Need money for groceries/rent.
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Hello tumblr friends! Who here is suffering due to the current UK cost of living crisis? Because I definitely am! I have a few weeks to rack up around £1000 to make enough money to pay my portion of the rent and groceries.
I am long-term unemployed due to serious mental health issues that have made holding down a job extremely difficult. I've pretty much been surviving on what little benefits I can claim.
Unfortunately due to an unforseen vet visit I'm now seriously in the red. It was basically a choice between making sure my dog is alright and food. I chose my dog.
Literally even pennies will help at this point.
Please reblog.
Currently: 75/1000
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Need £150 for rent after Oven Broke.
Last week my oven which had been on the fritz for a while finally gave up the ghost. Buying a new one basically decimated by finances and left me without what I need for rent.
I need £150 by next Friday (10/8) and any help would be extremely appreciated.
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It's happend again...
I know that it hasn't even been that long since my last post like this... but I've once again found myself in money trouble.
Unfortunately my job has cut down my hours significantly which means the money coming in isn't really sufficient to pay for anything and I'm in still in the process of looking for a new one.
Which is how this situation came up...
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I hate that I'm doing this so soon after the last one... it's honestly embarrassing to need help like this.
But I really could use some help.
Thank you for your time.
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It's happend again...
I know that it hasn't even been that long since my last post like this... but I've once again found myself in money trouble.
Unfortunately my job has cut down my hours significantly which means the money coming in isn't really sufficient to pay for anything and I'm in still in the process of looking for a new one.
Which is how this situation came up...
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I hate that I'm doing this so soon after the last one... it's honestly embarrassing to need help like this.
But I really could use some help.
Thank you for your time.
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Does a picture of me count as an update? ;-: The biggest potato!
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Selfie because I’m dumb (also I have like 11 followers so no consequences!)
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Call the Midwife Questionnaire
Could anybody who’s seen the show do this questionnaire?https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1l32_Vol448AOuHLpNOo-9YsfayzferRAo7sAc-dm-BI/viewform?c=0&w=1
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He’s kinda deformed but… well  butt 
Mortem sure likes that butt xDD
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Greetings! some poop I drew so I'll  put it here with the rest of the poop I drew.
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Thing I did in Media
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Cute boys should be illegal
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Idk what this is xD
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Happy New Year everyone!! have a lovely 2015
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Unleash the Coolrus
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Quick little Walrus I drew xD
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Just noticed that some of the trunks look like balls... WHOOPS
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Here’s my first go at drawing something like this
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Here's my first go at drawing something like this
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