend until consistency is smooth
add to cup and use a straw or spoon to mix the smoothie clockwise for luck
drink to feel its effects!
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