posssnds · 7 years
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Give Yourself the Gift of Good Oral Health
Holidays are approaching fast and your calendar is packed. Though you don’t have a whole lot of free time this time of year, it’s important to take some time to think about your teeth. If you have dental insurance, odds are you have unused benefits about to expire in the next few weeks. Here are a few reasons to use up those benefits to give yourself a gift you can enjoy all year long.
It’s Your Money, Use It
Most dental plans run on a calendar year, meaning that all of your benefits reset when the calendar year does. Most plans cost $50 per month or more. This means that, over the course of the year, you’ve paid $600 or more for dental insurance that will just go into the insurance company’s pocket if you don’t use up your benefits. Be sure you know what your plan covers and how much. Most plans distinguish between routine care, including checkups, cleanings, and fillings, and more complicated care, such as root canals and implants. Some plans may treat coverage a little bit differently depending on what type of work you are having done. Be sure you know what your plan covers. If you don’t know whether you have unused benefits or need to know more about your dental plan, your dentist’s office can help you find out.
Get in Before Your Deductible Resets
Your deductible is the amount you must pay before your dental plan kicks in. Most plans have a deductible of about $50 or so. If you’ve seen the dentist this year, you’ve probably already met your deductible. If you wait to see your dentist until after your benefit resets, you’ll have to pay the deductible again.
Annual Maximum
Dental insurance plans have a maximum amount they will pay out each year. The amount varies, but is usually only about $1,000 per person, per year. This amount resets every year, usually on January 1, but check your policy to be sure. Any amount left unused at the end of the year is gone, so be sure to use it up while you can. If you need more work than your plan will cover, consider getting started now to use up your benefits, and scheduling a follow up appointment after the first of the year to finish up, when next year’s benefits are available.
Keep Problems from Getting Worse
Along with proper daily brushing and flossing, going to see your dentist twice a year can help prevent problems before they arise. If you do have a problem, these regular checkups can detect them while they are still small and easy to fix. The longer you wait, the more expensive, and painful, they will get. Finding a cavity now may mean the difference between a simple filling and a much more expensive root canal or extraction.
Don’t Forget the Family
The only thing worse than a kid (or a spouse) with a toothache during the holidays is trying to get an emergency appointment with your dentist. It can be difficult to get an appointment during the holidays, and even harder to get an emergency appointment. If your family is due for checkups and cleanings, talk to your dentist’s office about making appointments for the whole family on the same day. You could even make a holiday treat out of the deal and take the family out to lunch, dinner, or a movie afterward.
If it’s been more than six months since your last dental visit, what are you waiting for? Call now to arrange an appointment with your pain free dentist at Westside Dentistry on 07 3278 0580. You’ll be glad you did.
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posssnds · 7 years
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Common Contact Sports Injuries and the Role of a Chiropractor
Sport is fun, exciting and relaxing. Some play it as they have a passion for a specific sport and some earn a livelihood out of it. Whether you are playing it for fun or as a professional athlete, all types of sports involve a certain amount of risk of injury. This is more in the full-contact sports such as rugby, ice hockey, soccer, American football etc. Thus, it is best to take the required amount of protection while playing full-contact sports. Your Perth chiropractor, who is a professional health expert can advice you on what types of protective gears you can use to protect yourself while playing the games.
Here Are the Common Sports Injury You Should Have an Idea About
o   Strains and Sprains: Torn muscle or strain is the chronic or acute injury of the soft tissue, which occurs to tendon, muscle or both. There are three degrees of strain. The first degree involves mild tenderness and little tearing of tissue along with pain and complete motion. The second degree involves torn muscle with pain and limited motion.  The third degree is the most severe form of injury with no movement and severe pain.The hamstring or the back is the common places for the strain to occur. Sprains occur due to stretched or torn ligaments.
o   Shin Splits: Runners experience shin splits,which is characterized by pain along the tibia or shin bone. Shin splits may also occur for wearing unsupportive footwear and a Perth chiropractor can advice you on the right kind of footwear to protect yourself from this type of injury during sports.
o   Dislocations: High-impact sports cause dislocations or the separation of bones forming a joint.A dislocated joint is painful and the treatment is to wear a sling for putting the dislocated joint back into its original position. Rehabilitation is the therapy for a   dislocated shoulder. It helps in restoring the movement and strength to the shoulder joint.
o   Fractures: The bone of an athlete’s body may break either due to repeated stress or by the one-time impact. The one-time fracture needs emergency treatment and is an acute one, whereas repetitive impact brings about a stress fracture.
What Protective Measures to Take for Playing Contact Sports?
o   Muscle Strengthening Exercise: Do the conditioning exercises during the sports practice for strengthening your muscles so that it can withstand a blow or impact during sports. Your Perth chiropractor can help you by suggesting a routine workout for increasing the endurance of your muscles.
o   Exercise to Increase Flexibility: Exercises such as stretching after or before games or incorporated into a daily fitness regime can help.
o   Hire the Services of a Competent Coach: It is essential to seek professional training from a certified, experienced and adept coach. They use the proper techniques to help develop your muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility for preventing injury.
o   Take Adequate Breaks: It is essential to rest between games and practice,to prevent the heat illnesses and reduce injuries.
What is the Role of a Chiropractor in Treating Contact Sports-Related Injuries?
A chiropractor is healthcare professional who can alleviate swelling and pain and can optimize the performance of athletes. You can check with your Perth chiropractor for improving your athletic performance through muscle warm-up exercises. The chiropractors use an array of therapies such as sports massages, heat therapy, spinal mobilization, hydro-massages, icing, electrical stimulation, spinal manipulation etc.
Your Perth chiropractor can help in lowering the risk of injury and augment your performance as a sports person.
For improving athletic performance or for treating shoulder pain, lower back pain or neck pain call (08) 61508783 in Mount Pleasant or (08) 61508785 in Scarborough and set up an appointment with a proficient chiropractor without delay.
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posssnds · 7 years
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The Role of Good Work Posture in Lowering Musculoskeletal Pain
Suffering from musculoskeletal pain? Wondering what to do about it? This is a major problem that sedentary workers are suffering in the modern era. Apart from trauma, accidental injuries and muscle sprains, overuse of a muscle and postural strain contribute to neck pain, back pain or pain in the leg or arm. It is a good idea to take the medical advice of your Sunbury chiropractor. He is a healthcare professional who makes use of alternative medical treatment to provide relief for musculoskeletal pain.
What is the Relation between Ergonomics and Good Working Posture at Office?
It is seen that working position and a worker’s productivity has an association. Optimal working positions of employees can boost work efficiency many fold times. Thus to augment work productivity the work-related accessories such as a monitor, chair, desk, telephone or the keyboard should be scientifically arranged. In addition to increasing work productivity, workstation ergonomics plays a key role in preventing the development of musculoskeletal problems.
Repetitions, static postures, awkward postures, excessive force, prolonged exertion, contact force or heavy lifting are some of the common workplace-related problems that contribute to the development of musculoskeletal problems. Let’s look at some of the good postures workers should use to improve work efficiency and lower back pain.
The Position of Hands or Arms: Make sure when you are sitting at the desk and working on your computer your arms should be placed insuch a way that it forms a 90° angle at your elbow. Ensure your keyboard is flat on your desk and your wrists or hands are in one straight line and relaxed while you are working. To avoid the development of tendonitis or Carpal Syndrome avoid typing with a bent wrist at an angle.
The Position of Your Back and Legs: To prevent lower back pain or leg pain, make use of a worktable or adjustable chair. The rule is that your work-station and accessories should be adjusted according to your convenience rather than you adjusting to the position of the work-related accessories. While you are sitting on your work chair makes sure your feet are flat on the ground and your legs make an angle of 90°at your knee. In order to achieve this position make use of a footrest. It is advised to use a pillow for the support of your back.
The Position of Your Neck and Eyes: To avoid unnecessary strain on your neck place the computer monitor at the right place. The ideal position is 5 to 8 cm above your eye level while you are in your chair at your workstation. You can take more advice from your Sunbury chiropractor as to what more adjustments you need to make to your workplace so that you are able to work comfortably with the right sitting posture.
What Help to Take from Your Sunbury Chiropractor to Relive Lower back and Neck Pain?
The Sunbury chiropractor has the adequate knowledge and experience in treating musculoskeletal pain with alternative treatment like spinal manipulation or adjustment.
Thus, for getting relief for your back pain, leg pain, arm pain or neck pain call Roxburgh Park (03) 9303 9952 or Sunbury (03) 9746 3977 andfix an appointment with a competent Sunbury chiropractor at your earliest.
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posssnds · 9 years
ADHD Treatment
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posssnds · 9 years
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Like a hole in the head
Headaches can be debilitating, don’t you find? From the slight niggle that causes you to squint your eyes and think of nothing else but the pain that’s beginning to grow inside your skull, to the debilitating and totally mind-numbing pain of a severe headache, causing you to seek total darkness and silence until it has subsided back down. Headaches are a fact of life in general, but they should only be an occasional problem; when headaches begin to be recurrent, action needs to be taken to identify the cause, kick it out, and restore order.
This is where chiropractic comes in.
Identifying the cause and using gentle chiropractic manual treatments could be all it takes to rid you of your headache problems. Of course, it could be your diet or lifestyle that is giving way to ongoing pain, and in that case, identifying the trigger is the ideal first step.
Sometimes additives in food can be a trigger, and in that case we need to find out what it is and cut it out of your diet. In the case of severe migraines, blood tests might be needed to examine levels in your blood; once the cause is revealed, the hard bit is over, and treatment can be begin.
If you find yourself taking tablets regularly for headaches then maybe it’s time to think about why you’re getting them. Overuse of painkillers can lead to more health problems, including liver damage and serious problems arising from there, so save yourself the future issues and take action now.
Like we’re not all the same as people, headaches are equally as different. For example, if you find yourself getting a headache when you’re feeling stressed, then this is a tension headache. If you regularly get headaches which occur sharply and quickly on one side of the head, this could be a cluster headache. If you have a cold, you may find yourself with a sinus headache, and I don’t think I need to tell anyone what a migraine is – if you get them regularly then you’ll know about it!
If you regularly find yourself heading towards the medication cupboard for pain relief when a headache strikes, maybe it’s time to find out why you’re getting them and look towards chiropractic for a gentle and holistic approach to treatment. Once treatment is complete, you could find yourself free of recurrent headaches, and free to live your life without worrying about when the next attack is going to strike.
For an informative and friendly chat about how chiropractic could help you beat your headache hell call Eastland Family Chiropractic now on 03 9095 7990 to arrange an appointment, and see what options we can offer you.
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posssnds · 11 years
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2013 | Aston Martin CC100 | Source
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posssnds · 11 years
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Zebra by Vitalik Dumyn
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