possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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george lucas directed star wars (1977) after only making one studio film but ok kathy
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
do u ever feel like you’ve accidentally tricked certain people into thinking you are smarter and have more potential than you actually do and do you ever think about how disappointed they’ll be when you inevitably crash and burn
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
something we agreed we like about uncle vernon is that despite like, personally suffering at the hands of wizards pretty significantly (dudley’s tail, marge), vernon is like, always ready to fuck with wizards? like he is SO SCARED of them but he’s always ready to fight? please take this moment to imagine uncle vernon meeting voldemort
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
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how hard does this damn tweet go though
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
my 20s aren’t my selfish years. my 20s are my hustle decade. Finish school get money pay back my loans establish myself work hard to create the foundation of a good life so that I can enjoy what’s coming next. Like yes I’d love to backpack across India or something but I’m broke! I have bills! I could quit my job take my meager savings and go on a 2 month trip and then what??? no job no home cause I got kicked out for not paying rent lmao
Enough. Maybe your 20s were the funtime years decades ago but not anymore. Don’t feel like you’re wasting your life bc you’re not hitchhiking in Europe or something. You’re doing fine. You’re doing what you can and that’s all that matters.
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possiblymaybejess · 8 years
I saw an image online and thought how interesting it is that many painting throughout Western art history are called The Conversation or Two People Flirting or The Couple. You’re clearly meant to see this as a pleasant interaction, but the look on the woman’s face is so clearly, “Someone, please, for the love of God, get me out of here. I wish I were dead.” I don’t want to make sweeping generalisations, but I love the idea that basically for 600 years of Western European art, male artists were thinking, ‘That’s the look women always have on their face when you talk to them. That’s not boredom, that’s just their listening face.’
Mallory Ortberg: ‘If men show up that’s great, but we don’t need them’ | Books | The Guardian (via the-eastern)
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
People actually expect me to believe that if you throw a group of only one sex inside a fucking maze with no memories, no social, cultural or religious discourses forced upon them, no outside influences of any kind for years and years with only each other to grow close too, trust, survive with, protect, build with, bond with etc. 
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
I have no idea who Scalia was. Isn’t that the thing that people call themselves when they are furries but with reptiles?
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
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reblog for tubbs like for kylo ren
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
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Textpost Edits: Tenth Doctor edition
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
how i read
a book: oh, only 180 pages left, I'll finish this today
a textbook: another 8 pages left what the fuck this is too much
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possiblymaybejess · 9 years
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