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like i hate how much i still miss you even though i don’t even know who you are anymore
i know i have no right to miss you but i do
if things were different.. they’d be different
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hate that i want you because it will never work but i will hate myself if we don’t at least try
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why is it that i find somebody i really connect with at the wrong time of life. like i’m going along great being by myself and then it’s when there is no possible way that we will ever work that we cross each other’s paths. just unbelievable
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when everything seems to not be going to plan don’t fret life will bring you a better opportunity that will make you happier tha. you ever thought
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it’s moments like these when you really learn to fight back from what’s happened and rise above
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driving is so fucking scary to me literally this machine could turn on you at any point and take your life or take somebody else’s
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Too many people are trying to find the right person instead of being the right person
neckkiss (via neckkiss)
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