positively-ve-blog · 7 years
Dancing fingers
Creating a blog for the umpteenth time and it’s a positive I won’t update it as often as I did back during blogging days.
But oh well, I guess I have grown wiser in writing. No more swear words. LOL. Or not. Let’s see about that. The reason why I created this blog is because I wanna improve my writing and I am trying my best to update about my daily life here. Rumor has it, writing is a form of escapism; one of the way to de-stress. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to update this often. I tried to keep a journal for few times as well but it never worked. 
As a start, let’s talk about what is going on in my life recently but I won’t go into so much details...
God made my dream came true. I was sent out of Brunei to work (job training). Although it is only for a few months, I managed to feel how it feels like to be away from family, to celebrate Ramadhan and Syawal abroad and most importantly, I kinda figured out how the foreigners feel when they have to be away from family just to feed them. Although it is kind of the way around for me. Sorry, dad :( 
Nobody wanna know about this and nobody care but  it has been around 2 years+ I am free from an abusive relationship. It is a lie if I don’t envy seeing other people who is happily in a relationship. It always make me go “Shit, I want one too *shed tears*”  but I am not ready to get my heart broken again. Besides, nobody wants me. Ha ha. To be honest, I dated a Medical Officer back I was in Sabah but we both know we aren’t serious. We stopped texting each other when I was back in Sabah because I just don’t see any point in wasting time for this kind of thing. I mean, I wanna be in a relationship because I wanna grow old with him, not because I wanna fill in the gap. 
I’m no longer working in a 8-5 environment. It’s pretty exhausting sometimes I feel like giving up but it’s totally worth it. If I must be honest, it made me realize how short-tempered I am. Working in customer-service area really taught you how to be patience and how to tolerate BUT I’m still so far way from being patient and tolerant. Sobs. AND OH SURPRISE SURPRISE, one of my colleagues is actually the half brother of someone that I know in the past. He’s quite nice and I enjoy working with him.
I was still studying (part-time) when I got selected for the job that require me to train in Sabah and had to put my study to halt for a while. Not sure when I will be back. I feel tired most of the time these days. AND OH, talking about being knackered, I realized that apart of having to have patience and high tolerant, to work in F&B, especially if you serve and prepare orders, you need to have high stamina as well. I haven’t been working out in ages so yeah.
Anyway that’s a long post for a start. Gonna bounce now.
Till then x
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